THE BULLETIN CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (USA) 1404 NORTH BOULEVARD ANDERSON, SOUTH CAROLINA 29621 (864) 226-3468 WEB ADDRESS: WWW.CENTRALPRESBY.COM Published Weekly by Central Presbyterian Church (except for week of Christmas) Periodicals Postage Paid at Anderson, SC 29621 USPS-552480 Postmaster: Send address changes to 1404 N. Blvd, Anderson, SC 29621 VOLUME 46, NUMBER 14 April 12, 2015 David J. Bailey Chris Cole Pastor Organist Carrie Pannell Director of Christian Education for Youth & Young Adults Allyson Helvie Mandy Keathley Parish Associate Director of Music Amy Rawlings Director of Christian Education for Adults & Children Ministries SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER Pilgrimage to Peace Our pilgrimage in life, as in faith, is not a straight line from point A to point B Our pilgrimage in life is an ever deepening spiral deeper into God deeper into Christ broadening out into more and more of the world. In the unlimited center of the spiral is Christ the one who wishes us peace the one who is peace. Our pilgrimage in life is a spiral around and into the Christ — one with God — who walks with us listens to us changes us sets our hearts burning breaks bread with us and grants us peace. ~Susan Palo Cherwien WITH PEOPLE ’NEATH THE STEEPLE Please remember in your prayers: Bob Collier, Robbie Seawright, Margaret Thrasher, John Eichelberger (father of Bonny Daughtry), John Clark, Jerry Lane, Philip Campbell (brother of Madeline Cape), Totsey McMahan (mother of Becky De Palma), Shirley Jones (Susan Willis’ mother), Jody Moesley, Aaron Johnson (Brian Johnson’s father), Scott Stewart, and Ann DeVilliers. Many thanks to all who worked so hard to provide a beautiful Easter experience for our church last week! Tomorrow the Footsteps of Paul pilgrimage group will depart, returning on April 24. They will visit well known New Testament sites such as Athens, Corinth, Philippi, Thessalonica, and Patmos. The participants are: Jacky and Janis Hunter, Susan Wright, Vickie Burns, Deborah Broadwell (pastor at Honea Path Presbyterian Church), Nancy Speer, Tom and Jan Hinchman, Harold and Kay Gilbert, Danny and Sidney Mize, Don and Sue Caswell, Keith and Barb Heintz, Patty Rawlings, Amy Cianciolo, David and Claire Bailey. Prayers will be appreciated for safe journeys and deepening faith. If you are interested in “traveling vicariously” with the group, read Acts 1320, Philippians, 1 and 2 Corinthians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, and Revelation. Pictures and notes will be shared during this time through the church email list. If you’d like to be added, send your address to [email protected]. A map and itinerary are available in the narthex. The flowers beneath the cross are given to the Glory of God and in memory of Chris Stovall. Given by his parents, Bob & Jane Stovall. Sign-ups are available for flowers in the sanctuary for May, June and July 2015. Please call Jean Wachs at 231-7343 or email [email protected] or Sandy in the church office. NEW SABBATICAL POLICY The Session has approved a Sabbatical Policy for those church employees whose jobs include working Sundays/weekends and most holidays. The policy provides for a one month sabbatical for rest and renewal after each seven years of employment, which can be combined with vacation/study leave if desired. Mandy Keathley, who will complete eight years of service at Central on May 31, will be taking a combined sabbatical/study leave/ vacation from late May through early July, following her wedding on May 23. COMMUNICATING WITH PEOPLE AFFECTED BY DEMENTIA AND ALZHEIMERS There will be a training session on Thursday, April 16, 4:00—5:30 pm at the Kirk at First Presbyterian Church, 302 W. Whitner Street, 864225-2551. The speaker will be Karen Nichols, RN, NHA, CRCFA Administrator at Foothills Presbyterian Communities in Easley. Anyone can attend and there is no cost. Literature and refreshments will be provided. Come