- 290 14-15 March 18, 2015 Public notice of this meeting pursuant to the Open Public Meeting Act has been given by the Board Secretary in the following manner: (a) Posting written notice on the official school bulletin board of the Pennsauken Campus, Pennsauken, NJ and the Gloucester Township Campus, Gloucester Township, NJ on November 4, 2014. (b) Mailing written notice to the Courier Post and South Jersey Times Newspapers on November 4, 2014. (c) Filing written notice with the County Clerk on November 5, 2014. The regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Technical Schools in the County of Camden was held on March 18, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the in the 1st floor conference room of the Science and Horticultural Center of the Pennsauken Campus. William T. Mink, Ed.D., president, called the meeting to order. The following members were present: Alfred C. Fisher, Elizabeth Hanson, C. Ann Volk (via telephone), and William T. Mink. Bart Mueller, board member, was absent. Also present were Patricia Fitzgerald, John Marcellus, Scott Kipers, Bonnie Durante, Greg Cappello, Leo Lampman, Kathleen Cassidy, Angelo DeStefano, Charene Scheeper, Marlene Brubaker, Andy Alfano, and David Patterson, Esquire. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE HONORS AND RECOGNITION – None PRESENTATIONS - None PRESIDENT’S REPORT – None SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT – None OLD BUSINESS Reminder to board members and administrators: The online Personal/Relative and Financial Disclosure Statements are to be completed by April 30, 2015. Reminder to board members to complete mandated training if needed. - 291 14-15 March 18, 2015 PUBLIC COMMENT - None The Board is limited in its ability to respond in public to matters of personnel, litigation, negotiations and attorney-client privilege. Please state your full name and address The length of time scheduled for public discussion will be held to five minutes for individual speakers EXECUTIVE SESSION I On motion of Mr. Fisher, seconded by Ms. Hanson, to adjourn the open public meeting for the purpose of discussion in Executive Session. The Board entered into Executive Session 7:07 p.m. WHEREAS, the Camden County Technical Schools Board of Education (“Technical Schools”) is subject to the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.SA.A. 10:4-1 et seq. (“Act”) which requires that its meetings be open to the general public; and WHEREAS, Section 10:4-12 of the Act permits the Technical Schools Board of Education to go into closed session, which is not open to the general public, for certain limited purposes enumerated in that Section; and WHEREAS, the Technical Schools hereby desires to adopt this Resolution to go into closed session at this time in order to: Discuss matters deemed confidential by express provision of Federal or State Law or Rule of Court; Discuss matters in which release of the information would impair a right to receive funds from the United States Government; X Discuss matters the disclosure of which constitutes an unwarranted invasion of individual privacy, including but not limited to, information relative to an individual’s personal or family circumstances and any material relating to medical, rehabilitation, custodial, or child protection issues; Expulsion Hearings Discuss Collective Bargaining Agreements; Discuss any matter involving the purchase, lease or acquisition of real property with public funds, the setting of bank rates or investment of public funds where it could adversely affect the public interest if disclosed; Discuss any tactics and techniques utilized in protecting the safety and property of the public if disclosure would impair such protection and/or any investigations or violations or possible violations of the law; Discuss any pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiation (other than collective bargaining) in which the Technical Schools are or may become a party and/or any matters falling within the attorney-client privilege; and/or - 292 14-15 March 18, 2015 EXECUTIVE SESSION I (continued) Discuss any matter involving the appointment, termination, terms and conditions of employment, evaluation of performance of, any specific prospective or current public officer or employee of the Technical Schools; WEREAS, the Technical Schools believes that the matters discussed in closed session can be disclosed to the general public at such time when the President and Board Members of the Technical Schools have determined the matters discussed are no longer required to be maintained as confidential and adopt a further resolution to place the Closed Session Minutes into the Public Minutes Record Book. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the President and Board Members of the Technical Schools hereby resolves to go into closed session for the reasons articulated above immediately after passage of this Resolution. This Resolution shall be kept on file for public inspection in accordance with statutory provisions. On roll call vote: AYES: Ms. Hanson, Mr. Fisher, Ms. Volk, Dr. Mink NAYS: None RETURN TO PUBLIC SESSION On motion of Mr. Fisher, seconded by Ms. Hanson, to return to open session at 7:55 p.m. On roll call vote: AYES: Ms. Hanson, Mr. Fisher, Ms. Volk, Dr. Mink NAYS: None - 293 14-15 March 18, 2015 BUSINESS OFFICE The school business administrator recommends the following: On motion of Mr. Fisher, seconded by Ms. Hanson, to approve and ratify the following requests. MINUTES To approve the following minutes of the meetings of the board of education: February 18, 2015 – Regular Meeting March 5, 2015 – Special Meeting FINANCIAL Board Secretary’s Certification. 1. Board Secretary’s Report in accordance with 18A: 17-36 and 18A: 17-9 for the month of January 2015. The Board Secretary certifies that no line item account has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10 (c) 3 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year, and inserted on page 328-A through 328-T. 2. Reconciliation Report in accordance with 18A:17-36 and 18A:17-9 for the month of January 2015. The Reconciliation Report and Secretary’s Report are in agreement for the month of January 2015. 3. Board Secretary in accordance with N.J.A.C 6A:23A-16.10 (c) 2 certifies that there are no changes in anticipated revenue amounts or revenue sources. 4. Board of Education Certification – pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10 (c) 4. We certify that after review of the secretary’s monthly financial report (appropriations section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, that to the best of our knowledge no major accounts or funds have been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10 (b) and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. 5. To approve and ratify the board officer’s action in paying payroll and accounts payable warrants issued since the last board meeting as categorized below: February 2015 Item Bill List (Fund 11) Payroll (Funds 11/20/60) Bill List (Fund 11/20/60) Bill List (Fund 60) Bill List (Funds 11) Payroll (Funds 11/20/60) Total Date 02/12/15 02/13/15 02/13/15 02/13/15 02/25/15 02/27/15 Amount $ 430,087.98 $ 1,112,321.66 $ 662,648.74 $ 2,923.78* $ 3,168.00 $ 1,338,115.37 $ 3,549,265.53 - 294 14-15 March 18, 2015 BUSINESS OFFICE *Early Childhood Education FINANCIAL (continued) 6. To approve the appropriation adjustments (January 2015) made within the 2014-2015 school year budget as previously reviewed and approved by the superintendent, and inserted on page 328-U through 328-W. 7. To approve the proposed 2015-2016 budget, pending the approval of the Camden County Executive Superintendent of Schools as inserted on page 328-X through 328-NN. 8. To approve the following resolution. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Technical Schools in the County of Camden that authorization is hereby granted to apply for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Competitive Grant Program, NGO #15-EK32-H05, Cohort 11, Year 1 of 5: September 1, 2015 through August 31, 2016 in the amount of $535,000.00 per year for five years. 