Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS TENDER DOCUMENT Tender No:NCESS/PUR/5489/14 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR SETTING UP OF THE MODULAR DATA CENTRE AT NCESS NATIONAL CENTRE FOR EARTH SCIENCE STUDIES Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India राष्ट्रीय पथ् ृ वी ववज्ञान अध्ययन केंद्र (पथ् ृ वी ववज्ञान मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार P.B.No. 7250, AKKULAM, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM-695 011, Kerala पी.बी. नं. ७२५०, , तूरुववक्कल पोस्ट, आक्कुलम, ततरुवनंतपुरम ६९५०११, केरल March 16, 2015 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS TABLE OF CONTENTS Request for Proposal ......................................................................................................................... 5 Tender Form ..................................................................................................................................... 6 SECTION I: PRE-QUALIFICATION ELIGIBILITY AND BID REJECTION CRITERIA ............. 8 1.1 Bidder/OEM Eligibility Criteria ............................................................................................. 8 1.2 General Bid Rejection Criteria .............................................................................................. 10 SECTION II: INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS ........................................................................ 11 2.1 Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 11 2.2 Procurement of Bid Document ............................................................................................. 11 2.3 Clarification and Amendment of tender document ................................................................ 12 2.4 Bid Security and its amount .................................................................................................. 12 2.5 Preparation of Bid ................................................................................................................ 12 2.5.1 Documents Comprising the Bid ............................................................................................ 12 2.5.2 Submission of Bids............................................................................................................... 13 2.5.3 Bid Forms ........................................................................................................................... 13 2.5.4 Period of Validity of Bids ..................................................................................................... 13 2.5.5 Non Confirming Bids ........................................................................................................... 13 2.5.6 Amendment in Bidding Document........................................................................................ 14 2.5.7 Language of Bid ................................................................................................................... 14 2.5.8 Bid Prices ............................................................................................................................. 14 2.6 Withdrawal of Bids .............................................................................................................. 15 2.7. Cost of Bidding .................................................................................................................... 15 2.8 Pre Bid Conference .............................................................................................................. 15 2.9 NCESS’s Right to Terminate Process ................................................................................... 15 2.10 Supplementary Information to RFP ...................................................................................... 16 2.11 Bid Evaluation and award of contract ................................................................................... 16 2.12 Completion of Work............................................................................................................. 19 2.13 NCESS’s right to vary Scope of Contract/ Quantities at the time of award .......................... 20 Page 2 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS SECTION III: GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT ......................... 20 3.1 Applicable Law .................................................................................................................... 20 3.2 Acquaintance with Local Conditions .................................................................................... 20 3.3 Quantity ............................................................................................................................... 20 3.4 Authorization of unforeseen item of work/supply / extra item of work ................................... 20 3.5 Condition for cancelling the work order ............................................................................... 20 3.6 Compliance .......................................................................................................................... 20 3.7 Assigning of Sub-Contracts .................................................................................................. 21 3.8 Supply and Installation Terms .............................................................................................. 21 3.9 Delivery ............................................................................................................................... 21 3.10 Testing and inspection .......................................................................................................... 21 3.11 On-site Warranty ............................................................................................................... 22 3.12 Patent Rights ......................................................................................................................... 23 3.13 Force Majeure Clause ........................................................................................................... 23 3.14 Liability / Accident............................................................................................................... 23 3.15 Corrupt and Fraudulent Practices .......................................................................................... 23 3.16 Patents, Successful bidder's Liability & Compliance of Regulations ..................................... 24 3.17 Termination.......................................................................................................................... 24 3.18 Resolution of Disputes and Arbitration ................................................................................. 24 3.19 Statutory and Regulatory Approvals ..................................................................................... 25 SECTION IV: SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT .................................................. 26 4.1 Time Schedule & Delivery ................................................................................................... 26 4.2 Project Schedule ................................................................................................................... 26 4.3 Payment Terms .................................................................................................................... 26 4.3.1 Penalties ............................................................................................................................... 26 4.4 Service Level Agreement: Warranty and Maintenance Phase ................................................ 27 4.4.1 Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 27 4.4.2 SLA Tracking and Penalty ................................................................................................... 27 IT Infrastructure: Server Availability .................................................................................... 28 Help Desk Service Availability: SDC Incidence ................................................................... 28 Page 3 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS 4.5 Up gradation ........................................................................................................................ 28 4.6 Obsolescence ....................................................................................................................... 28 4.7 Change of Model .................................................................................................................. 29 4.8 Intellectual Property Rights .................................................................................................. 29 4.9 Delivery Schedule & Monitoring ........................................................................................... 29 SECTION V: STANDARD FORMATS OF BID SUBMISSION ................................................. 30 SECTION VI SCOPE OF WORK .............................................................................................. 59 6.1 Technical Solution and Requirements ................................................................................... 59 6.2 Hardware and software requirements ..................................................................................... 60 DRAFT AGREEMENT ................................................................................................................... 71 Page 4 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Tender No Date: Dear Sir, NCESS, Thiruvananthapuram propose to set up a Modular Data Centre in its campus. This Request for Proposal, released, hereinafter referred to as Tender, is to invite the prospective bidders to quote for supply, installation & commissioning of server and storage in a virtual environment in NCESS, Akkulam, Thiruvananthapuram. Proposal in the form of 3-part BID are requested in complete accordance with the documents/ attachments as per tender conditions. Bidder shall submit their bids in three parts. Technical Bid & Price Bid shall be submitted in separately by e-procurement in PDF format by ‘logging on’ in the website PART-I Pre-qualification eligibility criteria - checklist (as per Annexure1) PART-II Technical bid (Technical bid letter and Technical Bid acceptance letter as per annexure 2 & 3) Note: (a) Filling up prices in Part I and Part II will render the bidder disqualified. (b) Part numbers and make of all components quoted should be specified, failure of which will lead to disqualification of the bidder. Financial Bid with full price details (as per Annexure 10 & 11) PART III Bids complete in all respects should be submitted on or before 17:30 hours on 20.04.2015. Solutions offered should be strictly as per requirements mentioned in this Bid document. Please spell out any unavoidable deviations, Clause/ Article-wise in the Technical bid. Once quoted, the bidder shall not make any subsequent price changes, whether resulting or arising out of any technical/commercial clarifications sought regarding the bid, even if any deviation or exclusion may be specifically stated in the bid. It is expected that all clarifications are sought for earlier and the bid requirements are understood clearly by the bidder before submitting the bid. Interested Bidders can download the bid documents from the website of NIC eprocurement ( for the purpose of submission of his bid. Yours faithfully Sd/Chief Manager NCESS, Thiruvananthapuram Page 5 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS NATIONAL CENTRE FOR EARTH SCIENCE STUDIES राष्ट्रीय पथ् ृ वी ववज्ञान अध्ययन केंद्र (Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India) पथ् ृ वी वज्ञान मंत्रालय (भारत सर्ककाार) P.B. No. 7250, AKKULAM, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM-695 031, Kerala पोस्ट बोर्कस 7250, तुरुववर्ककल पोस्ट, आर्ककुलम, ततरुवनंतपरु ाम 695 031, केरल Tel: 91-471-2511531 Fax: 91-471-2442280 e-mail: [email protected] TENDER FORM The Chief Manager on behalf of the Director, National Centre for Earth Science Studies (CESS), invites bids from reputed firms (hereinafter referred to as Bidder) to set up a Modular Data Centre by supplying, Installation & Commissioning of Server and Storage in a virtual environment in NCESS, Akkulam, Thiruvananthapuram under the NREM project in accordance with the provisions of this RFP document. The bidders are advised to study the tender document carefully. Submission of bids shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the tender document with full understanding of its implications. This section provides general information about the Bid Inviting Authority, important dates, addresses etc. Scope of the work Tender No. & Date Location of supply/ work Issue of Tender document Type of tender Pre-bid conference date/ time and Venue Set up a Modular Data Centre in NCESS by supplying, Installation & Commissioning of Server and Storage in a virtual environment, at NCESS, Thiruvananthapuram 695 031 .NCESS/PUR/5489/14 dt 09/03/2015. Central Geomatics Lab, National Centre for Earth Science Studies, Akkulam, Thiruvananthapuram 695 031 Tender documents can be downloaded from the NIC web site Three Parts Bid (a) Pre-qualification eligibility criteria - checklist (as per Annexure 1) (b) Technical Bid complete in all respects (c) Price Bid with full price details 30/03/2015 at 10:30 AM Central Geomatics Lab, National Centre for Earth Science Studies, Akkulam, Thiruvananthapuram 695 031 Bidding Format Technical Bid & Price Bid shall be submitted separately by eprocurement in PDF format by ‘logging on’ in the website Last date & time of receipt of tender Date/time of opening Technical Bid 20/04/2015, 05:30 PM Venue of bid opening 21/04/2015, 11:00 PM Bidders are permitted to participate in the tender opening process, without further notification National Centre for Earth Science Studies, P.B.No.7250, Thuruvikkal. P.O, Thiruvananthapuram-695031 Page 6 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) payable EMD exemption Project completion Validity of proposal EMD of Rs 750000 may be submitted by way of bank transfer remitting the amount to our bank account. (Account no:57059897168; Account Name: CESS-EXT; IFSC Code: SBTR0000581; MICR Code: 695009036; Bank: State Bank of Travancore, Akkulam, Trivandrum). The remittance should reflect in our accounts at or before the time of submission. The late remittance will not be valid. Exemption from EMD will be allowed for organizations registered with Central Purchase Organization, National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) or MoES, Govt. Of India, if the claim is supported by relevant documents. Within 90 days of signing of agreement 90 days after the bid submission date Bids completed in all respects should reach NCESS office in Thiruvananthapuram on or before the bid due date and time. Bids submitted after the bid due date and time mentioned in the tender, will not be accepted. Further details/clarifications with regards to the bid document can be had from: Mr. P.B. Vibin, Scientific Officer, Grade 2 Central Geomatics Lab, National Centre for Earth Science Studies, P.B.No. 7250, Thuruvikkal. P.O, Thiruvananthapuram-695031 Phone: 0471-2511652; Mobile: 9400973435; email: [email protected] Completed Tender documents shall be submitted through eprocurement to: The Chief Manager National Centre for Earth Science Studies, P.B.No.7250, Thuruvikkal. P.O; Akkulam Thiruvananthapuram-695 031, Kerala NCESS reserves the right to reject any or all the bids in whole or in part at any time without mentioning any reasons thereof. Sd/Chief Manager National Centre for Earth Science Studies Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala Page 7 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS SECTION I PRE-QUALIFICATION ELIGIBILITY AND BID REJECTION CRITERIA 1.0 The Bidders should have the adequate experience in implementing projects/ assignments in terms of industry experience, requisite manpower, project management skills and quality of work. 1.1. Bidder/OEM Eligibility Criteria: The Bidders must fulfil the following eligibility conditions and furnish appropriate proof wherever necessary. Proposals without documentary evidence in support of the eligibility criteria shall be deemed as non-responsive and will be rejected. The original documents should be submitted for verification on short listing, if required. 