learn about dealing with this growing health issue. Sunday, April 12 4:45 Handbells / 5:15 Choir 6– 8 PYC Small Groups and Games Wednesday, April 15 3:45—5:00 Open Gym Sunday, April 19 4:45 Handbells / 5:15 Choir 6– 8 PYC Lesson and Games Youth Sunday will be April 26. Be sure all speaking parts have been turned in to Carrie no later than April 19. UPCOMING EVENTS April 22 - Spring Luncheon at noon. Our lunch will be a picnic style served by Kelly King and Leigh Henninger. Mandy will host a Hymn Sing of Favorites through the years! Sign up today! May 14 - Montreat Day Trip. 8:30 am - 6:00 pm. Cost $20 includes Lunch Buffet. Sign up by May 4. Central is now being broadcast on Charter Channel 98 Thursdays at 7 pm. The service that is seen will be a week delayed. Don’t forget your April/May copy of “Lighting the Way” to aid with your Family devotion time this during Lent. Wednesday KIDS Programs Thank you to all of our volunteers Dec 10thwith - Pageant Practice that helped the Easter Egg(all Hunt children’s choirs- from yesterday! 3:30-6:00 pm Jesus Birthday Party 6-6:30 pm Upcoming Events: Dec 17th - Jan 7th - No Classes or Choir - April 19th Children’s Musical during worship! Rehearsal will be April 15th during choir time. STOCK DONATIONS If Last youday wish of K2 to donate & Acolytes stockClasses before the end of the April year, 22nd please remind your broker that all stock transfers must be to the church’s broker by FUN! DecemberSUMMER 15th in time for them to June 16th July 23rd liquidate and send the check to us We willbybegin registration for receipt December 31st, for for the members NEXT Sunday 12th! donation to be properly April credited to Registration forms can be found on your 2014 contributions statement. ourhave website! will open If you anyWe other questions, registration up to the Aprilin please don’t hesitate to public call Cheryl 22nd! the church office at 864-226-3468. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL July 27th - 31st Register early by going to our website: ministries/childrens/vacation-bibleschool/ If you would like to work at VBS this summer or if you would like to donate items, contact Amy. We will be posting a list of needs to our website soon! CHRISMONS 2015 Beautiful, hand-made Chrismons will be available for purchase this year, which will be used on our sanctuary Chrismon tree annually. Catalogs and order forms are available. The information will also be in the church newsletter. Please call Sandy in church office for information. USHERS Jimmy Anderson Blake Batten Kyle Bryans Stephen Price Kendall Stayanoff Madison Anderson GREETERS Richard & Kimberly Speer REPRESENTATIVE Maureen Dorin ACOLYTES Jean Marie Small Jack Greenway CHILDREN’S CHURCH SHEPHERD Elliot Southard HELPERS Jimmy & Lisa Huff Doug & Martha Mayfield HANDBELL RINGERS Ceil Huff Graycen Watson LITURGIST Erin Lee SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT April 12 - Andy Anderson April 19 - Kelley Seawright PYC SUPPER April 12 - Harbin/Sears April 19 - Kitchens THIS WEEK AT CENTRAL SUNDAY, April 12 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 4:30 pm Youth Handbell Choir 5:15 pm Youth Choir MONDAY, April 13 9:00 am Preschool/Kindergarten Mother’s Morning Out 2:00 pm Joanna Circle TUESDAY, April 14 9:00 am Preschool/Kindergarten 6:15 pm Cub Scouts 7:00 pm Scouts Troop 84 WEDNESDAY, April 15 6:30 am Men’s Group 9:00 am Preschool/Kindergarten Mother’s Morning Out 3:00 pm Open Gym for Elem. 3:45 pm Open Gym for Youth 3:45 pm Acolytes & K2 Class 4:45 pm Children’s Choirs 6:00 pm Adult Handbell Choir 7:00 pm Chancel Choir THURSDAY, April 16 9:00 am Preschool/Kindergarten 10:00 am DYOT 10:00 am Prayer Shawl Group 7:00 pm Service televised on Charter Channel 98 FRIDAY, April 17 9:00 am Preschool/Kindergarten Mother’s Morning Out The Session will meet this month on April 27 and the Diaconate on April 28. APRIL IS NATIONAL DONATE LIFE MONTH Currently, nearly 124,000 men, women and children are awaiting