the April 2015 Chai Lights

Chai Lights
Volume 14 Issue 302
Yom HaShoah
at B’nai Israel
April 19
7:00 pm
Nisan/Adar 5775
From the Rabbi’s Desk
From Sea to Sinai
Freedom requires more than
reaching the finish line. Freedom is what
happens once the finish line is crossed.
Leaving Egypt, the theme of Pesach, is
remembered through re-enacting the story with symbolic food, singing familiar
songs and the company of family and friends. However profound, leaving
enslavement in Egypt is in no way the completion of the journey.
If crossing the Sea of Reeds doesn't end the story, what constitutes being
done? Shouting "We're free! We're free!" or "Dayenu! Dayenu!" becomes old
unless we know what to do with that freedom.
After physical freedom from bondage, it is the narrative of spiritual
freedom that whispers our name. For the Jewish people, the striving for spiritual
liberation only became audible with each imprint of their sandals moving across
the wilderness. We integrate their determined sojourn from Sea to Sinai through
the counting of the Omer, the forty nine day spiritual practice Jewish people can
experience from the second night of Passover until the holiday of Shavuot, the
holiday of receiving Torah.
Seven full weeks with distinctive themes are provided through Counting
the Omer. Through this practice, we too can trace the march across the grit of
desert sand toward sublime spiritual liberation. Our web site will provide the
daily meditation for Counting the Omer.
Once we reach Shavuot, observed this year Saturday evening, May 23rd,
we will celebrate the complete freedom experience, both the physical and the
spiritual. Our study theme will be "freedom" explored through sacred text,
poetry, philosophy, yoga, meditation and art.
Indeed the Divine plan for leaving Egypt was to be sufficiently free both
inside and out in order to be in a place to receive and embrace Torah. And it
happens still. Each time a Torah scroll is placed in the arms of a B'nai Mitzvah the
fulfillment of that ancient journey from Sea to Sinai brilliantly shines, infusing and
delighting our souls with the profound truth of our Jewish legacy.
With blessings for our journey,
April 2015
In This Issue
Book Review
Candle Lighting
Contribution Form
Food Faire
Life & Legacy
Mission Statement
Religious Practices
Shabbat baBayit
Social Action
Youth Groups
Join us for Shabbat
Pesach – 1st Seder
Saturday, April 4
10:00 a.m. Shabbat Service
Friday, April 10
7:30 p.m. Choir Service
Friday, April 17
6:00 p.m. Band Service
Shabbat baBayit
(pre-registration required)
Friday, April 24
7:30 p.m. Choir Service
Rabbi Nancy Wechsler-Azen
Congregation Beth Shalom  4746 El Camino Ave, Carmichael CA 95608 (916)485-4478
Chai Lights
Religious Leaders
Rabbi Nancy Wechsler-Azen
[email protected]
Rabbi David Wechsler-Azen
[email protected]
President’s Message
Tivon Schardl
CBS Board President
Many thanks to you, members
of Congregation Beth Shalom, for
your understanding and support over
the past two months.
CBS Desktop
This month,
it’s personal.
Marlo Dewing
As many of
I had the
Rabbi Emeritus
Rabbi Joseph Melamed
life cycle simcha last month - my younger
Director of Education
daughter became a Bat Mitzvah. As a Jewish
Rina Racket
parent, I looked forward to that day since the day she was born; I imagined it as
[email protected]
she began preschool at Shalom School, and through her day school graduation; I
led and encouraged and watched and kvetched and kvelled as she practiced from
Choir Director
the first day of 5th grade up to the day of her Bat Mitzvah service.
Kamilyn Davis
While my daughter was ready months before the actual service date, I
Temple Administrator
was not. Of course, I had a schedule of when things needed to be done. Such
Marlo Dewing
check lists and time tables are available in countless books and online, much like
[email protected]
they are when one is planning a wedding – order the invitations by this date,
address and send them out by that date; research table centerpieces and meet
Office Manager
with the caterer; yada yada yada. But, no fear – I had accumulated many hours
Brenda Baskerville
for time off for just such purpose.
[email protected]
As the saying goes, life is what happens when you are making other
month of February simply did not allow for leisurely time for any of
Board of Directors 2014–2015
us. And one week before my daughter became a Bat Mitzvah, I received word
that my father died.
Tivon Schardl
I want to thank each and every one of you who graciously and gently
VP Administration
condolences. Your support and understanding during a trying time was
Jack Ezekiel
Even after years of being your Administrator, I was not anticipating
VP Education
of hands extended in comfort. I am deeply moved. Thank you.
Jana Uslan
VP Religious Practices
May 23rd
Sheree Meyer
VP Membership
7:00 p.m.
Roberta Malkin
VP Finance
Joel Birch
VP Programming/Fundraising
VP Operations
Marty Berbach
Celebrate the complete freedom experience,
Financial Secretary
both the physical and the spiritual.
Katie Braverman
Our study theme will be "freedom" explored through sacred text,
poetry, philosophy, yoga, meditation and art.
Penni Blumberg
Recording Secretary
For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live
Evan Drukker-Schardl
in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.
