.> ^<T^j^»^5|^SK^^^^pgjs^iJ3^^:^,, jj^.. y » ^ j S ^ s l % ^ * . , „/. -yp. $*i&8M@gsf$ ,1h- •% Ntapi. .ii&VNjr. ^ woa, At Our House® •>< ed in Church Rites St. Anthony Made Colonel \ . % 'i Vi — Niagara / University mi break ground for a new $2.3 million; donnitory during September. The building, wntai If you hay* will house 414 students, is ex-; Luanda, Angola — (NC) • petted to be completed in Sep; office experience The patron of the Portuguese By Nary Tmley Daly's spouse, , tember, 1§66. The dormitory artillery battalion stationed at Or training is the third building in the John Jay Daly, the "Head of the Home' Maquela do Zombo, St Anthony university's 10-year developof Padua, has now been made fc^A ment program. Already coman-honorary-lieutenant colonel rather agitated, came **Maybe you can take it, you pleted are a science hall and t h e experience was not new downstairs on the double, verg- two, since you're M a r i n e s,' library. to St Anthony, who was born in ing on the triple, Ginny shot at us, from ambush, 'the 12th century in Lisbon. In i> "but I cant." With that, she a chapel in Lagos, Portugal, This has got to stop," she stomped out of the living rooin, there is a statute of the saint declared, determination written spiked heels and all. wearing the red sash of an 18th all over her face. Jiejltury__BoEtuguese._c.oJ-ojj-el J^»1PJmy _jysJ3n.nLea^==u. ""^ter~antew~nnomentsi-of-si= J across his brown habit, ''"What's gotta, stop?" lence (the kids had gone to A Day, Week or Month! o "This noise. This banging of sleep) Ginny stomped back with an idea.. These were'her stompPatronize our Immediate openings doors. This . .'". This ing grounds: Advertisers for experienced: "Who's banging doors, dar"I've decided," she announced, ling? Who's making,noise?" TYPISTS 'to protect two people who need "As if you didn't know," she protection." CLERICAL said, sarcastically. "The chil"From what?" dren, of course. The visitors." SECRETARIES "From grandchildren,^ she DICTAPHONE & Of course, that would be it. Hondt, I won't fight with Sit tnymort if you'll UU m* to th a WAR For several days we've had vis- shouted. "From the Chinese fire KEY PUNCH MEMORIAL whart I c*n it«, buy itors—a boy and a girl; two drill, the banging of doors." Uy with, f«d «nd p«» 4.0» inlmtl E•bl*t Including lqu«n«i Menktyi,' of our grandchildren. OPERATORS NEW ORGANIZATION Ltmrdi, Puppias. font««4 Klttcm, «tc.. •»e, •»e. «t t * . fET FESTIVAL of IH5. N O T ONLY have we had Rochttt*r Wir Mtmerhl, Oct. 7-1No F«* High Rates "" grandchildren but we've had Next day we learned through t-10. the grape vine, the Grapes of —Moacr Photo what comes along naturally with MRS. GREGORY KLEISLETV MRS. KENNETH CHALKER MRS. PETER CLARK grandchildren—built into 'em; Wrath vine, that Ginny has wmwimtpQn PERFECT nuiiiinn started a new addition to the mostly noise. conglomerate Societies of AmerKleisby - Yawman Chalker - Ley decker Clark - Maggio DIAPER SERVICE For several days it has been ica. As usual we came by this information from over-hearing Miss Marcia Juliette Yawman, Miss Judith Louise Leydecker, Miss Mary Susan M a g g i o , anything but peaceful. a telephone conversation, though daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Law- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Not until now, however, not we" deny emphatically that we rence J. Yawman, Winboume liam Leydecker, Rumson Rd., F. Maggio, Wedgewood Drive, Rd., and Gregory Paul KleisUiy, and Kenneth Edward Chalker, Gates, and P e t e r D. C l a r k , until Ginny came stomping down are eavesdroppers: the stairs, has there been a "Yes," Ginny was telling a son of Mrs. Allen Kleisley atnd son of Mrs. Lester Chalker and Thurston Rd., son of Mr. and BABY WASH, INC. 715 SIBLEY TOWER the late Mr. Kleisley, Walnut trie late Mr. Chalker, Lyons, Mrs. Alfred Clark, Manchester, complaint. We're so happy to have' the* little ones, God bless pal, "and I imagine your par- SL, were married Sept. 18 in were married Sept. 18 m Sa- N.H., were married Sept. 4-ln 454-2642 ents would like this idea, too. Holy Family Church, Rochester. cred Heart Cathedral, Roches- St. Helen Church* em. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER It is simply this: To protect HtWHiifllfflMPli ter, the old folks from their sons Monsignor George J. Schmitt BEAR WITH THEM Father James Lawler officiFather Edward A. Zimmer of- ated. and daughters who impose upon officiated. ficiated. That is what Ginny was told, their parents, making 'em baby Maid of honor was Miss Jacas a reminder; "Suffer the little sit. Get the idet?" Bridesmaids were M i s s e s Maid of honor was Miss Joyce queline LeBeau. Bridesmadds children," Ginny . . . and you and David Clark was his were Misses Kathleen Cc*dy, Margaret Kropac, Audrey Allis Torti know tfee rest of that brother's best man. Ginny's listener got the idea. Christine Hofschneider, Mary and Carol Chalker. Anne Klueber, Judith ScaJzo, "Yes," s h e acknowledged, So did we. Best man was Ralph Filippel"that's just i t Of such is the The new organization wiU be P a t r i c i a Cameron and Mrs. lo. Ushers were Bruce Lester, Richard Bradley. Kingdoxtf of H e a v e n when Bruce Warren and Gerald InCHURCH SUPPLIES AND RELIGIOUS AMICUS Save money, delight friends they're asleep, but when awake called, we heard Ginny whisper carnate with useful, decorative bath . . . Daddy, you've got to put in the phone, The Society for Peter Morreale was best man, MORE AND MORE PEOPLE ARE accessories! Easy to crochet an- end to this noise, this bang- the Prevention of Cruelty to Ushers were Robert RegelsbergMAKING TRANT'S THEIR ONEer, Sandc Macaluso, Andrew Aling of doors, this slaying of Grandparents. I n i t ia 1 s are, FIVE Glamor Gifts — each the pie>anno . . ." locco, Charles Bellinger, Rlchtard STOP SHOPPING CENTER FOR about $1 to crochet. Pattern TSFTPOCTG. Vaccaro and P. Jerome Steed, ALL THEIR RELIGIOUS NEEDS. 895: hose-hamper; tissue-box "Remember, Ginny," she was cover; flower spare tissue- reminded, "you, too, were once roll cover; 2 hangers. a baby. But, as you leave your teens, you forget." Thirty-five cents (coins) for each pattern — add 15 cents "Maybe so," she said. "I'm SEE OUR COMPIETC SELECTIONS for each pattern for first-class not a baby any longer. As I AND WIDE VARIETY OF PtICES. mailing and special handling. enter my twenties I cannot S e n d t o : Catholic Courier stand this constant rumpus, this Journal, Needlecraft Dept., unceasing racket, this blasting, CRYSTALS rrwii— .73 Box 162, Old Chelsea Station, this banging. Oh" (stamping her Members of St. Patrick's Fraternity of the Third AU STERLING .. Frow — $3.60 New York, N.Y. 10011. Print foot, looking at her mother and Order of St. Francis, will meet at 3 p.m. o nSept. 26. at COLORED From — 1.50 Name, AddressjKIp, essjei Pattern me), "how can you two, how St. Patrick's Church, 445 Plymouth Ave. N. Number. ItACK^MOWri ..Front** \d» can yoxi two, at your age -?" Postulants will be instructed CHILORIN'S FKMII — J25 Newest knit, crochet fash"Gimvy," her mother warned, at 2:15 p.m. by Master of Postu- time to convey wheelchair and ions in our 1966 NEEDLElants Robert Huether. Richard bed patients to the auditorium figiting, "please, leave my age Wheeler, CRAFT CATALOG—see 210 Vice-Minister Prefect for the 7:30 p.m. Mass, colcb*ratWE CARRY THE EVEt-l»OPULA* out of this!" designs, 3 free patterns printof the Fraternity will instruct ed by Father Brace Ammordng, "ROSARY NOVENA" — ALSO A ed in catalog. Plus embroi"Now listen, little one," Ginny novices during the temporary chaplain. absence of Novice Master Dondery, toys, crafts. Send 25c. LARGE VARIETY OF ROSARY was wa Irneri_hy_hgr_wgrJnyjng sld^Rinnrrrger^Aayanei^w&L is. A visiting priest delivers the B*ACEUTS-ANr> DEVOTIONAL daddy, "don't start shooting sermon. Volunteers may alsor rOTtATTETWITH Interested in the Third Order of NEEDLECRAFT—25 patterns ages at us, your Mommie and S t Francis is Invited to attend. celvo Holy Communion. City buses make regularly scheduled for top decorator accessories me. Old as wo are, we're not at, the entranco t o Monroe shown in 5 idea-filled rooms. yet decrepit—we J»P&j*Even _ The Rev. Gordon Krahe, stops r if,you can't, wo atfBtUcri^rpo OJF.M. of Buffalo, Regional ~- -*-~ ••-•"trmary, No .prerequk Send 50c now. S - o r m s i o * specW * * * rtttter how hard they bang 'the Commissary of the ThiwOrder _, ir*? required for thii will officiate at services in the ** C«W£r<. , doors. "We, little lady, have been Deluxe QUILT BOOK with duty. A brief oral instruction conditioned by you and your church at 3 p.m. 16 complete patterns. 