EASTERN CAMDEN COUNTY REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION Robert M. DeCicco, President Mary T. Schmus, Vice-President Robert L. Campbell Elena M. Chow Gail M. David Dennis Deichert Hillary J. Garr Robert A. Paul Dr. Richard A. Teichman Harold Melleby, Jr., Ed. D., Superintendent Fred D. Wright, Sch. Bus. Ad./Bd. Sec. Ronald W. Sahli, Solicitor Robert M. Schmus, Treasurer REGULAR MEETING AGENDA December 17, 2014 The Regular School Board meeting of the Eastern Camden County Regional School District will be held on 12/17/14 beginning at 7:30 pm in the Administrative Offices located at 1202 Laurel Oak Road, Suite 203, Voorhees, NJ for the general purposes of but not limited to the following: 1. Chairman’s statement of “Open Public Meeting Law” The New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of the Act, the Eastern Camden County Regional School District has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date, time and place thereof posted at the three Municipal buildings of the constituent districts, in the Board Secretary’s office, and notification forwarded to The Courier Post and Central Record Publications. 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Approval of the following minutes: Regular Session Minutes Executive Session Minutes 5. Communications 6. New Business 11/19/14 11/19/14 1 PURCHASES/INVESTMENTS/PAYMENTS Vote for Items 1-9 1. Consider the request to ratify and affirm line item transfers as listed for the months of November, 2014. 2. Consider the request to ratify and affirm purchase orders for the months of: November, 2014 in the total amount of $213,063.91 December, 2014 in the total amount of $226,126.55 3. Consider the request to ratify and affirm the payment of bills as listed for the months of: November, 2014 in the total amount of $2,009,311.65 December, 2014 in the total amount of $183,764.42 and further consider the request to approve the payment of bills as listed for the month of: December, 2014 in the total amount of $394,908.40 4. Consider the request to ratify and affirm/approve the payment of bills as listed from the cafeteria account for the month of: December, 2014 in the total amount of $77,105.47 5. Consider the request to ratify and affirm over-time custodial employment for the period of October 24, 2014 through November 19, 2014 at a total cost of $7,817.33. 6. Consider the recommendation of the Chief School Administrator to accept the Financial Report of the Treasurer for the month of November, 2014. 7. Consider the recommendation of the Chief School Administrator to accept the Financial Report of the Secretary for the month of November, 2014. 8. Consider a motion to accept the following certification: Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10 (c)3 I certify that as of November 30, 2014, no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the Eastern Camden County Regional School District Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8.1 and N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8.2 and no budgetary line item account has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:23A-16.10 (a)1. Further, I certify in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10 (c) 2 that 2 there are no significant changes in the anticipated revenue amounts or revenue resources. _/s/ Fred D. Wright_______________ Business Admin. /Board Secretary 9. Vote for Items 1-10 December, 2014 Date Consider a motion to accept the following certification: Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10 (c) 4, Eastern Camden County Regional School District Board of Education certifies that as of November 30, 2014 and after review of the Secretary’s Monthly Financial Report (appropriations section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, that to the best of the Board’s knowledge, no major account or fund has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10 (b), and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. Personnel- Mr. DeCicco, Chairperson 1. Consider the request to authorize the Superintendent to hire additional staff, as necessary, for the 2014-2015 school year, to be ratified and affirmed at the regular January meeting. 2. Consider the request to approve emergency hiring of staff as noted in the motions of the December, 2014 Board of Education meeting in accordance with Criminal History Requirements. 