Immediate Past President
Nelson Mandela
David Ginsburg
Members at Large
Enslave the liberty of but one human being and the liberties
Dean Mirtle, Carry Cohn, Jeff
of the world are put in peril.
William Lloyd Garrison
Swatt,, Wendy Wilson, Mauria
Hirning, Sheila Sugarman, Fanny
I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be
Levy, Lori Nalangan
free... so other people would be also free.
Rosa Parks
Tikkun Leil Shavuot
Building Our Mission: An Update
Mission Statement
In February, I let you know that we
Fanny Levy
were forming a Mission Statement Team to
CBS Board Member
look at and revise our mission statement.
To remind you, a mission statement is a statement of purpose. It lets people inside and outside of the organization know what is central to and unique about the
organization and is inspiring to those involved within it. The process of creating a
mission statement can also identify the vision of the organization (what it aspires
to be) as well as its core values. When a mission statement is completed, it can be
used to bring new members, for example by posting it on a website or social media, and it can also be used as a basis for decision-making and long term planning.
The last time our mission statement was revised was 2001, so it is time
for us to revisit it. I am pleased to let you know that we are making progress on
this important project. CBS members Bob Bennett, Jessica Braverman
Birch, Sharyn Gardner and Steve Lewis have joined me on the Mission Statement Team, we have had a first meeting with Rabbi Nancy, and we are beginning
to hold focus group meetings with various constituents to find out what people at
CBS think is essential about our community and what makes it special.
Of course, the most important people in a member organization are…
the members. To find out what you, our members, believe is central to and
unique about CBS, we have set up two congregational focus groups. The first
group will be held on Sunday, April 19th at 9:15 AM. The second group will be
held on Tuesday, April 28th at 7:00 PM. We will also be holding focus groups
with board members, clergy, staff, religious school and Midrasha teachers, as well
as some of our teen leaders. (Please watch your CBS email for updates.)
We want and need to hear your thoughts! If you are not available at the
times that are stated above for the congregational focus groups and would like to
participate in the process, please contact me
(Fanny Levy) at [email protected], and
our team will find an
alternative way to get
your input.
When we have
completed the focus
groups, the team will
look for commonalities
among the different
focus groups and come
up with a statement
that we think represents the congregation,
which will then be reviewed by the clergy
and congregation president before being presented to the board
for approval.
We look forward to meeting with
you and hearing what
you appreciate about
Congregation Beth Shalom is a
member of the Union of Reform
Office hours are Monday
through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00
The Gift Shop is open during
Religious School on Sundays and
by appointment. Please call the
General Service schedule:
1st Friday: 6:00—7:00 p.m.
Family Service
2nd Friday: 7:30 p.m.
Choir Service & Guest Speaker
3rd Friday: 6:00—7:00 p.m.
Shabbat With a Beat– CBS Band
4th Friday: 7:30 p.m.
Choir Service
5th Friday: 6:00 p.m.
Torah Study:
Saturdays at 10:00 a.m.
Chai Lights is published 11
times each year with a combined
June/July issue.
Editor: Marlo Dewing
Proofing: Brenda Baskerville
Deadline for submissions is the
20th of the month prior to
publication. Please send your
article to Marlo and Brenda at
[email protected] and
[email protected]
To request a copy by snail mail
please call (916) 485-4478.
Advertising is available:
 1/8 page/business card: $9
 1/4 page: $18
 1/2 page: $25
 Full page: $50
Prices listed are per issue. All ads
subject to approval. Please
contact [email protected] for
more information.
Gittel’s Hands by Erica Silverman takes the center
stage for April Passover children’s book selections. School
Library Journal says: “The story embodies the essence of
the Passover holiday in a traditional folktale motif. Read
aloud, it will delight young audiences.” Booklist says that
Katherine Henderson
luminous and sometimes unusual colors ensure that there
CBS Librarian
is much to occupy the eyes as well as the hearts of story
Linda Jones has graciously agreed to take care of the library table for April during
my absence for income tax season.
Chai Lights
Library Corner
Before you go online, GO CBS FIRST!
Did you know the Gift shop helps raise much needed funds for CBS?
Visit the CBS Gift Shop
for your Judaica needs!
The Gift Shop is open Sunday mornings
during Religious School and by appointment.
We are blessed to have a thriving teen group emerging here at CBS. Over
the three years that I have had the privilege of working at CBS, I have had a special
interest in strengthening the bonds which our teens have to our Congregation.
Youth Engagement is now highlighted on a national level by the URJ as trends
were showing that teen retention post Bar/t Mitzvah is shrinking.
Rina Racket
to the URJ, “there are 1.5 million Reform Jews in North America. Each year, more
Director of Education
teenagers become bar and bat mitzvah in Reform synagogues than in any other form of
Judaism. Therefore, the Reform Movement has the potential to have an enormous impact on the next generation. Despite that
potential, there is widespread frustration that a majority of teenagers who become bar and bat mitzvah are not significantly
engaged in Jewish life by the time they graduate high school.” This reality is shifting here at CBS.
