Vol un teer Tran sportation Ser vice s Our Success As of May 31st, Volunteer Transportation Services has provided 201 trips. Volunteers have driven over 3,315 miles and volunteered over 210 hours of their time. What a success! Thank you so much for everything that each and every one of you do. Our passengers not only are getting to where they need to go, but they are enjoying the companionship and making friends. Summer 2015 What are our passengers saying? “Another volunteer par excellence! [She] is so kind, so gracious & everything one could possibly wish for in a volunteer driver.” - Passenger “The nicest young man I have met in many years! Extra helpful.” - Passenger “[She] couldn’t be more considerate, kind & service oriented. She’s disguised as a human, but she’s really a little angel.” - Passenger “Very nice guy! Deserves an ’A plus’ or 11 on a scale of 1 to 10.” - Passenger Volume 1, Issue 5 Supporting VTS VTS was awarded a grant that will provide one half of the funding needed to sustain the program for the next year, which begins in July. We need your help! There are 3 ways you can donate. 1. Visit our webpage and donate: www.centralinavts.org 2. Visit our GoFundMe page: www.gofundme.com/centralinavts 3. Mail your contribution to the address on the back. 4. Sponsorships: Bronze - $1,000 - Newsletter Logo Silver - $2,500 - Bronze + Logo on Volunteer Handbook Gold $5,000 - Silver + Logo on Website Platinum - $10,000 - Gold + Logo on all materials Volunteer Appreciation Lunch on April 30th. Pictured (L-R) back row: Katie Kutcher, John Arends, William Manning, Gary Becker, Brenda Thompson, Louise Palmer, Bob Mann, Michael Miller; front row: Margie Eberling, Ginger Lourenco, Nikki Miller and Karen Gushiken. Vo l u n t e e r T r a n s p o rtat i o n S e rv i c e s Centralina Connection 525 N. Tryon Street, 12th floor Charlotte, NC 28202 Phone: 844-887-7433 Fax: 704-347-4710 E-mail: [email protected] Improving mobility for older adults, veterans and adults with disabilities in the Centralina region. Get Involved! Volunteer as a VTS driver. Volunteer Transportation Services (operated by Centralina Connection) can help provide safe, reliable transportation options where other services may not fit the need. It offers non-emergency access to medical care, grocery stores, cultural facilities, senior centers, churches or other needs and destinations for those without access to a vehicle, or are simply uncomfortable or unable to drive. Non-emergency medical trips will take priority, but access to social, shopping and other destinations critical to maintaining independence will be provided. Volunteer Transportation Services does not guarantee that all trips will be granted. VTS depends solely on volunteer drivers accepting requests. Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/ VolunteerTransportatonServices Special thanks to the Southminster Retirement Community, Centralina Area Agency on Aging and the Union County Council on Aging for their generous support of VTS. Be a VTS Ambassador Help us get the word out about VTS. Tell friends and community members Donate Submit your tax-deductible Visit www.centralinavts.org to find out how you can help support VTS too! Volunteer Drivers needed! Want to help others in your community? Are you at least 21 years old? Do you own your own vehicle? Centralina Connection is funded through a NC DOT grant in partnership with Centralina Mobility Management. Do you have a valid NC drivers license? Summer 2015
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