- 81 14-15 October 15, 2014 Public notice of this meeting pursuant to the Open Public Meeting Act has been given by the Board Secretary in the following manner: (a) Posting written notice on the official school bulletin board of the Pennsauken Campus, Pennsauken, NJ and the Gloucester Township Campus, Gloucester Township, NJ on November 6, 2013. (b) Mailing written notice to the Courier Post and South Jersey Times Newspapers on November 6, 2013. (c) Filing written notice with the County Clerk on November 13, 2013. The regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Technical Schools in the County of Camden was held on October 15, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in the board conference room at the Gloucester Township Campus. William T. Mink, Ed.D., president, called the meeting to order. The following members were present: Bart Mueller, C. Ann Volk, and William T. Mink, Ed.D. Jason Ravitz, board member, was absent. Also present were Patricia Fitzgerald, John Marcellus, Scott Kipers, Teresa Stallone, Ed.D., Bonnie Durante, David Patterson, Esquire, and Christine Helmbold. Leo Lampman was absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE HONORS AND RECOGNITION – None PRESENTATION – Summer Reading Initiative and Follow-up Student Meetings with Author; presentation given by Karen M. DiGiacobbe, Curriculum Supervisor for Humanities VIOLENCE AND VANDALISM REPORT AND PUBLIC HEARING (N.J.S.A. 18A:17-46 and N.J.A.C. 6A:16-5.3(f)) On motion of Ms. Volk, seconded Mr. Fisher, to approve the 2013-2014 Violence and Vandalism Report, and inserted on page 122-A through 122-J. Penn Tech report presented by: Mr. Greg Cappello GTC report presented by: Dr. John J. Hourani On roll call vote: AYES: Mr. Mueller, Mr. Fisher, Ms. Volk, Dr. Mink NAYS: None - 82 14-15 October 15, 2014 PRESIDENT’S REPORT – None SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT - Parents’ Night on October 8th was a great success and well attended by parents of current students and parents of 8th graders. PUBLIC COMMENT - None Please state your full name and address The length of time scheduled for public discussion will be held to five minutes for individual speakers OLD BUSINESS - None BUSINESS OFFICE INFORMATION ITEM: The Organization Meeting is being held on Monday, November 3, 2014 at the Pennsauken Campus, Science and Horticultural Center at 9:30 a.m. The business administrator recommends the following. On motion of Mr. Mueller, seconded by Ms. Volk, to approve and ratify the following requests. MINUTES To approve the minutes of the September 17, 2014 regular meeting of the board of education. FINANCIAL Board Secretary’s Certification. 1. Board Secretary’s Report in accordance with 18A: 17-36 and 18A: 17-9 for the month of August 2014. The Board Secretary certifies that no line item account has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10 (c) 3 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year, and inserted on page 122-K through 122-ZZ. - 83 14-15 October 15, 2014 BUSINESS OFFICE FINANCIAL (continued) 2. Reconciliation Report in accordance with 18A:17-36 and 18A:17-9 for the month of August 2014. The Reconciliation Report and Secretary’s Report are in agreement for the month of August 2014. 3. Board Secretary in accordance with N.J.A.C 6A:23A-16.10 (c) 2 certifies that there are no changes in anticipated revenue amounts or revenue sources. 4. Board of Education Certification – pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10 (c) 4. We certify that after review of the secretary’s monthly financial report (appropriations section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, that to the best of our knowledge no major accounts or funds have been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10 (b) and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. 5. To approve and ratify the board officer’s action in paying payroll and accounts payable warrants issued since the last board meeting as categorized below: September 2014 Item Payroll Payroll Bill List (Fund 60) Bill List (Fund 10/12/20) Date Amount 9/15/14 9/30/14 9/19/14 9/19/14 $ 1,245,200.04 $ 1,195,138.99 $ 2,341.00* $ 2,528,581.71 Total $ 4,971,261.74 *Early Childhood Education 6. To approve the appropriation adjustments (August 2014) made within the 2014-2015 school budget as previously reviewed and approved by the superintendent, and inserted on page 122-AAA through 122-BBB. 7. To approve and ratify the following resolution. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Technical Schools in the County of Camden that authorization is hereby granted to participate in the County of Camden Cooperative Pricing Bid, to include Camden County Bid A-62/2014 awarded to Calico Industries, Inc., for janitorial supplies-poly liners for the term commencing on or about October 1, 2014 through March 31, 2015. - 84 14-15 October 15, 2014 BUSINESS OFFICE FINANCIAL (continued) 8. To approve and ratify the following resolution. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Technical Schools in the County of Camden that authorization is hereby granted to participate in the County of Camden Cooperative Pricing Bid, to include Camden County Bid A-63/2014 awarded to Bells Security Sales, Inc., Independent Hardware, Inc., and Accredited Lock Supply for locking hardware and locksmith supplies for the term commencing on or about October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015. 9. To approve and ratify the following resolution. WHEREAS, the Department of Education requires New Jersey School Districts to submit three-year maintenance plans documenting “required” maintenance activities for each of its public school facilities, and WHEREAS, the required maintenance activities as listed in the attached document for the various school facilities of the Board of Education of the Technical Schools in the County of Camden are consistent with these requirements, and WHEREAS, all past and planned activities are reasonable to keep school facilities open and safe for use or in their original condition and to keep their system warranties valid, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Technical Schools in the County of Camden hereby authorizes the superintendent to submit the Comprehensive Maintenance Plan for the Board of Education of the Technical Schools in the County of Camden in compliance with Department of Education Requirements, and inserted on page 122-CCC through 122-PPP. A. Purchasing 1. To approve the following resolution. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Technical Schools in the county of Camden that authorization/ratification is hereby granted to approve the state contract purchases, for the period September 10, 2014 through October 3, 2014 totaling $123,682.47, and inserted on page 122-QQQ. - 85 14-15 October 15, 2014 BUSINESS OFFICE B. Purchasing (continued) 2. Bids were received on October 7, 2014 at the Gloucester Township Campus, as follows: #14-04 Refrigeration Repair Services/Anthony Deprince GTC/PC Marlee Contractors, LLC American Commercial Equipment Repair $1940.00* $2000.00 *To authorize the award purchase order/contract to the lowest responsible bidder. B. Field Trips – None C. Sport Schedules – None D. Miscellaneous 1. To authorize and ratify the following organizations/schools to use the facilities, at the designated campus, at fees (if applicable) approved by the board of education and subject to availability: Date Organization Facility Requested for Use **2014-2015 School Year Camden County College Various classrooms and career GTC N/A program areas for Technical Institute offerings **Previously approved on the 9/17/14 agenda for after school hours. The Dialysis and Medical Arts programs operate during school hours. Pool GTC *$19,000.00 11/01/14 South Jersey Swim League 02/22/15 Contact: Robert Lucas 11/15/14 AFSCME Negotiations Session Business Conference Center 3:30 p.m. Contact: Michael DiPiero **03/27,28,29 & NJ Surf Drum & Bugle Corp. Building #4 08/09/15 Contact: Robert Lucas **Motion to add additional dates to previously approved item on the 9/17/2014 agenda. dates is $12,000.00 11/04/14 College Admission Presentation Business Conference Center 9:00 a.m. to noon Heather Medina, Stockton College Contact: Brian Yukna 11/15/14 Swim Practice Schedule Pool GTC 02/02/15 Schools: Audubon, Sterling, Timber Creek, Collingswood Contact: Robert Lucas Campus Fee GTC GTC Total fee for all GTC N/A *$17,000.00 - 86 14-15 October 15, 2014 BUSINESS OFFICE D. Miscellaneous 1. Facilities Use continued: Date 12/09/14 7:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. 