3. Consider the request to approve the following additions to the substitute list for the 2014-2015 school year: Certified Cameron Bibbs NJ Sub Cert Pending Arthur Ellis NJ Sub Cert Pending Melissa Masino NJ Sub Cert (Employment of the above individuals is provisional pending satisfactory fingerprint and background checks as required by P.L. 1986, C116.,and further pending the satisfactory completion of all required paperwork.) 3 4. Consider the request to approve the following resignation: a) Linda Stonerock, Secretary, effective 1/1/15, due to retirement 5. Consider the request to approve Paul Bryan for the position of mathematics teacher effective 1/1/15-6/30/15, to be paid at a rate of BA, Step 1, to be prorated in accordance with the start date and further approve Mr. Bryan to work on 12/19/14 and 12/22/14 with the current teacher, to be paid at the substitute rate of $95.00 per day. 6. Consider the request to approve overloads for English, due to the retirement of a faculty member as attached. 7. Consider the request to approve the following staff members to provide support for students in an after-school activity, to be paid at the curriculum rate: Somerlee Monaghan Lorraine Krul * 8. Corinne Kemery Consider the request to approve the following new salary: a) Cheryl Roberts, to MA+15, effective 2/1/15 * 9. Consider the request to approve Patricia Leone as Secretary to the Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development and to the Supervisor of Teaching and Learning and Health Services effective 1/1/15, at a rate of $47,500, to be prorated in accordance with the start date. * 10. Consider the request to ratify and affirm/approve the following unpaid days: a) b) 11. Charles DeCicco, Instructional Aide, full days on 10/23/14, 10/30/14, 11/13/14, 11/20/14 and half days on 12/4/14 and 12/11/14 Camille Gibson, Secretary, 1/21/15-1/23/15 Consider the recommendation to adopt a resolution recognizing the selection of Carly Kenselaar as Scholar of the Month for December, 2014. Carly Kenselaar is so recognized for her academic achievement, commitment to athletics, and extracurricular programs, and good school citizenship. THE MEETING WILL NOW BE OPENED TO THE PUBLIC Report of the Student Representatives to the Board of Education Shannon Vo John Salicandro 4 Vote for Items 1-3 Athletics- Mr. Deichert, Chairperson 1. Consider the request to approve the following unpaid community volunteer for the 2014-2015 school year: a) Jeff Klauder, volunteer boys basketball (Appointment of the above individual is provisional pending satisfactory fingerprint and background checks as required by P.L. 1986, C116.,and further pending the satisfactory completion of all required paperwork.) 2. Consider the request to approve CPR and AED training for the following and further approve payment to Greg Sipp of $55.00 per coach and $19.00 per certification card: Jeff Klauder 3. Consider the request to approve the following championship jackets, patches and ring allowance: Field Hockey-14 jackets, 26 patches and allowance for 26 Championship Rings Girls Soccer - 14 jackets, 31 patches Band- 31 jackets, 66 patches Vote for Items 1-5 Student Activities-Mrs. David, Chairperson 1. Consider the request to approve the following as DECA Chaperones for the regional and state conference meetings during the 2015 school year: Barbara Lowery Audry Pappas Dave Dawson Jason Humes Marguerite Hodges Ryan Deasy Donna Gregory Jodi Woods Laura Lucia Lorraine Krul Daniel Boguszewski Paul Rizzo Alexis Llewellyn Jeff Holmes Kim Sherlock Kate Schmid Craig Speechley Donna Giampetro Shane Thomson 5 2. Consider the request to rescind the previous approval of Monica Glisson, for indoor guard, effective immediately. 3. Consider the request to approve the following student activity positions: * 4. a) b) c) Curt Foy, Choreographer, Level C Katy Akinskas Vocal Assistant, Level E Kortnee Phillips Winter Guard Associate, Stipend D Consider the request to approve the chaperone list for the 2015 Senior Class Trip: Nicole LeMunyon Brian McConnell Dave Lindenhofen Mike Tangeman Elena Schneider Corrine Kemery Theresa DeCoursey Alice Ryan 5. Richard Colton Craig Speechley Eric Datis Roya Nabi Nicole PearsonYouse Laura Lucia Tracey Wojdon-Smith Kristin Borda Consider the request to approve the following unpaid community volunteer: a) Donte Harris, Drumline (Appointment of the above individual is provisional pending satisfactory fingerprint and background checks as required by P.L. 1986, C116.,and further pending the satisfactory completion of all required paperwork.) Vote for Items 1-11 Finance- Mrs. Chow, Chairperson 1. Consider the request to ratify and affirm the state contract purchases for the month of November, 2014, as attached. 