9. To approve the following resolution. WHEREAS, the Camden County Technical Schools enters into certain types of contracts with vendors where the initial cost on same is less than $17,500; and WHEREAS, because of the nature of these contracts, the total amount of said contract is unable to be determined during the term of said contract because of the type services provided; and WHEREAS, however, once it is determined and certified in writing that the value of these services will exceed $17,500, it is necessary for the Technical Schools to require submission of additional documentation from said vendor; and WHEREAS, the contract for Pearson Education, Inc., Solution Tree, Cengage Learning, Ward’s Science and Erco Ceilings, will now exceed $17,500 which requires the filing of a Political Contribution Disclosure Form; and WHEREAS, the above named vendors have completed and submitted a Political Contribution Disclosure Form which certifies that they have not made any reportable contributions to a political candidate committee in the County of Camden in the previous year, and that the continuation of the contract will prohibit them from making any reportable contributions through the term of this contract. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the President and Board Members of the Camden County Technical Schools, County of Camden and State of New Jersey that for the reasons set forth in the Preamble hereinabove, it hereby acknowledges that the Political Contribution Disclosure Forms have been provided by the above named vendors, together with a Determination of Value signed by the Business Administrator for the Camden County Technical Schools, and said contracts now exceed the sum of $17,500. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. - 295 14-15 March 18, 2015 BUSINESS OFFICE (continued) A. Purchases 1. To approve the following resolution. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Technical Schools in the County of Camden that authorization/ratification is hereby granted to approve the following state contract purchases, for the period February 7, 2015 through March 9 2015, totaling $50,673.64. Date Po Date Vendor Department State Contract # Amount 2/11 1/31 Mechanics Auto Parts Building & Grounds PC-ATB-14-01 $ 1,685.52 2/19 2/4 US Food Service Culinary Arts 14-10 $ 552.19 2/4 US Food Service Culinary Express 14-10 $ 273.20 2/6 US Food Service Culinary Arts 14-10 $ 110.59 2/10 US Food Service Culinary Arts 14-10 $ 133.50 2/2 Office Basics CRCLM A-41/2013 $ 244.80 2/13 US Food Service Culinary Arts 14-10 $ 235.70 2/13 US Food Service Culinary Express 14-10 $ 201.79 2/13 US Food Service Culinary Arts 14-10 $ 323.56 2/20 Grainger Electric A79875 $ 1,091.93 2/20 CDW Government Technical Services 65MCESCCPS $ 2,844.60 2/19 US Food Service Culinary Arts 14-10 $ 316.29 2/20 US Food Service Culinary Express 14-10 $ 168.76 2/16 H.A Dehart & Son Building & Grounds A73483 $ 197.76 2/19 United Electric Supply Building & Grounds A7J181 $ 784.74 2/5 ABC Laser Warehouse Bid # 13-18 $ 6,118.96 2/10 Hewlett - Packard Technical Services A70262 $ 249.00 1/20 Grainger Maintenance Mech. A79875 $ 187.75 2/19 CDW Government Technical Services 65MCESCCPS $ 823.53 2/24 US Food Service Culinary Arts 14-10 $ 445.29 2/24 US Food Service Culinary Express 14-10 $ 194.59 2/11 Norris Sales Building & Grounds 11194 $ 541.00 2/26 Grainger Building & Grounds A79875 $ 533.89 2/23 2/25 2/26 - 296 14-15 March 18, 2015 BUSINESS OFFICE A. Purchases 1. State purchases continued: 2/27 3/9 2/27 US Food Service Culinary Express 14-10 $ 2/26 CDW Government Technical Services 65MCESCCPS $24,969.69 2/20 Hewlett - Packard Technical Services A70262 $ 1,314.00 2/18 Grainger Building Maint. A79875 $ 1,203.34 2/28 CDW Government Efingers Sporting Goods Co Technical Services 65MCESCCPS $ 1,445.00 Athletics 12/13/1982 $ 3,207.00 2/28 275.67 $50,673.64 2. To approve and ratify the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Technical Schools in the County of Camden that authorization is hereby granted to participate in the County of Camden Cooperative Pricing Bid, to include Camden County Bid #2 of Bid A1/2014 (Second Year Option) awarded to Garrison Printing Company, for printing services, for the term commencing on or about February 1, 2015 through January 31, 2016. 3. To approve the following resolution. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Technical Schools in the County of Camden that authorization is hereby granted to participate in the County of Camden Cooperative Pricing Bid, to include Camden County Bid A-4/2015 awarded to Central Poly-Bag Corp., for the purchase of janitorial supplies – poly liners, items 1 through 16, for the term commencing on or about April 1, 2015 through September 30, 2015 4. To approve and ratify the following resolution. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Technical Schools in the County of Camden that authorization is hereby granted to participate in the County of Camden Cooperative Pricing Bid, to include Camden County Bid A-89/2014, awarded to Camden County Energy Recovery Associates, for the provision of disposal of solid waste, for the term commencing on or about March 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015. - 297 14-15 March 18, 2015 BUSINESS OFFICE A. Purchases (continued) 5. To approve and ratify the following resolution. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Technical Schools in the County of Camden that authorization is hereby granted to participate in the County of Camden Cooperative Pricing Bid, to include Camden County Bid A-49/2014 for an additional six (6) months, awarded to WB Mason, Office Basics and Paper Mart for the purchase of copy and computer paper and envelopes for the term commencing on or about March 1, 2015 through August 31, 2015. B. Field Trips – None C. Sport Schedules – None D. Miscellaneous 1. To authorize and ratify the following organizations/schools to use the facilities, at the designated campus, at fees (if applicable) approved by the board of education and subject to availability: Date Organization Facility Requested for Use Campus Fee 03/02/15 Drugs and Substance Abuse Business Conference Center GTC N/A 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Dave Grove, Cooper Health Contact: Rob Sweeney 03/02/15 PVC/PAC Meeting Business Conference Center GTC N/A 6:00-9:00 p.m. Kristin Deitz 03/19/15 to Hit Doctor Baseball and Softball Baseball and Softball Fields GTC *$8,500.00 08/31/15 Academy – Joe Barth Contact: Bob Lucas 03/18/15 Boy Scout Troop (Rachel Maygers) Pool GTC * 200.00 7:00-9:00 p.m. Contact: Bob Lucas Contact: Barbara Orsatti 03/24/15 NJ Cooperative Education Business Conference Center GTC N/A 12:30 -4:00 p.m. Executive Board (NJCEA) Contact: Siobhan Kelly 03/30-31/15 Tobacco/Nicotine Dangers Business Conference Center GTC N/A 7:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Kelly McLaughlin, SJ Perinatal Cooperative Contact: Dawn Sponheimer 04/20,22,23,27,29,30/15 Swim Mechanics (Bill Albertson) Pool *2,250.00 05/4,6,7,11,13,14,18,20,21/15 Contact: Bob Lucas 05/11/15 PVC/PAC Meeting Business Conference Center GTC N/A 6:00 -9:00 p.m. 05/16/15 (rain date 5/17/15) Contact: Barbara Orsatti CCTS Staff Recognition Outdoor Yard Sale GTC *Fees are approximate due to facility availability (e.g. cancellations due to weather conditions). **Indicates a change from a previous board approved motion. N/A - 298 14-15 March 18, 2015 BUSINESS OFFICE D. Miscellaneous (continued) 2. To approve the collision and repair career program, Gloucester Township Campus, to accept the donation of the following vehicles for instructional purposes only: 2002 Honda Civic 2004 Volkswagen Jetta TDI Station Wagon VIN# 2HGES16582H505275 (donated by Donald Ngo) VIN# WVWSR61J64W126259 (donated by Thomas Eckert) Mr. Patterson asked to have the resolution approving the Bargained Agreement between Camden County Technical Schools’ Board of Education and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL/CIO District Council #71 moved to after Executive Session. ADDENDUM BUSINESS OFFICE The school business administrator recommends the following: FINANCIAL To approve Christine Buck, physical education instructor, to submit a grant application for the 2015 Health Curriculum