02/10/15 5:30 – 9:00 p.m. 02/19/15 Snow date 02/20/15 7:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Organization Facility Requested for Use Accuplacer Testing Camden County College Lisa Lord, Camden County College Contact: Eva Cetrullo Financial Aid Seminar Business Conference Center Camden County College Financial Aid Representative Contact: Eva Cetrullo/Joan Kohler Educational Foundation Business Conference Center Coordinating a Career Day. Room 300 Graduates, parents and Career Areas both campuses business professionals will be invited to serve as guest speakers and mentors. A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided to the guests. Est. costs $300.00 Contact: Suzanne Golt and Eva Cetrullo Campus GTC Fee N/A GTC N/A GTC PC N/A *Fees are approximate due to facility availability (e.g. cancellations due to weather conditions). **Indicates a change from a previous board approved motion. 2. To authorize and ratify the following meeting, workshop, training, conference and/or clinic, cost to be paid by the board of education unless otherwise indicated: Date 10/11/14 11/6/14 12/29/14 3. Destination Bargaining at the Table Workshop Monroe, NJ AED/CPR/First Aid Certification/ recertification (GTC Campus) Training provided by First Aid & CPR, LLC. AED/CPR/First Aid Certification/ recertification (PC Campus) Training provided by First Aid & CPR, LLC. Teacher/Staff/Advisor/Coach C. Ann Volk, Board Member Cost Per $149.00 Total $149.00 Security Department Staff $780.00 $780.00 Security Department Staff $780.00 $780.00 To approve the following Board Representatives to the 2014-2015 Sick Bank Committee: Kathleen Cassidy Scott Kipers Bonnie Durante - 87 14-15 October 15, 2014 BUSINESS OFFICE D. Miscellaneous (continued) 4. To approve Camden County Technical Schools’ 2014-2015 Sudden Cardiac Arrest Response Plan, and inserted on page 122-RRR through 122-ZZZ. 5. To approve the Gloucester Township’s baking career program to donate desserts to Camden County Domestic Violence Response Teams’ fundraiser being held on October 29, 2014 at Tavistock Country Club, Haddonfield. NJ. All proceeds from this event will go to the Camden County Women’s Center 6. Request approval of the following resolution. RESOLUTION OF THE CAMDEN COUNTY TECHNICAL SCHOOLS APPROVING SETTLEMENT OF CELINES ALICEA, GUARDIAN FOR J.R., A MINOR V. CAMDEN COUNTY TECHNICAL SCHOOLS’ BOARD OF EDUCATION WHEREAS, the Camden County Technical Schools has been named as a defendant in the matter captioned Celines Alicea, as Guardian for J.R., A Minor, v. Camden County Technical Schools, et al, under Docket No. CAM-L-2178-13, which litigation includes other named defendants; and WHEREAS, a proposed settlement has been presented to the Camden County Technical Schools’ Board of Education by letter dated August 11, 2014, from Peter H. Spaeth, Esquire where the School would participate with another named defendant in resolving this matter; and WHEREAS, without admitting liability in regard to the allegations set forth in the Complaint, the Board of Education upon further review has determined that it is in its best interest to resolve this litigation in accordance with the settlement proposal in order to eliminate the need for further litigation and continued costs of same. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the President and Board Members of the Camden County Technical Schools that it hereby approves the proposed settlement in the matter captioned Celines Alicea, as Guardian for Jr, A Minor, v. Camden County Technical Schools, et al, under Docket No. CAM-L-2178-13. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said settlement proposal approval is conditioned on this matter being dismissed with prejudice and a full and complete Release being provided to the Camden County Technical Schools relating in any manner to the allegations of the Complaint. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. ADDENDUM - 88 14-15 October 15, 2014 BUSINESS OFFICE The business administrator recommends the following: FINANCIAL - None A. Purchases 1. To approve the payment for the Right to Know Compliance Services provided by Rullo & Juillet Associates, Inc., at the following rates: Updating hazardous substance fact sheets and state surveys and saving MSDS information on CDS (one for each school): $7,715.00; and, entering data in new format as required and filing the 2013 and 2014 Right to Know Surveys with the NJ Department of Health by February 15, 2015 and July 15, 2015, respectively: $6,575.00 2. To approve to rescind and replace the resolution on the September 17, 2014 board agenda approving Strauss Esmay Associates, LLP, to provide and update policies, regulations, and by-laws with the following: Request approval for Strauss Esmay Associates, LLP, to provide and update policies, regulations, and by-laws, as well as provide online services relating to the policies, and a policy number conversion table, at a total fee of $7,430.00. B. Field Trips: None C. Sport Schedules: D. Miscellaneous None To authorize the following organizations/schools to use the facilities, at the designated campus, at fees (if applicable) approved by the board of education and subject to availability: Date Organization Facility Requested for Use Campus Fee 10/28/14 SJ HS Officials Meeting Faculty Dining Room GTC N/A 7:00-9:00 p.m. On roll call vote: AYES: Mr. Mueller, Mr. Fisher, *Ms. Volk, Dr. Mink NAYS: None *Ms. Volk abstained on: Financial/Items #1 through #9 A. Purchases/Items #1 and #2 D. Miscellaneous/Items #1 and #2 Addendum/A. Purchases/Items #1 and #2 Addendum/D. Miscellaneous *Dr. Mink abstained on D. Miscellaneous/Item #1 PENNSAUKEN CAMPUS - 89 14-15 October 15, 2014 INFORMATIONAL ITEM(S): One hundred and twenty-six students signed up for the PSAT in October. largest number of students ever signing up for this test at PC. This is the The principal recommends the following: On motion of Ms. Volk, seconded by Mr. Fisher, to approve and ratify the following requests. A. Expenditures: B. Field Trips 1. None To authorize the following field trips, to take place during school hours; transportation will be provided by school/coach bus (TBD by written authorization of the school business administrator). local funds requested: No Date Destination Team/Club Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Students *Motion to change date for FBLA Leadership Meeting to 10/17/14 (previously approved on 8/20/14 for 11/5/14) 10/28/14 Voorhees Pediatrics, AHC II Terry Lee Voorhees, NJ Educational Benefit: Observe long term care of children with chronic illnesses/disabilities. 16 10/29/14 Voorhees Pediatrics AHC II Terry Lee Voorhees, NJ Educational Benefit: Observe long term care of children with chronic illnesses/disabilities. 16 10/31/14 Auto Dealers’ Association Auto Tech IV Bruce Berger Competition, East Norriton, PA Educational Benefit: Technical competition of students. 6 11/4/14 Cathedral Kitchen, Camden, NJ Interact Charene Scheeper Educational Benefit: Network with Rotary members during Camden Rotary Meeting. 3 11/4/14 Washington Township Assisted AHC II Terry Lee 16 Living, Sewell, NJ Educational Benefit: Enhance communication skills and learn about infection controls. 11/5/14 Washington Township Assisted AHC II Terry Lee 16 Living, Sewell, NJ Educational Benefit: Enhance communication skills and learn about infection controls. PENNSAUKEN CAMPUS - 90 14-15 October 15, 2014 B. Field Trips 1. During school hours, no local funds requested (continued): Date 11/11/14 Destination The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ Team/Club NHS Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Charene Scheeper, Monique Randolph Students 30 Educational Benefit: Tour and learn about the College of NJ. 11/12/14 San Juan Restaurant, AP Spanish Susana Martinez Camden, NJ Educational Benefit: Students will experience authentic Spanish cuisine. 11/13/14 Atlantic City National College Guidance Monique Randolph, Felicia 40 Fair, Atlantic City, NJ Easterling, Charene Scheeper Educational Benefit: Attend a college fair to collect information regarding approximately 150 colleges. 11/14/14 Automotive Technology Open House, CCC, Blackwood, NJ Auto Technology Bruce Berger 8 21 Educational Benefit: Students will learn about the career and technical automotive training opportunities available at Camden County College. This is a comprehensive equity plan with Gloucester Township Campus. 11/18/14 Historically Black College & Guidance Monique Randolph, Felicia 40 University Fair, Camden NJ Easterling, Denise Fleig Educational Benefit: attend college fair to collect information regarding approximately 150 colleges. 11/20/14 Stockton College of NJ, Guidance Felicia Easterling, Monique 40 Galloway, NJ Randolph, Charene Scheeper Educational Benefit: Students will tour campus, learn about Stockton and attend workshops. 12/02/14 Cathedral Kitchen, Camden, NJ Interact Charene Scheeper Educational Benefit: Network with Camden Rotary members during Rotary meeting. 