Take It Home The Weekly Newsletter of Christ Church Cranbrook weekend of sunday, May 24, 2015 Seeking a Director of Music for Christ Church “O come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!” - Psalm 95:1 The members appointed to serve on the Search Committee for the Music Director included members of the congregation, the choir, a high school student and the Rector.The Committee had the February 2015 “Report of the Task Force on Music” to use as guidance. That Report, which is available on the CCC website, raised questions about the role of music at Christ Church and identified several areas where there need to be connections between existing programs. Specifically “there is no connection between our projects in outreach and our music program, or between the St. Francis children’s choir and our offerings in children’s ministries.” Further, “there is no youth choir to augment the work we do through our youth ministries.” This thoughtful document prepared by musically involved Christ Church members was the document from which committee worked. The Committee considered the needs and weighed in very favorably on the need for youth choirs and youth involvement. One of the key questions the Search Committee asked itself as its first meeting was “Recognizing that some of the skills are different, are we seeking an organist or a choir director?” This is an important question. The Committee acknowledged that to be selected any candidate would be an accomplished musician, but that did not necessarily mean they would have the requisite skills to be a choir director. The answer was clear from the Report and the Search Committee echoed the words that we were seeking a person who would “work closely and collaboratively with the clergy, our musical staff, our choirs and our congregation.” Once the advertisement was placed over thirty applications were received. Based on the thoughtfully prepared job description included in the “Report of the Task Force on Music” an Excel spreadsheet was prepared and each Search Committee member was able to evaluate each candidate and determine whether or not they met the criteria. The Committee met and discussed those evaluations to determine which candidates to further investigate. Following that review the Search Committee identified nine candidates to visit with during thirty minute Skype interviews. Members of the Search Committee discussed what questions were to be asked and prepared those in advance. During the interviews questions focused on the candidate’s experience with youth choirs and choirs in general. They were asked about their experience with music for liturgy and their view of the role of music in a church setting. In addition the candidates were invited to ask questions of the Search Committee. Specific questions included: Have you ever started a youth choir? Understanding that young people have many activities offered to them, what would you do to attract them to choir? How do continued on next page you respond to a member of the congregation who is critical of something you have done in the course of carrying out your professional responsibilities? Is there a particular sound you seek in a choir? And what attracted you to consider Christ Church? As a result of the Skype interviews four candidates were invited to come to visit and three accepted the offer. Each candidate arrived in time to rehearse the choir on Thursday, bringing one contemporary sacred anthem of their choice to teach the choir. Friday and Saturday were reserved for organ rehearsal and the candidate was interviewed by the Search Committee at dinner on Friday evening. The candidate selected the hymns and service music and played the organ for the Saturday service, the Sunday service at 8:00 AM and conducted the choir and played the organ at the 10:00 AM service. Throughout the process Committee members have been very interested and appreciation of comments by parishioners on each of the candidates. The choir members developed an evaluation form based on their requirements including questions as to whether that the candidate had a strong command of music interpretation. Did the candidate show clarity in their conducting technique that aligned to their teaching of the music? Was the candidate’s choice of anthem selection challenging, diverse and appropriate for worship? And was the candidate was motivating and inspiring as a musical worship leader. Members of the Search Committee met with each candidate following the Sunday service for further interview questions and another opportunity for the candidate to raise any questions with the Committee. The Committee members consulted with each other following each candidate and now the results of all of these steps are being formulated and to be presented for a decision. - Coco Siewert, Chair of Director of Music Search Committee Do You Need a Ride to Church? Do you or someone you know need a ride to the 10:00 AM service on Sundays? We now have a shuttle running from Fox Run retirement community in Novi to CCC every Sunday for the 10:00 AM service. The shuttle leaves Fox Run at 9:15 AM and will make stops between there and Christ Church Cranbrook. If you or someone you know lives in Farmington Hills, W. Bloomfield, Bloomfield Hills, Beverly Hills or Birmingham and would like a ride to church, please contact Mr. Don Canavesio at 586.747.6587. CCC has contracted with Don to drive