Catholic Central High School “Cherishing the Past – Embracing the Future” 625 Seventh Avenue Troy, New York 12182-2595 (518) 235-7100 – Fax (518) 237-1796 June 1, 2015 Dear School Community Members: I always have mixed emotions about the school year ending and find it hard to believe that ten months have passed since we welcomed your children in September. I would prefer to provide several reminders about the end of school in place of my normal comments this month. Please be aware of the following: 1. A few notable dates on the calendar The last day of classes is Wednesday, June 10, 2015. Students only need to be on campus for CCHS Final Exams and NYS Regents Exams after this date. CCHS final exams will occur on June 11, 12, and 15, 2015. NYS Regents Exams will occur from Tuesday, June 16, 2015 through Tuesday, June 23, 2015. 2. Please review the exam schedule that is included in this newsletter. It is each student's responsibility to be on time and present for their exams. 3. Students who miss NYS Regents Exams will have to wait for the August 2015 or January 2016 administrations to make them up. 4. Summer reading lists for both the high school and middle school are also included within this newsletter. It is advisable to get started early on these tasks. I thank you for a fantastic school year and wish all of our students luck as they approach our exam periods. Your support of our mission at CCHS is always appreciated. Yours in Peace, Christopher Bott Principal EXAM SCHEDULE A copy of the School Exams and Regents Exams schedule can be found at the end of the newsletter and also on the website. I would urge you to review these schedules with your child(ren). If you have any questions, please contact your child’s Guidance Counselor. Please be sure that your child is thoroughly prepared to take all of his/her exams. FINAL EXAMS Students do not have to wear their uniform for Final Exams. The guidelines for a dress down day do apply and students should not be wearing anything inappropriate to school. A reminder that the final exam is 1/5th of the final grade for each course. Lunch is not available on days of exams. PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR HOME SCHOOL DISTRICT’S TRANSPORTATION OFFICE to see what times they will be providing your child(ren) with transportation during the exam period. SENIOR CLASS NEWS Graduation Rehearsal – at HVCC • Tuesday, June 9, 8:30AM – 11:30AM • Thursday, June 11, 8:30AM – 11:30AM Class Night Mass and Awards Ceremony – at St. Ambrose Friday, June 12, 6:30PM. Seniors need to be in processional line by 6:15PM. (Senior Gentlemen should wear dress pants, dress shirt, and tie. Senior Ladies should wear skirts, dresses, blouses. All garments should be appropriate - non-revealing, and of an appropriate length, etc.) Graduation – at HVCC Saturday, June 13, 2:30PM. Seniors need to be in processional line by 1:30PM. Doors open at 12:00 pm. Graduation Ball – at Franklin Terrace Sunday, June 14. Doors open at 5PM. Mother/Son, Father/Daughter dance at 5:30PM. Campus Ministry News from Mrs. Pawlik Senior Parents: just a reminder that our Eucharistic Baccalaureate will be held on Friday, June 12th, at 6:30 P.M. This will take place at Saint Ambrose Church in Latham. Rev. Dominic Ingemie, former CCHS principal, will be our celebrant. This is an integral part of Graduation Weekend at our school, so all members of the Class of 2015 should be in attendance. Immediately following liturgy, the Academic Convocation will take place with a presentation of awards and scholarships. Two of our graduating 8th graders will be attending Breakaway at Pyramid Life Center from June 28th-July 2nd. Emily Carlow and Luke Geddies will be taking part in this new diocesan initiative. Wishing you all a blessed summer,... Seniors have filled out a “Post-Graduation Form” indicating which college should receive their final transcript. If your senior has not made a final decision OR changes his/her mind, please notify the Guidance Office as soon as possible so the final transcript is sent to the correct college. ALL transcripts (including NCAA) and immunization records will be sent via Naviance by Thursday, July 9, 2015. 2015 Regents Schedule: Please review the 2015 Regents Schedule. The schedule is posted on our website. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s guidance counselor. Report cards (grades 7-11) are scheduled to be mailed by July 1, 2015. We have restated the summer school policy below so that there will be no misunderstandings. Students requiring summer school will receive permission slips in the mail in order to register for summer school. Any student who is not required to go to summer school but wishes to repeat a course or Regents exam should pick up a permission slip in the Guidance Office. At that time, we will have information on the programs offered at all local school districts regarding registration dates, times and costs. Many local summer school programs are registering that week, so please plan ahead. CCHS Policies Regarding Exams and Summer School Any student who fails a course required for graduation MUST repeat that course in summer school. If the failed course is not required for graduation, it is strongly recommended that the course be repeated in summer school. If a student fails a Regents exam but passes the course, he/she may go to summer school OR take the exam over in August as a “walk-in”. It is recommended that a “walk-in” have at least 5 hours of tutoring by a certified/qualified teacher. If a student passes both the course and the Regents exam, but wishes to raise the grade of the exam, he/she may go to summer school OR take the August Regents exam as a “walk-in.” The request to take the exam at CCHS in August must be made to the Guidance Department by the end of the first week in July. Grades from ALL courses and/or exams taken during the school year AND during the summer will be recorded on the Permanent Record Card of the student. Summer school grades will not be calculated into the student’s average. Summer Reading Assignments: The 2015-2016 Summer Reading Assignments are posted on our website and at the end of this newsletter. Please contact the guidance department if you have any questions. Middle School News June • • • Wow! The school year is really winding down. Remind all students to study for final exams. They count 1/5 of the final grade. Exams start June 11th. The schedule should be on the web site. • • 8th grade luncheon and mandatory graduation rehearsal on June 18th. Students should arrive in library by 11 AM. Graduation June 19th, 6:30pm, St Augustine’s Church. Congratulations to Mr. Terry Murphy: Sara E. Murphy, Class of 1998, daughter of Mr. Terry Murphy, one of our Art teachers, graduated with a Doctor of Philosophy in English from the University of Rhode Island on May 16, 2015. Health/Sports Information All new entrants, 7th and 10th graders, must have a physical performed by their private physician or by the school physician. Sports physicals done by the school physician will meet this requirement. Private physician physical forms are due by October 1st or you may call the school nurse, Julianne Welch at 2357100 ext. 216 to inform her of a pending scheduled doctor’s appointment. Pink physical forms were in your packet at registration time. Otherwise your son or daughter may obtain one from the school nurse or you can find them on the website. Working paper applications can be obtained from the school nurse during the school year and from the Guidance Office in the summer months. The application must be submitted to the high school of the district that you live in. They will provide the working papers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATHOLIC CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL SUMMER READING ASSIGNMENTS 2015 -2016 GRADE 7 THE BOY IN THE STRIPED PAJAMAS (John Boyne) HATCHET (Gary Paulsen) GRADE 8 A LONG WALK TO WATER (Linda Sue Park) ESPERANZA RISING (Pam Munoz Ryan) ________________________________________________________________________________ ENGLISH 9 REGENTS CHOOSE ONE BOOK FROM EACH CATEGORY. THERE WILL BE A PROJECT BASED ON BOTH BOOKS WHEN YOU RETURN TO SCHOOL IN SEPTEMBER. FICTION HARRY POTTER (J. K. Rowling) LORD OF THE FLIES (Wm. Golding) THE HUNGER GAMES (Suzanne Collins) THE PERKS OF BEING A WALL FLOWER (S. Chobsky) NONFICTION AND/OR HISTORICAL FICTION THE BOOK THIEF (Markus Zusak) FEVER 1793 (Laurie Halse Anderson) THE WITCH OF BLACKBIRD POND (Elizabeth G. Speare) _________________________________________________________________________________ GRADE 9 HONORS CHOOSE ONE BOOK FROM EACH CATEGORY. THERE WILL BE A PROJECT BASED ON BOTH BOOKS WHEN YOU RETURN TO SCHOOL IN SEPTEMBER. FICTION THE HOBBIT (J.R.R. Tolkien) THE BEAN TREES (Barbara Kingsolver) FAHRENHEIT 451 (Ray Bradbury) PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (Jane Austen) HISTORICAL FICTION COLD MOUNTAIN (Charles Frazier) GREAT EXPECTATIONS (Charles Dickens) SHANGHAI GIRLS (Lisa See) ENGLISH 10 REGENTS CHASING LINCOLN’S KILLER (James L. Swanson) Select ten (10) quotes from the book that reflect the characters, theme, main idea, or symbols within the book. The quotes should be a representation of the entire book. Document the page from which the quote cam and note the