When I began working here, my first strategic move was to take the 7th grade Religious School program and
re-shape it into a teen program. Instead of coming on Wednesday afternoons and Sunday mornings, these (almost)
teens no longer meet during these RS hours. Instead, they come on Wednesday evenings and are surrounded by the
other teen Midrasha students. Their curriculum is geared towards more adolescent relevant issues such as AntiSemitism, Jewish Identity, and Ethical Decision Making. I am proud to say that we now have 100% retention of our 7 th
graders post B'nai Mitzvah. They all begin and end their 7th grade year together.
Our Madrichim Program (teen aids on the classroom) has been transformed by a series of workshops and
experiences where our teens gain true leadership skills. They create lesson plans, teach, and have even worked as
substitute teachers when a teacher is absent. Our Madrichim are an integral part of the classroom environment.
They work one on one with students, teach small groups, and are a second pair of “adult hands” during class. Under
the supervision of Educator Laura Halen, our Madrichim have gained lifelong skills as leaders and role models in
our Jewish Community.
When I arrived, we had no teen affiliation with NFTY, National Federation of Temple Youth. With the
dedication of our Youth Adviser, Alex Taylor, our BSTY (Beth Shalom Temple Youth) teens are now in their
second year of having an active BSTY board, hosting events, and attending regional NFTY programs at Camp
Newman. Our BSTY board includes: Noah Howard, President; Sarah Birch, Vice President; Maya Racket,
Social Action Chair; Amalia Birch, Communications Chair; Jake Nalangan, Secretary; Leah Ezekiel, Treasurer;
Anna Cohen, 8th Grade Representative; and Nicole Lawrence, Events Chair. This year these teens designed a
BSTY sweatshirt and sold over 20 of them. I love seeing our teens take pride in their group and in our Congregation.
Under the wonderful leadership of Marlo Dewing and Caren Zorman, our 8th-12th graders also
participate in a Bi-weekly Midrasha program with both CBS and MLC teens. They join together and take part in
elective classes of their choosing. At this time, CBS has 27 teens actively coming to Midrasha on a regular basis.
Rabbi Nancy has also created a teen band which plays regularly at our Family Shabbat Service the first
Friday of each month. It is so much fun seeing our musically talented teens taking part in the service in such a
relevant way. In addition, Rabbi Nancy makes sure that each teen is welcomed back annually on the anniversary of
their B'nai Mitzvah Parsha. This experience helps maintain the confidence each teen has on the Bimah as it gives them
a refresher with torah material that they have already mastered.
CBS proudly offers our youth a variety of options to maintain their connection to CBS. Studies show that
teens who stay connected to Jewish life throughout high school have a higher chance of creating a Jewish home as
adults. In addition, statistics show that teen involvement in organized religion reduces their incidence of both
substance abuse and depression. Honestly, it is a joy and a pleasure as a Jewish Educator to see our CBS teens
choosing ways to weave their Judaism into their busy lives. I could not ask for a better reward.
Religious School
Important Dates in April
April 1 & 5:
April 8:
There IS RS and BMP on this day
April 12:
BSTY Social Action program for all people in 6th grade on up
to adults 4-5:30pm at CBS
April 18:
Journeys Cafe for 6th Grade Families,
home of Dina Howard 3-4:30pm
April 19:
Jewish Family Education program for our third/fourth
grade families, 9:15-10:30am
April 25:
Saturday! Family School for all RS students and parents
April 26:
NO RS (due to having school the day before)
Chai Lights
Save the Date!
CBS Jewish Food Faire
August 30, 2015
Food Faire
Volunteers needed!
Please contact [email protected]
Lydia Inghram & Sheila Wolfe
Jewish Food Faire 4 Question Quiz
...CBS' Jewish Food Faire, our biggest FUN/D Raiser, is Sunday, August 30, 2015, and the money we
raise helps fund many, many services and programs at Beth Shalom?
___ Y Of course!
___ N Didn't realize this! (wow, that means we all benefit from volunteering before, and on the day of, this
important event - I'll find out what I can do to help!)
...Liz Stein ([email protected]) is an attorney for the Ca. Dept. of Education, mother, wife, active com
munity member and Coordinator of the FF Bake Shop - AND she'd appreciate hearing from you - men,
women & children - everyone who can come to a Baking Party and/or host one and/or bake at home?
___ Y I know Liz is awesome.
___ N Didn't realize this! (This sounds easy and fun - I can do this - I'll email Liz right away!)
...we import some of our best selling breads and pastries from Canter's Delicatessen in Los Angeles and we
are looking for someone with family or friends in LA to volunteer to pick up our order early on Saturday
morning August 29th and deliver it to CBS that day?
___ Y Canter’s, mmmmm...
___ N Didn't realize this! (I have an SUV/truck and wouldn't mind driving down and seeing my friends/family hmm, maybe they'd like to come here… I'll make some calls and let Sheila or Lydia know asap!)
...coordinating the FF Entertainment is fun and connects you with musicians, artists, performers, DJ's, the CBS
Band and the community AND we are looking for a volunteer(s) for this role for this year's Faire?
___ Y I’m in the band.
___ N Didn't realize this! (I like music, dancing, art, cultural activities and community connections - I'll email
or call Lydia or Sheila and let them know I'm interested!)