1.1.1 A bidding firm may be a registered Company/Firm/PSU/Corporation/or consortium of companies or firms. 1.1.2 Consortium shall mean more than one company with complementing skills joining together to undertake the scope of the work defined in this RFP. Number of consortium members a Prime Bidder can opt is restricted to one. A bidder can quote individually or jointly along with a consortium partner. If quoted jointly with the consortium partner, the following conditions should be fulfilled: (a) Consortium shall mean more than one company with complementing skills joining together to undertake the scope of the work as defined in this RFP (Number of consortium members a Prime Bidder can opt is restricted to one). (b) In the event of consortium, one of the partners shall be designated as Prime Bidder. In consortium, though all the members are equally responsible to realize the objectives of the project, the Prime Bidder should give an undertaking for successful completion of the project (c) In case of consortium applicant, the consortia should submit a valid memorandum of Association (MoU) signed by the authorized signatories of both companies/ firm, executed prior to the submission of the bid. (d) If any member of the association is dropped at the RFP stage, such an association of Bidder is liable to be rejected. However, the NCESS, at its sole discretion, may decide to evaluate such bid for short-listing without considering the strength of the dropped member. (e) The MoU shall specify the prime Bidder and consortium member and outline the roles and responsibilities. The MoU should confirm that each member of the consortium is liable jointly and severally for execution of the contract. (f) In case of any issues the Prime Bidder would be responsible for all the penalties set forth hitherto. (g) A bidding company/ consortium cannot be part of more than one consortium. (h) Any member of consortium cannot bid separately as a sole Bidder. Page 8 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS 1.1.3 Bidder should be an established IT hardware supplier and solution provider and should have been in the business in India for a period exceeding five years as on date of submission. 1.1.4 The Bidder shall be an OEM or authorized dealer/distributor/system integrator/ or authorized business partner. In case the bidder is sourcing items from OEM, an authorization letter for supply and servicing the same assuring full guarantee and warranty obligations shall be obtained from the principal supplier / manufacturer. 1.1.5 The OEM should be 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 Certified and the bidding firm/consortium ISO 9001:2008 at the time of bidding. The said certification must be at least one year prior to the date of publication of this Tender. 1.1.6 The bidding firm or its partner should have an office and service setup in Kerala and this should be an existing set up established prior to submission of the bid (proof of existence to be submitted) 1.1.7 The firm must possess Firm/Company Registration Certificate, valid VAT/Sales Tax Registration Certificate and valid Service Tax Registration Certificate. 1.1.8 The turnover of the bidder for the last three years together should be more than Rs 5 Crores. 1.1.9 Bidder should have experience of having successfully supplied, installed, commissioned and maintained at least 5 similar projects that meet the requirements as set forth in the RFP during the last five (5) years ending March 2014, which should be either of the following: (a) One similar order having worth not less than 2 Crore (b) Two similar orders each costing not less than 1.5 Crore Of theses, at least one IT infrastructure project of value not less than 1.0 Crore should be from a Government/PSU (The bidder should submit the list of major works of the same magnitude carried out with client details such as name, contact address, email, phone etc.). 1.1.10 Bidder shall have a direct purchase and support agreement with the OEMs. The bidder should submit a MAF (as per the Annexure 13) all the OEMs, whose products are being quoted. The certification should be confirming the following authorization from the OEMs: (a) Authorization of bidder by the respective OEM for the products offered (b) Confirm that the products/technologies/components/services quoted are not endof-life. (c) Certificate of Warranty from OEM as mentioned in the Special conditions 1.1.11 As per the balance sheets, the bidding firm must have made profits in the last three financial years i.e.2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2013-14 and should be in a sound financial position. Copies of audited balance sheets and IT returns for the last three financial years must be submitted along with the bid. (Financial Information of Bidder and the net worth of the Bidder as in Annexure 6 should be submitted) Page 9 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS 1.1.12 The bidder should have positive net worth for each of the last three Financial Years ending on 31.03.2014. 1.1.13 NCESS reserves the right to verify, if it so desires, the correctness of documentary evidence furnished by the bidder. (In the absence of the above documents, the bid is likely to be rejected) 1.2 General Bid Rejection Criteria: Besides other terms and conditions highlighted in the tender document, bids that fail to comply with the following conditions shall be summarily rejected: 1.2.1 Bids submitted without proper EMD 1.2.2 Bids that do not conform to the validity of the bid as prescribed in the tender 1.2.3 Any effort on the part of the bidder to influence the bid evaluation, bid comparison and decisions on contract award 1.2.4 If the information provided by the bidder is found to be incorrect/misleading at any stage/time during the tendering process 1.2.5 The Bidder are/were under a declaration of Ineligibility for corrupt or fraudulent practices or blacklisted with the Central/State Government Departments/ DGS & D. (Self-declaration to this effect should be submitted along with the technical bid). 1.2.6 Those firms who have not fulfilled the above eligibility criteria 1.2.7 Bids received after the last date and time prescribed for receipt 1.2.8 Proposals without documentary evidence in support of the eligibility criteria wherever necessary (a) Technical bid containing commercial details and revelation of prices in any form before opening the commercial bid (b) Bids not quoting for the complete scope of the work as indicted in the tender document and bid not confirming unconditional acceptance of full responsibility of implementation and warranty, annual maintenance contract as stated in the tender document (c) The bids that does not confirm to the timelines indicated in the bid Page 10 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS SECTION II INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS Bidders are advised to study this RFP document carefully before participating in the tender. It shall be deemed that submission of bid by the bidder has been done after their careful study and examination of the RFP with full understanding to its implications. Any lack of information shall not in any way relieve the bidder of his responsibility to fulfil his obligations under the Bid. NCESS shall select a Bidder, in accordance with the guidelines and method of selection as specified in this tender document. 2.1 Definitions (a) NCESS means the National Centre for Earth Science Studies, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India, who have invited the bids for services, and with which the selected Bidder signs the Contract for the Services and to which the selected Bidder shall provide services as per the terms and conditions and Terms of Reference (ToR) of the contract or any other institution/bodies/department as assigned by the NCESS (b) Bidder means any Company/ firm/proprietor continuously engaged in the related field which submit its proposals that may provide or provides the Services to the NCESS under this Contract (c) Contract means the Contract signed by the parties and all the attached documents listed in its RFP and appendices. (d) Project specific information means such part of the Instructions to Bidder used to reflect specific project and assignment conditions. (e) Day means calendar day (f) Government means the Government of India (g) Proposal means the technical proposal and the financial proposal. (h) RFP means the Request for proposal released by the NCESS for selection of Bidder (i) Assignment / job mean the work to be performed by the Bidder pursuant to the Contract (j) Terms of Reference (ToR) mean the document included in the RFP which explains the objectives, scope of work, methodology, activity schedule, and tasks to be performed, and expected deliverables of the assignment/job etc. 2.2 Procurement of Bid Document (a) The bid document containing complete details of the assignment, technical requirements, terms of reference, scope of work and formats for technical and financial proposal along with other details can be downloaded directly from the NCESS web site ( Page 11 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS 2.3 Clarification and Amendment of tender document: (a) The bidders may request for clarification of any aspect of the tender documents up to the number of days as indicated in the tender form. Any request for clarification must be sent in writing or by standard electronic means to NCESS in the address as indicated in the tender form (Pages 6-7). (b) The NCESS will respond in writing or by standard electronic means to all Bidders without identifying the source of inquiry. (c) At any time before the submission of proposals, the NCESS may amend the tender document by issuing an addendum by standard electronic means and shall be published in the website. 2.4 Bid Security and its amount: (a) As part of its Pre-Qualification Bid, all bidders should furnish an Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs 750000/-. (b) EMD of Rs 7,50,000.00 may be submitted by way of bank transfer remitting the amount to our bank account. (Account no:57059897168; Account Name: CESSEXT; IFSC Code: SBTR0000581; MICR Code: 695009036; Bank: State Bank of Travancore, Akkulam, Trivandrum). The remittance should reflect in our accounts at or before the time of submission. The late remittance will not be valid. The proposals not accompanied by EMD shall be rejected as non-responsive. (c) Bank guarantee will not be accepted in lieu of the EMD and proposals not accompanied by EMD shall be rejected as non-responsive. (d) This EMD will be free of interest and shall be refundable to the successful Bidder after the satisfactory fulfilment of contractual obligations. (e) EMD exemption if any, as per Govt. of India rules is permitted by enclosing valid documentary evidence for the same (f) The EMD of the unsuccessful Bidders would be returned back within one month or signing of the contract with successful Bidders, whichever is later. 2.5 Preparation of Bid: Bids must be precise, concise and complete in every manner. NCESS will evaluate bidder’s proposal based upon its clarity and directness of its response to the requirements of the project as outlined in this RFP. All the documents as set forth in the RFP should be submitted. 2.5.1 Documents Comprising the Bid: The Bidder shall submit only one proposal in accordance with the requirements of the RFP. (a) The Bids should be submitted in 3 parts in three virtual envelopes as: i. Envelope 1: Pre-Qualification Bid containing EMD, Pre- Qualification documents and eligibility criteria (along with proof of the self attested documents) Page 12 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS ii. Envelope 2: Technical Bid, complete with all technical details. Besides the other requirements of the tender, the Technical Bid, shall comprise of the check list as outlined in the section V. Note: The Technical Bid must not contain any pricing information. In submitting additional information, please mark it as supplemental to the required response. iii. Envelope 3: Commercial Bid containing Price details superscripted as “Commercial Bid” - (b) All the documents should have the identification marks of the Bidder. 2.5.2 Submission of Bids (a) Intending Bidders should submit their tender through eprocurement completely on or before the due date and time. (b) Submission of letters for both technical and financial proposals should respectively be in the format as outlined in the Section V. (c) The proposal should be addressed to the following address: The Chief Manager National Centre for Earth Science Studies Akkulam, Thiruvananthapuram- 695033, Kerala, INDIA (d) Bids submitted through any form other than e-procurement shall not be acceptable. (e) NCESS may, in exceptional circumstances and its discretion, extend the deadline for submission of proposals by issuing an addendum on the NIC eprocurement web site. (f) Along with the bid, the brochures/manuals, technical documentation etc. Should be submitted. 2.5.3 Bid Forms: Wherever a specific form is prescribed in the bid document, the bidder shall use the form as given in Section V to provide relevant information. If the form does not include any required information, space at the end of the form or additional sheets shall be used to convey the said information. 2.5.4 Period of Validity of Bids: (a) The bid shall remain valid for 90 days from the date of submission of the Bid. Bidder should ensure that in all circumstances, its bid fulfils the validity condition. Any bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected as non-responsive. (b) In exceptional circumstances, NCESS may, at its own discretion, solicit bidder’s consent to an extension of the period of validity. 2.5.5 Non Confirming Bids: Page 13 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS Any bid may be construed as a non-conforming and ineligible for consideration, if it does not comply with the requirements of this RFP. In addition, NCESS will look with disfavour upon bid that do not appear to address the particular hardware requirements as specified in the RFP, and any such bidders may also be disqualified. 