50c. by a member if the American brothers and sisters, all seven A brief business meeting fol- Red Cross is given of you. long before this gener lows, conducted by Minister Tertiarlcs aro reminded *hit ation arrived. It was like going Prefect Perry D. Finks. cancelled postage stamps "will through the Marines' boot camp Members may note that addi- be accepted at the meeting. "The Rochester Catholic Adult Club officers work on decorSo, we can take it!" tional volunteers are needed for stamps are forwarded to St. Jo- ations for their Open House and Dance set tot SaturThis was the Declaration of the 'First Monday of the Month seph's Franciscan Minor Sem- day, Sept. 25 at the ALCOR, 564 Merchants Rd., from inary at C«licoon, N.¥"., and to Mass' at Monroe County Infirm- the a Senior Citizen. Franciscan Motherhouse of 9 to 1. Music by the Twilights. Tickets, $1.25 each. ary, which next occurs on Oct Si. at Allegmny, Shown in picture are Gene Scmler, president and 4, the Feast of St Francis. N.Y., Elizabeth's to be financially convert- Anna May Vella, treasurer. Members who assist at the Mass ed as an aid In mission work_ will offer prayers "for fruitful o results of the Oct. 4 visit by Pope Paul VI to the United States. Housewives KgLLY GIRL Budget Gifts a ft t f ? i I MOM is P! h It KELLY GIRL Service Inc. StohL >S') H FA 8-0770 11 I' TRANT'S 0CT0BER-THE MONTH OF THE ROSARY Third Order Members Plan Infirmary Program i» m =0= Decorating For Dance Princess Skimmer Printed Pattern Se+on Groups In Action 62ND» B R A N C H of Seton Workers of St. Mary's Hospital was to be entertained by Mrs. Fred W. Boughton, 429 Antlers Dr. at lunch Wednesday, Sept. 22. 141TC BRANCH annual fall luncheon at Spring House at noon, Tuesday, Sept 28. Hostesses: Slesdames Emmett Brennan, Benedict Spiegel, Roy Clifford, William Dempsey. 19Tff BRANCH members to be entertained by Mrs. Pat E. Provenzano of Seneca Parkway at luncheon in her home, Wednesday, Sept. 29. 50THC BRANCH to meet in home of Mrs. Thomas Foley, 218 Ciurtice Park, Webster, 8:30 p.m., Thursday, Sept 22. Project for Seton Sale to be worked on during the evening. 47THC BRANCH to be entertained by Mrs. Robert Zimmer of Fisher Road at her home, Tuesday, Sept. 28, 8 p.m. AOH Pilgrimage "Sky PHot' Grounds Self Cincinnati — (NC) — Father land first at Wright-Patterson This Sunday Albert DcFranccsco, pastor of Air Forco Base, near Dayton, Any who wish may participate in the Infirmary program Annual Pilgrimage of the Our Lady of the Presentation and are invited to attend, provided they can be present at Ancient Order of Hibernians to Church here, quit flying as of the Infirmary at 6:30 p.m. in Martyrs Shrino at Auriesvillc Sept 14. will take place on Sunday, Sept. 26, the Feast of the Martyrs. He made the decision after making two emergency landings . Members of the AOH led! by i n the single-engine Cessna their President, J. William Rea- plane he had attempted to pilot gan of Syracuse will attend the from nearby Hamilton. Ohio, to 12:00 noon Mass. The Pilgrim- a town In Indiana. Wind, fog, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oeehino age Mass will be celebrated by and darkness caused him to of Winterset Drive, celebrated the Very Reverend Jamess J. their 50th Wedding Anniver- Shanahan, S.J., director of the sary with a Mass of thanksgiv- Sacred Heart Retreat House at ing at S t Joseph's Church, Pen- Auriesville. field Saturday, Sept 18, at 11:30 a.m., followed by a brunch at The afternoon services will their home for relatives and begin at 2:15 with the Stations friends attending the Mass. of the Cross. A reception in their honor John F. Dunn of Schenectady, was given Sunday afternoon the chairman of the Pilgrimage from four to.seven at the Man- Committee, has urged all memger Hotel by