Piled Raft Foundations

- Geotechnical Seminar Series 2015 -
Piled Raft Foundations
Prof. Oliver Reul
Department of Geotechnical Engineering, University of Kassel, Germany
25 March 2015 Wednesday
13:30-16:30*, DR1
(* There will be a short tea/coffee break at 15:00)
Foundations for high-rise buildings – Historical development from raft foundations to piled
rafts for the example of Frankfurt, Germany.
Numerical study on the bearing behaviour of piled rafts.
Design concept for piled rafts – German design approach.
Case histories
Background of Prof. Reul
Prof. Reul graduated in 1993 with a Diploma (equivalent to a Master degree) in Civil Engineering
from Technical University (TU) Darmstadt. In 2000 he got his PhD degree also from TU
Darmstadt with his thesis on “In-situ measurements and numerical studies on the bearing
behaviour of piled rafts”. From 2000 to 2002 Prof. Reul was a visiting researcher at the Centre for
Offshore Foundation Systems (COFS) at University of Western Australia where he continued his
research on piled rafts in collaboration with Prof. Randolph. After his return to Germany, Prof.
Reul joined the consulting engineering company CDM where he headed the
Infrastructure/Geotechnics group of the Rhein-Main branch. From 2009 to 2012 he was Professor
at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. Since 2012 Prof. Reul heads the Department of
Geotechnical Engineering at University of Kassel. He is a member of the International Society for
Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), of the German Geotechnical Society
(DGGT) and of the German Geothermal Society (GtV-BV). Since 2010 Prof. Reul is accredited as
a test engineer for geotechnical engineering.