Grant, in the amount of $550.00 through the NJ Physicians Advisory Group. A. Purchases – None B. Field Trips – None C. Sport Schedules – None D. Miscellaneous - None On roll call vote: AYES: Ms. Hanson, Mr. Fisher, Dr. Mink ABSTAIN: Ms. Volk NAYS: None - 299 14-15 March 18, 2015 PENNSAUKEN CAMPUS INFORMATIONAL ITEM(S): Penn Tech's Cheerleading Team won 3rd place at the New Jersey Technical Athletic Council (NJTAC) Tournament at the Middlesex County Vocational and Technical School, East Brunswick. The principal recommends the following: On motion of Mr. Fisher, seconded by Ms. Hanson, to approve and ratify the following requests. A. Expenditures To authorize and ratify the payment for internal coverage, January 1-30, 2015, pursuant to the 20112014 CAM/VOC Education Association Agreement: 1 teacher(s) covered 1 class period(s) at $37.00 per period: $37.00. The following teacher(s) provided coverage: Andrew Alfano B. Field Trips 1. To authorize the following field trips, to take place during school hours; transportation will be provided by school/coach bus (TBD by written authorization of the school business administrator). Local funds are requested: Date 4/1/15 Destination Pinsetters, Pennsauken, NJ Team/Club Star Achiever Reward Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Students Cost Per Total Alice Conley, Angelo 170 7 $1,190 DeStefano, Charlie Short, (funded by student Denise Fleig activities/Renaissance) Educational Benefit(s): Motivational reward/building relationships in an interactiv e dynamic environment (Standard 2.5.6.A.2) 4/30/15 Community Blood HOSA Terry Lee 20 Council of NJ, Trenton, NJ Internal coverage not to exceed: $105.00 Educational Benefit(s): Students will learn the process of blood donation and have an opportunity for career exploration; Comprehensive Equity Plan (CEP) Activity with Gloucester Township Campus. - 300 14-15 March 18, 2015 PENNSAUKEN CAMPUS B. Field Trips (continued) 2. 3. To authorize the following field trips, to take place during non-school hours; transportation will be provided by school/coach bus (TBD by written authorization of the school business administrator). No local funds requested: Date 3/21/15 Destination Team/Club Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Students State Competition for Welding SkillsUSA Richard Zadroga, Charles 3 Fabrication, Cumberland County Siedlecki Technical School, Bridgeton, NJ Educational Benefit(s): Students will participate in a Career Technical Education (CTE) Welding Competition. 3/28/15 Hudson County Technical School, SkillsUSA Richard Zadroga 2 Jersey City, NJ Educational Benefit(s): Students will participate in a Career Technical Education (CTE) Competition involving medical terminology and portfolio creation. 4/18/15 Gloucester County Institute SkillsUSA Charles Siedlecki 2 of Technology, Sewell, NJ Educational Benefit(s): Students will participate in a Career Technical Education (CTE) Competition involving job interviews. 4/13-17/15 Animal Welfare Association, FFA Marlene Brubaker, Jeff King 5 Voorhees, NJ Educational Benefit(s): Community service; students will learn about careers in animal science and have a hands-on experience. 4/29/15 Camden County Best of the Class Best of the Class Gregory Cappello, Theresa 7 Awards, Scottish Rite Auditorium, Phillips Collingswood, NJ Educational Benefits(s): Students will be honored for their scholastic achievements. To authorize the following field trips, to take place during non-school hours; transportation will be provided by school/coach bus (TBD by written authorization of the school business administrator). Local funds are requested: Date Destination Team/Club Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Students Cost Per Total *4/18/15 Motion to change the registration fee for the Clipper Softball Classic to $300.00 (previously approved 2/18/15 for $200.00) *Indicates a change from a previous board approved motion. - 301 14-15 March 18, 2015 PENNSAUKEN CAMPUS B. Field Trips 3. During non-school hours; local funds are requested (continued): Date Destination Team/Club Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Students Cost Per Total *4/18/15 Motion to change the registration fee for the Delany Classic Baseball to $300.00 (previously approved 2/18/15 for $200.00) 4/10-11/15 C. Doane Academy Baseball Robert Bryan, Nicholas 25 Baseball Tournament, Raymond Burlington, NJ Meal Money: Lunch $7 x 25 students for April 10, 11, 2015: $175 x 2 days Educational Benefit(s): Competition, teamwork, and leadership $350.00 $350.00 $700.00 Sport Schedules To approve the following Spring sports’ schedules for the 2014-2015 school year, and inserted on page 328-OO through 328-SS. Boys’ Baseball D. Girls’ Softball Boys’ Volleyball Miscellaneous 1. To approve Giovanni Portobello, former student, to assist the volleyball coaches and participate in practices and games in a volunteer coaching capacity, on an emergent and provisional basis and subject to the approval of the Department of Education based on the results of the criminal record check pursuant of N.J.S.A. 18A:6-7.1 et seq., 18A:39-17 et seq. and 18A:6-4.13 et seq. The purpose is to demonstrate skills and techniques. The former student understands that he will not be paid for the assistance and will only participate under the direct supervision of the volleyball coaches. 2. To approve and ratify the following Structured Learning Experiences’ Students*/Cooperative Education Students** changes for the 2014-2015 school year: Student ID# Assignment **116060 Contractor Services **116096 Lelo’s Auto Repair Start Date/End Date 3/16/15-6/18/15 3/16/15-6/18/15 Transportation Co-op Bus Co-op Bus Visitations Conducted By Charene Scheeper Charene Scheeper * SLE: Unpaid structured learning experience ***SLE: Paid structured learning experience ** Cooperative education: Paid learning experience ****SLE: Volunteer/Community Service/ Service Learning *Indicates a change from a previous board approved motion. - 302 14-15 March 18, 2015 PENNSAUKEN CAMPUS (continued) 3. Motion to affirm the following Monthly Enrollment and Drill Reports: Student Enrollment Report for the Pennsauken Campus as of 3/3/2015: 704 Monthly Suspension Report from 2/3/2015–3/3/2015: 9 Fire Drill: February 5, 2015 @ 1:55 p.m. – 2:05 p.m. School Security Drill (Active Shooter): February 24, 2015 @ 8:05 a.m. – 8:20 a.m. On roll call vote: AYES: Ms. Hanson, Mr. Fisher, Ms. Volk, Dr. Mink NAYS: None - 303 14-15 March 18, 2015 PENNSAUKEN CAMPUS D. Miscellaneous (continued) Monthly HIB Report February 2, 2015 to March 3, 2015: Pennsauken Campus 1. Number of reports of HIB this month: 3 Number of HIB reported this year: 8 0 Number of confirmed HIB this year: 1 2. Status of investigated HIB incidents: Investigated and not confirmed*: 2 Investigated and confirmed*: 1 *Parents or guardians will be informed of these incidents by the Principal or designee within 5 days of this report to the BOE. 3. Number of HIB incidents based on the following protected categories: Number of Lead Measure Training Program Implementation Date Incidents Investigator Imposed (if applicable) (if applicable) Race Color Religion Ancestry National Origin Gender Sexual Orientation Gender Identity and Expression Mental Disability Physical Disability Sensory Disability Other Distinguishing Characteristic 1 D. Fleig Suspension. Police were called. Sensitivity training with SAC Student Improvement Group (SIG) - 304 14-15 March 18, 2015 GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP CAMPUS INFORMATIONAL ITEM(s): Juniors Victoria Evans (Music Academy) and Brianna Johnson (Performing Arts Academy) were chosen as statewide finalists in the New Jersey Shout Down Drugs Contest. They will perform on Friday, April 17, 2015, at the Prevention Concert to be held at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center, Newark, NJ. The principal recommends the following: On motion Mr. Fisher, seconded by Ms. Hanson, to approve and ratify the following requests. A. Expenditures 1. To authorize and ratify the payment for internal coverage, February 1-27, 2015, pursuant to the 20112014 CAM/VOC Education Association Agreement: 22 teacher(s) covered 60 class period(s) at $37.00 per