2.5.6 Amendment in Bidding Document: At any time prior to the deadline (or as extended by NCESS) for submission of bids, NCESS may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to the clarifications requested by bidders may modify the bid document. The amendment shall be notified in the web site of NIC eprocurement and such amendment shall be binding on them. 2.5.7 Language of Bid: The Bid prepared by the Bidder, supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the bidders as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Bid exchanged between the Bidder and NCESS shall be in English only. 2.5.8 Bid Prices: (a) The financial proposal shall be prepared using the attached standard forms (Section V). If appropriate, these costs can be broken down by activity. All activities and items described in the technical proposal must be priced separately. Activities and items described in the technical proposal but not priced, shall be assumed to be included. (b) The bidder should quote for all the items as per the ToR, so as to meet the requirements and specification and that part bids are not entertained. Part bids will be rejected and no further evaluation will be carried out. (c) Split up of cost of services should be quoted as per the format in Section V, including the lump sum amount. The price would be inclusive of all levies & taxes i.e., sales tax & excise, packing forwarding, freight and insurance etc with cost towards installation and commissioning. Taxes and statutory levies should be shown separately; otherwise quoted price will be treated as all inclusive. (d) NCESS reserves the right to procure the components/services listed in this RFP in whole or in part. (e) A Bid submitted with an adjustable price quotation or conditional bid shall be rejected as non-responsive (f) The rates should be in whole numbers and shall be written in both figures as well as in words. Over writing is not permitted. In case of disparity in figures & words, the rate in words will be considered. (g) The bidders should quote only in Indian Rupees (INR) and the bids in currencies other than Indian rupees shall not be accepted. (h) The prices, once offered by the Bidder must remain fixed and must not be subject to escalation for any reason whatsoever within the period of the contract, if awarded. Page 14 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS (i) Tenders not stipulating period of firmness and tenders with price variation clause and/or ‘subject to prior sale’ condition are liable to be rejected (j) The bidder should provide part numbers make, model, brochures/catalogues/ manuals of items quoted along with the bid. Partial bid is liable to be rejected. (k) Self attested copies of documents related to TIN/VAT/PAN No. of the Bidder should be submitted along with the tender document 2.6 Withdrawal of Bids: The Bidders cannot withdraw the bid in the interval between the last date for receipt of bids and the expiry of the bid validity period specified in the Bid. Such withdrawal will result in the forfeiture of its EMD from the Bidder. 2.7 Cost of Bidding The bidder shall bear all the cost associated with the preparation and submission of bid. NCESS will in no case, be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process. 2.8 Pre Bid Conference: (a) To obtain first-hand information on the assignment and local conditions, Bidders are encouraged to attend a Pre-Bid Meeting (PBC) at their own cost, at the venue mentioned in the Tender form. (b) Attending the pre-bid meeting is optional. Bidders can contact the official named in the tender document to arrange for their visit or to obtain additional information on the pre-bid meeting. Bidders should ensure that these officials are informed of the visit sufficiently in advance so as to allow them to make appropriate arrangements. (a) For consideration in the pre-bid conference, the bidders should submit their queries through email/in writing to the designated person to be received before the conduct of the meeting. (b) In the PBC, the clarifications sought by the bidders shall be addressed. (c) NCESS reserves the right not to respond to any/all queries raised or clarifications sought if, in their opinion and at their sole discretion, they consider that it would be inappropriate to do so or do not find any merit in it. (d) The minutes of the PBC shall be published in the website of NCESS 2.9 NCESS’s Right to Terminate Process (a) NCESS may terminate the RFP process at any time without assigning any reason, and NCESS makes no commitments, expressed or implied that this process will result in a business transaction with anyone. (b) This RFP does not constitute an offer by NCESS. The bidder's participation in this process may result in NCESS selecting the bidder to engage in further discussions and negotiations toward execution of a contract. The commencement of such Page 15 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS negotiations does not however signify a commitment by NCESS to execute a contract or to continue negotiations. 2.10 Supplementary Information to RFP If NCESS deems it appropriate to revise any part of this RFP or to issue additional data to clarify an interpretation of provisions, it may issue supplements to this RFP. Any such supplement shall be deemed to be incorporated into this RFP. 2.11 Bid Evaluation and award of contract (a) NCESS will open the Pre-Qualification Bid in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 11.00 hours on 21/04/2015 at NCESS, Thiruvananthapuram- 695011, Kerala. The Bidder’s representatives, who are present, shall sign a register evidencing their attendance. (b) In the event of the specified day of bid opening being declared holiday for NCESS, the bids shall be opened at the appointed time and location on the next working day. (c) The NCESS would constitute an Evaluation Committee (EC), which will carry out the entire evaluation process. If feel so, the EC may visit premises of the Bidders for confirmation of the facilities claimed in the proposal. The criteria for selection of the Bidders shall be the following: Completeness of the Proposal Compliance of the bid to the ToR Adherence to the minimum eligibility criteria Technical Competency of the Bidders Financial Status of the bidder Project Management Strategies Project implementation track record Bid Price 2.11.1 Clarification / Confirmation of Compliance of Bids: (a) To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of bids, the NCESS at its discretion may ask the bidder for the clarification /confirmation of compliance of its bid. The request for such clarification / confirmation of compliance and the response shall be through electronic media. (b) In case the Bidders fail to submit the clarification as sought by the NCESS in time, their bid shall be evaluated based on the information furnished along with the bid proposal 2.11.2 Evaluation of Technical Proposal (a) The Bidders who submit the technical proposal should include all the information and attachments as required in the RFP. Material deficiencies in providing the information requested may result in rejection of a proposal. Page 16 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS (b) The bidder should submit the compliance statement. Deviations if any, value addition provided and impact of value addition (considered as positive impact) for all the components should be provided. Note: Evaluation committee has the sole right to accept the value addition and consider the same for positive impact. (c) In the first stage, the Technical bid shall be opened at the stipulated time in tender notice and verified for the contents for submission of technical proposal, financial proposal and EMD. Only those proposals who qualify in the first stage shall only be opened for detailed technical evaluation. (d) The proposals of those bidders who have not followed the three-cover system and those not accompanied by EMD will be rejected at the first instance. (e) Two-part bid system evaluation shall be adopted viz., the technical bid evaluation and financial bid evaluation. (f) Detailed evaluation of the technical proposal shall be made by the EC on the basis adherence of the condition as set forth in the tender document and responsiveness to the ToR. (g) Proposals of those Bidders who do not meet the minimum eligibility criteria (as given in the Section II) shall be rejected. Only those responsive proposals shall be further taken up for financial evaluation. (h) Finalization of the bid will be subject to the recommendation of a Technical Committee constituted for this purpose irrespective of the price-wise position 2.11.3 Correction of Errors: In case of discrepancies in bids, the following measures shall be adopted to correct the arithmetical errors for the purpose of evaluation. (a) If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price, which is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, or between subtotals and the total price, the unit price shall prevail, and the total price shall be corrected accordingly. (b) If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words will prevail. (c) If there is a discrepancy between the total bid amount and the sum of various costs, the sum of the various costs shall prevail. (d) If a Bidder does not accept the correction of errors, their bid will be rejected and Bid security may be forfeited. 2.11.4 Opening of Commercial Bid: (a) After evaluating the Technical Bids, NCESS shall notify the bidders whose Technical Bids were considered acceptable, indicating the date, time and place for opening of the Commercial Bids. Page 17 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS (b) Commercial Bids of those bidders who qualify technically shall be opened in the presence of the Bidder's representatives who choose to attend for price bid evaluation on the date and time specified. A maximum of two representatives for any bidder shall be authorized and permitted to attend the bid opening. (c) The comparison of evaluation shall be of the total cost of the bid, inclusive of all taxes, levies and charges, warranty and onsite maintenance for five years. (d) The total prices read aloud and recorded. The NCESS shall prepare a record of the public opening of financial proposals. (e) The bidder who has quoted the lowest price for the assignment shall be considered for the assignment. 2.11.5 Negotiations (a) The Bidders who was recommended may be called for technical negotiations. The invited firm will have to ensure availability of concerned professional staff for negotiation. Failure in satisfying such requirements may result in the NCESS proceeding to negotiate with the next-ranked firm. (b) Negotiations shall be held at the date and address indicated in the tender form. Representatives conducting negotiations on behalf of the Bidders must have a written authority to negotiate and conclude the contract. (c) Due to the agreed upon changes in scope of work or due to clarification on any aspect of the technical proposal, under no circumstances, the technical negotiation shall result into increase in the price originally quoted by the Bidder. 2.11.6 Award and signing of contract Provided that the technical committee is sufficiently convinced after the technical evaluation, the L1 bidder shall be shall be declared eligible for award of the contract. (a) The NCESS shall issue the work order, notifying the award of contract to the selected L1 Bidder and notify all other Bidders about the final decision. (b) Within 10 days of receipt of the work order, the successful Bidder should sign an agreement non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- with NCESS and submit a Performance Security Deposit @ 10 % of the total value of the contract in the form of a Performance Bank Guarantee drawn in favour of NCESS, which should be valid for three years from the date signing of the agreement. The requisite Performa for the Bank Guarantee is given in Annexure 12. (c) All formalities of submission of the Contract Performance Bank Guarantee and signing of the contract shall be completed within 10 days of receipt of the Supply Order. (d) Failure of the successful bidder to sign the contract within the stipulated period shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award, in which event NCESS may make the award to the next lowest bidder Page 18 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS (e) Upon the successful bidder’s submitting the Performance Bank Guarantee for contract performance and signing the contract, NCESS may notify all the unsuccessful bidders and will discharge their EMD 2.12 Completion of Work: The entire supply and installation should be completed within 90 days of signing of the contract between the NCESS and the Bidder 2.13 NCESS’s right to vary Scope of Contract/ Quantities at the time of award (a) NCESS reserves the right, at the time of award, to increase or decrease the quantity of any of the equipments to be supplied by the successful bidder without change in unit rate or other terms and conditions. (b) The NCESS may at any time, before the last date of bid submission, by a written order given to the Bidder, make changes to the scope of the Contract as specified. (c) If any change in quantity of equipments, omitted or added, increase or decrease, the corresponding value of the contract can be adjusted as per the unit rates provided by the bidder in the commercial bid document. (d) The NCESS shall be under no obligation to accept the lowest or any other tender and reserves the right to accept or reject any tender in part or full without assigning any reason whatsoever. Page 19 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS SECTION III GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 3.1 Applicable Law: The Contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Union of India. 3.2 Acquaintance with Local Conditions: The Bidder is expected to know all conditions and factors, which may have any effect on the execution of the contract after issue of Letter of Intent/Award as described in the bidding documents. The NCESS shall not entertain any such request for clarification from the Bidder regarding such local conditions. (a) Neither any change in the time schedule of the contract nor any financial adjustments arising thereof shall be permitted by the NCESS on account of failure of the Bidder to know the local laws / conditions (b) Interested parties can visit the NCESS to familiarize themselves with the site conditions before submission of tender on any working day between 10.00 AM to 4.00 PM, under intimation to the office. (c) The Bidders shall bear all the costs associated with their visit to the NCESS, preparation and submission of their proposals and contract negotiation. 3.3 Quantity: Quantity is only an approximate, which may be subjected to change. Insurance and freight charges should be borne by the bidder themselves 3.4 Authorization of unforeseen item of work/supply / extra item of work: Any unforeseen item of work/supply / extra item of work as being authorised by the NCESS and not included in the contract, shall be done by the Contractor at mutually agreed rates. Written prior approval of NCESS should be obtained before undertaking any extra work. Payment of such items shall be made at actual, supported by necessary documentary evidence duly approved 3.5 Condition for cancelling the work order: NCESS has the right to cancel the work order at any time without assigning any reason and NCESS has the right to disqualify any bidder if they fail to provide the necessary clarifications or documents. 3.6 Compliance: (a) The submission of the tender will imply acceptance of all the tender condition by the bidder laid in tender document. (b) An unconditional acceptance of all the terms & conditions of the Tender Notification has to be submitted (c) The failure to submit the unconditional acceptance statement in the said format shall result in the tender being liable for rejection. (d) The compliance to the terms & conditions should be supported by authenticated documentation wherever required. Page 20 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS 3.7 Assigning of Sub-Contracts: The Bidder shall not assign anyone in whole or in parts, its obligations to perform under the Contract, except with NCESS’s prior written consent. 3.8 Supply and Installation Terms: a) The Bidder shall provide the details (technical specifications, dimensions, brochures, make, model, photo catalogues, and conformance to standards mentioned about the quoted LAN cabling components and system) along with the bid. b) The required delivery period must be mentioned against each item. After the order has been placed, the goods must be delivered within the stipulated period. c) The successful bidder should supply items as per the quantity listed in the BOMs. d) The quantities mentioned in the BOM for Cabling Accessories are approximate only. So the successful bidder should supply items listed in the above mentioned BOM only as and when required during the execution of the cabling work. The payment will be made only for actual installed/ utilized quantities & labour at the site e) For the certification procedures & for successfully completing the work, any component addition or deletion to the existing BOMs should be quoted by the bidder separately. f) Supply & installation is at NCESS, Akkulam, Thiruvananthapuram. 