our van to pick up parishioners. If a ride is needed, you need to contact Don by Saturday at Noon for a ride for the next day. Seating is limited so rides are on a first come-first served basis. There is no charge for this service. Final Choral Evensong of the Season Christ Church Cranbrook is one of the few churches in Michigan to offer choral Evensong services. Evensong is held at 5:00 in the afternoon, on the first Saturday of the month between October and June. Please join us for the next Choral Evensong on Saturday, June 6, 2015. Please note that incense is used at Choral Evensong. Kirkin’ O’ The Tartan ed mullins©2007 and festal Eucharist Featuring: Saint Andrew’s Society Pipe and Drum Band The royal Scottish Honor Guard The Highland Dancers Sunday, June 7, 2015 10:00 am T HE Kirkin’ O’ the Tartan is the Scottish ceremony of the Blessing of the Tartans of the clans of Scotland. As is customary, all are invited to wear family tartans. Whatever your ethnic background or nationality, this event is an opportunity to remember and honor the rich heritage you claim. You are invited to bring whatever symbol you use to commemorate your ancestry and cultural traditions — a swatch of cloth, a piece of jewelry, or something else — and lay it on the altar at the time of the blessing. High School Mission Trip Meeting The high school youth meeting for those in grades 10-12 will be on the second Sunday of the month at 11:30 AM in the Hospitality Center. Lunch will be provided. We will be working on plans for the next group outreach project. We will also be discussing the high school mission trip to the Dominican Republic and close our time together with a reading and some reflection time. We may even work a little on our Spanish. • June 14 – Parent Meeting: Parents please attend this Q & A with Youth Leaders 11:30-12:30 in the Room 202 CCC Community Gardens Needs Helpers The three vegetable beds near the Church’s south door are ready to be planted! Volunteer gardeners are needed to weed, water, harvest, and deliver vegetables. No previous gardening experience is needed. We will plant tomatoes, lettuce, kale, collard and mustard greens, string beans, zucchini and eggplant. There will be an herb garden too with parsley, basal, mint, and cilantro. Our fresh produce goes to the weekly “Farmer’s Market” at our sister parish of All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Pontiac. Please help by signing up today. Contact Coco Siewert ([email protected]) to sign up or if you have any questions. Join the fun and we will work around your summer vacation, work, and play schedule. Oblation Bearers Needed! Summer is upon us. Everyone is busy. We’d love for you to be part of our 10:00 AM Sunday service by volunteering to bring up the gifts of bread and wine at the Offertory. Children are welcome too! Please contact Nan Burke at [email protected] or 248.540.7434. Prayer Card Ministry The Prayer Card Ministry meets monthly to send cards to parishioners, their families, and friends who are ill. For more information please contact Pat Tilley at 248.588.8582. Greeters Needed! We need people to greet people as they arrive for church and occasionally, other church events. To help out or for more information, contact Cindy White at [email protected]. Calling for Vergers and Thurifers Christ Church Cranbrook would like to increase the number of people in the Verger and Thurifer Corps. Vergers lead the procession for services, including funerals. Thurifers disperse the incense at the first Saturday of the month at Evensong and occasionally at other services throughout the year. Scheduling is according to your schedule and training is provided. Please consider being part of this important CCC worship ministry. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Chas Kipp at [email protected] or 248.633.4546. Sunday at Six - Evensong Join us on Sunday evenings at 6:00 PM, as we will be offering weekly Sunday at Six Evensong. This brief service will be held in the choir stalls and will be congregationally sung. The music will include simple chants and well known hymns. Like our parish discipline of daily Morning Prayer, the Sunday at Six Evensong is an excellent way to ground the day and the week in prayer and scripture. Come and bring a friend! Upcoming Music at Christ Church Cranbrook Events Saturday, June 6th at 8:00 PM, Sounding Light Chamber Choir presents “The World Made New” Free Will Offering (Church). 87th Annual Summer Carillon Series: Sunday Afternoons at 4:00 PM from July 5th through August 9th. Free Will Offering. Children and Youth Ministry at CCC Vacation Bible School The BEST week of the year is right around the corner, June 22-26, 9:00 AM - noon. Everest VBS, Conquering Challenges with God’s Might Power. Registration is underway visit our website for a link to sign up your children or grand-children. Care to lend a hand? Contact Jessica Neeper at 248.506.1177. Vacation Bible School Set Construction Please join us on Saturday June 13 from 9:00 AM – Noon to build our beautiful back drop and set for Vacation Bible School. Wear clothes you don’t mind getting messy or covered with paint. Please let Jessica Neeper know if you are able to attend: 248.506.1177. Summer Sunday School It is time for Summer, praise God! Summer means fun and relaxation, same with our Summer Sunday School! Children, preschool – 6th grade, meet in rooms 201-202 at 10:00 AM