period: $2,220.00. The following teacher(s) provided coverage: Cheryl Adams Carolynn Aspinall Corinne Attig Joseph Camporeale Sandra Castagna Marie Copestick Lisa Dennison Betty Ebron 2. B. Rachel Fieldman John Gundaker Saba Kennedy-Flomo Sean Kendall Joseph Knowles John Leopardi Scott Low Mia Mai Don Ngo Nancy Previti Michelle Ronketty Laura Russo Barry Shoenberger Jimmy ye To approve a Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) Military Ball for JROTC students, their parents and a guest on May 29, 2015, from 6:30 to 11:00 p.m., in the gymnasium, at the Gloucester Township Campus, under the supervision of School of Leadership Teachers Shawn Forman and Matthew Lacy. Admission will be free for the cadets and $12.00 per guest. All costs, except for custodial and security, will be paid with money fundraised by the JROTC. Custodial and security costs are not to exceed $271.00, to be paid for by the board of education. Field Trips 1. To authorize the following field trips, to take place during school hours; transportation will be provided by school/coach bus (TBD by written authorization of the school business administrator). local funds requested: Date 4/28/15 No Destination Team/Club Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Students Divers Academy International, A.M. Building Anthony Galindo 15 Erial, NJ Maintenance Mechanics Educational Benefit(s): Students will have an opportunity for career exploration. - 305 14-15 March 18, 2015 GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP CAMPUS B. Field Trips (continued) 2. To authorize the following field trips, to take place during school hours; transportation will be provided by school/coach bus (TBD by written authorization of the school business administrator). Local funds are requested: Date 4/28/15 Destination Team/Club Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Students Cost Per Total Divers Academy International, P.M. Building Anthony Galindo 15 Erial, NJ Maintenance Mechanics Educational Benefit(s): Students will have an opportunity for career exploration. *3/12-14/15 Motion to replace Sandra Castagna with JoAnn Filer as chaperone to the FIRST Competition, Chestnut Hill Academy (previously approved on 12/17/14) *3/20-22/15 Motion to replace Sandra Castagna with JoAnn Filer as chaperone to the FIRST event, Seneca High School (previously approved on 12/17/14) *3/26-27/15 Motion to replace Robert Lucas with Anthony Copestick as chaperone to the FCCLA Leadership Conference. Additional substitute coverage not to exceed $210.00 and reduction of chaperone compensation to $218.00, at a total cost of $7,812.00 (previously approved at a total cost of $7,743.00 on 2/18/15) 3/24/15 3/31/15 Engineering Day, PreDominic DeMartino, Alan 20 N/A Rowan University, Engineering Norton Glassboro, NJ Substitute coverage not to exceed: Educational Benefit(s): Students will participate in engineering challenges and tour Rowan University's College of Engineering. N/A Engineering Day, Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ N/A PreEngineering, Auto Tech Dominic DeMartino, Andrew McAlpin, Alan Norton 40 N/A Substitute coverage not to exceed: Educational Benefit(s): Students will participate in engineering challenges and tour Rowan University's College of Engineering. *Indicates a change from a previous board approved motion. $210.00 $315.00 - 306 14-15 March 18, 2015 GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP CAMPUS B. Field Trips 2. During school hours; local funds are requested (continued): Date 4/8-11/15 Destination Team/Club Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Students Cost Per Total MidAtlantic Robotics FIRST Anthony DePrince (advisor) 60 Championships, Andrew McAlpin (advisor) Lehigh University, JoAnn Filer (chaperone) Bethlehem, PA Alan Norton (chaperone) Chaperone(s) compensation: 2 @ $69.00 x 4 days $ 552.00 Substitute coverage not to exceed: 1,680.00 Meal Money: (funded by Student Activities) 250.00 Registration Fees: (funded by MidAtlantic Robotics Grant/Campbell's Grant/ $ 4,000.00 Student Activities/FIRST) $6,482.00 Educational Benefit(s): STEM Education (this trip will take place if students are eligible.) 4/29/15 Mutter Museum, HOSA Patricia Ferri, Kim 20 $8.00 $160.00 Philadelphia, PA Hultgren (admission fees funded by HOSA) Substitute coverage not to exceed: $210.00 Educational Benefit(s): Students will learn about medical conditions. $370.00 4/29/15 Health Career Fair, Medical Arts Jacqueline Clarke 8 N/A N/A Holiday Inn, Cherry Level III Hill, NJ Substitute coverage not to exceed: $105.00 Educational Benefit(s): Students will have the opportunity for career exploration. 4/29, 30/15 Camden County Carpentry James Kay Sustainability Facility, Lakeland Complex, Blackwood, NJ Substitute coverage not to exceed: Educational Benefit(s): Students will repair a gazebo. 4/30/15 10 N/A N/A $210.00 Community Blood HOSA Patricia Ferri, Kim 21 N/A N/A Council, Ewing Hultgren Township, NJ Substitute coverage not to exceed: $210.00 Educational Benefit(s): Students will learn the process of blood donation and have an opportunity for career exploration; Comprehensive Equity Plan (CEP) Activity with Pennsauken Campus. - 307 14-15 March 18, 2015 GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP CAMPUS B. Field Trips (continued) 2. 3. During school hours; local funds are requested (continued): Date 5/11/15 Destination Team/Club Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Students Cost Per Total Future Nurses’ Day, HOSA Patricia Ferri, Kim 15 N/A N/A Burlington County Hultgren College, Pemberton, NJ Substitute coverage not to exceed: $210.00 Educational Benefit(s): Students will participate in an interactive event and learn about nursing and medical care. 5/18/15 Coriell Institute, Medical Jacqueline Clarke 12 N/A N/A Camden, NJ Arts II Substitute coverage not to exceed: $105.00 Educational Benefit(s): Students will have an opportunity for career exploration. 5/22/15 Franklin Institute, HOSA Kim Hultgren, Joyce 20 $9.50 Philadelphia, PA Turner (admission fees funded Substitute coverage not to exceed: Educational Benefit(s): Students will learn about neurological disorders. To authorize the following field trips, to take place during non-school hours; transportation will be provided by school/coach bus (TBD by written authorization of the school business administrator). No local funds requested: Date 4/29/15 4. $190.00 by HOSA) $210.00 $400.00 Destination Team/Club Teacher(s)/Advisor Students Camden County Best of the Class Best of the Class Bonnie Durante, Eva 7 Awards, Scottish Rite Auditorium, Cetrullo Collingswood, NJ Educational Benefits(s): Students will be honored for their scholastic achievements. To authorize the following field trips, to take place during non-school hours; transportation will be provided by school/coach bus (TBD by written authorization of the school business administrator). Local funds are requested: Date Destination Team/Club Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Students Cost Per Total *4/18/15 Motion to replace Christine FitzGibbon with Rachel Fieldman as chaperone to the SkillsUSA competition, Gloucester County Institute of Technology, Sewell, NJ (previously approved on 2/18/15) *Indicates a change from a previous board approved motion. - 308 14-15 March 18, 2015 GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP CAMPUS B. Field Trips 4. During non-school hours; local funds are requested (continued): Date 4/11/15 Destination Team/Club Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Students Cost Per Total North Penn HS, AFJROTC Shawn Forman (chaperone) 25 Lansdale, PA Matthew Lacy (chaperone) Chaperone(s) compensation: 2 @ $69.00 x 1 day: $138.00 Educational Benefit(s): Students will participate in drill competitions and exhibit teamwork, leadership, discipline and character. 