3.9 Delivery: (a) Items shall be valid for delivery on FOR basis and installed at the Central Geomatics Lab, NCESS, Thiruvananthapuram 696 031. (b) Delivery of materials at site including unloading and installation shall be the responsibility of the bidder. (c) The Bidder shall promptly replace any system that is damaged in transit. (d) The entire supply and installation should be completed within 75 days of accepting the purchase order. (e) The entire documentation & testing reports should be submitted within 15 days of completing the work. (f) However the site certification can be submitted within one month of completing the work. (g) Final acceptance certificate will be issued by NCESS only after completing point number 1, 2 & 3 mentioned above. 3.10 Testing and inspection 3.10.1 Post receipt / pre-installation testing: This testing / inspection shall be performed at the Delivery site at the time of delivery of the equipment and the site inspector shall inspect the goods against any physical damage on delivery. The inspector shall also check the goods delivered against the models ordered. The inspector shall reject the items, which are not delivered as per the contract or any subsequent modifications to Page 21 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS the contract, in terms of make & model. The inspector shall also receive the goods after inspection. 3.10.2 Post installation acceptance testing: This testing / inspection shall be performed after the completion of installation at site. The inspectors designated by NCESS shall verify the component level details during this testing and shall sign the installation report after successful completion of the post installation testing. Defects/ shortcomings brought out in this testing shall have to be attended as per the contract within the permitted time schedule. 3.11 On-site Warranty: 3.11.1 The supplier shall maintain systems and peripherals supplied and installed under this RFP after the system is commissioned and declared operational in accordance with the provisions laid down in the clauses below during the warranty period. The bidder should provide 24/7 support and NBD replacement Warranty for 5 years for all the items applicable from the date of User Acceptance. 3.11.2 The Supplier warrants that the Goods supplied under the contract are new, unused, of the most recent or current models and that incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials unless provided otherwise in the Contract. The Supplier further warrants that all Goods supplied under this Contract shall have no defect arising from design, materials or workmanship (except when the design and/or material is required by the Purchaser’s Specifications) or from any act or omission of the Supplier, that may develop under normal use of supplied Goods in the conditions prevailing in the country. 3.11.3 The supplier shall provide the following services under the warranty period to keep the systems and peripherals in good working order: (a) Unscheduled on call corrective and remedial maintenance service to set right the malfunctioning of the system. This includes replacement of unserviceable parts. The parts replaced will either be new parts or equivalent in performance to new parts. In the case of a part, the defective part removed from the system will become the property of the supplier. (b) Operating System (OS) Support: The supply is comprehensive inclusive of OS support on all the systems supplied and installed under this contract. Any problem related with OS maintenance, reloading of OS with all device drivers, OS upgrade, device drivers, System configuration and network configuration (if required) shall be attended and rectified by the supplier. (c) In case equipment, peripheral or components are taken away for repairs, the bidder shall provide a similar standby equipment so that the equipments can be put to use in the absence of the originals/replacements without disrupting the regular work. (d) Free maintenance services shall be provided by the Supplier during the period of warranty (5 years). After warranty period, for next three years, annual maintenance and repairs of the entire system including supply of spares etc. will be done by the Page 22 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS Supplier. The annual maintenance and repair cost (after warranty period) shall be paid in equal quarterly instalments at the end of each quarter from date of completion of warranty. (e) The Purchaser reserves the right to terminate maintenance and repairs contract, after warranty period, at any time without assigning any reasons and the Supplier cannot claim any compensation in this respect. (f) The Supplier will accomplish preventive and breakdown maintenance activities to ensure that all hardware function without defect or interruption for at least 98% uptime for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week of operation of the machine worked on a quarterly basis. 3.12 Patent Rights The Bidder shall indemnify the NCESS against all third party claims of infringement of patent, trademark or industrial design and intellectual property rights arising from the use of equipments or any part thereof. 3.13 Force Majeure Clause: If the execution of the contract / supply order is delayed beyond the period stipulated in the contract as a result on out-break of hostilities, declaration of an embargo’s or blockage or fire flood, acts of nature or any other contingency beyond the supplier’s control, Director, NCESS may allow such additional time by extending the delivery period as he considers to be justified by the circumstances of the case and his decision shall be final, conclusive and binding. If and when additional time is granted by the NCESS, the contract/supply shall be read and understood as if it had contained from its inception the delivery date as extended. 3.14 Liability / Accident: The bidder shall identify and keep indemnified NCESS, Thiruvananthapuram (the client) against all losses and claims for injuries and damages to any person or property whatsoever which may arise out of or in consequence of the construction or maintenance of the work and against all claims, demands, proceedings, damages, costs, changes, expenses whatsoever in respect thereof in relation thereto. 3.15 Corrupt and Fraudulent Practices: NCESS requires that all Bidders participating in consulting assignments to adhere to the highest ethical standards during the selection process and throughout the execution period. In pursuance of this policy, NCESS will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidders recommended for award has directly or through an agent have engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices in executing the Contract in question. (a) Corrupt Practice” means the offering, giving, receiving, soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of a NCESS/GoI official in the process of contract execution Page 23 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS (b) “Fraudulent Practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a tendering process or the execution of a contract detrimental to the interest of NCESS/GoI and includes collusive practice among bidders (prior to or after bid submission) designed to establish prices at artificial and non-competitive levels and todeprive NCESS/GoI of the benefits of free and open competition. (c) “Unfair trade practices” means supply of services different from what is ordered on, or change in the Scope of Work which was given by the NCESS. (d) “Coercive practices” means harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly, persons or their property to influence their participation in the execution of contract. (e) NCESS will reject a bid for award and also may debar the bidder for future tenders in NCESS if it determines that the bidder has engaged in corrupt/ fraudulent/unfair/coercive practices in competing for, or in executing a Contract. 3.16 Patents, Successful bidder's Liability & Compliance of Regulations: (a) Successful bidder shall protect and fully indemnify NCESS from any claims for infringement of patents, copyright, trademark, license violation or the like. (b) Successful bidder shall be responsible for compliance with all requirements under the laws and shall protect and indemnify NCESS completely from any claims/penalties arising out of any infringements and indemnify completely the NCESS from any claims/penalties arising out of any infringements. 3.17 Termination: (a) Termination for Default: If the bidder fails to carry out the award / work order in terms of this document within the stipulated period or any extension thereof, as may be allowed by NCESS, without any valid reasons acceptable to NCESS, NCESS may terminate the contract after giving one month notice, and the decision of NCESS on the matter shall be final and binding on the bidder. (b) Upon termination of the contract, NCESS shall be at liberty to get the work done at the risk and expense of the bidder through any other agency, and to recover from the bidder compensation or damages. 3.18 Resolution of Disputes and Arbitration (a) NCESS and the selected bidder shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in connection with the Contract (b) If, after thirty (30) days from the commencement of such informal negotiations, NCESS and the selected Bidder have been unable to amicably resolve dispute, either party may require that the dispute be referred for resolution to the formal mechanisms, which may include, but are not restricted to, conciliation mediated by a third party acceptable to both, or in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 Page 24 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS (c) All Arbitration proceedings shall be held at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, and the language of the arbitration proceedings and that of all documents and communications between the parties shall be in English (d) Any dispute arising out of this venture shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Court in Thiruvananthapuram. 3.19 Statutory and Regulatory Approvals The Bidder shall be responsible for obtaining approvals for any statutory and regulatory requirements from any of the authorities. Further, the Bidder shall be responsible to get required documentation completed for obtaining such approvals from time to time. Page 25 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS SECTION IV SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 4.1 Time Schedule & Delivery Time is the essence of Contract. The time and date of supply and installation of the equipments, as contained in supplier’s proposal and as agreed as per the contract after modification, if any, shall be final and binding upon the supplier. It must be understood that the supplier has made the proposal after fully considering all such factors, which may have any bearing on the time schedule of the contract, and the buyer shall permit no extension in the schedule whatsoever on these accounts. 4.2 Project Schedule Delivery of items should be as per schedule below: S.No. Milestones Time Frame 1 Signing of Agreement with the Successful Bidder T0* 2 Delivery, installation, commissioning of all T0+ 21/2 Months hardware components at NCESS 3 Testing and user acceptance of hardware T0+ 3.0 Months = UA 4 Warranty for hardware and maintenance support UA** + 5 years * T0 is the event of signing the Agreement between NCESS and successful bidder/ bidder. ** UA is the event of user acceptance after installation and testing. 4.3 Payment Terms The payments shall be released to the Bidder as below: 100% of the order value shall be paid to the bidder after delivery of all the items at site, its installation, commissioning and acceptance by NCESS. Performance Security @10% of the order value should be submitted on agreement signing through a Bank Guarantee, which should be valid for five years + 60 days from the date of commissioning. 4.3.1 Penalties (a) If the hardware supply and installation is not completed in all respects as per the defined scope within the stipulated period as prescribed in clause 4.2, penalty will be levied by NCESS on the successful bidder. The penalties applicable are as follows: (b) In case of delay one beyond 1 week based on reasons solely attributable to the bidder, 0.25% of total value of the contract will be charged as penalty. (c) In case of delay beyond 2 weeks,50% of total value of the contract will be charged as penalty. (d) In case of delay beyond 3rd week and beyond, 1% of total value of the contract will be charged as penalty. Page 26 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS (e) If any delay exceeds more than 4 weeks, NCESS reserves the right to cancel the order without giving any notice. In such case the bidder shall forfeit the performance warranty 4.4 Service Level Agreement: Warranty and Maintenance Phase The purpose of this Service Level Agreement (hereinafter referred to as SLA) is to define the levels of service which shall be provided by the shortlisted bidder to NCESS for the duration of this contract. 4.4.1 Definitions (a) For better understanding, the following terminologies are defined below: (b) "Availability" shall mean the time for which the services and facilities are available for conducting operations from the hardware installed at SDC. (c) “Downtime” is the time the services and facilities are not available and excludes the scheduled outages planned in advance. (d) "Helpdesk Support" shall mean the 24x7 centre which shall handle Fault reporting, Trouble Ticketing and related enquiries during the Warranty and AMC contract period. (e) “Incident” refers to any event / abnormalities in the functioning of the equipment that may lead to disruption in normal operations of NCESS data centre. (f) “Service Window” shall mean the duration for which the facilities and services shall be available. Service window in this case shall be 24x7. (g) “Response time” is defined as the time between receipt of the incidence (helpdesk call/ receipt of alarm generated) and a support team member begins working on the incidence (h) Resolution time is defined as the total time between receipt of the incidence (helpdesk call/ receipt of alarm generated) till the incidence has been resolved. It includes response time i.e. time taken by support staff to acknowledge the call and reach the site to resolve call. 4.4.2 SLA Tracking and Penalty This SLA document provides for minimum level of services required as per contractual obligations based on performance indicators and measurements thereof. The bidder shall ensure provisioning of all required services while monitoring the performance of the same to effectively comply with the performance levels. The services provided by the bidder shall be reviewed by NCESS that shall: (a) Regularly check performance of the bidder against this SLA. (b) Discuss escalated problems, new issues and matters still outstanding for resolution. (c) Review of statistics related to rectification of outstanding faults and agreed changes. Page 27 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS (d) Obtain suggestions for changes to improve the service levels. The Quarterly Maintenance Charges (QMC), will be linked to Service Metric Parameters monitored monthly and complied quarterly and will be paid at the end of that quarter. The following measurements and targets shall be used to track and report performance of SLA on a regular basis. The targets shown in the following table are applicable for the duration of the contract. IT Infrastructure: Server Availability Measurement Definition Target Penalty Server equipment/ services Uptime/ Availability (including OS, Databases and Applications installed) Uptime = {1 [(Downtime) / (Total Time Maintenance Time)]} * 100, for services/ equipments supplied by the bidder >=99.75% Between 99.75% and 97.75% <97.75% Nil For every 0.25% degradation in the uptime there will be a penalty of 0.50 % of QMC For every 0.25% degradation in the uptime there will be a penalty of 1% of the QMC. The maximum penalty enforced on the bidder would be up to 50% of QMC and the contract is liable for Termination and compensation paid to NCESS Help Desk Service Availability: Measurement Definition Target Penalty Resolution Time Resolution Time”, is defined as the total time between receipt of the incidence (helpdesk call/ receipt of alarm generated by management system) and the resolution of the incidence 100 % of the calls which are registered Unresolved calls No Penalty 4.5 0.01% of the QMC for every 30 minutes delay on an incremental basis for every unresolved call. The maximum penalty enforced on the bidder would be up to 50% of QMC and the contract is liable for Termination and compensation paid to NCESS Up gradation The Software Operating Systems shall be updated at the time of installation with all the released patches and service packs. 