2. Consider the request to approve the following workshops: a) b) c) Casey Christy to the Eastern Athletic Trainers Association Annual Meeting on 1/9/15 in Philadelphia, PA; registration fee of $150.00 Somerlee Monaghan to the Unlocking the Mystery of Selective Mutism and Social Anxiety workshop on 1/29/15 in Fort Lee, NJ; registration fee of $199.99 Dan Boguszewski to the Football Coaching Clinic 2/27/15-3/1/15 in Atlantic City, NJ; registration fee of $497.00 6 NOTE: Mileage reimbursement may be submitted which is in accordance with Board policies and New Jersey travel regulations. 3. Consider the request to approve Bancroft Assistive and Instructional Technology Program to provide assistive technology evaluations for the 2014-2015 school year, as attached. 4. Bid #02-2015 “Athletic Supplies/Equipment” was received and opened on Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. The complete analysis of the bid is on file in the Business Administrator/Board Secretary’s office. Recommend bid #02-2015 “Athletic Supplies/Equipment”, be awarded on a line-by-line basis as follows: Ampro Sports Bill Fritz Sports Corporation BSN Sports/Passon’s Efingers Sporting Goods Co. Longstreth Sporting Goods, LLC Metuchen Center/Team Sports M-F Athletics/MFAC, LLC Sports Paradise Triple Crown Sports, Inc. $8,620.35 3,265.00 3,626.13 5,077.80 470.65 5,072.60 1,323.70 4,775.00 6,187.90 Total $38,419.13 and further acknowledge the following statement: I certify that there are sufficient funds available to purchase the items in this bid. Fred D. Wright 7 5. Consider a motion to extend the contract with Pest-A-Side Exterminating Co., Inc. DBA Clover IPM Landscaping and Maintenance, in accordance with bid #05-2012 “Grounds Maintenance Service”, for the calendar year 2015 in the total amount of $37,125.00, based on the unit prices attached, and further acknowledge the following statement: I certify that there are sufficient funds available to purchase the services awarded above. Fred D. Wright * 6. Consider a motion to continue the contract with the New Jersey Division of Pensions and Benefits to provide medical and prescription insurance coverage for the period of January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015, at an estimated cost of $5,422,765.80, as per the attached Standard Certification Declaration for an Extraordinary Unspecifiable Service, and further authorize the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to post the public notice of award in the newspaper as required by law. I certify that there is sufficient funds in the 2014-2015 budget for January through June obligation, and there will be sufficient funds in the 2015-2016 budget for the July through December obligation, to pay for this award. Fred D. Wright * 7. Consider the request to approve the attached renewal rates for medical and prescription premiums through the New Jersey School Employees’ Health Benefits Program, effective 1/1/15-12/31/15. * 8. Consider a motion to ratify and affirm the attached agreement with Parker McCay P.A., to provide services related to the district’s outstanding bonds, and future bonds if necessary, effective December 1, 2014 * 9. Consider a motion to ratify and affirm the attached resolution pertaining to the district’s participation in the municipalities continuing disclosure cooperation initiative of the securities and exchange commission. * 10. Consider a motion to contract with Phoenix Advisors, LLC to maintain the continuing disclosure documentation for Eastern Camden County Regional School District, and file same by the necessary due dates. 