4/21-26/15 FIRST National Championships, St. Louis, MO FIRST Anthony Deprince (advisor) 40 Andrew McAlpin (advisor) JoAnn Filer (chaperone) John Kammler (chaperone) Alan Norton (chaperone) Chaperone(s) compensation: 3 @ $109.00 x 5 nights $ 1,635.00 Chaperone(s) compensation 3 @ $69.00 x 1 day 207.00 Lodging: 15 rooms x 5 nights (funded by Campbell's Grant/Parent Boosters) 7,128.00 Transportation: Charter Bus (funded by Campbell's Grant/Parent Boosters) 8,599.00 Meal Money for students and staff: (funded by Campbell's Grant/Parent Boosters) 4,800.00 Registration Fees: (funded by Campbell's Grant/Parent Boosters) 5,000.00 Incidental Costs: (funded by Campbell's Grant/Parent Boosters) $ 1,500.00 $28,869.00 Educational Benefit(s): STEM Education (this trip will take place if students are eligible.) 4/25/15 Washington Township AFJROTC Shawn Forman (chaperone) 25 High School, Sewell, NJ Matthew Lacy (chaperone) Chaperone(s) compensation: 2 @ $69.00 x 1 day: $138.00 Educational Benefit(s): Students will participate in drill competitions and exhibit teamwork, leadership, discipline and character. 5/2/15 Bridgeton High AFJROTC Shawn Forman (chaperone) 25 School, Bridgeton, NJ Matthew Lacy (chaperone) Chaperone(s) compensation: 2 @ $69.00 x 1 day: $138.00 Educational Benefit(s): Students will participate in drill competitions and exhibit teamwork, leadership, discipline and character. - 309 14-15 March 18, 2015 GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP CAMPUS B. Field Trips 4. During non-school hours; local funds are requested (continued): Date 5/2/15 C. Destination Skills USA State Championships, Somerset, NJ Team/Club SkillsUSA Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Students Cost Per Total John Kammler (advisor) 41 $90.00 $3,690.00 Mark Quattrone (chaperone) (student registration) Joseph Camporeale (chaperone) 2 $90.00 $180.00 Rachel Fieldman (chaperone) (adult registration) Judith Tencza (chaperone) Steven Zellers (chaperone) Chaperone(s) compensation: 5 @ $69.00 x 1 day: $ 345.00 Meal Money: Breakfast @ $5.00 x 41 students x 1 day: 205.00 Meal Money: Dinner @ $10.00 x 41 students x 1 day: $ 410.00 Educational Benefit(s): Students will participate in competitions. $4,830.00 Sport Schedules To approve the following Spring sports schedules for the 2014-2015 school year, and inserted on page 328-PP through 328-YY. Varsity Baseball Junior Varsity Baseball D. Varsity Softball Junior Varsity Softball Boys’ Volleyball Boys’ and Girls’ Track Miscellaneous 1. 2. To authorize fundraisers: the following club/class/sport Date 3/15/15-5/1/15 Club/Class/Sport Student Council June 2015 Student Council members to sell/collect/sponsor Sell/Collect/Sponsor Sell healthy snacks/water at Spring sporting events Sell water at graduation the following as Cost $1.00-$1.50 $1.00 To approve and ratify the following Structured Learning Experiences’ Students*/Cooperative Education Students** changes for the 2014-2015 school year: Student ID# ****110200 **110181 **120159 Assignment Hope Community Charter School RPI Industries, Inc. Rob’s Auto Repair Start Date/End Date 3/2/15-6/18/15 3/9/15-6/18/15 3/16/15-6/20/15 * SLE: Unpaid structured learning experience Transportation Coop Bus None needed None needed Visitations Conducted By Siobhan Kelly, Ed.D. Siobhan Kelly, Ed.D. Siobhan Kelly, Ed.D. ***SLE: Paid structured learning experience - 310 14-15 March 18, 2015 ** Cooperative education: Paid learning experience ****SLE: Volunteer/Community Service/Service Learning GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP CAMPUS D. Miscellaneous (continued): 3. To approve Senior Deja Villa, Banking and Finance, to serve on the Camden County Workforce Investment Board (CCWIB) Youth Committee to represent the youth of Camden County. In this capacity, she will gain experience serving on a structured county board, network with county officials and executive business people who may assist her in the future, and provide a voice to the students of Camden County through her interaction with members of the CCWIB Youth Committee. This also fulfills the NJ State Employment and Training Commission (SETC) requirement to have a student on the CCWIB Youth Committee. Meeting dates are to be determined by the CCWIB Youth Committee. Transportation to be provided for the student by bus, from the Sicklerville Campus, on the designated dates. The first date is March 26, 2015. Meetings occur in the mornings, during the student’s cooperative education work time. 4. To approve the Gloucester Township Police to conduct a Fatal Vision presentation at the pre-prom assembly, May 4, 2015, at no cost to the board of education. 5. To approve Firefighter/EMT Christopher Oliver, from the Gloucester City Fire Department, to present Traumatic Hazards of Drinking and Driving at the pre-prom assembly, May 4, 2015, at no cost to the board of education. 6. To approve the display of a wrecked vehicle at the front of the Gloucester Township Campus during prom week, May 4-8, 2015. The vehicle will be towed to and from campus by Collision Max, at no cost to the board of education. A sign promoting safe driving will accompany the vehicle. 7. Motion to affirm the following Monthly Enrollment, Suspension and Drill Reports: Enrollment Count for the Gloucester Township Campus as of February 27, 2015: 1,374 Monthly Suspension Report as of February 27, 2015: 12 Fire Drill: February 20, 2015 @ 1:15 – 1:20 p.m. School Security Drill (Active Shooter): February 19, 2015 @ 8:01 – 8:11 a.m. On roll call vote: AYES: Ms. Hanson, Mr. Fisher, Ms. Volk, Dr. Mink NAYS: None - 311 14-15 March 18, 2015 GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP CAMPUS D. Miscellaneous (continued): Monthly HIB Report February 19, 2015 to March 9, 2015 : Gloucester Township Number of reports of HIB this period: 3 Number of reports of HIB this year: 21 Number of confirmed HIB this year: 4 Status of investigated HIB incidents: Investigated and not confirmed*: 3 Investigated and confirmed*: 0 *Parents or guardians will be informed of these incidents by the Principal or designee within 5 days of this report to the BOE. 3. Number of HIB incidents based on the following protected categories: Program Number of Lead Measure Training Implementation Date Incidents Investigator Imposed (if applicable) (if applicable) Race Color Religion 3/2/2015 - Sexting Ancestry Seminar for Parent National Origin Advisory Gender Committee, Sexual Orientation Kristine Seitz. Gender Identity and Expression 2/12/15 Duties and Mental Disability Responsibilities of Physical Disability Anti-Bullying Sensory Disability Coordinator and Safety Team Other Distinguishing Characteristic Attended by Dawn - 312 14-15 March 18, 2015 Sponheimer - 313 14-15 March 18, 2015 SPECIAL EDUCATION/CHILD STUDY TEAM The director of special education recommends the following: On motion of Mr. Fisher, seconded by Ms. Hanson, to approve and ratify the following requests. A. Expenditures: None B. Field Trips: None C. Sport Schedules: None D. Miscellaneous 1. To authorize and ratify the payment for compensatory educational services for student, SID #2792590879. Instructional services provided by Ms. Betty Ebron, March 2, 2015 until March 20, 2015, at an hourly homebound rate of $41.00, not to exceed $1,240.00, based on the Nonathletic Extracurricular Activities Salary Guide Schedule B of the 2011-2014 CAM/VOC Education Association Agreement. 2. To authorize the educational services for student, SID #4484867583. Instructional services provided by Ms. Priscilla Curtis, March 23, 2015 until May 8, 2015, at an hourly homebound rate of $41.00, not to exceed $4,350.00, based on the Nonathletic Extracurricular Activities Salary Guide Schedule B of the 2011-2014 CAM/VOC Education Association Agreement. 