3 - 91 14-15 October 15, 2014 PENNSAUKEN CAMPUS B. Field Trips 1. During school hours, no local funds requested (continued): Date 12/04/14 Destination Team/Club Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Students Respond Daycare, Camden, NJ NHS Charene Scheeper 15 Educational Benefit: Provide educational activities for preschool students as part of the service requirement for NHS membership. 12/11/14 Pinsetter/Rotary Luncheon, Interact Charene Scheeper 2 Pennsauken, NJ Educational Benefit: Network with Pennsauken/Merchantville Rotary members during Rotary meeting. 12/12/14 Cooper Trauma Center, Camden, NJ AHC I Terry Lee Educational Benefit: Learn to make good, safe decisions and see consequences of poor decisions. 25 12/15/14 Cooper Trauma Center, Camden, NJ AHC I Terry Lee Educational Benefit: Learn to make good, safe decisions and see consequences of poor decisions. 25 *Indicates a change from a previous board approved motion. 2. To authorize the following field trips, to take place during school hours; transportation will be provided by school/coach bus (TBD by written authorization of the school business administrator). funds are requested: Date 11/12/14 Destination Team/Club Scottish Rite Theater, AP Spanish Collingswood, NJ Chaperone 1 ticket @ $20.00: Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Susana Martinez Disney World, Orlando, FL Rhonda Ritz, Jeanette 60 Simons, Alice Conley (chaperone), Angelo DeStefano (chaperone) Local Students Cost Per Total 8 $20.00 $160.00 $ 20.00 $180.00 Educational Benefit: Students will attend a Spanish music and dancing show. This will expose the students to Spanish language and traditions. They will also participate in dance. 5/27-30/14 Seniors Chaperone(s): 2 @ $750 compensation: Educational Benefit: Students will learn social and life skills. $1,500.00 - 92 14-15 October 15, 2014 PENNSAUKEN CAMPUS B. Field Trips (continued) 3. To authorize the following field trips, to take place during non-school hours; transportation will be provided by school/coach bus (TBD by written authorization of the school business administrator). No local funds requested: Date 10/18/14 (11/1/14 alt. date) C. Destination Team/Club Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Eastern State Penitentiary Practical Politics Marlene Brubaker, Diane Philadelphia, PA Rugala Educational Benefit: Learn criminal justice history; tour 19th century prison. Students 9 10/25/14 Model UN, Eastern High School, Practical Politics Marlene Brubaker, Diane 9 Voorhees, NJ Rugala Educational Benefit: Students will learn about international finance, trade and development and they will gain a comprehensive understanding of the world marketplace. 11/04/14 Friendly’s, Cherry Hill, NJ Susan VanHoy, Amy Carruth, Jeanette Simons Educational Benefit: Meet to discuss competitive events with members. 40 12/4/14 Sky Zone, Moorestown, NJ Girls’ Volleyball Educational Benefit: Team building . 25 1/08/15 LaSalle University, GBB Jon Repece, Chris Ritter Philadelphia, PA Educational Benefit: Team building; view college-level girls’ basketball game to see techniques. FBLA Jon Repece Sport Schedules To approve the revised Fall sports’ schedules for the 2014-2015 school year, and inserted on page 122-AAAA through 122-BBBB. Boys’ and Girls’ Cross Country Girls’ Volleyball 25 - 93 14-15 October 15, 2014 PENNSAUKEN CAMPUS D. Miscellaneous 1. 2. To authorize the following meeting, workshop, training, conference and/or clinic, cost to be paid by the board of education unless otherwise indicated. Date Destination 10/21/14 Mock Trial Workshop, New Jersey Law Center, New Brunswick, NJ Substitute coverage not to exceed: Teacher/Staff/Advisor/Coach Diane Rugala 11/19/14 Fundamentals of Coaching, Paul VI High School, Haddonfield, NJ Lawrence McNasby Total $105.00 $105.00 $75.00 $75.00 To authorize the following club/class/sport members to sell/collect/sponsor/donate the following as fundraisers: Date 10/16/14-6/1/15 10/16/14-6/14/15 10/16-12/19/14 10/16-12/19/14 11/1-30/14 12/01/14-6/01/15 6/1-30/15 3. Cost Per Club/Class/Sport Junior Class Freshman Class CAPA Senior Class Junior Class Junior Class Senior Class Sell/Collect/Sponsor Sell Penn Tech Spirit Beads Sell healthy snacks Sell Winter Showcase tickets Sell Krispy Kreme Donuts Sell uniform shirts Sell Penn Tech Class of 2016 car magnets Coed Volleyball Tournament Cost $3.00/2.00 $.50-$1.00 $3.00 $9.00 $15.00 $3.00 $30.00/team To approve and ratify the following Structured Learning Experiences’ Students*/Cooperative Education Students** changes for the 2014-2015 school year: Student ID# Assignment Start Date/End Date Transportation Visitations Conducted By *****Motion to change assignment to Chartwells for the following students: **116248, **116212, and **116125 (previously approved 6/18/14 for Dowling) **116090 PC-Chartwells 10/6/14-6/18/15 None Needed Charene Scheeper **126177 Dunkin Donuts 9/15/14-6/18/15 Co-op Bus Charene Scheeper **116146 Wendy’s 9/22/14-6/18/15 Co-op Bus Charene Scheeper **116011 Hollister 10/16/14-6/18/15 Co-op Bus Charene Scheeper * SLE: Unpaid structured learning experience ***SLE: Paid structured learning experience ** Cooperative education: Paid learning experience ****SLE: Volunteer/Community Service/Service Learning *****Indicates a change from a previous board meeting. - 94 14-15 October 15, 2014 PENNSAUKEN CAMPUS D. Miscellaneous (continued) 4. To authorize the National Honor Society to campaign against gun violence. The campaign will include posters, an anti-gun pledge for students, and announcements on October 22, 2014. 5. To authorize Mark Ritter, father of Teacher/Asst. Coach Chris Ritter, to assist the girls' basketball coaches while attending practices and games during the 2014-2015 school year. The purpose of his participation is to demonstrate skills and techniques. Mark Ritter understands he will not be paid for his assistance and will only participate under the direct supervision of the coaching staff, based on the approval of the Department of Education based on the results of a criminal record check pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18:A: 6-7, I et seq., N.J.S.A.18A:39-17 et seq. and N.J.S.A. 18A:4.13. et seq., if needed. 6. To authorize to add an incentive program to focus strictly on attendance, behavior, and grades. The purpose is to promote being a responsible student and to reach students who might not qualify for the other achievement programs. Students’ names will be identified for achieving perfect attendance, zero misconducts, and/or passing all classes. Students will be rewarded with prizes that will either be donated from the community members or prizes purchased through Renaissance student activity funds. Baseline data will be taken from last year to review the success of the program and we will reassess towards the end of the school year. 7. To authorize homebound instruction for student, SID #3284128406, beginning on September 8, 2014 to October 20, 2014, at an hourly rate of $41.00, based on the Nonathletic Extracurricular Activities Salary Guide Schedule B, of the 2011-2014 CAM/VOC Education Association Agreement, or upon negotiations, 5 hours per week for 4 weeks, at a total cost of $820.00. 8. To authorize homebound instruction for student, SID #4121475751, beginning on September 4, 2014 to June 18, 2015, at an hourly rate of $41.00, based on the Nonathletic Extracurricular Activities Salary Guide Schedule B, of the 2011-2014 CAM/VOC Education Association Agreement, or upon negotiations, 5 hours per week for 39 weeks, at a total cost of $7,995.00. 9. To authorize homebound instruction for student, SID #4608836585, beginning on September 4, 2014 to June 18, 2015, 10 hours per week for 39 weeks, at a total cost of $15,990.00, at an hourly rate of $41.00, based on the Nonathletic Extracurricular Activities Salary Guide Schedule B, of the 2011-2014 CAM/VOC Education Association Agreement, or upon negotiations. - 95 14-15 October 15, 2014 PENNSAUKEN CAMPUS D. Miscellaneous (continued) 10. To approve the Penn Tech Parent Voice Committee to sponsor a “Family Fun Night,” on the evening of March 20, 2015, in the Penn Tech cafeteria. Costs for food, decorations and miscellaneous game items to be paid for by Renaissance student activity funds. Total estimated cost: $1500.00. 11. To authorize the Carson Elementary School students and staff to evacuate to the Pennsauken Campus of Camden County Technical Schools for emergency evacuation/reunification purposes. 12. To authorize the Pennsauken Campus students and staff of Camden County Technical Schools to evacuate and reunify during emergencies at the Carson Elementary School. 