BONUS Question:
** Did you know that the 2015 FF Coordinators welcome new ideas, volunteer inquiries, suggestions and contacts
at: Lydia Inghram, 916/599-7529 cell -- [email protected]
Sheila Wolfe, 916/955-1587 cell -- [email protected]
Key to Scoring:
Stars of David to all who took this quiz and who plan to get involved in this year's Faire - let's hear from you - winners
rewarded in many ways!!
Do you enjoy the sweetness of Shabbat?
Please consider helping with oneg. Oneg duties include preparing Kiddush and Challah;
providing and plating sweets; putting everything back in order when it’s finished.
We also accept donations directly to the Oneg Fund.
Please contact the office if you are able to participate in this mitzvah at any time.
A New View of the Old View of Honors
Let me introduce myself. I am Doris Walters, newly assigned to the
Religious Practices Committee. My role is to help the Rabbis ensure that all
members and Jewish guests have opportunities to take part in the traditions of
Doris Walters
lighting the Shabbat candles, saying the blessings before and after each Torah
reading, and performing Hagbah and G’lilah, the lifting and dressing of the Torah.
Religious Practices
Shabbat services at Congregation Beth Shalom are full of meaningful
ways in which to take part. We can pray, sing, rise, read, listen, and hopefully separate ourselves from the toil of
every other day's busy activities. At Congregation Beth Shalom we start the Friday night services by lighting the
Shabbat candles as it is traditionally done in the home on Erev Shabbat. As part of a bat or bar mitzvah celebration
on erev Shabbat, our Rabbi will usually call on all female family members of the b’nai mitzvot to take part in this
When the Torah is read, there is added dimension to our service: our Jewish tradition of being called to the
Torah. In olden days this opportunity often was described as receiving an honor. At Beth Shalom we are looking to
give members and guests opportunities to honor meaningful moments in their lives as Jews. Typically we look to call
on a family member of the Torah reader and those who are honoring a loved one’s yahrzeit. We also like to honor
those who are celebrating anniversaries or special birthdays.
During the coming months we are reaching out to those members who may not have had this opportunity in
some time or perhaps never. There are members who initially feel some discomfort in being asked to do these
mitzvot. Perhaps their Hebrew is rusty or they don’t know an aleph from a bet. We want members to be
comfortable in being called. There is a new blessing guide on the Torah table. It is an exact copy of the blessings in
Hebrew and the transliteration in our Siddur, Mishkan T’Filah, on page 368. During services we invite you to read
along in the Siddur. There are also some helpful tutorials on-line. I like https://
Hagbah and G’Lilah, the raising and dressing of the Torah scroll before placing
it in the Ark, is another traditionally significant part of our Jewish heritage. This is
demonstrated on-line at
Since every Torah is slightly different in weight and the distribution of weight depends
on where we are in the Torah, this mitzvah requires some practice ahead of time for
both the Hagbah and G’Lilah. During the coming months we will be having short
familiarity lessons in the sanctuary in hopes that more congregants will take part in
these mitvot.
We invite you to volunteer for these traditional roles in the Shabbat and Torah
services. Please don’t hesitate to call me to volunteer or just to chat. In closing, after
services, please acknowledge those who have carried forward these Jewish traditions.
Religious Practices
CBS will host Melton’s next two-year cycle beginning October, 2015. Classes will be held Tuesday evenings
from 6:30-8:45pm. Join the great Jewish Conversation.
The Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning is the largest pluralistic adult Jewish education
network in the world. We have set the standard for high-quality text-based interactive Jewish study by
offering a world-class, two year curriculum developed at Hebrew University that informs and inspires adult
learners from all knowledge levels and backgrounds. If you are looking for a profound understanding of what
it means to be Jewish, join us to explore the texts of
our tradition and discover how they relate to us
Learn more about Melton at
You may also contact Sara Kahn Shapiro, Director at
[email protected] or call 916-4886397.
Chai Lights
CBS Office CLOSED Friday April 3 & Friday April 10 for Pesach
Club Kef
Club Kef is doing something different for April. Instead of our normal Sunday
events, we are going to have a Wednesday Walk to Dinner! On Wednesday, April 15th,
we are walking to Skip’s Kitchen across the street to have dinner all together. We will
walk to Skip’s right after religious school ends at 6:00pm. Pick up will be at 7:30pm at
Alex Taylor
Congregation Beth Shalom. All attendees should have about $10.00 to cover their meal Youth Group Advisor
and as a reminder, this event is open to all 3rd -6th graders. For any questions or concerns
contact Alex Taylor at [email protected].
Youth Groups
One of BSTY’s biggest and most important events is taking place on April
12th from 4:00pm – 5:30pm. It is our Social Action Day. Once a year, our Social
Justice Chair picks a cause of which our community needs to be aware. Last year,
our youth group educated the community on homelessness. This year our
program revolves around the injustice of sweatshop or unfair labor.
Social Action Day is completely free and open to anyone from
our community who is 12 and older. Although there is no cost, there is an
opportunity to donate to a charity that specifically helps people who are
oppressed by unfair labor practices.
If you would like to RSVP or would like to know more please contact us
at [email protected].