4.6 Obsolescence (a) The bidder shall guarantee that the equipments quoted and supplied shall not be obsolete or proclaimed as ‘End of Life’ by the Original Equipment Manufacturer during the warranty period/ extended warranty period. Page 28 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS (b) The bidder shall guarantee that the equipments quoted and supplied shall not be obsolete or proclaimed as ‘End of Sale’ by the Original Equipment Manufacturer for at least 24 months from the date of supply. 4.7 Change of Model No change of model after the placement of order shall be entertained unless the alternate model offered are equivalent or higher in specifications and approval of the competent authority has been obtained in writing for such a change of model before the delivery of the product. Delivery of the alternate product without such an approval shall not be accepted and NCESS shall not be responsible for any delay in delivery schedule on this account. 4.8 Intellectual Property Rights NCESS recognizes the intellectual property rights of the Original Equipment Manufacturer. 4.9 Delivery Schedule & Monitoring The bidder shall plan various activities and submit the execution schedule within one week of award of the work. The execution schedule should clearly indicate all activities and the time required for completion of each activity taking the delivery time as 1 month. Delivery of all items shall be made within 1 months of award of order, failing which penalty clause will be invoked. Page 29 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS SECTION V STANDARD FORMATS OF BID SUBMISSION The Bidders are requested to submit Technical and Commercial bid in response to this tender. This section provides the outline, content of and the formats that the Bidders are required to follow in preparation of the technical and commercial bids (Sticking to the structure and content of the forms, the TSPs can make modification in the format of the form). Annexure 1 Pre-qualification eligibility criteria - checklist Annexure 2 Technical Bid submission Letter Annexure 3 Tender conditions acceptance Letter Annexure 4 Bidder/Consortium Partner Profile Annexure 5 Bidder’s Experience in Executing Similar Projects Annexure 6 Financial Information and net worth of the Bidder Annexure 7 Statement of Compliance/Deviations from Technical Specifications Annexure 8 Bill of materials Annexure 9 Commercial Bid Annexure 10 Commercial Bid Letter Annexure 11 Price Schedule Annexure 12 Performance Bank Guarantee Annexure 13 Manufacturer’s Authorization Form Page 30 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS ANNEXURE 1 CHECK LIST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Documents to be submitted enclosed (Y/N Whether bidder satisfy minimum eligibility criteria as per Section I Earnest Money Deposit of Rs 750000/-. Valid ISO certification of the OEM and Bidder Valid MoU between companies/firm, if quoted as consortium Proof of conducting business in India for a period exceeding five years Unconditional acceptance of all the terms & conditions of the Tender Notification OEM Authorization letter for supply of articles, servicing and warranty Certificate of proof of a registered office and service setup in Kerala Copy of Firm/Company Registration Certificate Valid VAT Certificate Valid Sales Tax Registration Certificate Valid Service Tax Registration Certificate. Letter in favouring the signatory who is authorized to sign the bid document Technical bid, commercial bids separately Bidders’ organization background Whether technical and commercial bid submission letters enclosed Details of 5 similar projects during the last three years Self attested work orders and completion certificates of above projects Completion/ customer satisfaction certificate enclosed Turnover of the bidder for 2011-12 Turnover of the bidder for 2012-13 Turnover of the bidder for 2013-14 For each such project from the client Net worth of the bidder for each of the last three Financial Years Executed one project of value not less than 1.0 crore for any Government/ PSU in the current/preceding financial year Is the annual turnover of the bidder more than Rs 5 Crore for last three years Executed two projects each costing not less than Rs. 1.0 Crore Valid authorization letter confirming direct purchase and support agreement from all the OEMs Certificate of OEM confirming that the products/technologies/ components/ services quoted are not end-of-life. Self-declaration to this effect that the he Bidder are/were under a declaration of Ineligibility for corrupt or fraudulent practices or blacklisted with the Central/State Government Departments/ DGS & D Page 31 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS 30 31 32 33 34 35 Tender validity is 90 days from the date of submission of bid Provided warranty for 5 years from the date of user acceptance test Two similar orders, each costing not less than Rs. 1.0 Crore Part numbers and make of all components quoted Brochures and manuals of quoted items submitted Whether compliance statement filled and submitted Page 32 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS ANNEXURE 2 TECHNICAL BID SUBMISSION LETTER To The Chief Manager, National Centre for Earth Science Studies P.B.No.7250, Akkulam Thiruvananthapuram-695031, Kerala , India Sir, Ref: Your Tender No. ……………………………Dated ……… I/We the undersigned having read and examined in detail all the tender documents in respect of “Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Server and Storage for the Modular Data Centre at NCESS” do hereby offer you to supply the stores and services specified in the Tender Document at the price here under quoted. We declare that our bid price is for the entire scope of the work as specified therein and confirm that our tender prices and all inclusive. We hereby declare that: a) We/our principals are equipped with adequate manpower / machinery / technology for providing the Hardware as per the parameters laid down in the Tender Document and We/our principals are also equipped with adequate maintenance and service facilities within India for supporting the offered document. b) We hereby offer to provide the Services at the prices and rates mentioned in the Commercial Bid at Annexure 11. c) We do hereby undertake, that, in the event of acceptance of our bid, the hardware shall be provided as stipulated in the schedule to the Bid Document and that we shall perform all the incidental services. d) We enclose herewith the complete Technical Bid as required by you. This includes: i. This Bid Letter ii. Bid Particulars iii. Statement of Technical Deviation(s) if any iv. Statement of deviations from tender terms and conditions if any v. Detailed Specification of the Hardware & Timeline for Installation We agree to abide by our offer for a period of 90 days from the date fixed for opening of the Technical Bids and that we shall remain bound by a communication of acceptance within that time. Page 33 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS I/We shall bind to supply the stores/service hereby offered, upon the issue of the work order communicating the acceptance thereof on or before the expiry of the delivery date therein. You are at the liberty to accept any one or more of the items of such stores. I/We, notwithstanding that the offer in this tender has not been accepted in whole shall be bound to supply to you such items and such portion or portions of one or more of the items as may be specified in the work order communicating the acceptance. We have carefully read and understood the terms and conditions of the tender and the conditions of the Contract applicable to the tender and we do hereby undertake to provide services as per these terms and conditions. The deviations from the technical specification(s) are only those mentioned in Annexure 7. Certified that the Bidder is a Company and the person signing the tender is the duly constituted attorney. Bid Security (Earnest Money) for an amount of Rs.750000 (Rupees Seven Lakh fifty Thousand Only) has been remitted in the specified account. We confirm that in the event of any further information/ clarification/documentary proof in this regard before evaluation of our tender, we agree to furnish the same to your satisfaction. In case we fail to execute the agreement as aforesaid incorporating the terms and conditions governing the contract, NCESS shall have the power and authority to recover from us any loss or damages caused to NCESS by such breach as may be determined by NCESS. We do hereby undertake, that, until a formal contract is prepared and executed, this bid, together with your written acceptance thereof or placement of letter of intent awarding the contract, shall constitute a binding contract between us. Dated this______________ Day of ____________ 20__ (Signature) (In the capacity of) Duly authorized to sign the Tender Response for and on behalf of: (Name and Address of Company) Seal/Stamp of bidder Witness Signature: Witness Name: Witness Address: Page 34 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS ANNEXURE 3 TENDER CONDITIONS ACCEPTANCE LETTER To The Chief Manager, National Centre for Earth Science Studies P.B.No.7250, Akkulam Thiruvananthapuram-695031, Kerala , India Sub: Acceptance of Terms & Conditions of Tender Name of Work:........................................................................ Tender No: Our Bid against Schedule No:………………………….…………………………….. Dear Sir, 1. The tender document for the works mentioned above have been obtained by me from the URL: the official e-procurement site of National Centre for Earth Science Studies and I / we hereby certify that I / we have read the entire terms and conditions of the tender document, which shall form part of the contract agreement and I / we shall abide by the conditions / clauses contained therein. 2. I / we hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions of NCESS’s tender document in its entirety for the above works. 3. It is clarified that after unconditionally accepting the tender conditions in its entirety, it is not permissible to put any remarks / conditions (except unconditional rebates on quoted rates if any) in the tender submitted as "Pre-Qualification Bid", “Technical Bid” & "Commercial Bid" and the same has been followed in the present case. In case any provisions of this tender are found violated after opening the bids, I / we agree that the tender shall be rejected and NCESS shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy be at liberty to forfeit the full said earnest money absolutely. Yours Faithfully, (Signature of the Bidder) Date: Stamp Page 35 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS ANNEXURE 4 BIDDER/CONSORTIUM PARTNER PROFILE 1 2 3 16 Name of BIDDER Address, Telephone Number, Fax Number, Email, Web Site Correspondence Address: Name, Address, E-mail, Phone, fax Email Details of authorized person: Name, Address, E-mail, Phone, fax Email Is the firm registered with sales tax department? If yes, submit valid sales tax registration certificate. Is the firm registered for service tax with Central Excise Department (Service Tax Cell)? If yes, submit valid service tax registration certificate Number of years of experience in the relevant field Number of Offices / Project Locations Do you have a local representation /office in Trivandrum, Kerala? If so, please give the address and the details of staff, infrastructure etc in the office and no. of years of operation of the local office Is your organization has SEI –CMM / ISO 9000 certificates? If so, attach copies of the certificates. State details, if certified by bodies, other than that stated List the major clients with whom your organization has been/ is currently associated Date of Commencement of Indian operation of the proposed product’s OEM. Documentary proof to be provided Whether the OEM is ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 Certified. Documentary proof to be provided Information About the Company Government/ Public Sector Undertaking/ Propriety firm/ Partnership firm Details of Registration of Firm 17 18 19 20 21 22 Number of Professionals Location and Address of Offices (in India and Overseas) Service Tax Registration Number Income Tax Registration Number (PAN) Sales Tax Registration Number (VAT) Enclose latest STCC 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Date Ref# (Signature of the Bidder) Seal of the Bidder Page 36 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS ANNEXURE 5 BIDDER’S EXPERIENCE IN EXECUTING SIMILAR PROJECTS (Provide here a brief description of the background and organization of your firm) Brief of Bidder’s Organization Experience in executing similar projects Clients Name and Address Description of Project Value of the contract (in Rupees) Country Location within Country Duration of the Assignment/job (months) Name of the employee Total No of staff-months of the Assignment/job Approx. value of the Assignment/job provided by your firm under the contract (in Rupees) Start date (month/year) Completion date (month/year) Name of associated Bidder, if any No of professional staff-months provided by associated Bidder Name of senior professional staff of your firm involved and functions performed Description of actual assignment/job provided by your staff within the assignment/job Note: Please provide documentary evidence of copy of work order and completion certificate from the client, for each of the above mentioned assignment. The experience shall not be considered for evaluation if such supporting documents are not submitted with the proposal. (Signature of the Bidder) Seal of the Bidder Page 37 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS ANNEXURE 6 FINANCIAL INFORMATION AND NET WORTH OF THE BIDDER S.No Name of the bidder Turnover (Rs. Crores) FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 FY 201314 Net worth FY 2014-15 Note: . Submit the audited financial statement/ audited annual report of the last three financial years. (Signature of the Bidder) Seal of the Bidder Net Worth Net Worth of the Organization as on 31st March 2014 (Signature of the Bidder) Seal of the Bidder Page 38 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS ANNEXURE 7 STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE/DEVIATIONS FROM TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS To The Chief Manager, National Centre for Earth Science Studies P.B.No.7250, Akkulam Thiruvananthapuram-695031, Kerala , India Sir, Following are the compliance statement/deviations and variations from the Technical Specifications of tendered items. These deviations and variations are exhaustive. Except these deviations and variations, the entire work shall be performed as per your specifications and documents. 