their daughters bers of the Ancient Order of and son - in - law, Mrs. Mae Hibernians to join the State D'Amore, Miss Helen Occhino Board Officers in making this and Mr_ and Mrs. Peter Cucin pilgrimage on the Feast of the Martyrs. otta." Occhinos Wed For 50 Years where he rccolved directions for returning to Hamilton. The elements kept him off course again, so hte landed the plane soon after on Interstate 71, a new expressway, near Wilmington, Ohio. A flying instructor from Hamilton flew the plane back to the airport while Father DeFrancesco drove thte instructor's car home. specially for those who perspire heavily Why did Harry France call Lincoln Rochester's new Spending Power Accounts "Marvelous*5? LIC'D I.M. Because, In the noted financial writer's own words, Spending Power Accounts "will help to solve the financial problems of armies of Investors needing more income." This is done by an orderly conversion of your securities to. produce a smooth, regular flow of cash. } Why is Spending Power Accounts a unique cash-producing service for investors? if Because: 1 . You mike use of presently owned KcnriUef. 'A ";- 2 . You retain complete control of your Inrestmeat 3 . Your dividends are infested in additional shard automatically. 4 . You dictate the amount of monthly or quarterly cash-flow you want. 5 # Every detail is bandied with Trust Department precision. Waldert: Recommended by your Eye Physician ft>r 55 Years 9407 ' SIZES LITHE LINES and lively pleats make this figure-skimming princess the very form of flattery. Simulated s l o t seaming is easy, smart. G-WHIZ! P r i n t e d Pattern 9407: Misses' Sizes 10,12, 14,16, 18. Size 16 requires 3% yards 39inch fabric. >. Tint's right . . . Geometries in FIFTY CENTS in coins for each pattern—add 15 cents for each pattern for first-class mailing and special handling. S e n d t o : Catholic Courier Journal, Pattern Dept, Box 42, Old Chelsea Station, New York, N.Y. 10011. P r i n t NAME, ADDRESS with ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. Yes we're fashion! Geography in school! And our big forte Glasses! whizzes when »it comes; to .meeting the demands and good service are Waldert credentials! New F A LIL-W I N T E R PRINTED PATTERN CATALOG shows 350 design views of newest fashions. C l i p coupon in catalog for_one FREE pattern—any one you choose from Catalog. Send 90c. COtrttJRE PATTERN COL LEGTlONJEeaturing £7 beautiful, designer originals plus 50c FREE COUPON to apply to any one of these $100 Designer Patterns. Send 50c for Couture Collection. MITCHUM ANTI-PERSPIRANT American Cyanamld American Tel. & Tel. Chrysler Con. Edison (N. Y.) Dow Chorfrtcal Du Pont Kodak Ford General Electric General Foods A new anti-perspirant that really works! Solves underarm problems for many who had despaired of effective help. Mitrhum Anti-Perapirant keeps underarms abso. lutely dry for thousands of grateful users. Positive action coupled with complete gentleness to normal skin and clothing is made possible hy new type of formula devised by a young jrenius in pharmacy and produced by a trustworthy 50-year-old laboratory. Recommended by over 500 leading department stores and thousands of drug stores. Satisfaction guaranteed. Don't tfivc in t# perspiration worries; try MiH-hum Anti-Perspirant today. Now—alto i it RCA General Motors Sears, Roebuck ' Gen'l Telephone Socony Mobil Gulf Oil Stand. Oil ofCal. IBM' Stand.Oil (N.J.) Int. Haryester Texaco MMM Union Carbide National Dairy U. S. Steel Pacific G. & E. Westinghouse Pfizer Xerox Procter* Gamble $3oo of the Eye Physician the parent and the youngster! Good style k You may open a Spending Power Account with any of the securities I isted below (minimum $10,000 value each): 10-18 SPENDING POWER ACCOUNTS -: ir ril : Send this Coupon Now It It Trust DI*Woli C.C. 9/24/65 Lincoln Rochester Trust Compaay Box 1412 Rochester, N.Y. 14*03 Please send me your free booklet entitled SPENDING PQWER ACCOUNTS. It Is understood that I will be under no obligation. -P ' - I-*' Name _ Creom Formula! Samm pricm — tamm patitil/M action. Address I M f Mf. 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