13. Motion to affirm the following Monthly Enrollment and Drill Reports: Student Enrollment Report for the Pennsauken Campus as of 10/1/2014: 725 Monthly Suspension Report from 9/4/2014–10/1/2014: 2 Fire Drill: September 10, 2014 @ 2:00 p.m. Security Drill: Bomb Threat Training-Offices on September 15, 2014 @ 1:30 – 1:45 p.m. On roll call vote: AYES: Mr. Mueller, Mr. Fisher, Ms. Volk, Dr. Mink NAYS: None - 96 14-15 October 15, 2014 PENNSAUKEN CAMPUS D. Miscellaneous (continued): Monthly HIB Report September 5, 2014 to October 2, 2014: Pennsauken Campus 1. Number of reports of HIB this month: 2 Number of HIB reported this year: 2 0 Number of confirmed HIB this year: 0 2. Status of investigated HIB incidents: Investigated and not confirmed*: 0 Investigated and confirmed*: 0 *Parents or guardians will be informed of these incidents by the Principal or designee within 5 days of this report to the BOE. 3. Number of HIB incidents based on the following protected categories: Number of Lead Measure Training Program Implementation Date Incidents Investigator Imposed (if applicable) (if applicable) Race Color Religion Ancestry National Origin Gender Sexual Orientation Gender Identity and Expression Mental Disability Physical Disability Sensory Disability Other Distinguishing Characteristic - 97 14-15 October 15, 2014 GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP CAMPUS INFORMATIONAL ITEM(S): Dr. Siobhan Kelly, Coordinator of Job Placement and Cooperative Education, has been elected to the Executive Board of the New Jersey Cooperative Education Association. Dr. Kelly will serve in this capacity for the 2014-2015 school year. The principal recommends the following: On motion of Mr. Mueller, seconded by Mr. Fisher, to approve and ratify the following requests. A. Expenditures 1. To authorize and ratify the payment for internal coverage, September 1-30, 2014, pursuant to the 20112014 CAM/VOC Education Association Agreement: 16 teacher(s) covered 28 class period(s) at $37.00 per period: $1,036.00. The following teacher(s) provided coverage: Cheryl Adams Carolynn Aspinall Corinne Attig Sandra Castagna Janice Conley Anthony Copestick B. Sean Kendall John Leopardi Lauren McClellan Melissa Meyer Nancy Previti Joshua Schultz Douglas Selfridge Barry Shoenberger Nicholas Tarasevich Jimmy Ye 2. To approve Reggie Dabbs, of the Youth Alliance, to give four Character Education Student Presentations to students on December 12, 2014, and one evening presentation to parents on December 12, 2014, at a total cost of $3,600.00, to be paid with local funds. 3. To approve Ornamental Horticulture to arrange and provide corsages and boutonnieres to Camden County Sports Hall of Fame’s Induction Ceremony whereby 13 residents of Camden County will be honored for their contributions to athletics, to be held on October 30, 2014 at Crowne Plaza, Cherry Hill. Cost of materials not to exceed $50.00, to be paid by the board of education. Field Trips 1. To authorize the following field trips, to take place during school hours; transportation will be provided by school/coach bus (TBD by written authorization of the school business administrator). local funds requested: Date 10/28/14 No Destination Team/Club Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Students Glen Landing Middle School, Pre-engineering Sarah Daly, Anthony 2 Blackwood, NJ DePrince Educational Benefit: The purpose is to give a career awareness presentation to 8th graders. - 98 14-15 October 15, 2014 GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP CAMPUS B. Field Trips 1. 2. During school hours; no local funds requested (continued): Date 11/4/14 Destination Team/Club Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Academy of Natural Sciences, Baking Victoria Hampton-Turner, Philadelphia, PA Justin Relkin Educational Benefit: Students will view a special demonstration on chocolate. Students 30 11/13/14 College Fair, Atlantic City Selected Students Sarah Daly, Victoria Convention Center Hampton-Turner Educational Benefit: Students will be provided with valuable college information. 11/18/14 Historically Black College Selected Students Revae Burton, Suzanne 60 & University Fair, Susquehanna Cherubini, Victoria Bank Center, Camden, NJ Hampton-Turner Educational Benefit: Students will get assistance with the college application process and possibly receive on-site acceptance. 12/10/14 Kennedy Radiation Clinic, Medical Arts Jacqueline Clarke 8 Sewell, NJ Educational Benefit: Students will be introduced to the fields of radiology and oncology and learn the newest trends in technologies in cancer treatment. 60 To authorize the following field trips, to take place during school hours; transportation will be provided by school/coach bus (TBD by written authorization of the school business administrator). funds are requested: Date 10/10/14 10/17/14 Destination Team/Club Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Students Cost Per Pennsylvania Hospital, Medical Arts Jacqueline Clarke 14 $4.00 Philadelphia, PA Substitute coverage not to exceed: Educational Benefit: Students will learn about achievements in medicine. They will have an opportunity for career exploration. Dreyfuss Theatre, Performing Terry Bles, Jessica 37 Fairleigh Dickinson Arts Thomas Univ., Madison, NJ Internal coverage not to exceed: Educational Benefit: Students will view and critique a Shakespearean comedy. Local Total $ 56.00 $105.00 $161.00 $37.00 - 99 14-15 October 15, 2014 GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP CAMPUS B. Field Trips 2. During school hours; local funds requested (continued): Date 10/21/14 Destination Duffield’s Farm, Washington Twp, NJ Team/Club Daycare/ Early Childhood Academy Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Donna Anello, Diane Benevento, Anna Contrevo, Eileen Ewald, Julie Laucks Students Cost Per Total 28 $6.00 $168.00 (ECE Enterprise Funds) Cost of Adults: Substitute coverage not to exceed: Educational Benefit: Students will learn how to provide experiences for the children while participating in an off-site learning activity. $11.40 10/28/14 Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ 10/31/14 Cedar Run Wildlife, FFA Brian Burns 16 Medford, NJ Substitute coverage not to exceed: Educational Benefit: Students will learn about native flora and fauna. 11/12/14 Franklin Institute, Medical Arts Jacqueline Clarke 15 $14.50 Philadelphia, PA Substitute coverage not to exceed: Educational Benefits: Students will attend a Karabots Dissection presentation and learn about the latest research in disease and preventative medicine. 11/14/14 $ 57.00 $105.00 $330.00 Early Julie Laucks, Merilee 35 Childhood/ Waters, Ed Waters, Video Bayada Nurse Productions Substitute coverage not to exceed: $210.00 Educational Benefit: Students will meet with advisors to learn about the college level career programs. Automotive Technology Open House, CCC, Blackwood, NJ AM Auto Technology Liz Eattock, Andrew McAlpin $120.00 (FFA Funds) $105.00 $225.00 $217.50 $105.00 $322.50 18 PM Auto Andrew McAlpin 16 Technology Internal coverage not to exceed: $37.00 Educational Benefit: Students will learn about the career and technical automotive training opportunities available at Camden County College. This is a comprehensive equity plan with Pennsauken Campus. - 100 14-15 October 15, 2014 GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP CAMPUS B. Field Trips 2. During school hours; local funds requested (continued): Date 11/14/14 Destination Team/Club Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Students Cost Per Total Theatre Day, Performing Terry Bles, 19 Montclair University, Arts Matthew Ploch Montclair, NJ (student teacher) Substitute coverage not to exceed: $105.00 Educational Benefit: Students will learn about college offerings, view a classic musical and participate in a theatre workshop. 11/20/14 State FFA Career FFA Brian Burns 4 Development Event, Cook College, New Brunswick, NJ Substitute coverage not to exceed: $105.00 Educational Benefit: Students will have the opportunity for career exploration and development. 11/21/14 Theatre Performance, Performing Terry Bles, Jessica 37 Fairleigh Dickinson Arts Thomas, Matthew Ploch University, Madison, NJ (student teacher) Internal coverage not to exceed: Educational Benefit: Students will view and critique an award-winning musical. 11/24/14 12/4/14 2014 Fall Leadership FCCLA Shenay Harris, Julie 20 $40.00 Connection, Pines Laucks Manor, Edison, NJ Cost of two teachers to attend: $40.00 Substitute coverage not to exceed: Educational Benefit: Students will participate in competitive events and Leadership workshops. $37.00 $800.00 $ 80.00 $210.00 $1,090.00 Kimmel Center and Music Douglas Schmidt, 28 Temple University, Academy Jessica Thomas Philadelphia, PA Internal coverage not to exceed: $74.00 Educational Benefit: Students will attend an open rehearsal of the Philadelphia Orchestra, meet the soloist, tour Temple University and attend a Temple jazz concert. - 101 14-15 October 15, 2014 GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP CAMPUS B. Field Trips 2. During school hours; local funds requested (continued): Date 12/18/14 Destination Team/Club Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Students Cost Per Total Philadelphia Museum Fashion Shenay Harris 16 of Art, Phila., PA Design Substitute coverage not to exceed: $105.00 Educational Benefits: Students will learn to recognize the connection between art and fashion. 