1. Integrated inbuilt Rack Infrastructure Specification composed of multiple active power and cooling distribution paths adhering to TIA 942 guidelines or equivalent 42 U high-efficiency cooling management racks with provision for hot air and cold air separation Cold air & Hot air containment Provision to add an extra rack in future Shall have redundant components, and is concurrently maintainable providing 99.982% availability. include internal redundant power supply environmental controls (e.g., precision air conditioning, fire suppression (as per NFPA guidelines), smoke detection, Water leak detection, motion sensor, humidity sensor)security devices etc. 24 x 7 monitoring of cooling units from a central NOC and periodic reports on temperature and humidity within the racks should be made available Rack mount PDU of type IEC19/13, Each rack shall have two PDU’s Protection from the transient over-voltages; Surge Current Capacity : 100 kA; Protection Level : < 1 kV; Response Time : < 0.5 nanoseconds; EMI/RFI Attenuation : 40 dB typical; Certification : UL 1449-3; shall be sized per IEEE Std Complied Y/N Deviation Page 39 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS C62.41-1991 and IEEE Std C62.45-1992; shall have a maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) rating of minimum 320VRMS Shall have redundant components and concurrently maintainable providing 99.982% availability Key functionalities: Cold aisle & hot aisle, Fire rated cabinet, insulation, remote management and single point of service. Precision air conditioner with variable capacity digital scroll compressor, heater and humidifier Fire suppression system as per NFPA guidelines Biometric access control system Should have provision to add an extra rack in future. It should be flexible, adaptable, controllable infrastructure. Integrated monitoring and control Supplier should be produce MAF from OEM involved Rack server I Specification Dual CPU; 2.6Ghz with minimum 20 MB L3 Cache, 8.0GT/s QPI, 8 core processor The system should be configured with minimum 192 GB Registered DDR-4 ECC Memory operating at 2133 MT/s 24 DIMM Slots supporting DDR3 ECC, up to 1866 expandable up to 768GB 2x300 GB 15K RPM SAS hot plug hard drive for operating system, Up to 16 x 2.5” HDD: SAS, SATA, nearline SAS SSD: SAS (or) up to 8 x 3.5” HDD: SAS, SATA, nearline SAS SSD: SAS 6Gbps RAID Controller with 1GB NV cache support 0,1,5,6,10 support Online Capacity Expansion and Online RAID Level Migration One DVD-RW/CD-RW Minimum 4 Nos of Gigabit Ethernet Ports Minimum 2 No's of Single Port 8Gbps FC HBA Minimum 6 x PCIe I/O Slots The server should have Provision to hold dual embedded Hypervisors eg:-VMWARE with fail over capability Cluster support for OS level clustering Remote Management: Remote Management with Dedicated Management /Network Interface and option for minimum 12 GB SD for storing log files or other operating system information through Partioning; Complied Y/N Deviation Page 40 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS The remote management port should support IPv4, IPv6, VLAN Tagging and shall support two factor authentication Systems Management Monitoring of Servers; Update of System Software; Integration with OEM support to update the Server Configurator, Remote Management Controller, RAID Controller, BIOS, NIC, and Power Supply High Availability: Redundant hot pluggable Power Supply as per OEM standard with redundant hot pluggable fan; The power supplies for all equipment should be for Indian power specification of voltage, frequency and phasing. Redundant hot-plug power supply; Form Factor - Rack 2U Rack Mount Kit - Rails The system should be certified for: VMware vSphere ESXi; Microsoft Windows Server 2012, includes Hyper-V; Red Hat Enterprise Linux Should include Device drivers for all devices with media. Supplier should be produce MAF from OEM involved 2. Server II: Specification Complied Y/N Dual CPU; 1.9Ghzwith minimum 15MB L3 Cache, 6.4GT/s QPI, 6 core or equivalent The system should be configured with minimum 8 GB Registered DDR-4 ECC Memory operating at 2133MT/s expandable up to 384 GB 2x300 GB 15K RPM 6Gbps SAS Hot HDD Up to 8 x 2.5” HDD: SAS, SATA, nearline SAS SSD: SAS (or) up to 4 x 3.5” HDD: SAS, nearline SAS SSD: SAS 6Gbps RAID Controller with 1GB NV cache support 0,1,5,6,10support Online Capacity Expansion and Online RAID Level Migration One DVD-RW/CD-RW Drive Bays : 8 x 2.5" SAS or better Minimum 4 Nos of Gigabit Ethernet Ports Minimum 2 No's of Single Port 8Gbps FC HBA Minimum of 6 x PCIe I/O Slots Remote Management: Remote Management with Dedicated Management /Network Interface and option for minimum 12 GB SD for storing log files or other operating system information through Partioning; Deviation Page 41 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS The remote management port should support IPv4, IPv6, VLAN Tagging and shall support two factor authentication Systems Management Monitoring of Servers; Update of System Software; Integration with OEM support to update the Server Configurator, Remote Management Controller, RAID Controller, BIOS, NIC, and Power Supply; Redundant hot pluggable Power Supply as per OEM standard with redundant hot pluggable fan; The power supplies for all equipment should be for Indian power specification of voltage, frequency and phasing. Form Factor - Rack 1U Rack Mount Kit - Rails The system should be certified for: VMware vSphere ESXi; Microsoft Windows Server 2012, includes Hyper-V; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 year On-Site warranty 24/7 online support from OEM The system should be certified for: VMware vSphere ESXi; Microsoft Windows Server 2012, includes Hyper-V; Red Hat Enterprise Linux Supplier should produce MAF from OEM involved 3. San Storage Description Complied Y/N Deviation The Storage System should be a unified storage, support file and block protocols and should be configured with dual redundant controllers. CPU should be based on Quad core processor. The offered Storage should not be based on specialized operating system and should be based on general purpose operating system on industry standard servers. Array should support minimum 4x10 Gbps IP port per controller for iSCSI and NAS Connectivity. The offered storage should also have 4 nos of 8G FC ports for block protocol. The system should have a minimum of 48 GB of memory across dual controller. Array should support cache destage to disk in order to avoid any data loss due to extended power outage. Array should support mirroring of write operation across controller System should support drive type of 15K RPM and 10K RPM SAS 6 Gbps, SSD and Near Line SAS 7200 RPM drive. The single disk enclosure should be able to host different type of disk at any point in time. Page 42 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS Description Complied Y/N Deviation Protocol support: iSCSI, NFS (v2 and v3),CIFS (SMB1 and SMB2), ARP,NLM, RIP, SNMP, NDMP, LDAP, SMTP and FC The system should be configured with snapshot Features licenses, snapshot restore licenses for the entire systems capacity RAID controller should Support for RAID levels 5, 6 and 10 The bidder should also configure 10 TB useable in RAID 6 using 300/600 GB SAS 15K RPM drives . The useable capacity should be exclusive from overheads of hot spares, Raid or any other storage related space requirements. Array should be configured with minimum of 1 hot spare for every 15 data disks. The storage system shall have built-in support for deduplication for removing redundant blocks and compression for better storage efficiency and Thin Provisioning. The license for these features should be provided. The storage should support auto-tiering on all disk types by dynamically moving the hot data to high performance disks and cold data to low speed disks. Storage system should be configured in "No single point of failure architecture" and all the components like controllers, fans, power supplies, front-end ports and back-end ports should be redundant. Storage system should support all industry leading operating systems like MS Windows 2003/2008,Windows Server 2012, RHEL, Oracle Linux, Unix, Microsoft Hyper-V, VMWare in stand-alone and clustering environment The storage should be configured with licenses for snapshots, thin provisioning and efficiency features like de-duplication. The performance monitoring software should be configured The offered storage should have capability to integrate with VMWare for simplified management and improve performance using features like virtual storage integrator for vSphere and VAAI (vMWARE vStorage API for Array Integration) Page 43 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS Description Complied Y/N Deviation Complied Y/N Deviation Support a browser based built in management. Should be able to support manual as well as automated email to bidder support centre for proactive maintenance support. Storage browser based management tools should able to manage multiple similar arrays at the same time from the single interface. The storage should provide minimum two number of 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet ports for management Entire system must be manageable from a web based single, secured interface without a separate management device or server. Management software should be supplied along with the storage array Storage should be covered with 5 year onsite comprehensive warranty from OEM under 24x 7 support packages. As per HAL IT security policy, if HDD of server fails under warranty period, bidder has to replace the same free of cost. Further, faulty HDD will not be returned to the Bidder. Bidder not meeting this parameter will be rejected. Installation and commissioning: To be carried out by the Vendor based on the user requirement Supplier should produce MAF from OEM involved 4. SAN Switch Description - - Dual FC SAN switches shall be configured with at least 8 active ports of 8 Gbps with scalability to 24 ports and adequate number of LC-LC fiber cables should be configured.. Latency should be less than 1 Micro Second Should deliver 8 Gbps Non-blocking architecture with 1:1 performance for up to 24 ports The switch should be rack mountable Switch shall have support for web based management and should also support CLI. It shall support Dynamic Load Balancing & Dynamic Load Sharing of Traffic. All FC ports shall have capability for auto-sensing, autonegotiating and self-configuring type Redundant power supplies and cooling fans Page 44 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS Description Complied Y/N Deviation Necessary Cables for SAN connectivity to be supplied along with the SAN Switch Localized power cord Switch shall support In-Band Management over Fibre Channel. 5 years comprehensive Onsite warranty directly from OEM 7. Virtualization software Complied Y/N Requirement Specification provide a Virtualization layer that sits directly on the bare metal server hardware with no dependence on a general purpose OS for greater reliability and security Able to boot from iSCSI, FCoE, and Fibre Channel SAN Virtualization software shall have the capability to create Virtual servers with upto 64 processors in virtual machines for all the guest operating system supported by the hypervisor integrate with NAS, FC, FCoE and iSCSI SAN and infrastructure from leading bidders leveraging high performance shared storage to centralize virtual machine file storage for greater manageability, flexibility and availability Allow heterogeneous support for guest Operating systems like Windows client, Windows Server, Linux (at least Red Hat, SUSE, Ubuntu and CentOS, Solaris x86) capability for creating virtual machine templates to provision new servers allow taking point-in-time snapshots of the virtual machines to be able to revert back to an older state if required Ability to thin provision disks to avoid allocating all storage space upfront. Full monitoring capabilities and alerts to prevent from accidentally running out of physical storage space should be there. support connecting smart card readers to multiple virtual machines, which can then be used for smart card authentication to virtual machines. support live Virtual Machine migration with enhanced CPU compatibility and without the need for shared storage option. Able to dynamically allocate & balance computing capacity across collections of hardware resources aggregated into one unified resource pool with optional control over movement of virtual machines like restricting VMs to run on selected physical hosts. Deviation Page 45 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS Provide dynamic power management such that in case of during off peak hours not all servers are required to be powered on due to less load it should place few servers in G2/S5 (Soft Off) power state as per the Industry Standard Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) specifications to save power in an automated or manual or scheduled manner. High Availability capabilities for the virtual machines in the sense if in case one server fails all the Virtual machines running on that server shall be able to migrate to another physical server running same virtualization software. The feature should be independent of Operating System Clustering and should work with FC/ iSCSI SAN and NAS shared storage. This high availability feature should also be extended to and aware of the applications running inside of the virtual machines. Provision to provide zero downtime, zero data loss and continuous availability for the applications running in virtual machines in the event of physical host failure, without the cost and complexity of traditional hardware or software clustering solutions. Support built-in storage multi-pathing Abilities to offload specific storage operations to compliant storage hardware thereby performing these operations faster and consuming less CPU, memory, and storage fabric bandwidth Enhanced visibility into storage throughput and latency of hosts and virtual machines that can help in troubleshooting storage performance issues. Provide software FCoE adaptor that can work with a network adaptor that support partial FCoE offload capabilities. Allow configuring each virtual machine with one or more virtual NICs. Each of those network interfaces can have its own IP address and even its own MAC address NIC teaming for load sharing and redundancy. Allow creating virtual switches that connect virtual machines Support configurations of 802.1q VLANs which are compatible with standard VLAN implementations from other bidders allow dynamic adjustment of teaming algorithm so that the load is always balanced across a team of physical network adapters Continuously monitor utilization across virtual machines and should intelligently allocate available resources Page 46 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS Allow redirection of virtual machine serial ports over a standard network link thereby enabling solutions such as third-party virtual serial port concentrators for virtual machine serial console management or monitoring Allow RAM over-commitment that allows to configure virtual machine memory in such a way that it safely exceeds the physical server memory. Allow usage of Remote devices which allow Installation of software in a virtual machine running on a server from the CD-ROM of a desktop Provide support for Microsoft Cluster Services between virtual machines Solution to automate and simplify the task of managing hypervisor installation, configuration and upgrade on multiple physical servers. Allow virtual machines to directly access physical network and storage I/O devices enhancing CPU efficiency in handling workloads that require constant and frequent access to I/O devices. Provide Simple and cost effective backup and recovery for virtual machines which should allow admins to back up virtual machine data to disk without the need of agents and this backup solution should have built-in variable length deduplication capability. Provide in-built Replication capability which will enable efficient array-agnostic replication of virtual machine data over the LAN or WAN. This Replication should simplify management enabling replication at the virtual machine level and enabling RPOs as low as 15 minutes. Provision to upgrade the Guest OS tools available with the hypervisor without need for any reboots. In-built capability to be able to deliver a proven endpoint security solution to any workload with an approach that is simplified, efficient, and cloud-aware. This security solution should enable 3rd party endpoint security solutions to eliminate the agent footprint from the virtual machines, offload intelligence to a security virtual appliance, and run scans with minimal impact. Support hardware as well as non-hardware accelerated 3D graphics to run Basic 3D applications in virtual machines. Ability to set constraints that restrict placement of a virtual machine to a subset of hosts in a cluster and to keep virtual machines paired or separated. Allow dynamic adjustment of the teaming algorithm so that Page 47 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS the load is always balanced across a team of physical adapters on a Virtual Switch Provide support for a single 62TB file Provide a “Latency Sensitivity” setting in a VM that can be tuned to help reduce virtual machine latency. When the Latency sensitivity is set to high the hypervisor will try to reduce latency in the virtual machine by reserving memory, dedicating CPU cores and disabling network features that are prone to high latency. 