California Labor Management Initiative - Spring 2015 Symposium: May 8-9, 2015 Agenda Day 1: May 8, 2015 Time Session 1:00 pm Arrival and conference check-in (ongoing until 4:00 pm) 4:00pm Welcome and Introductions 4:30pm CA LMI Partnership Panel Panel discussion with ACSA, CDE, CFT, CSBA, CSEA, CTA, and CDEF 5:35pm What IS Possible Presentation from ABC Unified School District and Culver City Unified School District 6:35pm Networking Reception 7:30pm Dinner Day 2: May 9, 2015 Time Session 7:00am Breakfast 7:40am Day 2 Introduction 8:05am Breakout Sessions, Round 1* 9:10am Breakout Sessions, Round 2* 10:20am District Team Time 1: Learnings from Breakout Sessions 11:45am Lunch Presentation on the Massachusetts Education Partnership’s District Capacity Project 12:45pm Role-alike Introduction 1:00pm Role-alike Discussions* 2:10pm District Team Time 2: Learnings from Role-alike Sessions 3:20 Moving Forward & Closing Remarks *See reverse for more details on Breakout and Role-Alike Sessions DRAFT Page 1 of 2 California Labor Management Initiative - Spring 2015 Symposium: May 8-9, 2015 Additional Details Breakout Sessions: Participants will have the opportunity to participate in two breakout sessions. Breakout session topics will include: 1. Peer Assistance and Review (PAR); 2. Eight essential features for effective collaboration; 3. Partnering around LCFF and LCAP development; 4. Site/school level collaboration; 5. Another perspective on collaboration: inter-district collaboration; and 6. Labor management collaboration: impact on student achievement. Role-alike Sessions: During this session, Symposium participants will be invited to participate in discussions with other participants who hold similar roles within their district (e.g. Superintendents, Teachers Union or Association Presidents, Classified Employee Union or Association Presidents, School Board Members, or Other Participants) For more information, see: DRAFT Page 2 of 2
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