8 * 11. Consider a motion to change the rate of pay for Robin Altorfer, Event Coordinator, to $7.00 per event scheduled when she does not work the event, and $5.00 per event scheduled when she does work the event, effective with the 2014-2015 winter season. INFORMATION: A) Vote for Item 1 1. The Student Activities Statement for the month of November 2014, is included. Property- Dr. Teichman, Chairperson Consider the request to ratify and affirm/approve the following use of facilities: a) * Vote for Items 1-5 1. b) Education-Mrs. Garr, Chairperson Consider the request to approve the following field trips for the 2014-2015 school year: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) * * Timber Creek High School use of McAleer Stadium on 12/5/14 for practice Voorhees Soccer Association, use of McAleer Stadium 2/1/15-7/31/15 for games h) Mr. Lindenhofen, Mr. Garry and 45 students to the Bonsall School in Camden on 12/22/14; use of district bus requested Dr. Molotsky, Mrs. Akinskas, Mr. Isshak and 37 students to New York City, NY to see a Broadway Show on 1/15/15; use of charter bus requested Mr. Bolen, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Crawford and 50 students to Camden County College on 4/23/15; transportation to be arranged by Camden County College Mrs. Schmid and 25 students to the Carmike Theater and Sal Vitos on 2/9/15; no transportation requested Mrs. Schmid and 30 students to the Carmike Theater and Sal Vitos on 12/22/14; no transportation requested Mr. Christ and 8 students to Virtua of Voorhees on 12/18/14; no transportation requested Ms. Pflug and 18 students to the SkyZone at a date to be determined; use of district bus requested Mr. Holmes, Mr. Rocco and 100 students to the Carmike Theater on 12/22/14; use of district bus requested 2. Consider the request to ratify and affirm the Special Education Out of District list, as attached. 3. Consider the request to ratify and affirm homebound instruction for two (2) students. 9 4. Consider the request to approve the November, 2014 Guidance Report, as attached. 5. Consider the request to approve the November 2014 Superintendent’s report, as attached. PRESENTATION: Mr. Cloutier will be presenting the 2015-2016 Curriculum Handbook/Course Selections. 5. Consider the request to approve the 2015-2016 Curriculum Handbook/Course Selections as presented. PRESENTATION: Mr. Cloutier will be presenting the 2014-2015 Professional Development Plan PRESENTATION: Mr. Cloutier will present a report on QSAC. 6. Consider the request to approve the following resolution. Whereas, the Eastern Camden County Regional Board of Education in the County of Camden has been determined to be high performing under the streamlined QSAC process, and Whereas N.J.A.C. 6A: 30-3.1 (a)-(d) and N.J.A.C. 6A: 30-3.2 permits Eastern Camden County Regional Board of Education to request an equivalency, exempting the district from completing the District Performance Review and QSAC monitoring, and Whereas, the Eastern Camden County Regional Board of Education in the County of Camden has reviewed the Statement of Assurance and the Equivalency Application and hereby approves these documents, Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Eastern Camden County Regional Board of Education does hereby authorize the Superintendent of Schools to submit the attached Equivalency Application to the Commissioner of Education in compliance with the provisions of N.J.A.C. 6A: 30-3.1 (a)-(d) and N.J.A.C. 6A: 30-3.2. PRESENTATION: Dr. Melleby will present a follow-up report on the Self-Assessment for Determining Grades under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act. Questions from the Board and Public. INFORMATION: Fire and Security Drill Report for Eastern Regional High School 11/11/14 1:40 pm Fire Drill 10 11/24/14 8:50 am Security Drill- Lock Down Fire and Security Drill Report for Eastern Learning Academy 11/11/14 1:40 pm 11/24/14 9:00 am Fire Drill Security Drill- Lock Down Monthly HIB Report Executive Planning Committee- Mrs. Schmus, Chairperson Technology- Mr. Campbell, Chairperson Camden County School Boards Association- Mr. Paul New Jersey School Boards- Mrs. Garr Municipal Alliance- Mrs. Chow Educational Services Commission- Dr. Teichman Marie Fleche Library- Mr. Campbell Executive Session 1. 2. 3. Student Matter Personnel and Contract Matters Legal Services THE MEETING WILL NOW BE OPENED TO THE PUBLIC Next Meeting- The next meeting of the Board of Education will be the Reorganization meeting held 1/7/15 at 5:00 p.m. Adjournment 11
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