What is CCGA? This tournament brings Christian golfers of different backgrounds and various golfing abilities together for a great day of golf and to raise money for worthy projects. Monies raised supports churches, missions, para-church organizations and the Christian Community Golf Association’s (CCGA) sponsoring charity partner, International Ministerial Fellowship. This tournament provides an opportunity for any organization, large or small, to sponsor a missionary, a youth group or any Christian organization. CCGA provides the necessary and extensive, organizational preparation and financial involvement. All your organization needs to do is get golfers and pledges for your designated charity. We give thanks to God that CCGA can be a blessing to your Christian church or group that needs to raise funds and desires to do so through a quality tournament. There are three divisions with First, Second and Third place in each division. Great Competition! Mission Statement Our mission is to glorify Jesus Christ, unify His people, share the Gospel and support church and ministry projects through the game of golf. Our desire is for all to know, love, and serve Christ. “There is one body and one spirit, just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of us all who is above all and through all and in all.” Ephesians 4:4-6 Last Year’s First Place Winners: Masters: King Logistics (played for Love Lines) Division A: Gene Goldsby Team (played for Gene Goldsby) Division B: Glorybound (played for Glorybound) CCGA15.indd 1 CCGA Board of Directors 18th ANNUAL Charity Partner TOURNAMENT Shawn Jones, President Chet Masserano, Vice President Lee Olson Dave Anderson Jon Brovold Max Erickson Bill Kidder Randy Hanson Terry Schuveiller Ron Brovold BJ Lother Matt Hill International Ministerial Fellowship (IMF) is an association of evangelical churches, clergy and laymen who work across denominational lines to love, serve, encourage and help enable our minister members who are called to Christian service. Members include churches, senior and staff pastors, evangelists, missionaries, lay workers, active and reserve military chaplains, hospital, hospice and prison chaplains. We also support leaders in para- church organizations such as Young Life, Youth for Christ, Campus Crusade for Christ, and Youth With A Mission. IMF has approximately 1,300 members with 110 member missionaries serving in 42 countries to bring the message of the good news of Christ. These members are men and women of all denominations who work in suburban and inner city churches, city missions, refugee camps, humanitarian service around the world, as well as urban youth programs. WWW.I-M-F.ORG Contact Us CCGA PO Box 2, Navarre, MN 55392 PH: 612.860.1958; FAX: 763.593.0756 ccga.org CCGA GOLF arsh! Returning to Wild Metro area m A top-25 course in the Fri., June 5, 2015 Wild Marsh Golf Course 1710 Montrose Blvd S. Buffalo, MN 55313 wildmarsh.com 1/29/15 10:08 PM Sponsorship Programs Tournament Sponsor $10,000 • One banner placed in a prominent location • Large hole signs on #9 and #18 • Signs on golf carts • Two teams of 4 players to participate in tournament • Website links • Tables solicit their company’s products/services • Literature in players’ gift bags Gold Sponsor $5,000 • One small banner placed in a prominent location • Two tee box or green signs • Signs on golf carts • One team of 4 players to participate in tournament • Website links • Tables solicit their company’s products/services • Literature in players’ gift bags Silver Sponsor $2,500 • One tee box or green signs • Two players to participate in tournament • Website links • Tables solicit their company’s products/services • Literature in players’ gift bags Bronze Sponsor $1,000 • One player to participate in tournament • Website links • Literature in players’ gift bags Green/Tee Box Sponsor $250 The Best-Valued Golf Tournament in the Twin Cities! Register Your Team $800 per team, $200 per player Name_______________________________________ Address______________________________________ City/State/ZIP_________________________________ Phone_______________________________________ 18-Hole Handicap_________ Avg. Score______________ Each player receives: • 27-hole Shootout Scramble • Golf cart • Player gift • Commemorative CCGA golf balls • Breakfast, lunch and dinner • Awards program • Many great door prizes • A check for your team’s charity Winning teams receive: • Traveling CCGA trophy • C ash rewards for top three in each division for charity of your choice. Schedule 7:00 a.m. Registration and continental breakfast 9:00 a.m. Shotgun start for 27-hole tournament 12:00 noon Lunch “a la Golf Cart” 4:30 p.m. Dinner, awards program and prizes Special guest speaker to be announced CCGA Charity Golf Tournament Friday, June 5, 2015 “Where every team is a winner!” Charity Name______________________________ Address__________________________________ City/State/ZIP_________________________________ Player #1: Team Captain Player #2 Name_______________________________________ Address______________________________________ City/State/ZIP_________________________________ Phone_______________________________________ 18-Hole Handicap_________ Avg. Score______________ Player #3 Name_______________________________________ Address______________________________________ City/State/ZIP_________________________________ Phone_______________________________________ 18-Hole Handicap_________ Avg. Score______________ Player #4 Name_______________________________________ Address______________________________________ City/State/ZIP_________________________________ Phone_______________________________________ 18-Hole Handicap_________ Avg. Score______________ q I can’t play, but I wish to donate $_________________ CREDIT CARD INFORMATION q VISA q MasterCard q American Express Cardholder Name_______________________________ Address______________________________________ City/State/ZIP_________________________________ Card Number__________________ Exp. Date________ No. of players you are paying for____________________ THIS IS A RAIN OR SHINE EVENT. NO REFUNDS. All participating charities must comply with CCGA requirements. Visit www.ccga.org for compliance requirements. CCGA15.indd 2 1/29/15 10:08 PM
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