COUNTRY CLUB OF SEBRING PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MAY 1, 2015 Board members present: Bob Cochran, president; Danny Hammock and Rita Bennett, secretary. Those absent: Jim Schmalzriedt and Greg Bagshaw. The meeting was called to order by Bob Cochran at 9:00 a.m. SECRETARY’S REPORT - The secretary’s report was given by Rita. Motion made to approve by Rita with second by Danny. Motion was approved. RESIGNATION - Bob Cochran read a letter of resignation by Greg Bagshaw. Rita made motion to accept the resignation and Danny seconded. Motion was approved. Bob Cochran said that all of the Board appreciated Greg’s commitment and passion for the Country Club of Sebring and he cited several examples. A motion to fill the vacancy with Greg Thomas was made by Danny and seconded by Rita. Motion was approved. TREASURER’S REPORT - Since the treasurer was absent, Bob read the report. Only twenty two lots remain with unpaid assessments. This is considerably better than last year. One active lien remains. Two foreclosures have been settled and two remain. The operating account has $193,608.00 in it and the money market account has $138,355.00 in it. Jim added $10,000 to both the pool reserve and the road reserve. Greg Thomas made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, and it was seconded by Rita. Motion was approved. BUILDING AND GROUNDS – Jim is in touch with the playground equipment manufacturer to repair damaged equipment. The question was asked if anyone had checked the security cameras. To date, the video has not been reviewed yet. COMMITTEE REPORTS RRC – Rita presented the Sign Policy amended to reflect the updated deed restrictions. The motion to approve was made by Greg and seconded by Danny. Motion was approved. The Mailbox Policy was amended to reflect the updated deed restrictions. The motion to approve was made by Greg and seconded by Danny. Motion was approved. A question was asked about the status of the noncompliant homeowners who had received a letter from the Board. Rita reported that two or three remain out of compliance. One issue is a visible trash can and the other involves a visible propane tank. The Board asked Rita to send a second letter to these homeowners. On non compliant signs in the neighborhood, Greg or Rita will ask contractors or realtors to remove signs as that issue arises.Greg stated that March 2016 is the date for compliance with the Mailbox Policy. Greg is preparing a letter to be sent to residents containing the results of the Mailbox survey and documentation re: the updated deed restrictions. The RRC developed a stray cat proposal, which was presented as a motion made by Danny and seconded by Greg. Motion passed. The Board approved spending $150.00 to remove the cat structures on property not owned by the resident who is feeding the cats. Page 2, CCSPOA Minutes of May 1, 2015 Greg stated that the RRC committee is planning to develop community standards for some of the updated deed restrictions. WELCOME COMMITTEE – Sue Lewis is active in welcoming new residents. SOCIAL COMMITTEE - Claude Kracik reported that the recent Spring Fling was the most successful event ever. Among the attendees were 197 adults and 30 children. Ellie M. created attractive flyers for the event and is also responsible for seasonal decorations in the guardhouse at the front entrance. Prizes were donated by Warren Hall, Country Club Realty, and Bonnie Kracik. Bev and Greg Bagshaw donated all the children’s meals and gave out 30 gift certificates for pizzas for the children. They gave gift certificates for French fries and cokes for the children. Their generosity is very much appreciated by the Board. Claude has announced that the Fall Festival will be held this year at the same time as last year. The Board thanked Claude for his leadership and energy in coordinating the social events. OLD BUSINESS – 1. 2. 3. Board priorities – Bob C suggested adding renovating the bathhouse and resurfacing the pool deck to the list. E Mail update – Greg reports that 322 residents are on the system and that the Web Page has been updated to include updated documents. Document update – Greg has explored how to communicate with the realty companies and related businesses. With regard to the pool, Claude and Danny are consulting with contractors on choices for pool deck coverings. Greg T. has offered to help when Claude leaves for the summer. NEW BUSINESS – A drainage complaint was made by two residents after some recent rains. They wondered if the drains were stopped up near Wynstone and Meadowood. Bob C. received a call from SWFMD, and they indicated that one drain might be stopped up. The Board will ask the county to look into it. Greg T. will coordinate and Danny will assist. Mark Theiss needs volunteers to pick up trash on 635. He is coordinating this effort. It was reported that Greg Bagshaw uses a pond treatment company for the golf course that is considerably cheaper than the one the Board is using. Bob C. reported that the audit company will meet with the Board and homeowners this year. Greg T. suggested an evening meeting if the auditors were available. Community Input – Adding trees to the playground was mentioned. Ellie M. mentioned large decorative pots to hold flowers, which could be ‘adopted ‘ by residents. A motion was made to adjourn by Rita and seconded by Greg. Motion passed.
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