Joint Symposium 2014 Department of Psychiatry & National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry (Japan) Date: Wednesday 19 November 2014 Time: 9.15am – 5pm Venue: Kenneth Myer Auditorium, Melbourne Brain Institute RSVP: Please register your attendance at: Contact: Ms Jan Mariani E: [email protected] for registration matters 9:15 – 9:40 WELCOME AND OPENING Professor SESSION 1: DISASTER AND TRAUMA-RELATED MENTAL HEALTH Chair: A/Prof Darryl Wade 9.40 – 10:10 Opening Lecture: 311 disaster and mental health countermeasures Dr Yoshiharu Kim 10:10 – 10:30 The longitudinal course of posttraumatic mental health symptoms Dr Nathan Alkemade 10:30 – 11:00 MORNING TEA 11:00 – 11:20 The psychosocial impact of 311 disaster on the Japanese community Dr Naru Fukuchi 11:20 – 11:40 Psychological outcomes following the Victorian Black Saturday bushfires Prof David Forbes 11:40 – 12:00 Mental health screening in Otsuchi after the Great East Japan Earthquake Dr Kenji Kawano 12:00 - 12:20 Trauma and mental health in military veterans: findings from the Australian national mental health survey A/Prof Darryl Wade 12.20 - 12.30 Closing Remarks Prof David Forbes 12:30 – 1:30 LUNCH SESSION 2: INNOVATION IN MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH Chair: Professor Chee Ng 1:30 – 2:00 Opening Lecture: Cooperation in mental health programs between UOM and NCNP: Present and future Dr Tadashi Takeshima 2:00 – 2:20 Increased cerebrospinal fluid fibrinogen delineates a subgroup of major depressive disorder Dr Kotaro Hattori 2:20 – 2:40 Identifying subgroups within schizophrenia A/Prof Elizabeth Scarr 2:40 – 3:00 Functional disability and social burden of common mental disorders: Findings form World Mental Health Japan Survey Dr Hisateru Tachimori 3:00 – 3:20 Psychosocial disability among people living with psychoses in Australia: Findings from the 2010 national survey A/Prof Carol Harvey 3:20 – 3:50 TEABREAK 3:50 – 4:10 Omega-3 PUFAs for depressive symptoms in pregnant women – An open label trial Dr Daisuke Nishi 4:10 – 4:30 Omega-3 PUFAs for Mood Disorders, a review of the literature and our current research Dr Jerome Sarris 4.30 – 4.45 Closing Remarks Professor Ian Everall 4:45 – 5:00 SYMPOSIUM CLOSE
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