3. To authorize the extension of educational services for student, SID #2163246909. Instructional services provided by Mr. Thomas Mahoney, March 27, 2015 until April 13, 2015, at an hourly homebound rate of $41.00, not to exceed $492.00, based on the Nonathletic Extracurricular Activities Salary Guide Schedule B of the 2011-2014 CAM/VOC Education Association Agreement. On roll call vote: AYES: Ms. Hanson, Mr. Fisher, Ms. Volk, Dr. Mink NAYS: None - 314 14-15 March 18, 2015 CURRICULUM/INSTRUCTION/ASSESSMENT/GRANTS The assistant superintendent of curriculum, instruction, assessment and grants recommends the following: On motion of Mr. Fisher, seconded by Ms. Hanson, to approve and ratify the following requests. A. Expenditures: None B. Employment To approve the following Mathematics teachers, at the Gloucester Township and Pennsauken Campuses, to write Pre-Algebra curriculum, not to exceed 25 hours each, March 19, 2015 through June 30, 2015, with the final product submitted on or before June 30, 2015, at the curriculum rate of $41.00 per hour, not to exceed a cost of $3,075.00, with the terms of the 2011-2014 CAM/VOC Education Association Agreement, or upon negotiations, to be funded by NCLB FY15: Matthew Hallinan C. Field Trips: None D. Miscellaneous 1. Carol Jarvis Thomas Mitchell To authorize and ratify the following meeting, workshop, training, conference and/or clinic, cost to be paid by the board of education unless otherwise indicated: Date Destination Teacher/Staff/Advisor/Coach Cost Per Total *2/24/15 Motion to add Kathleen Cassidy to replace Tonya Davenport to attend Rowan University’s Spring 2015 Career Fair (previously approved on 2/18/15). *3/31/15 Motion to change the date for the NJ Literacy Consortium, Kean University (previously approved on 9/17/14 for 3/10/15). *4/21/15 Motion to change the NJ Principals and Supervisors Association (NJPSA) workshop date for Christian Galietta (previously approved on 2/18/15 for 3/5/15). *Motion to add Charene Scheeper, assistant principal (PC), as the TBD to participate in an online Danielson’s Framework training, at no cost to the board of education (previously approved on 2/18/15, as PC Assistant Principal, TBD). *Indicates a change from a previous board approved motion. - 315 14-15 March 18, 2015 CURRICULUM/INSTRUCTION/ASSESSMENT/GRANTS D. Miscellaneous 1. Meeting, workshop, training, conference and/or clinic (continued): Date Destination Teacher/Staff/Advisor/Coach Cost Per Total *7/1/15-7/2/15 Motion to change the total amount for the Tomorrow’s Teachers 10th Edition Course to $1,080.00. In addition to the previously approved course, $560.00 is to be added for the curriculum cost, to be paid for by the board of education. (previously approved on 2/18/15 for $520.00) 2/24/15 Basic Life Support (BLS) Joyce Turner Instructor Renewal Course, Virtua Education, Mt. Laurel, NJ To be paid 2.5 hours at the curriculum rate of $41.00, with the terms of the 2011-2014 CAM/VOC Education Agreement, or upon negotiations: N/A N/A $41.00 $102.50 Interview & Interrogation, Camden County College Police Academy, Regional Emergency Training Center, Blackwood, NJ Substitute coverage not to exceed: Juana Bonilla-Snow, Dewitt Timmons, Robert Turner N/A N/A New Jersey Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) 2015 Competitive Events Program, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Cherry Hill, NJ Substitute coverage not to exceed: Carolynn Aspinall 3/24/15 3/27/15 55th Annual Directors of Athletics Association of NJ Workshop, Golden Nugget Hotel, Atlantic City, NJ Robert Lucas 3/26/15 21st Century Community Learning Centers’ Competitive Technical Assistance, NJ Department of Education, Trenton, NJ Anthony DePrince, Scott Kipers, John Marcellus 3/24/15 3/26/15 $315.00 N/A N/A $105.00 *Indicates a change from a previous board approved motion. $350.00 N/A N/A - 316 14-15 March 18, 2015 CURRICULUM/INSTRUCTION/ASSESSMENT/GRANTS D. Miscellaneous 1. Meeting, workshop, training, conference and/or clinic (continued): Date 4/1/15 Destination Tenure Reform 2.0, Legal One, FEA, Monroe Township, NJ Teacher/Staff/Advisor/Coach Lois Bucholski, Karen DiGiacobbe, Leigh Simpson Cost Per Total $150.00 $450.00 (funded by NCLB FY15) 4/14/15 Woodcock Johnson Test of Achievement, Camden County Educational Services Commission, Clementon, NJ Gail Huckabee, Debra Ihunnah, Ruthann Moffitt $100.00 $300.00 (funded by IDEA) 4/15/15 New Jersey Business/Technology Education Association (NJBTEA) Spring Conference, Crown Plaza Monroe, Monroe Township, NJ Marianne Tracy $70.00 4/17/15 2015 Primary Educator Institute, EIRC, Mullica Hill, NJ Marianne Tracy $149.00 4/20/15 Religious & Cultural Discrimination Issues, Legal One, Cherry Hill Public Library, Cherry Hill, NJ Gregory Cappello, Bonnie Durante, Patricia Fitzgerald $75.00 $225.00 (funded by NCLB FY15) 4/20/15 Educating Modern Learners, EIRC, Mullica Hill, NJ Tonya Davenport, Karen DiGiacobbe, Leigh Simpson, Marianne Tracy $149.00 $596.00 (funded by NCLB FY15) 5/1/15 Camden County College, High School Automotive Instructors’ Workshop, Blackwood, NJ 5/22/15 Brian Bakota, Bruce Berger, William Cantiello, Andrew McAlpin, Donald McCardell, Duane Raroha Professional development hours needed for NATEF certification. Substitute coverage not to exceed: N/A Racial & Ethnic Discrimination Issues, Legal One, FEA, Monroe Township, NJ $75.00 (funded by NCLB FY15) John Hourani N/A $630.00 - 317 14-15 March 18, 2015 CURRICULUM/INSTRUCTION/ASSESSMENT/GRANTS D. Miscellaneous (continued) 2. To approve Camden County Technical Schools’ students to receive applicable course credits for 35 separate courses at Camden County College approved as Option II courses, as referenced in the senior option section in the Memorandum of Agreement between the Camden County Technical School District and Camden County College, in the 2014-2015 school year, upon their successful completion of the course(s): Fall 2014 Courses - Senior Option ENG-101 English Composition I MTH-100 Algebraic Concepts HPE-146 Health & Exercise Science EET-101 Electrical & Electronic Principles ENG-023 Writing III BIO-111 Biology I MTH-124 Pre-Calculus II ENG-102 English Composition II BIO-103 Human Biology MTH-029 Elementary Algebra Traditional HPE-124 Tai-Chi LAW-101 Legal Environment/Business Law SPA-101 Elementary Spanish MTH-011 Pre-Algebra Traditional CST-103 Microcomputer Operating Systems I CSC-105 Fundamentals of Programming CIM-101 Machine Shop Practices ECO-101 Macroeconomics On roll call vote: Spring 2015 Courses – Senior Option ACC-101 Accounting BIO-112 Biology II CAD-101 Computer Aided Engineering Graphics CGR-104 Principles of Graphic Design CHM-111 Chemistry CIM-101 Machine Shop Practices CIM-221 Computer Numerical Control (CNC) & Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) CST-109 Building/Upgrade/Repair ENG-013 Reading III ENG-101 English Composition I ENG-102 English Composition II HIS-122 US History II MKT-101 Principles of Marketing MTH-123 Pre-Calculus MTH-140 Calculus PHY-201 Physics III PSY-101 Psychology AYES: Ms. Hanson, Mr. Fisher, Ms. Volk, *Dr. Mink NAYS: None *Dr. Mink abstained on Miscellaneous/Item D. #2. - 318 14-15 March 18, 2015 CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION The superintendent of schools recommends the following: On motion of Mr. Fisher, seconded by Ms. Hanson, to approve and ratify the following requests. A. Resignations/Terminations/Retirements To approve and ratify the employment status of the following employee(s) for the reason indicated: Name Ernest Busch Kathleen Fetter B. Position Bus Driver Speech Correctionist/Teacher of the Handicapped Location PC SE Effective 3/20/15 7/1/15 Reason Resignation Retirement Employment 1. To approve and ratify the employment of the following substitute teacher(s), for the 2014-2015 school year, on an emergent and provisional basis and subject to the approval of the Department of Education based on the results of the criminal record check pursuant of N.J.S.A. 18A:6-7.1 et seq., 18A:39-17 et seq. and 18A:6-4.13 et seq.: Suzan Coles 2. Phyllis Taylor To approve the reassignment of the following tenured teacher, effective upon receipt of required certification to serve as cooperative education coordinator, no change in salary, commensurate with the terms of the 2011-2014 CAM/VOC Education Association Agreement or upon negotiations: Name Jon Repece 3. Felicia Haigh Previous Assignment 1341 Business Technology-PC New Assignment 1341 Business Technology (1/2)/3133 Co-op Coord. (1/2) To approve the reassignment of the following full-time employee, at the appropriate prorated salary commensurate with the terms of the 2011-2014 CAM/VOC Education Association Agreement or upon negotiations: Name Lori DiCarlo Previous Assignment GTC-Clerk-Typist/Group I New Assignment ADM-Secretary Group II Step 1 Months Salary 12 $23,506 Effective 3/19/15 - 319 14-15 March 18, 2015 CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION B. Employment (continued): 4. To approve the reassignment of the