4th - 5th Grade - Franklin Academy Charter School

Summer Read and Respond Challenge
Grades 4-5
As part of our rigorous academic program at Franklin Academy, all students entering 4th-5th
grade are required to participate in our Summer Read and Respond Challenge. Each student
must read and write a literature response essay for at least three books from the Franklin
Academy summer booklist. The purpose of a response to literature is to briefly discuss a
character’s traits, the setting, plot, and the theme of the story. Typically, the essay is organized
with a brief summary of the story, followed by an opinion about the theme that is supported by
evidence from the text. Many responses include connections to other stories, the world, or the
reader’s own experiences, as well as a personal reflection that reveals how the story has
impacted the reader.
For each book that is read, the student (incoming 4th – 5th grader) is required to fill out the
Response to Literature Graphic Organizer. The graphic organizers and a table of contents will be
collected on the first day of school. The documents should all be put into a presentation folder
along with the other items listed on the last page of this document.
Step 1: Select and read three books from the 4-5th grade summer reading book list
The books are suggested for the grade your student is entering. Please select a book and review
the level on ARbookfind.com. The books that you and your child choose should be specific to
his/her reading ability based on the latest STAR report.
Step 2: Identify the theme within the book (or add your own)
Believe in yourself
Overcoming challenges / problems
Accepting differences in others
Don’t be afraid to try new things
Family love
Don’t judge a book by its cover
Teamwork / cooperation
Treat others the way you want to be
Be happy with what you have
Never give up
Courage / bravery
Teasing / bullying
Patriotism (love for your country)
A good friend is hard to find
Don’t judge a book by its cover
*Additional resources on identifying theme are listed on the school website.
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Summer Read and Respond Challenge
Grades 4-5
Step 3: For each book, complete the graphic organizers
Graphic Organizer
Introduction: Write the quick summary and the thesis statement
❶The story _____________________by _______________________is a ______________.
In the story, the theme, ______________________________________________________ is
Insert Theme
evident when the main character, ______________________________________________.
Name of Character
Choose 1
_____________________________ 
Finish the Sentence
meets the challenge of
faces the conflict of
shows the reader
teaches the reader
The Body: summary, two examples of the theme from the story
❷ Summary: Write a brief summary of the story in four-six sentences. Include the main
characters, the setting, the problem, and the solution.
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Summer Read and Respond Challenge
Grades 4-5
❸Evidence of Theme:
One piece of evidence that supports _____________________, is on page ______when (the
author/character says) _______________________________________________________.
(give a quote from the story)
(Choose One):
 This quotation shows that………
 I think this means that……
 Here the author is showing………
❹Conclusion: Restate the theme, and then make a reflection
Reflection Starters:
 After reading the book, I (felt, wished, realized, understood)
Reflection Ending:
 It reminded me of (make a connection to self, text, world)
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Summer Read and Respond Challenge
Grades 4-5
Step 4: For each book, use the graphic organizer to write a 2-3 paragraph essay
Example of a three Paragraph Essay in Response to Literature
The story Duck for President, by Doreen Cronin and the illustrated by Betsy
Lewin is a fictional story. The story takes place on a farm and in different places
around the United States of America. It happens in present time. The main
character is Duck. He is very funny and ambitious.
In the beginning, Duck is frustrated because Farmer Brown makes the
animals on the farm do many chores. He decides to have an election to pick a new
leader for the farm. Duck wins the election, but finds out that running the farm is
very hard work. Next, Duck decides to run for Governor. He wins the election, but
finds out that being governor is very hard work, too. Instead, he decides to run for
President. He goes on a campaign to get people to vote for him. He wins the
election, but he soon figures out that running a country is even more work than
he thought. At the end of the book, Duck decides to go back to his old life on the
farm and just be a duck.
After reading this book, I felt excited and surprised with Ducks reaction. The
story was really funny and had great illustrations. My favorite part was when Duck
was in the Oval Office and was the President. I liked the character, Duck, and all of
the other farm animals.
Step 5: Presentation
1. Place all documents into a presentation folder
a. three graphic organizers and three essays
2. Include a title page
3. Include a Table of Contents
4. Include a bibliography
5. Turn in the folder to your language arts teacher on the first day of school.
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