Hillel at Davis and Sacramento 50th Anniversary Celebration
Sunday, May 3, 2:00 – 5:00 p.m., 328 A Street, Davis
Please join Hillel in celebrating 50 years of providing a vibrant Jewish center for
the college students of our region. This special occasion also will honor Hillel's Board
Presidents through the decades, including CBS’s Steve Lewis. Sponsorships
available. General admission $150/person. Drawing tickets $50/each or five for $200. Prizes include diamond necklace,
private wine tasting party, ski condo weekend and Giants vs. Dodgers tickets. For more information, contact Joy
Cohan at [email protected] or 530-756-3708.
Social Action
For more information about
this event, please contact:
Diane Weber
Walk Manager Name Social
Action Chair
Donna Wood
Walk Manager Email This winter, our congregation had been
[email protected] approached by St. Marks Church, and asked if we would be interested in helping
Walk Manager Phone out with the homeless program called Winter Promise. In years past our
916 504 5470
congregations had joined in many interfaith opportunities, and as the Social
Action committee members felt it only right to join, we gladly did so. This past
Location: William Land Park
week we had the opportunity to help serve dinner to the homeless hosted by St.
1702 Sutterville Road, Sacramento, Marks. Needless to say, we all agreed it was a heartwarming event, and the
participants were so thankful; it really makes one realize how very lucky we are.
Date: Sat May 02 2015
In case you missed it, there will be many more opportunities to do this again in
Distance: 5K
the fall, and we would love to have many more volunteers.
Check-in: 9:30 am
Other happenings we are
Start Time: 10:30 am
working on, is getting a Jewish
presence involved with the NAMI
Please mail Matching Gifts
(National Alliance on Mental Illness)
and Offline Donations to:
walk, which will be taking place early in
NAMI Northern California
May. Our very own Ellen King is
heading this project. Please see the
3440 Viking Drive, Suite 104A
Sacramento, California 95831
information to the left to participate or
Chai Lights
Members of the Tribe
Community Passover Seder at Beth Shalom on
We Celebrate Our New Members
Please join me in welcoming Lionel and Lynette Stein, new
members to Congregation Beth Shalom.
Last month, I was telling you about our plans to have a New
Members Dinner. Well, we held it on Sunday, March 15th, and it went well beyond my expectations. It was attended
by more than 80 new members and their families, along with the CBS Board of Directors and our beloved Rabbi
We had a scrumptious Mediterranean themed dinner prepared by our own resident chef, Matt Kurtz and
his crew, which included Jana Uslan, and even though Alon Vechter was invited as a new member, it was
impossible to keep him out of the kitchen. As the new members arrived, they were welcomed by members of the
Membership Dream Team, and invited into the Social Hall where tables were adorned with beautiful springtime
centerpieces. The atmosphere was magical.
The evening started with the showing of the 40th Anniversary video to give our new members some history
about where we started and the path we have taken to get to the present day. After that, the new members enjoyed
dinner and conversation with each other and the board member at their table, finding out a little bit more about
them, what brought them to CBS and what they may hope to find now that they are members. Even though these
questions were partly to break the ice, chatter was filling the room.
After dinner, Andrea Segal provided some of her baking talents for dessert, during which Sheila Wolfe
and Lydia Inghram spoke about our next Jewish Food Faire, which is being held on Sunday, August 30th. Then
Michael Alcalay showed his video highlighting the 2014 Jewish Food Faire and all the fun that was had.
We ended the evening in the sanctuary with Rabbi Nancy leading us in Hashkiveinu. It was a lovely
moment seeing all the new members protected under tallitot held by board members. It was a beautiful end to a
beautiful evening.
Later that week, I ran into a few of the new members at Friday Night Services. Bill Rozell mentioned to me
how much he enjoyed meeting so many others he had not had to opportunity to get to know. He felt very
welcomed. And Michael Darter was there with his wife Olga and daughter Margaret, and they felt the same.
Margaret was having a great time, as were all the children who attended.
My heartfelt thanks again to Matt Kurtz who prepared a fabulous meal for all; the CBS Board Members
who attended and made our new members feel welcome; Michael Alcalay, whose vision, thoughts and guidance
helped me put together a wonderful program; and the Membership Dream Team: Andrea Segal, Lydia Inghram,
Bonnie Kneitel, Lori Nalangan, Sheila Wolfe, Karen Hull, and Vicky Mirtle – they helped me put the vision
of this evening into reality.
