THE BULLETIN CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (USA) 1404 NORTH BOULEVARD ANDERSON, SOUTH CAROLINA 29621 (864) 226-3468 WEB ADDRESS: WWW.CENTRALPRESBY.COM Published Weekly by Central Presbyterian Church (except for week of Christmas) Periodicals Postage Paid at Anderson, SC 29621 USPS-552480 Postmaster: Send address changes to 1404 N. Blvd, Anderson, SC 29621 VOLUME 46, NUMBER 16 April 26, 2015 David J. Bailey Chris Cole Pastor Organist Carrie Pannell Director of Christian Education for Youth & Young Adults Allyson Helvie Mandy Keathley Parish Associate Director of Music Amy Rawlings Director of Christian Education for Adults & Children Ministries WITH PEOPLE ’NEATH THE STEEPLE Please remember in your prayers: Roger Mudd, Bob Collier, Robbie Seawright, Margaret Thrasher, John Clark, Jerry Lane, Philip Campbell (brother of Madeline Cape), Totsey McMahan (mother of Becky De Palma), Shirley Jones (Susan Willis’ mother), Jody Moesley, Aaron Johnson (Brian Johnson’s father), Scott Stewart, and Ann DeVilliers. The flowers beneath the cross are given to the Glory of God and in honor of Jo Willis’ 80th birthday, given by her husband, Ron and their children. Sign-ups are available for flowers in the sanctuary for May, June and July 2015. Please call Jean Wachs at 231-7343 or email [email protected] or Sandy in the church office. NEW SABBATICAL POLICY The outpouring of Christian love and concern which Glenn and I received subsequent to Barbara’s death is truly inspiring. We want to thank everyone so very much. - Dick & Glenn Dominick Thank you to my wonderful church family for all the prayers and cards during my illness. Love, Connie (Burns) Thank you so much to the congregation for all the prayers, cards, phone calls and visits during Bob’s illness. We are overwhelmed by the support. God Bless you all, Bob & Ut Collier WANT TO JOIN CENTRAL? There will be a meeting to receive new members on Sunday, May 3, at 10 a.m. in the Session Room. Any who are interested in becoming members of Central Presbyterian are invited to contact the church office or note it on the Ritual of Friendship pad as it is passed. The Session has approved a Sabbatical Policy for those church employees whose jobs include working Sundays/weekends and most holidays. The policy provides for a one month sabbatical for rest and renewal after each seven years of employment, which can be combined with vacation/study leave if desired. Mandy Keathley, who will complete eight years of service at Central on May 31, will be taking a combined sabbatical/study leave/ vacation from late May through early July, following her wedding on May 23. An Evening with Mac Frampton Benefiting the Greater Anderson Music Arts Consortium (GAMAC) will be held in our sanctuary Thursday, May 7 7:30 pm Tickets: Adults $35.00 Students $25.00 Call: 864-231-6147 for tickets and information Wednesday KIDS Programs Sunday, April 26 8:45 am—Youth Choirs Rehearse 9:00 am—All Youth Rehearse for Youth Sunday in the Sanctuary 4:00—Middle School Dodgeball Tournament 5:30 High School Dodgeball Tournament A loose offering will be collected at the door to benefit Backpack Snackpack. Those who purchased t-shirts have already donated. Sunday, May 3 6:00—8:00 PYC Small Groups Sunday, May 17 All Youth Families invited to the end of the year party. 5:30 pm. Mark your calendar May 14 - Montreat Day Trip. 8:30 am - 6:00 pm. Cost $20 includes Lunch Buffet. Sign up by May 4. Please look for your copy of the Newsletter in your email!! Central is now being broadcast on Charter Channel 98 Thursdays at 7 pm. The service that is seen will be a week delayed. Dec 10th - Pageant Practice (all children’s choirs- from 3:30-6:00 pm Jesus Birthday Party 6-6:30 pm SUMMER FUN! Dec 17th Jan 7th No Classes or June 16th - July 23rd Choir Registration is open to the public. If you are working Summer Fun, make sure to get your vacation dates STOCK DONATIONS to Mrs. Amy by May 1st! If you wish to donate stock before the end of the year, please remind VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL your broker that all stock transfers July 27th - 31st must be to the church’s broker by Register for VBS on our website: December 15th in time for them to liquidate and send the check to us childrens/vacation-bible-school/ for receipt by December 31st, for the donation to be properly credited to your 2014 contributions statement. If you have any other questions, CHRISMONS 2015 please don’t hesitate to call Cheryl in the churchhand-made office at 864-226-3468. Beautiful, Chrismons are now available for purchase this year, which will be used on our sanctuary Chrismon tree in honor or in memory of someone special. Catalogs and order forms are available. The links are also in the church newsletter. Please call Sandy in church office for information. PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN SPRING BIRTHDAY LUNCHEON ALL LADIES INVITED THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 2015 11:30 AM FELLOWSHIP HALL Please bring a salad to share Parish Associate, Allyson Helvie will speak on Women Connecting with other Women (Sisters in Christ) Birthday offering supports life changing projects for women & children around the world. REPRESENTATIVE Billy Ewing ACOLYTES Xander Piel Walker Lindley HANDBELL RINGERS Blake Batten Amanda Henry CHILDREN’S CHURCH SHEPHERD* Henri