Independent Cost Benefit Analysis of the Yuendumu Mediation and Justice Committee 20 15 10 5 The Yuendumu Mediation and Justice Committee (YM&JC) is an innovative, responsive and highly effective Indigenous designed and driven community initiative that has succeeded in restoring stability and harmony to the community of Yuendumu. By doing so it has played a powerful role in breaking cycles of disadvantage, distress and suffering caused by unmanaged community conflict. It is a positive and compelling example of the drive, vision and commitment of Aboriginal people in Central Australia to take control and responsibility for matters in their community and their effectiveness and skill in doing so. The Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) established and managed the YM&JC as part of its responsibility for service delivery to CDRC residents. The Commonwealth Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet was the principal funder. 2698of the University of Canberra, directed Professor Anne Daly, an independent economic Cost Benefit Analysis of the YM&JC. This rigorous CBA establishes that the YM&JC delivers Australia a substantial economic net benefit. The present value (PV) of its benefits 3114 outweighs its costs 4.3 times over. This is a very high rate of return on society’s resources consumed in the project . The difference between the benefits and costs, the Net 593 Present Value (NPV), is a substantial $14.2 Community million dollars over the ten year period of analysis.productivity 1726 Healthier children Total costs PV $4,359,000 Total benefits PV $18,522,000 Healthier adults 4.3 Health services $14,163,000 Children’s education 1798 The YM&JC is clearly a very efficient use of Australian Housing repairs 315 resources. * CJC support This conclusion is strengthened by the inclusion of sensitivity Prisons extensive and distributional analysis. The CBA involved consultation with the Courts 4136 major stakeholders. 1412 Benefit Cost Ratio NPV The YM&JC benefits are broadly based. The benefit of reduced use of resources comes from several government departments covering health, housing, mediation, courts, prisons and policing. The benefit of greater productivity of existing resources comes through Yuendumu community services, better education and better health outcomes. Costs and benefits of the Yuendumu Mediation and Justice Committee over a 10 year period 2014 dollars discounted by 2% over ten years 20 2.7 15 3.11 Inputs: Labour and materials Purpose: Improved community services Costs Benefits 4.14 Children’s education Housing repairs CJC support .72 2.37 Courts Policing 1.73 2.01 Peace Park YMJC members time YMJC resources $million Costs Benefits The graph above compares the costs and benefits of the Yuendumu Mediation and Justice Committee. It looks at this over a 10 year period. Ten years is good amount of time to get a clear picture of both the costs and the benefits of the work of the Committee. Measurement: Market price This CBA supports a wider use of the YM&JC mediation model. For example, the proposed Willowra Community Mediation Service would be expected to give a substantial positive economic return. The Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) is seeking funding to extend the YM&JC model to Willowra as part of its responsibility for service delivery to CDRC residents. * In a recent OECD publication “A ratio below 1 is considered poor, Measurement: Labour productivity Purpose: Improved health and education Health services Prisons .26 Purpose: Improved child welfare Measurement: Market price 1.41 5 police, courts, prison, health, CJC, housing Output: Peace Healthier children .32 Purpose: Freed government resources Activities: Mediation, training, prison visits 1.73 1.8 YM&JC impact chart YMJC Community productivity Healthier adults 10 259 The settlement of community conflictPolicing in Yuendumu is a 1726 process using significant economic resources. continuing The peaceful settlement of these violent conflicts will free 719 Peace Park resources for other economic opportunities, increase the productivity of resources in Yuendumu andmembers provide major 2374 YMJC time 2011 benefits to the people of Australia. The Yuendumu Mediation YMJC resources $million and Justice Committee minimises the resources required for conflict resolution and makes investments the community Costs Benefits more productive. .59 a ratio between 1 and 1½ low, a ratio between 1½ and 2 medium and a ratio above 2 high” (Persson & Song 2010:33). For comparison the World Bank (2011:4) estimates benefit cost ratios for Indonesian urban sanitation projects at 1.1 to 2.4, the Productivity Commission (2013:27) estimates the benefit cost ratio of smart electrical meters at 2.7 and the South Australian Centre for Economic Studies (2010:95) estimates a benefit cost ratio of Opal fuel at 3.7.
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