Roberta Malkin
VP of CBS Membership
(cont. on page 11)
Community Yom HaShoah at B’nai Israel on
(cont. from page 10)
I want to mention all the new members here again. Please make it a point to introduce yourself to them and
welcome them to the family:
 Laura Estrada and her children Isaiah, Jessica, Adrianna, Zulema and Santiago Rodriguez
 Charles Varano and Ester Apesoa-Varano and their children Sofia, Ellah, Magali, and Liam
 Michael Bray and Nancy Leaderman and their children, Eliana and Miri
 Mehrnaz Halimi, her brother, Sha and his children, Sabrina and Joshua
 Bill Rozell
 David Asch, Wendy Phoenix and their children, Morgan and Emma
 Doris Gray
 Richard Victor, Sharona Epstein, and their children, Sean and Mimi
 Karen Hull
 Joel Tillman and Misha Igra and their children, Rivkah and Gabriel
 Jerry Sanders
 Karen Sackheim and Gary Smilkstein and their son, Adam
 Sandy Zales
 Einat and Alon Vechter, and their children Ron, Gil and Ben
 Fred Hayward
 Peter and Julie Bedell and their children, Gabriel and Samuel
 Michael Darter
 Tatyana and Alexander Kagan and their son Mark
 Harry and Elaine Kaplow
 Morris Newman and Sharon Bernstein and their son, Leo
 Neil and Fanny Levy
 Michael and Patty Salcedo and their daughter, Shoshanah
 Ann Marie Steinke
 Roger and Kara Cross and their children Sam, Zoe and Evan
 Bob and Shirley Rosenberg
 Andrew and Shannon Gordon and their son, Evan
 John Zuris and Michele Stern
 David and Joy Silverburg and their son, Ezra
 Roy and Sarah Schutzengel
 Debbie Winter and her daughter, Leah
 Al and Judy Malkin
 Sigal Benbow and her daughter, Tiffany
 Lionel and Lynette Stein
 Jerry Pollack and Joan Gusinow
Twenty brothers enjoyed poker and game night
last month. Brotherhood raised $300.00 that evening.
Brotherhood coffers are used to help our Temple fund
special expenses. Special thanks to Mark Kraut, Don
Parks, and Gene Bagoon for organizing this fun event.
Randy Cortland
Recommended reading for Jewish men: How to
CBS/Brotherhood Member
Raise a Jewish Dog by Ellis Weiner and Barbara
Davilman. This book is a treatise on dog training the Jewish way – using guilt, shame, passive
aggression, sarcasm and conditional unconditional love to create an unbreakable bond with
your dog. Humor is injected with typical dog behavior. You may find this book in the CBS
library or buy it at retailers or online.
If you haven’t been to a Brotherhood meeting or event, please join us Sunday, April 12
at CBS at 10:00 am. You may contact Dave Malkin at [email protected] or 204-3699 to
be placed on the e-mail list. Your brothers look forward to seeing you soon.
Chai Lights
A connected community is a strong community.
Please support the local businesses in our neighborhood.
4120 El Camino Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95821
4717 El Camino Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608
(916) 514-0830
Calling all CBS “Foodies”!
On Monday April 13th at 7PM, the CBS Book Review will focus on Eating on
the Wild Side by Jo Robinson. Liz Stein will lead the discussion. Eating on the Wild
Side is the winner of the 2014 International Association of Culinary Professionals
Cookbook Award in the category of "Food Matters."
Book Review
Fanny Levy
Here is what Liz has to say about Eating on the Wild Side:
I picked Eating on the Wild Side by Jo Robinson for the temple’s book club. I thought this book was very
interesting from a historical perspective because it details the early origins of fruits and vegetables and explains how
they have changed over the last few hundred years in looks, appearance, taste and, most importantly, nutritional
value. While man has come far in learning how to breed fruits and vegetables that look better, taste sweeter and can
be shipped long distances, along the way important antioxidants and phytonutrients levels have decreased.
After examining this evolution, the author, an investigative journalist, identifies the most nutritional varieties,
what to look for when you are in the grocery store or farmer's markets, whether buying organic for that fruit or
vegetable is important, how to store the fruits or vegetables once you get home and whether eating that particular
fruit or vegetable frozen and/or canned is or is not equivalent in nutrition to eating fresh.
This promises to be not only an interesting discussion but also a very practical one. Please join us!
At our March meeting, we were pleased to welcome two new participants to the
group! Fanny Levy led a thoughtful discussion of My Promised Land by Ari Shavit. A number
of participants noted that it added to their understanding of the history and development of
the modern state of Israel and that it caused them to reexamine the historical narrative they
had previously learned. We also looked at reviews of the book that were critical of Shavit’s
view of history on a number of grounds. Finally, Sheree Meyer provided statistics to help us
understand the perspective of Arab Israelis, and we speculated about the way forward in the
peace process given what we had learned from Shavit about the challenges that Israel faces.
Upcoming Book Review Selection:
May 11 – Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer
Led by Sheree Meyer
Life & Legacy Donors
Thank you for committing to a lasting contribution for the future of CBS!
Carry Cohn
Jean Rubin
Dean Mirtle
Robin Asch
David Ginsburg
Penni Blumberg
Tivon Schardl
Judy Lewis
Steve Lewis
Katie Braverman
Jana & Brian Uslan
Wendy Wilson, Ph.D.
Lydia Inghram
Jessica Braverman Birch & Joel Birch
Rabbi Nancy Wechsler-Azen
Rabbi David Wechsler-Azen
Alla Gamarnik & Joel Blank
Dave & Roberta Malkin
Add your name to the list of people
who are assuring Jewish tomorrows!
For more information about the Life & Legacy Program
and how to participate, please contact the office to get connected
to one of our Legacy Team Members.
Connect with your CBS family!
Member Directories are available in the office.
Chai Lights
Shabbat Babayit
Wendy Wilson
Board Member –At-Large
CBS Shabbat BaBayit Dream:
April 17
May 15
June 19
Together we will celebrate Shabbat.
