Drama Adult Volunteer Form

Drama Adult Volunteer Form
We have many opportunities for parents to get involved. We wouldn’t be a success without the
help and support of our adult volunteers. Thank you for being so generous.
Please look over the options below, check the areas that you can help and return the form with
your son/daughter.
_____ Be the “go to” person with the Fall Play Dinner Theater (Sunday’s performance)We need an adult to organize and help plan the committee for Sunday’s lunch fundraiser.
_____ Help on the committee to plan and implement the Fall Play Dinner
_____ Help with set construction -- We need adults to help monitor tool usage on stage with
Mr. Glaser and/or help construct and paint tests.
_____ Food service and clean-up during Tech Week -- Help serve food to the cast on
Monday and Wednesday of Tech Week. This involves arriving at Carroll around 3 p.m.,
preparing food, setting up cafeteria and cleaning when dinner is finished. You should be able to
leave by 5:15 p.m.
_____ Sell Tickets – We need 1 or 2 adults per performance to help sell tickets at the door.
Please arrive by 7 pm on Friday and Saturday and 1 pm on Sunday.
_____ Sew Costumes – help costume crew by sewing costumes at home, or on a Saturday
Work Day
_____ Concession Stand help – during play, musical, and/or assigned sporting events
_____ Other ways you would like to help – please explain _______________________
Name _______________________________________________
Student’s Name _______________________________________
Phone Number ________________________________________
E-mail _______________________________________________
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”
--Henry Ford