character who said it, if applicable. (2 points each /20 points) Write a brief paragraph for each quote explaining its significance to the book. State if the quote is significant to the character who says it, the character about whom it refers, the theme of the book, the main idea of the book or a symbol within the book. Explain its meaning. (3 points each/30 points) This assignment is due within the first two full weeks of the first quarter, and counts for a test grade. This assignment must be double-space, typed, Times-Roman with regular margins. Please make sure you have your name, class period, and grade noted in your heading. _____________________________________________________________________________________ ENGLISH 10 HONORS UP FROM SLAVERY (Booker T. Washington) THE ONCE AND FUTURE KING (T. H. White) ENGLISH 11 REGENTS AN AMERICAN TRAGEDY (Theodore Dreiser) INTO THE WILD (Jon Krakauer) ENGLISH 11 HONORS A FAREWELL TO ARMS (Ernest Hemingway) BLACK LIKE ME (John Howard Griffin) ENGLISH 12 REGENTS THREE LITTLE WORDS (Ashley Rhodes Courter) THE CRYSTAL CAVE (Mary Stewart) ENGLISH 12 HONORS A YEAR IN THE LIFE OF WM. SHAKESPEARE (James Shapiro) DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE (Robert L. Stevenson) UHS ENGLISH 12 THE FOUNTAINHEAD (Ayn Rand) HOW TO READ LITERATURE LIKE A PROFESSOR (Thomas C. Foster) INTRODUTION TO CHILDREN’S LITERATURE PETER PAN (J. M. Barrie) THE WIZARD OF OZ (L. Frank Baum) ****************************************** June 2015 Exam Schedule Theology : Thursday, June 11, 2015 – 8:30 am 7-sec 1 305 7-sec 2 306 8-sec 1 307 8-sec 2 301 9-sec 1 Café 9-sec 2 Café 9-sec 3 Café 9-sec 4 Café 9-sec 5 Café 10-sec 1 Room 21 10-sec 2 Room 22 10-sec 3 Room 23 10-sec 4 Room 24 10-sec 5 Room 25 11-sec 1 Room 8 11-sec 2 Room 7 11-sec 3 Room 6 11-sec 4 Room 5 MS 504 Room: Room 302 HS 504 Room: Band Room IEP Room: Room 10 Thursday, June 11, 2015 - 11:00 AM Exams English 7-sec 1 7-sec 2 8-sec 1 8-sec 2 9H-sec 1 9-sec 1 9-sec 2 9-sec 3 9-sec 4 10H-sec 1 10-sec 1 10-sec 2 10-sec 3 10-sec 4 305 306 301 302 Café Café Café Café Cafe Room 21 Room 22 Room 23 Room 24 Room 25 Social Studies UHS American Hist 101 MS 504 Room 302 HS 504 Band Room IEP Room 10 Library Friday, June 12, 2015 - 8:30 AM Exams All Social Studies 7 and 8 SS7 sec-1 SS7 sec-2 SS8 sec-1 SS8 sec-2 301 302 305 306 Spanish II Café Spanish IV UHS Library MS 504 Room: Room 307 HS 504 Room: Band Room IEP Room: Room 107 Friday, June 12, 2015 - 11:00 AM Exams Math 7-sec 1 8-sec 1 7/8-sec 1 301 305 307 Pre-Cal sec1 Pre-Cal sec2 Pre-Cal sec3 Social Studies AP World Hist- 9 sec1 World Hist-9 sec1 World Hist-9 sec2 World Hist-9 sec3 World Hist-9 sec4 Library Library Library Café Café Café Café Café IEP: Room 10 MS 504: Room 35 HS 504: Band Room Monday, June 15, 2015: Earth Science Practicum – Giuliano and Sedlak Earth Science Lab / Appointments will be scheduled Monday, June 15, 2015 - 8:30 AM Alg. A 38 Monday, June 15, 2015 - 8:30 AM Exam Science Sci 7 - sec 1 302 Sci 7 – sec 2 305 Sci 7/8 - sec 1 307 HS and MS Extended Time / Room 306 IEP Room10 NYS Regents Exams Tuesday, June 16, 2015: Regents in U.S. History and Government: 8:30 AM All Students in Cafe HS Extended Time Room / Band Room IEP Room / RM 107 Tuesday, June 16, 2015: Regents in Living Environment: 12:00 PM All Students in Café HS Extended Time Room / Band Room IEP Room 10 / RM 107 Wednesday, June 17, 2015: Regents in Global History and Geography: 8:30 AM All Students in Cafe HS Extended Time Room / Band Room IEP Room 10 Wednesday, June 17, 2015: Regents in Physical Setting/Physics: 12:00 PM Room 307 Room 303 HS Extended Time Room / Band Room IEP / RM 10 Wednesday, June 17, 2015: Regents in Algebra 1 – Common Core: 12:00 PM All Students in Cafe HS Extended Time Room / Band Room IEP Room / RM 10 Thursday, June 18, 2015: Regents in Comprehensive English: 12:00 PM All Students in Café HS Extended Time Room / Band Room IEP Room / RM 10 Friday, June 19, 2015: Regents in Physical Setting/Earth Science: 8:30 AM All Students in Cafe HS Extended Time Room / Band Room IEP Room / RM 10 Friday, June 19, 2015: Regents in Algebra 2/Trigonometry: 8:30 AM Middle School Classrooms HS Extended Time Room / Band Room IEP Room / RM 10 Friday, June 19, 2015: Regents in Geometry : 12:00 PM All students in Cafe HS Extended Time Room / Rm 107 IEP Room / RM 10 Monday, June 22, 2015: Spanish Checkpoint B: 8:30 AM All students in Café HS Extended Time 504 / Band Room IEP Room / Room 10 Tuesday, June 23, 2015: Regents in Physical Setting/Chemistry: 8:30 AM Parillo All Students in Cafe HS Extended Time Room / Rm 107 IEP Room / Room 10
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