1/20/15 Live From Surgery, Medical Arts Jacqueline Clarke 8 $40.00 EIRC, Mullica Hill, NJ Cost of one teacher to attend: $40.00 Substitute coverage not to exceed: Educational Benefit: Students will view a surgical hip replacement, learn medical and surgical interventions and observe the latest in surgical technology. $320.00 Live From Surgery, Medical Arts Jacqueline Clarke 12 $40.00 EIRC, Mullica Hill, NJ Cost of one teacher to attend: $40.00 Substitute coverage not to exceed: Educational Benefit: Students will view an open heart surgery, learn medical and surgical interventions and have the opportunity for career exploration. $480.00 1/26/15 3. $ 40.00 105.00 $465.00 $ 40.00 $105.00 $625.00 To authorize the following field trips, to take place during non-school hours; transportation will be provided by school/coach bus (TBD by written authorization of the school business administrator). No local funds requested: Date 3rd Monday of each month Destination Team/Club Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Students Camden County Opiate & Heroin Student Dawn Sponheimer 2 Addiction Awareness Task Force Representatives Meeting, DiPiero Building, (1 student from GTC; Lakeland, Blackwood, NJ 1 student from PC) Educational Benefit: To serve as liaisons to state and local community awareness groups as well as non-profit groups and drug addiction service providers to address the addiction crisis. 10/16/14 Little Theatre, CCC, Performing Terry Bles 20 Blackwood, NJ Arts Educational Benefit: Students will view contemporary one-acts by acclaimed playwrights. - 102 14-15 October 15, 2014 GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP CAMPUS B. Field Trips 3. During non-school hours; no local funds requested (continued): Date 11/7/14 4. Destination Team/Club Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Students FCCLA National Air Force Shawn Forman, Matthew Lacy 6 Convention, Hyatt Hotel, JROTC New Brunswick, NJ Educational Benefit: Students will have an opportunity to present the colors of our nation. Request authorization for the following field trips, to take place during non-school hours; transportation will be provided by school/coach bus (TBD by written authorization of the school business administrator). Local funds are requested: Date Destination Team/Club Teacher(s)/Advisor(s) Students Cost Per Total 11/22/14 Drill Competition, Air Force Shawn Forman, Matthew 20 $150.00 Jackson Liberty HS, JROTC Lacy Jackson, NJ Educational Benefit: Students will compete in drills and inspection and view exhibitions. C. Sport Schedules To approve the Winter sports schedules for the 2014-2015 school year, and inserted on page 122-CCCC through 122-FFFF. Boys’ Basketball Girls’ Basketball D. Boys’ and Girls’ Bowling Boys’ and Girls’ Swimming Miscellaneous 1. To authorize the following club/class/sport members to sell/collect/sponsor the following as fundraisers. Date 10/16/14-6/1/15 10/18/14-12/23/14 10/25/14 10/25/14 10/25/14-6/18/15 Club/Class/Sport FCCLA FBLA FIRST FCCLA HOSA 10/27/14-11/30/14 HOSA Sell/Collect/Sponsor Collect pop tabs for Ronald McDonald House Sell Gertrude Hawke catalog items Sponsor a car wash at the yard sale Sell donated items at the yard sale Sell handmade mini albums, cards, phone cases Sell Kleinhenn gift wrap and accessories Cost Donations $3.00-$25.00 Donations $1.00-$5.00 $5.00-$15.00 $7.00-$20.00 - 103 14-15 October 15, 2014 GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP CAMPUS D. Miscellaneous 1. 2. Club/class/sport members to sell/collect/sponsor the following as fundraisers (continued): Date 11/24, 25/14 Club/Class/Sport PBSIS 12/1/14-12/16/14 Student Council 2/1/15-3/30/15 2/11/15 3/1/15-4/30/15 HOSA Student Council FBLA 5/26/15-6/5/15 FBLA/FCCLA June 2015 Student Council Sell/Collect/Sponsor Sponsor a “Minute to Win It” Team Building Event Collect donated items for Camden County Animal Shelter Sell cookie dough Sell water/pretzels/snacks in the Sell Gertrude Hawke catalog items Cafetorium during Open House Sell tickets to Fashion Show to be held on 6/10/15 Sell water/pretzels/snacks/CCTS logo items at graduation Cost $5.00 Donations $10.00 $.75-$1.50 $3.00-$25.00 $3.00 Students $10.00 Adults $.75-$5.00 To approve and ratify the following Structured Learning Experiences’ Students*/Cooperative Education Students** changes for the 2014-2015 school year: Student ID# **113148 **110309 **103244 **110141 **110040 **113061 **110097 **110257 **110153 **110018 **110303 Assignment J. Devine Plumbing Metro Chartwell Chartwell Chartwell Chartwell Chartwell Chartwell Chartwell WaWa Food Markets Foster & McMullen Mechanical Start Date/End Date 9/11/14-6/19/15 9/22/14-6/19/15 9/19/14-6/19/15 9/19/14-6/19/15 9/19/14-6/19/15 9/19/14-6/19/15 9/19/14-6/19/15 9/23/14-6/19/15 9/23/14-6/19/15 9/29/14-6/19/15 9/29/14-6/19/15 Transportation None needed Coop Bus None needed None needed None needed None needed None needed None needed None needed None needed None needed Visitations Conducted By Siobhan Kelly, Ed.D. Siobhan Kelly, Ed.D. Siobhan Kelly, Ed.D. Siobhan Kelly, Ed.D. Siobhan Kelly, Ed.D. Siobhan Kelly, Ed.D. Siobhan Kelly, Ed.D. Siobhan Kelly, Ed.D. Siobhan Kelly, Ed.D. Siobhan Kelly, Ed.D. Siobhan Kelly, Ed.D. * SLE: Unpaid structured learning experience ***SLE: Paid structured learning experience ** Cooperative education: Paid learning experience ****SLE: Volunteer/Community Service/Service Learning - 104 14-15 October 15, 2014 GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP CAMPUS D. Miscellaneous (continued) 3. To authorize homebound instruction for student, SID #120220, at an hourly rate of $41.00, based on the Nonathletic Extracurricular Activities Salary Guide Schedule B, of the 2011-2014 CAM/VOC Education Association Agreement, beginning on September 4, 2014 to November 26, 2014, 5 hours per week for 12 weeks at a total cost of $2,460.00. 4. To approve and ratify Jessica Tattersall, a student at Camden County College, to complete her required fifteen hour field experience, at the Gloucester Township Campus, during her Fall 2014 Semester. Ms. Tattersall will be assigned to Teri Hardmeyer, social studies teacher. 5. To authorize Ryan Joyce, a student at Camden County College and a graduate of Camden County Technical Schools, to participate in a field observation experience as partial fulfillment of his Historical Trends in American Education course, October 29, 2014. Mr. Joyce will be assigned to Douglas Selfridge, social studies teacher. 6. To authorize Edward Burton, a student at Camden County College and a graduate of Camden County Technical Schools, to participate in a field observation experience as partial fulfillment of his Historical Trends in American Education course, October 27, 2014. Mr. Burton will be assigned to Lynn Pfeifer, social studies teacher. 7. To approve Denise Rogers, science teacher, to complete her internship for her Masters in Leadership degree from Rider University during the 2014-2015 school year. Ms. Rogers will be assigned to and shadowing Leo Lampman, Director of Special Education. 8. To authorize to co-sponsor (with Camden County College, Camden County Freeholders and the Pennsauken Campus staff) a Camden County School of Character Award for schools with 8th graders in Camden County. Amount of award to be determined. Funding sources: Camden County College and Renaissance Student Activity account. 9. To approve Detective Sharper, of the Camden County Prosecutor’s Office, to give a Cyberbullying Presentation, October 20 and 21, 2014, to freshmen students, at no cost to the board of education. 10. To approve Kelly McLaughlin, of the Mom’s Quit Connection/Southern New Jersey Perinatal Cooperative, to give a Teens and Tobacco Use Presentation, November 10 and 11, 2014, to senior students, at no cost to the board of education. 11. To approve Kelly McLaughlin, of the Mom’s Quit Connection/Southern New Jersey Perinatal Cooperative, to give a Teens and Tobacco Use Presentation, date TBD during the 3rd marking period, to freshmen students, at no cost to the board of education. - 105 14-15 October 15, 2014 GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP CAMPUS D. Miscellaneous (continued) 12. To approve the Gloucester Township Police to give a Fatal Vision Presentation, November 16 and 18, 2014, to sophomore students, at no cost to the board of education. 13. To approve Positive Behavior Support in Schools (PBSIS) to hold a “Minute to Win It” team-building event, for selected students, November 24 and 25, 2014, at no cost to the board of education. 