following 12 month employee, effective March 19, 2015, at no change in salary, commensurate with the terms of the AFSCME, AFL-CIO District Council No. 71, Local 3418A or upon negotiations (do not hold tenure): Name James Sharbo 5. Previous Assignment 9400 Custodian-GTC Months 12 To approve and ratify the employment of the following part-time employee(s), for the 2014-2015 school year, not to exceed 29 hours per week, no benefits, based on the approval of the Department of Education based on the results of a criminal record check pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 6-7.1 et seq., N.J.S.A. 18A:39-17 et seq. and N.J.S.A. 18A:4.13. et seq., as well as certification related to the position: Name Diana Beatty Tracy Davis Jasper Henderson 6. New Assignment 9600 Warehouse-GTC Part-Time Position Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Location GTC GTC GTC Hourly Rate of Pay $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 To approve the employment of the following coach(es)/advisor(s), March 19, 2015, through June 30, 2015, at the amount listed, based on the Extracurricular Salary Guide B of the 2014-2015 CAM/VOC Education Association Agreement or upon negotiations: PENNSAUKEN CAMPUS Name Danielle Hallinan Position National Honor Society Step 1 Salary $1,465 (prorated) Step 1 Salary $3,077 (prorated) GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP CAMPUS Name Nathan Fisher C. Field Trips - None Position Assistant Baseball Coach - 320 14-15 March 18, 2015 CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION (continued) D. Miscellaneous 1. To approve the following meeting, workshop, training, conference and/or clinic, cost to be paid by the board of education unless otherwise indicated: Date 5/29/15 2. Destination NJ Alliance for Social, Emotional, and Character Development 8th Annual Statewide Conference, 2015 NJ Schools of Character Recognition Ceremony, Rider University, Lawrence Township, NJ Teacher/Staff/Advisor/Coach Dr. William Mink, Patricia Fitzgerald, Bonnie Durante, Charene Scheeper, John Hourani Cost Per $85.00 Total $425.00 To approve the following resolution. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Technical Schools in the County of Camden that an unpaid leave of absence, subject to the provisions of the Family Medical Leave Act, be approved for 008694, December 19, 2014 through April 1, 2015 (previously approved 12/17/14 for December 19, 2014 through March 26, 2015). 3. To approve and ratify the following resolution. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Technical Schools in the County of Camden that an unpaid medical leave of absence be approved for 008161, February 25, 2015 through April 5, 2015. 4. To approve the following resolution. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Technical Schools in the County of Camden that an unpaid medical leave of absence be approved for 009999, April 16, 2015 through May 22, 2015. 5. To approve the following resolution. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Technical Schools in the County of Camden that an unpaid leave of absence, subject to the provisions of the Family Medical Leave Act, be revised for 010293 May 18, 2015 through June 30, 2015. 6. To approve the following salary increase, in accordance with the 2011-2014 salary guide, due to reason indicated: From To Name Column/Step Column/Step Salary Advancement Reason Effective Julianna Tress A 2 B 2 $48,603 Academic Bachelor Degree plus 3/1/15 15 credits - 321 14-15 March 18, 2015 CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION D. Miscellaneous (continued) 7. To approve the revision of the 2014-2015 School Year Calendar, as inserted on page 328-ZZ. 8. To approve the revision of the 2015-2016 School Year Calendar, as inserted on page 328-AAA. ADDENDUM CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION The superintendent of schools recommends the following: A. Resignations/Terminations/Retirements To approve the employment status of the following employee(s) for the reason indicated: Name Position Location Effective Reason *Motion to change Patti Cerio, Payroll Systems Operator, retirement effective date to 5/1/15 (previously approved 2/18/15 for 4/1/15) B. Employment – None C. Field Trips – None D. Miscellaneous - None On roll call vote: AYES: Ms. Hanson, Mr. Fisher, Ms. Volk, Dr. Mink NAYS: None - 322 14-15 March 18, 2015 PUBLIC COMMENT - None The Board is limited in its ability to respond in public to matters of personnel, litigation, negotiations and attorney-client privilege. Please state full name and address The length of time scheduled for public discussion will be held to five minutes for individual speakers EXECUTIVE SESSION II On motion of Mr. Fisher, seconded by Ms. Hanson, to adjourn the open public meeting for the purpose of discussion in Executive Session. The Board entered into Executive Session 8:25 p.m. WHEREAS, the Camden County Technical Schools Board of Education (“Technical Schools”) is subject to the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.SA.A. 10:4-1 et seq. (“Act”) which requires that its meetings be open to the general public; and WHEREAS, Section 10:4-12 of the Act permits the Technical Schools Board of Education to go into closed session, which is not open to the general public, for certain limited purposes enumerated in that Section; and WHEREAS, the Technical Schools hereby desires to adopt this Resolution to go into closed session at this time in order to: X Discuss matters deemed confidential by express provision of Federal or State Law or Rule of Court; Opt-out Medical Insurance Discuss matters in which release of the information would impair a right to receive funds from the United States Government; X Discuss matters the disclosure of which constitutes an unwarranted invasion of individual privacy, including but not limited to, information relative to an individual’s personal or family circumstances and any material relating to medical, rehabilitation, custodial, or child protection issues; HIB Reports Discuss Collective Bargaining Agreements; Discuss any matter involving the purchase, lease or acquisition of real property with public funds, the setting of bank rates or investment of public funds where it could adversely affect the public interest if disclosed; X Discuss any tactics and techniques utilized in protecting the safety and property of the public if disclosure would impair such protection and/or any investigations or violations or possible violations of the law; Daycare Specifications Discuss any pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiation (other than collective bargaining) in which the Technical Schools are or may become a party and/or any matters falling within the attorney-client privilege; and/or X Discuss any matter involving the appointment, termination, terms and conditions of employment, evaluation of performance of, any specific prospective or current public officer or employee of the Technical Schools; Employee 006245; Services Related to Facilities; Employee 008766; Employee 010718 - 323 14-15 March 18, 2015 EXECUTIVE SESSION II (continued) WEREAS, the Technical Schools believes that the matters discussed in closed session can be disclosed to the general public at such time when the President and Board Members of the Technical Schools have determined the matters discussed are no longer required to be maintained as confidential and adopt a further resolution to place the Closed Session Minutes into the Public Minutes Record Book. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the President and Board Members of the Technical Schools hereby resolves to go into closed session for the reasons articulated above immediately after passage of this Resolution. This Resolution shall be kept on file for public inspection in accordance with statutory provisions. On roll call vote: AYES: Ms. Hanson, Mr. Fisher, Ms. Volk, Dr. Mink NAYS: None ***Ms. Volk left the meeting at 9:30 p.m. RETURN TO PUBLIC SESSION On motion of Mr. Fisher, seconded by Dr. Mink, to return to open session at 9:45 p.m. On roll call vote: AYES: Ms. Hanson, Mr. Fisher, Dr. Mink NAYS: None - 324 14-15 March 18, 2015 RESOLUTION On motion of Dr. Mink, seconded by Mr. Fisher, to approve the following resolution. RESOLUTION OF THE CAMDEN COUNTY TECHNICAL SCHOOLS’ BOARD OF EDUCATION CONFIRMING THE EXPULSION OF STUDENT L.E. (I.D.