Its rhythm will unite us with each other, with Jews around the world, and
throughout the ages.
On this day we will create a warm and loving space, holding our families and
friends together.
On this day we will lay down the burdens, distractions, demands, and
pressures of daily life.
On this day we will renew ourselves, emerging spiritually, emotionally, and
physically invigorated.
On this day we will own our precious heritage, wearing it as a badge of
pride and honor.
Together we embark on this great adventure to rediscover our G-d-given
gift of Shabbat.
RSVP required by April 6 to participate on April 17.
Click here to register online
If you have never experienced a traditional garden tea party in the
Edwardian manner, you are in for a rare treat. On Sunday, April 12 (rain delays
one week), from 2:00 to 4:00 pm, you will be able to enjoy just such a delight from
Wendy Wilson
the past. Imagine strolling, tea cup in hand, through a spacious garden all in bloom,
Board Member At Large
admiring the roses, pausing to sniff the lilacs, as you recall snatches of Rupert
Brooke (yes, there will be honey at this tea). Then picture yourself sitting at a
small table chatting cozily with friends while nibbling on cucumber finger sandwiches and chocolate madeleines, as
strains of Chopin waft through the mild air. No, it is not the set of Downton Abbey - it’s my backyard, and you are
all invited!
This special event will feature a variety of teas, including herbal, brewed in the traditional loose-leaf manner.
A variety of savory finger sandwiches, scones, Devonshire cream, jam, lemon curd tarts, and other pastries will be on
offer. We will even have authentic seed cake, which is not generally known outside of Great Britain. Everything will
be homemade. Intimate seating areas for four will feature the traditional china and linens of bygone days. We
encourage our guests to join in the fun by dressing up: flowery dresses, gloves, hats, whatever you like. We believe
you will find the afternoon to be as refined, relaxing, and enjoyable as have past generations, and you may even be
lucky enough to go home the winning bidder of one of our six enticing and pampering silent auction items – the
perfect end to a perfect day.
This event is limited to adults, with both ladies and gentlemen welcome, and is a bargain at only $36.00 per
person. All proceeds will go to the Catherina Bos Music Fund. There’s a catch, of course. This event has limited
seating and we anticipate it will sell out quickly, so please RSVP today to Andrea Segal, at 480-9478 or
[email protected]. Advance reservations are required, so please don’t delay.
Andrea and I are looking forward
to welcoming you to our first garden tea;
an event we hope will become an annual
tradition at Beth Shalom.
Federation is now accepting
donations for its
Kosher Food Pantry.
All goods should be non-perishable
and have a kosher symbol.
Items may be delivered to the
Federation office at 2130 21st
Street, Sacramento. We also accept
toiletries and Judaica items.
For a list of suggested items, visit
If you are in need of visiting the Food
Pantry, please contact Resource &
Referral Coordinator Alicia Mittleman
Chai Lights
Post on your refrigerator!
Jewish Family
Service offers
affordable individual
and family
counseling with
Community Social
Worker Alicia
Mittleman, LCSW,
or Pastoral
Counseling Intern
Joel Zeff, Rabbi of
Kenesset Israel
Torah Center.
For more
information or to
schedule an
contact Alicia
at 916-205-0688.
Purchase a leaf on the Tree of Life
Commemorate a special event with a custom leaf on the
CBS Tree of Life, prominently displayed in the foyer.
Only $120.00, 120 being the age of Moses.
Contact Carry Cohn or [email protected] for details.
Chai Lights
Happy April Anniversary
Jan & Mike Hagen
Happy April Birthday
David Malkin
Marcy Merrill
Miriam Noble
Katie Braverman
Jim Warner
Benjamin Cornfield
Edward Edelstein
Karen Brandt
Grace Wallach
David Halen
Leo Bernstein-Newman
Ivan Gennis
Amalia Birch
Sarah Birch
Joel Elias
Aaron Forman
Zoe Grossman
Blake Saksenberg
Hannah Davidson
Carol Klein
Bradley Singer
Gilbert Simon
Katrina DolengaSchwartz
Benjamin Sol Meyer
David Seidenwurm
Sarah Garfinkel
Janet Radding
Joanne Bekhour
Nicole Lawrence
Brian Sullivan
Karen Elkins
Katherine Henderson
Jessica Kurtz
Santiago Rodriguez
Steven Black
Evan Schardl
Debra Compson
Norman Black
Juliet Davis-Porter
Ginger Bicks
Alison Black
Donald Parks
Misha Igra
Jeffrey Leibenhaut
David Ginsburg
Jacob Sandman
March Tributes
To the General Fund:
 From Dave & Roberta Malkin, in honor of he yahrzeit
of Roberta’s father & Dave’s father-in-law, Leland
Robert Doty
 From Dave & Roberta Malkin, in honor of the yahrzeit
of Dave’s great uncle, Mack Malkin
 From Lydia Inghram, in memory of Eddie Appell’s
father, Allen Appell
 From Fanny & Neil Levy, in honor of Layla Nalangan
becoming a Bat Mitzvah
 From Fanny & Neil Levy, in memory of Eddie Appell’s
father, Allen Appell
 From Betsy Jennings, in honor of the yahrzeit of her
father, Woodrow Miller
 From Holly Ilfed & Bob Bennett, in honor of the
yahrzeit of Holly’s father, Dr. Morris H. Cohan
 From the Lightman Family, in memory of Aryeh SteinAzen
Good News
Welcome to new members:
Lynette and Lionel Stein
Do you have good news to share?