organ transplants in the United States. Consider donation and visit JOANNA CIRCLE Monday, April 13, 2:00 P.M. In the Parlor Bible Study: Ruth Roose Bring Someone!! PARKINSON’S AWARENESS WALK Join us for the inaugural Parkinson’s Awareness Walk Saturday April 18th 9:00 am AnMed Health Campus Walking Track 2000 E. Greenville Street Help raise awareness for this disabling disease and support the Anderson Area Parkinson’s Support Group. Purchase a T-shirt for $25 at the AnMed Health Rehabilitation Hospital and join us on the 18th. For more information contact: Chris Daughtry [email protected] 864-716-2643 Sunday, April 12, 2015 – 10:30 am. Second Sunday of Easter Large print Bulletins and Hearing Amplification Devices are available. Nursery provided for infants through 2-year-old children. THE PREPARATION OF GOD’S PEOPLE PRELUDE WELCOME - ANNOUNCEMENTS INTROIT O Day of Rest and Gladness Erin Lee Wordsworth/Woodward * CALL TO WORSHIP One: May the light of God’s love push back the darkness. All: We come to the light from the four corners of the earth, from the north, from the south, from the east, and from the west. One: But we are all one in Jesus Christ. All: We come from many nations and many cultures. One: But we are all one in Jesus Christ. All: We come seeking the light that guides us to life. One: But we are all one in Jesus Christ. All: Let us lift up our many voices and praise the God of all people. One: Let us worship the risen Lord of Light! * HYMN 401 Here in This Place GATHER US IN * CALL TO CONFESSION One: When we see God’s beautiful holiness, we recognize our own lack of holiness. God is light and truth, yet we live among shadows and lies. People of God, let us acknowledge who and whose we are; let us ask our powerful God to illumine us with grace and truth, first using the corporate Prayer of Confession, followed by a time of personal, Silent Confession. Let us pray. * PRAYER OF CONFESSION All: God of grace, we confess how hard it is to be your people. You have called us to be the church, to continue the mission of Jesus to our lonely and confused world. Yet we acknowledge we are more apathetic than active, isolated than involved, callous than compassionate, obstinate than obedient, legalistic than loving. Gracious Lord, have mercy on us and forgive our sins. Remove the obstacles preventing us from being your representatives to a broken world. Awaken our hearts to the promised gift of your indwelling Spirit. This we pray in Jesus’ powerful name... * SILENT CONFESSION * ASSURANCE OF PARDON One: Amen. The God who challenges us is also the God who encourages us. The God who confronts us is also the God who accepts us. Be assured that God is with us even now, accepting, guiding, and forgiving. All: Thanks be to God! * CONGREGTIONAL RESPONSE - Gloria Patri #581 Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen. THE PROCLAMATION OF GOD’S WORD A TIME FOR ALL GOD’S CHILDREN (Following this, children ages 3, 4, and 5 may leave for Children’s Church) PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION O God, on earth’s first day you caused light to shine out of darkness. Now flood our hearts with light from your Word. O Jesus Christ, Son of God, you are the light of the world. As we read and speak and listen, shine in and through us. Amen. OLD TESTAMENT READING, p. 575 ANTHEM Psalm 133 In Christ Alone Jan Hinchman, mezzo-soprano Getty/Townend EPISTLE READING, p. 238 SERMON 1 John 1:1-2:1 Growing in Grace Dr. Bailey THE RESPONSE OF GOD’S PEOPLE * STATEMENT OF FAITH — The Apostles’ Creed, p. 35 * HYMN 694 Great God of Every Blessing AURELIA PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND LORD’S PRAYER (sung) PRESENTATION OF OUR TITHES AND GIFTS OFFERTORY * RESPONSE, page 606 The Doxology OLD HUNDREDTH * PRAYER OF DEDICATION * HYMN 463 How Firm a Foundation FOUNDATION * BENEDICTION * CHORAL RESPONSE * POSTLUDE Light Dawns on a Weary World Bringle
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