for Christian formation, fun and prizes. Help Needed! Help is needed to help maintain the sound levels in the Church during the Saturday service at 5:00 PM and the Sunday service at 10:00 AM. This is done through using an iPad while sitting in the pew during worship. Training is simple. Please contact Peggy Dahlberg for more information at [email protected]. Women’s Spirituality Group Women's Spirituality Group meets on Fridays for a sack lunch at 11:30 AM and a one hour program at 12:00 PM in Rooms 201-202. This lively, conversational group addresses a wide range of topics relevant to Christian women today. For example, we have discussed Celtic Christianity, the Books of Common Prayer across the Anglican Communion, Spiritual Gifts, Lenten hymns, Interfaith Understanding and more. Come when you can! Did you know our sermons are archived? Every week the sermon from the 10:00 AM service is posted to our website (www.christchurchcranbrook.org) in both text and in audio versions. Hover over the “Worship” tab and then click on the drop-down menu for either “Recent Sermons Heard at CCC (Text) or Recent Sermons Heard at CCC (Audio). They are usually updated every Monday. Holy Baptism The next date available for Baptism is Saturday, June 27, 2015 at 5:00 PM. Preparation class will be on May 24th at 11:30 AM. Contact The Reverend Joyce Matthews at 248.644.5210, Ext. 15 or email jmatthews@ christchurchcranbrook.org. Item of the Month COLLECTING BOOKS IN MAY! This month Christ Church Cranbrook will conduct a Book Drive which will create a Summer Reading Program for the students at Glazer Elementary. All youth books (new and used) are welcome. There is a need for Series Books - especially in a genre for boys. No encyclopedias please. Thank you for supporting this worthy cause. Help Wanted! Christ Church Cranbrook needs help answering phones three mornings a week. If you are able to help out on Monday, Wednesday or Friday mornings, please contact Kathy Doyle at [email protected] or 248.644.5210, Ext. 11. Fact and Fiction Fun Fact and Fiction fun will meet on Monday, June 1, 2015 from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM in the conference room at Christ Church Cranbrook.The group will continue its discussion of Dead Wake:The Last Crossing of the Lusitania, by Erik Larson. Please join us. CCC Services Live Streamed Christ Church Cranbrook is now live streaming our 10:00 AM Sunday service! No matter where you are you don’t have to miss a service. Go to http://christchurchcranbrook.org/ site/watch-ccc-live/ Videos of previous services are archived on this page as well. Wanted: Parish Health Nurses 1. To provide First Aid to children at Vacation Bible school June 22-26 9 AM - Noon. 2. To promote and raise awareness of health including the body, mind and spirit in our congregation. Contact Pastor Joyce Matthews 248.644.5210, Ext. 15 or email [email protected] Hospitality Hour after 5:00 PM Service on Saturdays Our Hospitality Hour after the 5:00 PM service on Saturdays is a huge hit! Your help is needed to continue this welcoming ministry. Come about 20 minutes before the service to set everything up and then clean up afterward. If you are willing to help out, please contact Debbie Moore at [email protected] or at 248.644.5210, Ext. 35. This Week at CCC Monday, May 25 Church Offices Closed for Memorial Day Tuesday, May 26 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 7:30 PM Shiloah Wednesday, May 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 9:30 AM 12:00 PM 7:00 PM 27 Holy Eucharist: Rite II & Bible Study Morning Prayer Adult Children of Alcoholics Meeting Stewardship Committee Meeting Buildings & Grounds Committee Meeting Thursday, May 28 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal Friday, May 29 8:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM Morning Prayer Al-Anon Meeeting Women’s Spirituality Saturday, May 30 5:00 PM Holy Eucharist: Rite II Sunday, May 31 8:00 AM 8:45 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 11:30 AM 11:30 AM 6:00 PM Holy Eucharist: Rite I Nursery Care Rector’s Forum Holy Eucharist: Rite II Summer Sunday School Docent Tour Acolyte BBQ MACCC Committee Meeting Sunday at Six Evensong Church Office Summer Hours Beginning Tuesday, May 26 Monday through Thursday: 9 AM - 4 PM Friday: 9 AM - 12 PM Christ Church Cranbrook Staff –––––Clergy––––– The Reverend Dr. William J. Danaher, Jr., Ext. 32 Rector The Reverend Joyce Matthews, Ext. 15 Associate Rector The Reverend Canon Jonathan Sams, Ext. 14 Associate Priest for Spiritual Formation The Reverend Karen Johanns Honorary Associate Priest –––––Lay Staff––––– Jill Bednas, Ext. 13 Director of Youth Ministries Kathleen Bublitz Director of Saint Francis Choir Peggy Dahlberg, Ext. 12 Director of Communications Kathleen Doyle, Ext. 11 Parish Administrator Patricia Hirvonen, Ext. 26 Assistant to the Rector Jenny King, Ext. 39 Carillonneur Deborah Moore, Ext. 35 Accountant Jessica Neeper, Ext. 28 Director of Children’s Ministries Dr. Christopher Reynolds, Ext. 17 Associate Director of Music Jeffrey Smith, Ext. 37 Interim Director of Music Richard Waldbott, Jr., Ext. 38 Sexton James West, Ext. 34 Facilities Manager Henry Willette, Ext. 25 Sexton Christ Church Cranbrook 470 Church Road Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48304 248.644.5210 www.christchurchcranbrook.org
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