# 146141) WHEREAS, an Expulsion Hearing was held for student L.E. (I.D.# 146141) on March 18, 2015, by the Board of Education of the Technical Schools in the County of Camden; and WHEREAS, based on the testimony and evidence exhibits offered at the Hearing, the Board of Education has been able to render a Decision in regard to the expulsion of the student, a record of the Findings and Decision being on file in the Office of the Superintendent. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the President and Board Members of the Board of Education of the Camden County Technical Schools, that based on the Hearing held on March 18, 2015, it is hereby determined that student L.E. (ID# 146141) is hereby immediately expelled from the Camden County Technical Schools. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that proper notice shall be served to the parents/guardian of the student confirming the expulsion. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. On roll call vote: AYES: Ms. Hanson, Mr. Fisher, Dr. Mink NAYS: None - 325 14-15 March 18, 2015 RESOLTUION On motion of Mr. Fisher, seconded by Dr. Mink, to approve the following resolution. RESOLUTION OF THE CAMDEN COUNTY TECHNICAL SCHOOLS’ BOARD OF EDUCATION CONFIRMING THE EXPULSION OF STUDENT T.R.(I.D.# 146241) WHEREAS, an Expulsion Hearing was held for student T.R. (I.D.# 146241) on March 18, 2015, by the Board of Education of the Technical Schools in the County of Camden; and WHEREAS, based on the testimony and evidence exhibits offered at the Hearing, the Board of Education has been able to render a Decision in regard to the expulsion of the student, a record of the Findings and Decision being on file in the Office of the Superintendent. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the President and Board Members of the Board of Education of the Camden County Technical Schools, that based on the Hearing held on March 18, 2015, it is hereby determined that student T.R. (ID# 146241) is hereby immediately expelled from the Camden County Technical Schools. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that confirming the expulsion. proper notice shall be served to the parents/guardian BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. On roll call vote: AYES: Ms. Hanson, Mr. Fisher, Dr. Mink NAYS: None of the student - 326 14-15 March 18, 2015 RESOLUTION On motion of Mr. Fisher, seconded by Ms. Hanson to approve the AFSCME Contract with the Board of Education based on the recommendation of the negotiator Michael DiPiero, Esquire, with a side agreement in regard to the one day leave for the convention: RESOLUTION APPROVING BARGAINED AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CAMDEN COUNTY TECHNICAL SCHOOLS’ BOARD OF EDUCATION AND THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES, AFL/CIO DISTRICT COUNCIL #71 WHEREAS, the Camden County Technical Schools’ Board of Education has been in contract negotiations with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, (“AFSCME”) AFL/CIO District Council #71; and WHEREAS, an apparent agreement has been reached between the parties to finalize a contract for the years July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2017, said Agreement attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein; and WHEREAS, the Members of the Board of Education for the Camden County Technical Schools have reviewed said Agreement and find same to be in form satisfactory for approval. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the President and Board Members of the Camden County Technical Schools’ Board of Education that it hereby approves the attached Agreement with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL/CIO District Council #7 and authorizes the appropriate Board Officials to execute said Agreement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. On roll call vote: AYES: Ms. Hanson, Mr. Fisher, Dr. Mink NAYS: None - 327 14-15 March 18, 2015 RESOLUTION On motion of Mr. Fisher, seconded by Ms. Hanson, to approve the following resolution. RESOLUTION OF THE CAMDEN COUNTY TECHNICAL SCHOOLS TERMINATING THE EMPLOYMENT OF EMPLOYEE #010718 WHEREAS, Employee #010718 currently serves in the position of a part time security guard for the Camden County Technical Schools; and WHEREAS, Employee #010718 has received a Rice Notice from the Camden County Board of Education indicating that it will be discussing possible termination of employment on his position at the meeting of March 18, 2015; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that Employee #010718 left his security guard duty position for approximately two hours without approval or notice to any other party, as well as failing to appear or calling out sick on various Friday duty assignments; and WHEREAS, these actions are a violation of his employment duty as a security guard and has created a lapse of security issues at the Camden County Technical Schools, Gloucester Township Campus; and WHEREAS, as a result of these violations, it has been determined that Employee #010718’s employment should be terminated with the Camden County Technical Schools; and WHEREAS, the Board of Education provided an opportunity to Employee #010718 to address these issues, after which the Board of Education determined that said statements were not sufficient to explain these employment violations and should result in his termination. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the President and Board Members of the Camden County Technical Schools, that for the reasons set forth hereinabove, it hereby terminates the employment of Employee #010718 as a part time security guard for the Camden County Technical Schools, effective immediately. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. On roll call vote: AYES: Ms. Hanson, Mr. Fisher, Dr. Mink NAYS: None - 328 14-15 March 18, 2015 RESOLUTION On motion of Dr. Mink, seconded by Mr. Fisher, to approve the following resolution. RESOLUTION OF THE CAMDEN COUNTY TECHNICAL SCHOOLS DENYING OPT-OUT APPLICATIONS WHEREAS, three security guards have filed requests with the Camden County Technical Schools’ Administration to receive opt-out privileges as set forth in the CAM/VOC Collective Bargaining Agreement; and WHEREAS, upon review of this request, it has been determined that since these individuals are already receiving retirement health benefits from a previous municipal employer in serving as a Police Officer in that municipality which should preclude the granting of opt-out privileges to these security guards. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the President and Board Members of the Camden County Technical Schools, that it hereby denies the Opt-Out Applications filed by the three security guards to receive opt-out privileges as set forth in the CAM/VOC Collective Bargaining Agreement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. On roll call vote: AYES: Ms. Hanson, Mr. Fisher, Dr. Mink NAYS: None RESOLUTION On motion of Dr. Mink, seconded by Mr. Fisher, to authorize bid specifications for the privatization of the Early Childcare Education Center. On roll call vote: AYES: Ms. Hanson, Mr. Fisher, Dr. Mink NAYS: None - 329 14-15 March 18, 2015 HIB REPORTS On motion of Dr. Mink, seconded by Mr. Fisher, to affirm the action taken by the administrators on the monthly HIB Reports. Pennsauken Campus H.I.B. Reports February 2, 2015 – March 3, 2015: Year-to-Date H.I.B. reports: Investigated: 8 Investigated: 3 Confirmed: 1 Not Confirmed: 2 Confirmed: 1 Gloucester Township Campus HIB Reports February 19, 2015 – March 9, 2015: Investigated: 3 HIB Confirmed: 0 Year-to-Date HIB Reports Investigated: 21 Year-to-Date HIB Reports Confirmed: 4 On roll call vote: AYES: Ms. Hanson, Mr. Fisher, Dr. Mink NAYS: None ADJOURNMENT On motion of Mr. Fisher, seconded by Mr. Fisher, to adjourn meeting at 9:50 p.m. On roll call vote: AYES: Ms. Hanson, Mr. Fisher, Dr. Mink NAYS: None Scott M. Kipers School Business Administrator
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