8. On-Line Double Conversion UPS System - 15 KVA Complied Y/N Requirement Specification General Specifications Capacity: 15 KVA Topology: On line double conversion UPS (VFI-SS-111 classification as Defined by EN- IEC62040-3 Standard) with Isolation Transformer at input. (External) UPS Architecture: Modular based UPS using minimum two or more similar power modules Standards: Safety: EN/IEC 62040-1 EMC: EN/IEC 62040-2 Input Input Voltage: 400 VAC, 3 phase ± 15% Input frequency: 50Hz, ± 5% Input Total Harmonic Distortion (THDi): ≤ 3 % at rated load Power factor: ≥0.99 Output Output voltage: 400 VAC, 3 phase Or 230VAC Single phase. Voltage variation: ± 1% Frequency : 50Hz Overload capability: 10 min : 125% load rate with no bypass intervention 60 sec : 150% load rate with no bypass intervention Efficiency: > 94% Crest factor: 3:1 Total harmonic distortion on nominal power : < 3 % (Linear load) < 5 % (Non Linear load) Battery Back backup time: Having 2 Battery set in parallel with minimum 13000VAH (6500VAH x2) for recommended for 20-30 min at 15KVA load Battery cabinet : Battery shall be assembled in a cabinet and the cabinet shall be powder coated . Deviation Page 48 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS Battery make: Amarraja/Panasonic/Numeric General specification Technology of rectifier and inverter : IGBT Emergency power off Contact : Required Working temperature range : from 0°C to +40°C Humidity range:20-90% non condensing Protection degree : IP21 Features : Multiple configuration of (3/3, 3/1, 1/1) Independent Phase Control / Management (Hardware / Software) Local Display: The following parameter to be displayed in the front panel LCD display 1. Input & Output Voltage, Frequency, Current and PF 2. Output Power (W & VA), Frequency, PF 3. Battery voltage Signals and alarm: The UPS must be equipped with a lighted operating status indicator a well as with a buzzer able to immediately indicate the following operating conditions: 1. Battery operation 2. Faulty Power module 3. Over load 4. Generic fault Warranty 5 years from OEM The UPS Manufacturer Company must have ISO9001 certification for development, production, and services. It should be able to configure as three independent phase management at site without changing the cabinet Reference Standards: EN/IEC 62040-1 “General and safety requirements for UPS used in operator access areas" EN/IEC 62040-2 “Electromagnetic compatibility requirements (EMC)” EN/IEC 62040-3 “Performance requirements and test methods” The UPS must have CE marking in accordance with European Directives 73/23, 93/68, 89/336, 92/31, 93/68. 9. Tape Drive Complied Y/N Deviation Requirement Specification Tape drive type LTO Ultrium 6 Physical capacity 2.5 TB native; 6.25 TB with 2.5:1 compression Number of tape drives - 1 Page 49 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS Number of tape cartridges - 1 Data transfer rate Up to 160 MBps native Power requirements 100 – 240 V ac, 50 – 60 Hz autoranging Backward read/write compatible with LTO Ultrium 5 media and read compatible with LTO Ultrium 4 media Support for Microsoft Windows 2000; Microsoft Windows Server 2003; Linux and Unix Warranty five-year from OEM 10. Biometric based Access control Specification Complied Y/N IP based Access Control System based on Biometric Technology allowing access to authorized personnel only Individual access cards to all the authorised personnel. The doors will be provided with additional Electromagnetic locks, and should operate on fail-safe principle. Configurable system for user defined access Built-in Real Time Clock (RTC), calendar; complete Database stored locally and shall be capable of operating offline on standalone mode Record, report and archive each and every activity (permission granted and / or rejected) with log formats Fail safe operation in case of no-power condition and abnormal condition such as fire, theft, intrusion, loss of access control, etc. At the biometric reader, user presents the finger to the biometric reader which is unique to each employee. The pattern is read and compared with stored data to grant / deny access. Deviation (Signature of the Bidder) Seal of the Bidder Page 50 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS ANNEXURE 8 BILL OF MATERIALS S.No Components Hardware 1 Server I 2 Server II 3 SAN Storage 10 TB 4 LTO Tape Drive 5 SAN Switch 6 Modular cooling Rack 42 U 7 Access control system 8 KVM with LCD 9 15 Kva On-Line Double Conversion UPS System 10 SMF Battery for 10 minute hour backup for UPS Quantity Complied Y/N 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Software 1. VMware vSphere 5 Enterprise Plus As per requirement 2. VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager 5 Standard (25 VM Pack) As per requirement 3. RHEL 7.0 Advanced Server (64 Bit) with PostgreSQL Enterprise bundled (PostgreSQL support from Enterprise DB(NICSI Empanelment) for five years) 4 4. Windows Server standard 2012R2SNGL OLP NL 2Proc 8 5. Windows Server CAL 2012 SNGL OLP NL DvcCAL 100 Page 51 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS ANNEXURE 9 COMMERCIAL BID (Bid Particulars) 1 Tender Number: _________________________________________________________ 2 Name of the Bidder _______________________________________________________ 3 Full Address of the Bidder of the product(s) offered: _____________________________ 4 Name of the actual signatory: _______________________________________________ 5 Bidder’s proposal number and date: __________________________________________ Name and Address of the officer to whom all references shall be made regarding the tender _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Telephone : Fax : E-mail : (Bidder) Signature --------------------Name -------------------Designation -------------------Company -------------------Date ---------------------------- Page 52 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS ANNEXURE 10 COMMERCIAL BID LETTER To The Chief Manager, National Centre for Earth Science Studies P.B.No.7250, Akkulam Thiruvananthapuram-695031, Kerala , India Sir, Sub: Your Tender No. …………………………………… I/We the undersigned having read and examined in detail all the tender documents in respect of “Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Server and Storage for the Modular Data Centre at NCESS, do hereby offer you to supply the stores and services specified in the Tender Document at the price here under quoted. We declare that our bid price is for the entire scope of the work as specified therein and confirm that our tender prices and all inclusive. 1. Price and validity: All the prices in our tender are in accordance with the terms and conditions as specified in the tender document. The prices and other terms and conditions are valid for a period of 90 calendar days from the date of opening the tender and that we shall remain bound by a communication of acceptance within that time 2. Earnest money deposit: We have remitted EMD of a sum of …………. (Rupees …………….) in the specified account. The EMD is liable to be forfeited in accordance with the provision of the contract. 3. Deviations: We declare that all services will be performed in accordance with the tender document except for the variations and deviations all of which have been detailed out exhaustively in our bid document, irrespective of whatever has been stated to the contrary anywhere else in our bid. 4. Tender pricing: We further conform that the prices stated in our bid are in accordance with your instruction to Bidders included in the tender document 5. Qualifying data: We confirm that having submitted the information required by you in your instruction to bidders, In case the NCESS require any further information/clarification/ documentary proof in this regard before evaluation of our tender, we agree to furnish the same to your satisfaction. 6. Bid price: We declare that our bid price is for the entire scope of the work as specified in the tender document 7. Contract performance guarantee bond: We hereby declare that in case the contract is awarded to us, we shall submit the contract performance guarantee bond In case we fail to execute the agreement as aforesaid incorporating the terms and conditions governing the contract, NCESS shall have power and authority to recover from us any loss or damages Page 53 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS caused to NCESS by such breach as may be determined by NCESS, appropriating the EMD deposited by us and if the EMD is found to be inadequate, the deficit amount may be recovered from us and our properties movable and immovable. We hereby declare that: (a) our tender is made in good faith, without collusion or fraud and the information contained in the tender is true to the best of our knowledge and belief. We understand you are not bound to accept any proposal you receive. (b) We/our principals are equipped with adequate manpower / machinery / technology for providing the Hardware as per the parameters laid down in the Tender Document and (c) we/our principals are also equipped with adequate maintenance and service facilities within India for supporting the offered document. 8. We hereby offer to provide the Hardware at the prices and rates mentioned in the Commercial Bid at Annexure 11. 9. We do hereby undertake, that, in the event of acceptance of our bid, the Hardware shall be provided as stipulated in the schedule to the Bid document and that we shall perform all the incidental services 10. We have carefully read and understood the terms and conditions of the tender and the conditions of the Contract applicable to the tender and we do hereby undertake to provide services as per these terms and conditions. The Commercial Deviations are only those mentioned in (Annexure 7). 11. Certified that the tendered is a Company and the person signing the tender is the duly constituted attorney. 12. We do hereby undertake, that, until a formal contract is prepared and executed, this bid, together with your written acceptance thereof or placement of letter of intent awarding the contract, shall constitute a binding contract between us. Dated this___________ Day of_______________ 20__ Signature) (In the capacity of) Duly authorized to sign the Tender Response for and on behalf of: (Name and Address of Company) Seal/Stamp of bidder Witness Signature: Witness Name & Address Page 54 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS ANNEXURE 11: PRICE SCHEDULE Summary of Project Costs S.No. Project Expenditure Heads 1 Hardware 2 System Software Cost 3 Other Costs 4 Taxes and Levies 5 Other Costs 6 Total Cost Split up of Project Cost Item Description(Manufacturer, Model and Part No etc) Cost in (INR) Unit Price (P) Tax (t) Total amount/unit T=(P +t) Total Qty (Q) Total Amount (P +t)*Q Total Capital Cost of equipments Note: Specifications must be in compliance with the requirements as specified in the RFP All the hardware quoted by the bidder must be certified to work in Linux. The prices should be inclusive of 5 year comprehensive on-site Warranty for each of the hardware item quoted Page 55 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS ANNEXURE 12 PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE (To be stamped in accordance with Stamp Act) Bank Guarantee No. Date: To The Chief Manager, National Centre for Earth Science Studies P.B.No.7250, Akkulam Thiruvananthapuram-695011, Kerala , India Whereas M/s. ………………………, having its registered Office at ………………………………………………………………………………………….. (hereinafter called ‘The Contractor’) entered into an Agreement No. ………………………………….. dated ../../…. for the supply, installation and commissioning of …………………… (hereinafter called ‘The Contract’) with National Centre for Earth Science Studies, Akkulam, Thuruvikkal P.O, Thiruvananthapuram, India (hereinafter called ‘The Purchaser’). And whereas under the terms and conditions of the contract balance 10% payment amounting to …………….. under the contract is to be made against a performance bond in the form of a bank guarantee furnished by the contractor for a sum of ………… equivalent to 10% (ten per cent) of the value of the contract towards the supply, installation and commissioning of ……………………, its satisfactory performance and its warranty service, valid for a period of one year from the date of installation. Now we Bank of …………………………………… hereby agree and undertake to pay on demand and without any demur to National Centre for Earth Science Studies, Akkulam, Thuruvikkal P.O, Thiruvananthapuram, India on behalf of the contractor a sum not exceeding ……….. against any loss or damage that may be suffered by the Purchaser by the reasons of unsatisfactory performance of the said ……….. or non-adherence to the contractual obligations. And we, Bank …………………………………………………………………….. hereby also agree that the decision of the said Director, Purchase & stores as to whether the said ………… is giving satisfactory performance or not and as to the amount of loss or damages suffered by the Page 56 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS Purchaser on account of unsatisfactory performance of the said ………….. or non-adherence to the contractual obligations shall be final and binding on us. And we Bank ………………………………………………………………… hereby further agree that our liability hereunder shall not be discharged by virtue of any agreement between the purchaser & the contractor whether with or without knowledge and/or consent or by reason of the Purchaser showing any indulgence or forebearence to the contractor whether as to payment, time performance or any other matter whatsoever relating to the contract which but for this provision would amount to discharge of the surety under the law. Our guarantee shall remain in force until ………………. and unless a claim under the guarantee is lodged with us all rights of the purchaser under the Guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be relieved and discharged from all our liabilities hereunder. Our liability under this guarantee shall not be affected by any change in our constitution or the constitution of the contractor. This Guarantee shall be governed by the laws of India and only the courts of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the adjudication of any dispute which may arise hereunder. Dated the ________________ day of _______ 20__ (Signature) Bank Rubber Stamp (Name) Designation with bank Stamp Plus Attorney as per Power of Attorney No: Dated: Page 57 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS ANNEXURE 13 MANUFACTURER’S AUTHORIZATION FORM Ref Tender no: Dated: ____/____/______ Whereas____________________ (Name and Address of the Manufacturer) who are established and manufacturers of (Name/description of the products), having production facilities at _______________________(Address of factory) do hereby authorize M/s________________________________.