14. To approve Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) to hold a Fashion Show, June 10, 2015, at no cost to the board of education. 15. To approve Project Pride of the New Jersey Department of Corrections’ Office and Office of Educational Services to present Healthy Choices, during a character education student assembly, March 5, 2015, at no cost to the board of education. 16. Motion to affirm the following Monthly Enrollment, Suspension and Drill Reports: Enrollment Count for the Gloucester Township Campus as of September 30, 2014: 1,407 Monthly Suspension Report as of September 30, 2014: 8 Fire Drill: September 10, 2014 Bomb Threat Drill: September 10, 2014 On roll call vote: AYES: Mr. Mueller, Mr. Fisher, Ms. Volk, *Dr. Mink NAYS: None *Dr. Mink abstained on D. Miscellaneous/Item #8 - 106 14-15 October 15, 2014 GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP CAMPUS D. Miscellaneous (continued): Monthly HIB Report September 4, 2014 to October 3, 2014: Gloucester Township Campus 1. Number of reports of HIB this month: 6 Number of HIB reported this year: 6 Number of confirmed HIB this year: 1 2. Status of investigated HIB incidents: Investigated and not confirmed*: 6 Investigated and confirmed*: 1 *Parents or guardians will be informed of these incidents by the Principal or designee within 5 days of this report to the BOE. 3. Number of HIB incidents based on the following protected categories: Date Race Color Religion Ancestry National Origin Gender Sexual Orientation Gender Identity and Expression Mental Disability Physical Disability Sensory Disability Other Distinguishing Characteristic Number of Incidents Lead Investigator 1 J. Hourani Measure Imposed Parent contact, counseling (both students), 2-days BD (offender), follow-up counseling (both students). Training (if applicable) HIB Specialist, HIB Coordinator, Principal, Assistant Principals, Security Officers and SAC attended School Security Conference at Washington Township High School. Program Implementation (if applicable) - 107 14-15 October 15, 2014 SPECIAL EDUCATION/CHILD STUDY TEAM The director of special education recommends the following: *Dr. Stallone read the following requests in the absence of Mr. Lampman. On motion Mr. Fisher, seconded by Mr. Mueller, to approve and ratify the following requests. A. Expenditures: None B. Field Trips: None C. Sport Schedules: None D. Miscellaneous 1. To authorize and ratify the extension of educational services for student, SID #123104. Instructional services provided by Mr. Thomas Mahoney, October 31, 2014, until November 28, 2014, at an hourly homebound rate of $41.00, not to exceed $1500.00, based on the Nonathletic Extracurricular Activities Salary Guide Schedule B of the 2011-2014 CAM/VOC Education Association Agreement. 2. To authorize and ratify the payment for compensatory education for student SID #133079. This homebound is authorized only after student is absent for more than 5 consecutive days due to medical issues. Instructional services provided by Mr. Anthony Galindo, October 1, 2014 until June 30, 2015, at an hourly homebound rate of $41.00, not to exceed, $3700.00 based on the Nonathletic Extracurricular Activities Salary Guide Schedule B of the 2011-2014 CAM/VOC Education Association Agreement 3. To authorize and ratify the educational services for student, SID # 143004, September 4 to October 15, 2014. Instructional services provided by Education Inc., at an approximate rate of $37.00 an hour for 2 hours a day, not to exceed $2500.00. 4. To authorize the following teachers at the Gloucester Township and Pennsauken campuses, to assist with parent communications in person and in writing, including translating Special Education documents, effective October 16, 2014 through June 30, 2015, not to exceed 10 hours each, at a prep period rate of $37.00 or before or after school at an hourly rate of $41.00, commensurate with the terms of the 20112014 CAM/VOC Education Association Agreement or upon negotiations, to be funded by Special Education budget. Aida Fawns Millie Pedroza On roll call vote: Alina Moro Valerie Garcia AYES: Mr. Mueller, Ms. Volk, Mr. Fisher, Dr. Mink NAYS: None Susana Martinez - 108 14-15 October 15, 2014 CURRICULUM/INSTRUCTION/ASSESSMENT/GRANTS The assistant superintendent of curriculum, instruction, assessment and grants recommends the following: On motion of Mr. Mueller, seconded by Ms. Volk, to approve and ratify the following requests. A. Expenditures: None B. Employment 1. *Motion to add Carol Jarvis (PC), to participate in the Formative Assessment and Learning Grant Project, October 2014 through June 30, 2015, at Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ, at no cost to the board of education (previously approved on 8/20/14). *Indicates a change from a previous board approved motion. 2. To approve the following staff, from the Gloucester Township and Pennsauken Campuses, as after school tutors for Mathematics/English Language Arts, as assigned by the after school tutoring coordinator for tutoring or substitute tutoring, pending sufficient enrollment, at the curriculum rate of $41.00, with the terms of the 2011-2014 CAM/VOC Education Agreement, or upon negotiations, not to exceed 60 hours each, effective October 21, 2014 through June 30, 2015, if funds are available, funded by NCLB FY15: Anita Ackerman Cheryl Adams Michell Burns JoAnn Filer C. Field Trips: None D. Miscellaneous 1. Vanarosa Howell Anne Johnson Erika Leak Anne Maxfield Ryan McCarty Lauren McClellan Brian Nucifore Nicholas Raymond Stephanie Reeve Barry Shoenberger Matthew Stagliano Megan Thompson Julianna Tress Danielle Tsoukalas Janel Williams To authorize and ratify the following meeting, workshop, training, conference and/or clinic, cost to be paid by the board of education unless otherwise indicated: Date Destination Teacher/Staff/Advisor/Coach Cost Per Total *9/23/14 Motion to change the date for Sandra Batdorf, Jacqueline Clarke, and Joyce Turner to attend Mandatory Update for Nurse Aide Training and Competency Training (previously approved on 9/17/14 for 9/24/14). *1/16/15, 2/13/15 Motion to add additional dates for Joseph Bouchard (PC), NJ Green POS workshop and rescind the 1/6/15 date (previously approved on 9/17/14). - 109 14-15 October 15, 2014 CURRICULUM/INSTRUCTION/ASSESSMENT/GRANTS D. Miscellaneous 1. Meeting, workshop, training, conference and/or clinic (continued): Date Destination Teacher/Staff/Advisor/Coach Cost Per Total *Motion to add Brett Fetty, Assistant Principal (GTC), to participate on the School Leadership Committee for the 2014-2015 school year. Online LEGAL One Series State-Mandated Law Training Marianne Tracy $300.00 $300.00 (Funded by NCLB FY15) 9/24/14 Law & Public Safety Program Advisory Meeting, CCC Regional Training Center, Lakeland, NJ Leigh Simpson N/A N/A 9/29-30/14 Seventh Annual Financial Literacy Leadership Conference, Hilton Crystal City, Arlington, VA Holly Drew N/A N/A 10/3/14 FBLA New Advisors’ Workshop, Rutgers Business School, Piscataway, NJ Amy Carruth N/A N/A 10/8/14 South Jersey Band and Orchestra Directors’ Association Fall Membership Breakfast Meeting, Seven Star Diner, Sewell, NJ Douglas Schmidt N/A N/A Michael McLane N/A N/A N/A N/A 10/17/14, New Jersey Green Program of Study 11/14/14, Sustainability Workshop, NJSBA, 1/16/15, Trenton, NJ 2/13/15, 3/13/15, 4/17/15 10/21/14 Formative Assessment & Learning Tonya Davenport Grant Project, Rowan University Center for Innovation, Glassboro, NJ - 110 14-15 October 15, 2014 CURRICULUM/INSTRUCTION/ASSESSMENT/GRANTS D. Miscellaneous 1. Meeting, workshop, training, conference and/or clinic (continued): Date 10/21/14 Destination Teacher/Staff/Advisor/Coach Including Students with Leo Lampman, John Marcellus Disabilities in the State Assessment System, FEA, Monroe Township, NJ Cost Per Total $149.00 $298.00 (Funded by IDEA) 10/24/14 Primary Source Lesson Development Workshop, Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ MaryBeth Donohue N/A N/A 10/27/14 Primary Source Lesson Development Workshop, Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ Teri Hardmeyer, Annarose Haws, Lauren Iannece, Joshua Schultz N/A N/A 10/28/14 Early Childhood Advisory Board Meeting, CCC, Blackwood, NJ Julie Laucks N/A N/A 10/28/14 Fall 2014 Special Education Jacqueline Foster, Leo Medicaid Initiative (SEMI) Regional Lampman Meetings for School Administrators, Lenape Regional High School, Shamong, NJ N/A N/A 10/28-30/14 NJ Green Program of Study Joseph Bouchard (10/29), N/A Presentation, New Jersey School Karen DiGiacobbe (10/28, 10/29), Boards Association (NJSBA) Marianne Tracy (10/28, 10/29) Annual Conference, Atlantic City Convention Center, Atlantic City, NJ N/A 10/29/14 Get to Know Camden County College Day, Blackwood, NJ Suzanne