Orange County Dinner

10th Annual
Orange County Dinner
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Cocktails 5:30 p.m.
Dinner 7:30 p.m.
Santa Ana Elks Lodge
212 Elk Lane
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Early Bird Drawing!!! - Two Winners
•Purchase Adult Dinner Tickets by May 1st to qualify for a firearm.
•Purchase Sprig Dinner Ticket by May 1st to qualify for a firearm.
(Must be accompanied by a parent and have a Junior Hunting License)
For tickets, donations or to
join the committee contact:
Tom Homen at (209) 606-7257
Rick Vega at (714) 614-0042
Corporate Table $600
Eight dinner tickets, eight CWA
Memberships, eight hats and eight
chances in the Sponsor Raffle
for a firearm!
Progressive Gun Raffle!!!
Firearms include: Beretta, Benelli, Franchi, Winchester and more!
(Guns subject to availability)
Purchase raffle tickets by May 1st and receive Double Progressive
Tickets. $100, $300, $500, $1000 Packs Available.
Register Online by visiting and click on the
CWA Upcoming Events Calendar and go to the Orange County Dinner Page.
All Dinner Tickets Will Be Held At The Door
$65 per Person
$105 per Couple
$40 per Life Member
$25 per Sprig
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(Includes
_ _ _ _ Meal,
_ _ _ Membership
_ _ _ _ _ _and
_ _Gift)
Name _________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________
Phone (
) __________________________________________________
Email ____________________________________________________
Sign me up for CWA’s FREE eNews
Check Enclosed (make payable to California Waterfowl).
VISA/MC/AmEx/Discover (circle one)
NOTICE: Credit Cards will not be accepted without the three FFFF
digit security code located on the back of your credit card. (Last 4 digits of American Express.)
Exp. Date
I cannot attend but please renew my membership for $35
Mail to:
Rick Vega
Orange County Chapter
9200 Mallard Avenue
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
$65 Per Person ________
$40 Per Life Member
$105 Per Couple ________
$600 Per Corporate Table
$25 Per Sprig
_____________ $______ Raffle Tickets
Total Enclosed