Baker HELPERS Chris & Kathi Luplow Gary & Amy Marshall SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT April 26 - Josh Pannell May 3 - Rick Anderson Baccalaureate Sunday Our annual recognition of graduates will be on May 17. We would like to recognize all high school, college and post graduate students who graduated in the 2014-2015 school year. Please contact Carrie Pannell with your information. The Baccalaureate Breakfast is at 8:30 am and open to anyone who would like to attend. This will include a detailed recognition of High School Seniors as well as others along with a breakfast prepared by Josh and crew. Breakfast is at no cost but donations will be accepted. Baccalaureate Breakfast Reservation Family Name:_________________ # Attending:_____________ THIS WEEK AT CENTRAL SUNDAY, April 26 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship Youth Sunday MONDAY, April 27 9:00 am Preschool/Kindergarten Mother’s Morning Out 6:00 pm Session Meeting TUESDAY, April 28 9:00 am Preschool/Kindergarten 6:00 pm Deacon’s Meeting 6:15 pm Cub Scouts 7:00 pm Scout Troop 84 WEDNESDAY, April 29 6:30 am Men’s Group 9:00 am Preschool/Kindergarten Mother’s Morning Out 6:00 pm Adult Handbell Choir 7:00 pm Chancel Choir THURSDAY, April 30 9:00 am Preschool/Kindergarten 10:00 am DYOT 10:00 am Prayer Shawl Group 7:00 pm Service televised on Charter Channel 98 FRIDAY, May 1 9:00 am Preschool/Kindergarten Mother’s Morning Out SATURDAY, May 2 9:15 am Saturday Servants The Session will meet this week on April 27 and the Diaconate on April 28. Sunday, April 26, 2015 – 10:30 am. Fourth Sunday of Easter Large print Bulletins and Hearing Amplification Devices are available. Nursery provided for infants through 2-year-old children. THE PREPARATION OF GOD’S PEOPLE PRELUDE Nearer My God to Thee Lydia Francis, soloist WELCOME - ANNOUNCEMENTS INTROIT arr. Dan Forrest Dixon Lee & Sarah Grace Reno The Lord Is My Light Youth Choir M. Bedford * CALL TO WORSHIP Dalton Piel & Jocelyn Piel Reader 1: Let us worship God, our light and our salvation. All: The Lord is the stronghold of our lives. Reader 2: We desire to live in God’s house and to seek God in his holy temple. All: We have come with shouts of joy, to sing and make music to the Lord. Readers 1 & 2: Let us worship God in spirit and in truth. All: Teach us your ways and make straight our paths in this hour of worship and always. Reader 1: Let us worship God, our light and our salvation. * HYMN 749 Come! Live in the Light! WE ARE CALLED * CALL TO CONFESSION Mary Beth Reno One: As Christians we know we are set apart by God. The only thing that can separate us from God is sin. Let us now confess our sins before God first using the corporate Prayer of Confession, followed by a time of personal, Silent Confession. Let us pray. * PRAYER OF CONFESSION All: God our Father, we know you set us apart to do your work, but we fall short. We know that you sent your son, Jesus, the living stone, to save us but we still reject him. We put ourselves before others and you. Forgive us for ignoring your teachings and not doing your work. Be with us and help us to understand what it means to be loved by you and set apart as your people. * SILENT CONFESSION * ASSURANCE OF PARDON One: Friends, hear the Good News! Once we were not a people, But now we are the people of God; Once we had not received mercy, but now we have received mercy. In Jesus Christ we forgiven. All: Thanks be to God! Olivia Williams *Those who are able, please stand. * CONGREGTIONAL RESPONSE - Glory to God #582 Glory to God, whose goodness shines on me, and to the Son, whose grace has pardoned me, and to the Spirit, whose love has set me free. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. Amen. World without end, without end. Amen. (X3) As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. Amen. THE PROCLAMATION OF GOD’S WORD A TIME FOR ALL GOD’S CHILDREN Youth Handbell Choir Noah And The Ark (Following this, children ages 3, 4, and 5 may leave for Children’s Church) PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION Lauren Anderson Lord, open our hearts and minds, that we may declare your praises, and receive your mercy, so that we may be a people set apart and show Christ’s love in our lives given to your service. Amen. NEW TESTAMENT READING, p. 233 1 Peter 2:4-10 REFLECTIONS ON FAITH ANTHEM Anna Craft I Will Lift My Eyes Youth Choir T. Alonso REFLECTIONS ON FAITH Madison Anderson THE RESPONSE OF GOD’S PEOPLE STATEMENT OF FAITH—from A Brief Statement of Faith Please follow along in your hymnal on p. 38 JD Bowen, Jackson Lindley, Jack Roberts PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE & LORD’S PRAYER Kevin Henry ANTHEM arr. S. Eithun How Firm a Foundation Youth Handbell Choir PRESENTATION OF OUR TITHES AND GIFTS OFFERTORY Jesus Draw Me Ever Nearer Getty Mabel Kitchens, soloist; Blakely Francis, violin * RESPONSE, page 606 The Doxology OLD HUNDREDTH * PRAYER OF DEDICATION * HYMN 769 For Everyone Born Marianna Johnson FOR EVERYONE BORN * BENEDICTION Evan Francis * CHORAL RESPONSE #80 You Shall Go Out With Joy (see bulletin insert and sing as directed) * POSTLUDE The Youth Choir and Youth Handbell Choir are directed by Mandy Keathley. Our Accompanist is Chris Cole. The Director of Youth Ministry is Carrie Pannell.
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