Cherubini, Victoria Hampton-Turner N/A N/A 11/5/14 School Improvement Panel (ScIP) Training, Collingswood Community Center, Collingswood, NJ Bonnie Durante, John Hourani, Teri Stallone N/A N/A - 111 14-15 October 15, 2014 CURRICULUM/INSTRUCTION/ASSESSMENT/GRANTS D. Miscellaneous 1. Meeting, workshop, training, conference and/or clinic (continued): Date 11/7-8/14 Destination FCCLA Fall Cluster Meeting, Toys That Teach Event, Hyatt Regency, New Brunswick, NJ Teacher/Staff/Advisor/Coach Julie Laucks Cost Per N/A Total N/A 11/12/14 NJCCVTS Special Session on Admissions, Monmouth County Career Center, Freehold, NJ Kathleen Cassidy, Patricia Fitzgerald, Leo Lampman, John Marcellus N/A N/A 11/12/14 Practical Tools for Implementing a Peer Mediation Program for Middle and High School Grades, New Jersey Law Center, New Brunswick, NJ Revae´ Burton, Dawn Sponheimer N/A N/A 11/13/14 South Jersey Regional New Jersey Gregory Cappello, John Hourani N/A Alliance for Social, Emotional and Character Development (NJASECD) Meeting, Character Education Partnership, EIRC, Mullica Hill, NJ N/A 12/5/14 High School Instructors’ Workshop Camden County College, Blackwood, NJ Brian Bakota, Andrew McAlpin, N/A Donald McCardell, Duane Raroha N/A 12/11/14 Bureau of Education & Research’s Practical Strategies to Address the Challenges of Today’s School Nurse, Mansion on Main Street, Voorhees, NJ Katie McHugh $235.00 (Funded Locally) 12/12/14 NJ Special Education Compliance/ CCSS & PARCC, Westin Mt. Laurel, Mt. Laurel, NJ Leo Lampman N/A N/A - 112 14-15 October 15, 2014 CURRICULUM/INSTRUCTION/ASSESSMENT/GRANTS D. Miscellaneous 1. Meeting, workshop, training, conference and/or clinic (continued): Date 12/16/14 Destination Transition from School to Adult Life: Making the Process Meaningful, NJDOE, LRC-South at EIRC, Mullica Hill, NJ Teacher/Staff/Advisor/Coach Leo Lampman Cost Per N/A Total N/A 1/8/15 NJ Special Education Compliance/ IEP/504, Rowan University, Chamberlain Student Center, Glassboro, NJ Leo Lampman N/A N/A 1/29/15 NJDOE: Planning for a Student’s Leo Lampman Transition to Adult Life: Transition Assessments for Students with Disabilities, LRC-South at EIRC, Mullica Hill, NJ N/A N/A 1/29/151/30/15 NJASA TECHSPO 2015, Bally’s John Marcellus Atlantic City, Atlantic City, NJ (Waiver from NJDOE for overnight travel) $494.00 (Funded Locally) *Indicates a change from a previous board approved motion. - 113 14-15 October 15, 2014 ADDENDUM CURRICULUM/INSTRUCTION/ASSESSMENT/GRANTS The assistant superintendent of curriculum, instruction, assessment and grants recommends the following: A. Expenditures: None B. Employment: C. Sport Schedules: D. Miscellaneous None None To approve John Marcellus, assistant superintendent, to teach courses on an as-needed basis, for Camden County College, to be compensated by Camden County College. On roll call vote: AYES: Mr. Mueller, Mr. Fisher, Ms. Volk, Dr. Mink NAYS: None - 114 14-15 October 15, 2014 CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION The superintendent of schools recommends the following: On motion of Mr. Mueller, seconded by Mr. Fisher, to approve and ratify the following requests. A. Resignations/Terminations/Retirements To approve and ratify the employment status of the following employee(s) for the reason indicated: Name Patti Cerio Dana DuFrense Wayne Goldman, Jr. Robert Huckabee Steven Knowles Amber Kyzer Charles McBride Christopher McCarty Michael O’Rourke Shruti Patel Theodore Pettek Erin Tietjen B. Position Payroll Systems Operator Substitute Teacher Substitute Teacher Substitute Teacher Substitute Teacher Substitute Teacher Substitute Teacher Substitute Teacher Substitute Teacher Intercultural Advisor Boys’ Bowling Coach English Teacher Effective 2/1/15 10/2/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 9/12/2014 9/12/2014 10/10/2014 10/3/14 9/1/14 12/1/14 Reason Resignation Resignation Discontinuation Discontinuation Discontinuation Discontinuation Resignation Discontinuation Discontinuation Resignation Terminated Resignation of of of of Service Service Service Service of Service of Service (or sooner, subject to the employment of a replacement and needs of the school) Employment 1. Location ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM GTC PC GTC To approve and ratify the employment of the following substitute teacher(s), for the 2014-2015 school year, on an emergent and provisional basis and subject to the approval of the Department of Education based on the results of the criminal record check pursuant of N.J.S.A. 18A:6-7.1 et seq., 18A:39-17 et seq. and 18A:6-4.13 et seq.: Raymond Bradias Herbert Cole Marie Mullin Walter Robinson Letita Bailey Albert Giordano Marie Onyeani Charles Watkins Laurence Carian Sonia Hernandez Tufeka Potts Zach Cohen Earl Miller Kelly Sbalcio 2. *Motion to ratify 5 additional summer work days for Rosamary Korn, librarian, (previously approved on 5/29/14 for 25 days). 3. *Motion to change the step and salary for Ruth Seitzinger, secretary, to Step 6, $27,494 (previously approved on 9/17/14 as Step 3, $24,218). *Indicates a change from a previous board approved motion. - 115 14-15 October 15, 2014 CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION B. Employment (continued) 4. To ratify the employment of the following full-time, ten-month teacher(s), based on the approval of the Department of Education based on the results of a criminal record check pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 6-7.1 et seq., N.J.S.A. 18A:39-17 et seq. and N.J.S.A. 18A:4.13. et seq., at the appropriate salary(ies) commensurate with the terms of the 2011-2014 CAM/VOC Education Association Agreement or upon negotiations (pending clearances/employment/education verifications): Name Position Effective Juana Bonilla-Snow 4001-Behavior Development Program 9/1/14 (certification: Law Enforcement) 5. Location Column GTC A Step 4 Salary $48,497 To ratify the employment of the following coaches/advisors, September 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015, at the amount listed, based on the Extracurricular Salary Guide B of the 2014-2015 CAM/VOC Education Association Agreement or upon negotiations: GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP CAMPUS Name Position Step Salary *Motion to change James Wert to Yearbook Editorial Advisor, Step 2, $5,019.00 (previously approved 6/18/14 as Yearbook Co-Editorial Advisor, $2,509.50) Erik Ball Marie Copestick Rachel Fieldman John Kammler Assistant Assistant Assistant SkillsUSA Basketball Coach Swimming Coach Soccer Coach Advisor PENNSAUKEN CAMPUS Name Lawrence McNasby Position Boys’ Head Bowling Coach 4 4 1 1 $7,346 $7,346 $3,077 $4,101 Step 1 Salary $3,810 *Indicates a change from a previous board approved motion. 6. To approve the employment of the following part-time employee(s), for the 2014-2015 school year, based on the approval of the Department of Education and on the results of a criminal record check pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 6-7.1 et seq., N.J.S.A. 18A: 39-17 et seq. and N.J.S.A. 18A: 4-13 et seq., as well as certification related to the position, to be paid as listed, or upon negotiations: PENNSAUKEN CAMPUS Name Danielle Hallinan Position Athletic Site Director Scorekeeper/Clock Operator Effective 10/21/14 Salary $69.00 per event $109.00 consecutive - 116 14-15 October 15, 2014 CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION B. Employment (continued) 7. To approve the employment of the following part time employee(s), for the 2014-2015 school year, based on the approval of the Department of Education based on the results of a criminal record check pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 6-7.1 et seq., N.J.S.A. 18A: 39-17 et seq. and N.J.S.A. 18A: 4-.13. et seq., as well as certification related to the position, to be paid $69.00 per event, $109.00 for two consecutive events, unless otherwise indicated (this employee is not currently under contract with the Camden County Technical Schools’ Board of Education): GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP CAMPUS Name Position Charles Langerman Substitute Basketball Scorekeeper/Clock Operator (when a Cam/Voc Basketball Scorekeeper/Clock Operator is not available) 8. To approve the employment of the following part-time employee(s), for the 2014-2015 school year, not to exceed 29 hours per week, no benefits, based on the approval of the Department of Education based on the results of a criminal record check pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 6-7.1 et seq., N.J.S.A. 18A:39-17 et seq. and N.J.S.A. 18A:4.13. et seq., as well as certification related to the position: Name Jodi Aspinall 9. Part-Time Position Clerk-typist (Early Childhood) Location ADM Effective 10/16/14 Hourly Rate of Pay $13.50 To approve the employment of Gail Rodriguez, retired mathematics teacher, as homebound instructor, during the 2014-2015 school year, at an hourly rate of $41.00, based on the Nonathletic Extracurricular Activities Salary Guide Schedule B, of the 2011-2014 CAM-VOC Education Association Agreement. 