Please email or call the office so we can
acknowledge your simcha
and others can celebrate with you.
To the Rabbis’ Discretionary Fund:
 From Phil & Shelley Spilberg
 From Sylvia Wechsler, in honor of the yahrzeit of her
husband, Bernard Wechsler
 From Andrea Segal & Scott Parrish, in memory of
Aryeh Stein-Azen
To the Torah Fund:
 From Cecile Asch
To the Catherina Bos Music Fund:
 From Richard and Susan Nicoles, in memory of Marlo
Dewing’s father, Ronald J. Dela Cruz
To the Kitchen Fund:
 From Andrea Segal, to replace the BBQ grill
 From Andrea Segal, to calibrate the ovens
To the Choir Fund:
 From Lydia Inghram, in memory of Marlo Dewing’s
father, Ronald J. Dela Cruz
To the Religious Practices Fund:
 From Andrea Segal & Scott Parrish, in memory of
Sharon Abilovitz
Thank you for your generous donations.
Please use the Contribution Form on the back
page to support CBS Programs.
April Yahrzeits
Paul Finkle
Harold Dames
Gertrude Lewis
William Gardener
Rene L. Rothschild
Edna Brenin
Lillian McCord
William Pinion
Alex Sandronsky
Ed Johnson
Robert Spivak
Richard Arbit
Leon Michel
Rita Backer
Grace Weiss
Robert Bennett, Sr.
Esther Azen
Jacqui Evans
Daniel Halpert
Rose L. Cohn
Jeffrey Nathan
Beatrice Korn
Leon Korn
Charles Greenstein
Leah Ostrow Canter
Reta Malkin
Patricia Frey
Gary Halfant
George Michel
Sally Selma Nathan
Lawrence Milton Davis
Maurice M. Rifkin
Harry Cousin
Thomas P. Ballard
Julia Bos
David Massoth
Carolyn Vollmer
Francis Rosenberg
Sigmund Rosenblum
Morris David Canter
Edna Cohen
Abe J. Harris
Mota Beryl
Rose Duke
Rae Golumb
Albert Elias
John Clark
Claude S. Ray
Saul T. Benjamin
Lawrence Katz
Jules Michel
Morton Landau
David Clarke
Israel Stavis
Ivan Levin
John Spiess
Eva Hochstat
Belle Udane
Estelle Klipp
Helen Smith
Sheldon Rosenberg
Maurice Swatt
Sarah Ammer
Zelda Segall
Lillian Beverly
Max Paykel
Augusta S. Sass
Betty H. Wolk
Zelinda Ann Nathan
Michael Baum
Remember a Loved One
with a Yahrzeit Plaque
Only $250. 00
Contact Dick Nicoles at [email protected]
for guidelines and details.
Candle Lighting
Friday, April 3 / 15 Nisan
Erev Pesah
7:13 pm
Saturday, April 4 / 16 Nisan
8:12 pm
2nd Night of Passover
Thursday, April 9 / 21 Nisan
7:18 pm
7th Night of Passover
Friday, April 10 / 22 Nisan
7:19 pm
8th Night of Passover
Friday, April 17 / 29 Nisan
7:26 pm
Mahar Hodesh
Leviticus 9:1 - 11:47
Haftarah: I Samuel 20:18-42
Friday, April 25 / 6 Iyar
7:33 pm
Leviticus 12:1 - 15:33
Haftarah: I Kings 7:3-20
Want to participate on the bimah?
If you are observing a yahrzeit, anniversary, birthday or
just wish to be part of the Friday night service by
performing any of the following tasks, please contact
Dave Malkin at (916) 782 -3699 or
[email protected]
1—light the Shabbat candles
2—Aliyah to the Torah
3—redress the Torah as Hagbah or G’lilah
All Jewish members ages B’nai Mitzvot and up are
Address Label
Beth Shalom Contribution Tribute Donation Form
The enclosed is: ( ) a deposit to my individual tribute account
( ) a designation of $________ from my tribute account to ___________________Fund.
( ) a contribution to the ___________________________________________ Fund.
In memory/honor (circle one) of _______________________________________________________
Please acknowledge:
Name: __________________________________________________________________________
City, State Zip ____________________________________________________________________
Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
City, State Zip: ___________________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________
General Support Fund • Rabbis’ Discretionary Fund
Education Program Funds• Catherine Bos Music Fund • Lester Gould Library Fund • Beautification Fund
Unjericho Fund • Memorial Board • Rachel Melamed Storytelling Fund
Youth Programs Fund • Religious Practices Fund • Other
Thank you for making a tribute to Congregation Beth Shalom in memory or honor of an individual. To insure proper
recognition, please use this tribute form when sending your tribute. Thank you! CBS Sisterhood Tribute Chair
Please return completed form to Temple Office