10. To approve the employment of William Cantiello, automotive technology instructor, to work after school hours on bus repairs, as needed, at the Pennsauken Campus, at an hourly rate of $21.00, effective October 16, 2014 until further notice. D. Miscellaneous 1. To approve the following resolution. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Technical Schools in the County of Camden that an unpaid leave of absence, subject to the provisions of the Family Medical Leave Act, be approved/ratified for 010467, September 25, 2014 through November 10, 2014. - 117 14-15 October 15, 2014 CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION D. Miscellaneous (continued): 2. To approve the following resolution. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Technical Schools in the County of Camden that an unpaid leave of absence, subject to the provisions of the Family Medical Leave Act, be approved/ratified for 008231, October 7, 2014 (PM) through November 4, 2014. 3. To approve the following resolution. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Technical Schools in the County of Camden that an unpaid leave of absence, subject to the provisions of the Family Medical Leave Act, be approved/ratified for 010260, October 31, 2014 through December 2, 2014. 4. To approve the following resolution. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Technical Schools in the County of Camden that an unpaid leave of absence, subject to the provisions of the Family Medical Leave Act, be approved/ratified for 008310, October 31, 2014 (PM) through November 20, 2014. 5. To approve the following salary increase, in accordance with the 2011-2014 salary guide, due to reason indicated: Name Dominic DeMartino From Column/Step A 11 To Column/Step C 11 Salary $77,052 Advancement Reason Effective Shop/Related Permanent Certificate 9/1/14 and Shop/Related Bachelor’s Degree 6. Motion to approve and incorporate the statistical data based on student population and medical problems into the 2014-2015 CCTS Nursing Service Plan and Standing Orders (previously approved 6/18/14), and inserted on page 122-GGGG through 122-DDDDD. 7. To approve Camden County Technical School (CCTS) District Improvement Plan (DIP) for the Quality Single Accountability Continuum (QSAC) District Performance Review (DPR), as prepared by members of the CCTS DIP Committee, for submission to the New Jersey Department of Education, and inserted on page 122-EEEEE through 122-MMMMM. - 118 14-15 October 15, 2014 ADDENDUM CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION The superintendent of schools recommends the following: A. Resignations/Terminations/Retirements To approve the of employment status of the following employee(s) for the reason indicated: *Indicates a change from a previous board approved motion: Name James Brusco B. Position Warehouse Location GTC Effective 1/1/15 Reason Retirement Employment 1. To approve the reassignment of the following non-tenurable employee, effective October 16 2014 through June 30, 2015, at the hourly rate indicated: Name Ryan Buck 2. Previous Assignment Substitute Teacher New Assignment 9101 Part-time Instructional Technician Career Center Location GTC Hourly Rate $15.55 To approve Patti Cerio, payroll systems operator, to: 1) identify, prepare and submit employee documentation needed to the NJ Department of Pensions in order to meet “Compliance with Internal Revenue Code: under title 17, Chapter 1, Subchapter 17, of the NJ Administrative Code (N.J.A.C. 17: 1-17.4) regarding criteria for retiree re-employment; and, 2) set up the position control roster in the automated system, at an hourly rate ($36.51 per hour) up to 40 hours ($1,460.40) as pre-approved by the school business administrator. C. Sport Schedules: D. Miscellaneous: None None On roll call vote: AYES: Mr. Mueller, Mr. Fisher, *Ms. Volk, Dr. Mink NAYS: None *Ms. Volk abstained on D. Miscellaneous/Item #7 - 119 14-15 October 15, 2014 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - None Please state full name The length of time scheduled for public discussion will be held to five minutes for individual speakers EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion of Mr. Fisher, seconded by Mr. Mueller, to adjourn the open public meeting for the purpose of discussion in Executive Session. The Board entered into Executive Session at 8:15 p.m. WHEREAS, the Camden County Technical Schools Board of Education (“Technical Schools”) is subject to the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.SA.A. 10:4-1 et seq. (“Act”) which requires that its meetings be open to the general public; and WHEREAS, Section 10:4-12 of the Act permits the Technical Schools Board of Education to go into closed session, which is not open to the general public, for certain limited purposes enumerated in that Section; and WHEREAS, the Technical Schools hereby desires to adopt this Resolution to go into closed session at this time in order to: Discuss matters deemed confidential by express provision of Federal or State Law or Rule of Court; Discuss matters in which release of the information would impair a right to receive funds from the United States Government; X Discuss matters the disclosure of which constitutes an unwarranted invasion of individual privacy, including but not limited to, information relative to an individual’s personal or family circumstances and any material relating to medical, rehabilitation, custodial, or child protection issues; Monthly HIB Reports X Discuss Collective Bargaining Agreements; Negotiations X Discuss any matter involving the purchase, lease or acquisition of real property with public funds, the setting of bank rates or investment of public funds where it could adversely affect the public interest if disclosed; St. Stephen’s School Discuss any tactics and techniques utilized in protecting the safety and property of the public if disclosure would impair such protection and/or any investigations or violations or possible violations of the law; X Discuss any pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiation (other than collective bargaining) in which the Technical Schools are or may become a party and/or any matters falling within the attorney-client privilege; and/or Grievance (Employee #006927)& Employee 005576 & 010025 vs. CCTS Discuss any matter involving the appointment, termination, terms and conditions of employment, evaluation of performance of, any specific prospective or current public officer or employee of the Technical Schools; - 120 14-15 October 15, 2014 EXECUTIVE SESSION (continued) WEREAS, the Technical Schools believes that the matters discussed in closed session can be disclosed to the general public at such time when the President and Board Members of the Technical Schools have determined the matters discussed are no longer required to be maintained as confidential and adopt a further resolution to place the Closed Session Minutes into the Public Minutes Record Book. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the President and Board Members of the Technical Schools hereby resolves to go into closed session for the reasons articulated above immediately after passage of this Resolution. This Resolution shall be kept on file for public inspection in accordance with statutory provisions. On roll call vote: AYES: Mr. Mueller, Mr. Fisher, Ms. Volk, Dr. Mink NAYS: None RETURN TO PUBLIC SESSION On motion of Mr. Fisher, seconded by Ms. Volk, to return to open session at 8:35 p.m. On roll call vote: AYES: Mr. Mueller, Mr. Fisher, Ms. Volk, Dr. Mink NAYS: None - 121 14-15 October 15, 2014 HIB REPORTS On motion of Mr. Fisher, seconded by Ms. Volk, to affirm the action taken by the administrators on the monthly HIB Reports. Pennsauken Campus H.I.B. Reports: September 4, 2014 – October 1, 2014 Investigated: 2 Confirmed: 0 Not Confirmed: 2 Year-to-Date H.I.B. Reports Investigated: 2 Year-to-Date H.I.B. Reports Confirmed: 0 Gloucester Township Campus HIB Reports September 4, 2014- October 3, 2014: Investigated: 6; HIB Confirmed: 1 Year-to-Date H.I.B Reports Investigated: 6; Year-to-Date HIB Reports Confirmed: 1 On roll call vote: AYES: Mr. Mueller, Mr. Fisher, Ms. Volk, Dr. Mink NAYS: None Mr. Patterson, Esquire, stated that there were no decisions made in Executive Session. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Ms. Volk, seconded by Mr. Fisher, to adjourn meeting at 8:57 p.m. On roll call vote: AYES: Mr. Mueller, Mr. Fisher, Ms. Volk, Dr. Mink NAYS: None Scott M. Kipers School Business Administrator Board Secretary
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