(Name and Address of the Bidder) to submit a bid, and subsequently negotiate and sign the Contract with you you for resale of the following Products produced by us, for the quantities, specifications and delivery schedule against RFP No _______________________ dated___________________. Sl No Item Description (Detailed Specification with part No# as per Tender) Quantity We hereby extend to you a full guarantee and warranty in accordance with following terms and conditions with our own standard product warranty, and duly authorize the Supplier to act on our behalf in fulfilling all warranty obligations with respect to the above-listed products offered for resale by the Supplier. We also certify that the Supplier is qualified by us to provide the training, maintenance, technical or help desk support, new version upgrade as per the ToR of this RFP and/or other services related to the above-listed Products. Name: (In the capacity of) (Duly authorized to sign the authorization on and behalf of the manufacturer) Signature: Dated this__________________ day of_______________20__ Note: This letter of authority must be on the letterhead of the concerned manufacturer and must be signed by a competent person and having the power of attorney to bind the Manufacturer and, must be included by the Bidder in its bid. Page 58 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS SECTION VI SCOPE OF WORK 6.1 Technical solution and requirement: This document describes in detail the requirements, technical solution and specifications for various products needed for the implementation of the Data Centre at NCESS. This calls for implementing virtualization solution on higher–end servers, with 3 physical servers storage and back up. The minimum specified scope of work that needs to be undertaken by the Bidder for installation and maintenance of hardware components and accessories for data centre project of NCESS and the work is to be performed as per the specifications and conditions mentioned in different parts of this document. The work envisages the following components: (a) Supply, installation and Installation of hardware and software (b) Installation of high availability cluster in the Geomatics Lab of the NCESS at Thiruvananthapuram (c) Implementation of Virtualisation using VMWare, VSphere and its configuration. (d) Installation configuration and disk volumes created in SAN Installation (e) Ensuring connectivity to the infrastructure in DC using redundant FC switches with zero point of failure (f) Cluster the servers and create Virtual Servers and install the off the shelf applications (g) Documentation and Training Schematic of the proposed solution is depicted below: Fig. 1. Logical schematic of the proposed solution of hardware architecture Page 59 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS The hardware and software items proposed in the tender document are indicative and the Bidders can propose system with equivalent or higher configuration of industry standard brands which will ensure hassle-free functioning of the Modular Data Centre. 6.2 Hardware and software requirements: (a) The servers and data storage will be hosted at the Central Geomatics Lab of NCESS. The Bidders should quote for only industry standard branded hardware and accessories. A minimum generic system configuration has been provided here. The Bidder can quote equivalent/higher configuration. (b) The technical documentation involving detailed instruction for operation and maintenance is to be delivered with every unit of the equipment supplied. The language of the documentation shall be in English. (c) The sets of documents and manuals, supplied and delivered by the proponent shall be in reasonable detail and be current at the time of delivery; be in English language. 6.2.1 Integrated inbuilt Rack Infrastructure Basic Hardware/Software requirement for the mini data Centre to be commissioned at NCESS is as follows Integrated inbuilt Rack Infrastructure: Specification composed of multiple active power and cooling distribution paths adhering to TIA 942 guidelines or equivalent 42 U high-efficiency cooling management racks with provision for hot air and cold air separation Cold air & Hot air containment Provision to add an extra rack in future Shall have redundant components, and is concurrently maintainable providing 99.982% availability. include internal redundant power supply environmental controls (e.g., precision air conditioning, fire suppression (as per NFPA guidelines), smoke detection, Water leak detection, motion sensor, humidity sensor)security devices etc. 24 x 7 monitoring of cooling units from a central NOC and periodic reports on temperature and humidity within the racks should be made available Rack mount PDU of type IEC19/13, Each rack shall have two PDU’s Protection from the transient over-voltages; Surge Current Capacity : 100 kA; Protection Level : < 1 kV; Response Time : < 0.5 nanoseconds; EMI/RFI Attenuation : 40 dB typical; Certification : UL 1449-3; shall be sized per IEEE Std C62.41-1991 and IEEE Std C62.45-1992; shall have a maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) rating of minimum 320VRMS Shall have redundant components and concurrently maintainable providing 99.982% availability Key functionalities: Cold aisle & hot aisle, Fire rated cabinet, insulation, remote management and single point of service. Precision air conditioner with variable capacity digital scroll compressor, heater and humidifier Fire suppression system as per NFPA guidelines Should have provision to add an extra rack in future. It should be flexible, adaptable, controllable infrastructure. Integrated monitoring and control Supplier should be produce MAF from OEM involved Page 60 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS 6.2.2 Rack server I Specification Dual CPU; 2.6Ghz with minimum 20 MB L3 Cache, 8.0GT/s QPI, 8 core processor The system should be configured with minimum 192 GB Registered DDR-4 ECC Memory operating at 2133 MT/s 24 DIMM Slots supporting DDR3 ECC, up to 1866 expandable up to 768GB 2x300 GB 15K RPM SAS hot plug hard drive for operating system, Up to 16 x 2.5” HDD: SAS, SATA, nearline SAS SSD: SAS (or) up to 8 x 3.5” HDD: SAS, SATA, nearline SAS SSD: SAS 6Gbps RAID Controller with 1GB NV cache support 0,1,5,6,10 support Online Capacity Expansion and Online RAID Level Migration One DVD-RW/CD-RW Minimum 4 Nos of Gigabit Ethernet Ports Minimum 2 No's of Single Port 8Gbps FC HBA Minimum 6 x PCIe I/O Slots The server should have Provision to hold dual embedded Hypervisors eg:-VMWARE with fail over capability Cluster support for OS level clustering Remote Management: Remote Management with Dedicated Management /Network Interface and option for minimum 12 GB SD for storing log files or other operating system information through Partioning; The remote management port should support IPv4, IPv6, VLAN Tagging and shall support two factor authentication Systems Management Monitoring of Servers; Update of System Software; Integration with OEM support to update the Server Configurator, Remote Management Controller, RAID Controller, BIOS, NIC, and Power Supply High Availability: Redundant hot pluggable Power Supply as per OEM standard with redundant hot pluggable fan; The power supplies for all equipment should be for Indian power specification of voltage, frequency and phasing. Redundant hot-plug power supply Form Factor - Rack 2U Rack Mount Kit - Rails The system should be certified for: VMware vSphere ESXi; Microsoft Windows Server 2012, includes Hyper-V; Red Hat Enterprise Linux Warranty 5 years with 24/7 support from OEM Should include Device drivers for all devices with media. Supplier should be produce MAF from OEM involved Page 61 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS 6.2.3 Server II: Dual CPU; 1.9Ghzwith minimum 15MB L3 Cache, 6.4GT/s QPI, 6 core or equivalent The system should be configured with minimum 8 GB Registered DDR-4 ECC Memory operating at 2133MT/s expandable up to 384 GB 2x300 GB 15K RPM 6Gbps SAS Hot HDD Up to 8 x 2.5” HDD: SAS, SATA, nearline SAS SSD: SAS (or) up to 4 x 3.5” HDD: SAS, nearline SAS SSD: SAS 6Gbps RAID Controller with 1GB NV cache support 0,1,5,6,10support Online Capacity Expansion and Online RAID Level Migration One DVD-RW/CD-RW Drive Bays : 8 x 2.5" SAS or better Minimum 4 Nos of Gigabit Ethernet Ports Minimum 2 No's of Single Port 8Gbps FC HBA Minimum of 6 x PCIe I/O Slots Remote Management: Remote Management with Dedicated Management /Network Interface and option for minimum 12 GB SD for storing log files or other operating system information through Partioning; The remote management port should support IPv4, IPv6, VLAN Tagging and shall support two factor authentication Systems Management Monitoring of Servers; Update of System Software; Integration with OEM support to update the Server Configurator, Remote Management Controller, RAID Controller, BIOS, NIC, and Power Supply; Redundant hot pluggable Power Supply as per OEM standard with redundant hot pluggable fan; The power supplies for all equipment should be for Indian power specification of voltage, frequency and phasing. Form Factor - Rack 1U Rack Mount Kit - Rails The system should be certified for: VMware vSphere ESXi; Microsoft Windows Server 2012, includes Hyper-V; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 year On-Site warranty 24/7 online support from OEM The system should be certified for: VMware vSphere ESXi; Microsoft Windows Server 2012, includes Hyper-V; Red Hat Enterprise Linux Supplier should produce MAF from OEM involved Page 62 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS 6.2.4 San Storage Storage plays a key role in the whole service oriented data centre. The whole storage will be configured for 2 main areas: Data store for the Virtual Machines. Hosting the Database needed for the application that will provide the data service to NCESS users. Description The Storage System should be a unified storage, support file and block protocols and should be configured with dual redundant controllers. CPU should be based on Quad core processor. The offered Storage should not be based on specialized operating system and should be based on general purpose operating system on industry standard servers. Array should support minimum 4x10 Gbps IP port per controller for iSCSI and NAS Connectivity. The offered storage should also have 4 nos of 8G FC ports for block protocol. The system should have a minimum of 48 GB of memory across dual controller. Array should support cache destage to disk in order to avoid any data loss due to extended power outage. Array should support mirroring of write operation across controller System should support drive type of 15K RPM and 10K RPM SAS 6 Gbps, SSD and Near Line SAS 7200 RPM drive. The single disk enclosure should be able to host different type of disk at any point in time. Protocol support: iSCSI, NFS (v2 and v3),CIFS (SMB1 and SMB2), ARP,NLM, RIP, SNMP, NDMP, LDAP, SMTP and FC The system should be configured with snapshot Features licenses, snapshot restore licenses for the entire systems capacity RAID controller should Support for RAID levels 5, 6 and 10 The bidder should also configure 10 TB useable in RAID 6 using 300/600 GB SAS 15K RPM drives . The useable capacity should be exclusive from overheads of hot spares, Raid or any other storage related space requirements. Array should be configured with minimum of 1 hot spare for every 15 data disks. The storage system shall have built-in support for de-duplication for removing redundant blocks and compression for better storage efficiency and Thin Provisioning. The license for these features should be provided. The storage should support auto-tiering on all disk types by dynamically moving the hot data to high performance disks and cold data to low speed disks. Storage system should be configured in "No single point of failure architecture" and all the components like controllers, fans, power supplies, front-end ports and back-end ports should be redundant. Storage system should support all industry leading operating systems like MS Windows 2003/2008,Windows Server 2012, RHEL, Oracle Linux, Unix, Microsoft Hyper-V, VMWare in stand-alone and clustering environment The storage should be configured with licenses for snapshots, thin provisioning and efficiency features like de-duplication. The performance monitoring software should be configured The offered storage should have capability to integrate with VMWare for simplified management and improve performance using features like virtual storage integrator for vSphere and VAAI (vMWARE vStorage API for Array Integration) Support a browser based built in management. Should be able to support manual as well as automated email to bidder support centre for proactive maintenance support. Storage browser based management tools should able to manage multiple similar arrays at the same time from the single interface. The storage should provide minimum two number of 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet ports for management Page 63 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS Description Entire system must be manageable from a web based single, secured interface without a separate management device or server. Management software should be supplied along with the storage array Storage should be covered with 5 year onsite comprehensive warranty from OEM under 24x 7 support packages. As per HAL IT security policy, if HDD of server fails under warranty period, bidder has to replace the same free of cost. Further, faulty HDD will not be returned to the Bidder. Bidder not meeting this parameter will be rejected. Installation and commissioning: To be carried out by the Vendor based on the user requirement Supplier should produce MAF from OEM involved 6.2.5 Specification - SAN Switch Description - Dual FC SAN switches shall be configured with at least 8 active ports of 8 Gbps with scalability to 24 ports and adequate number of LC-LC fiber cables should be configured.. Latency should be less than 1 Micro Second Should deliver 8 Gbps Non-blocking architecture with 1:1 performance for up to 24 ports The switch should be rack mountable Switch shall have support for web based management and should also support CLI. It shall support Dynamic Load Balancing & Dynamic Load Sharing of Traffic. All FC ports shall have capability for auto-sensing, auto-negotiating and self-configuring type Redundant power supplies and cooling fans Necessary Cables for SAN connectivity to be supplied along with the SAN Switch Localized power cord Switch shall support In-Band Management over Fibre Channel. 5 years comprehensive Onsite warranty directly from OEM 6.2.8 Virtualization software Requirement Specification provide a Virtualization layer that sits directly on the bare metal server hardware with no dependence on a general purpose OS for greater reliability and security Able to boot from iSCSI, FCoE, and Fibre Channel SAN Virtualization software shall have the capability to create Virtual servers with upto 64 processors in virtual machines for all the guest operating system supported by the hypervisor integrate with NAS, FC, FCoE and iSCSI SAN and infrastructure from leading bidders leveraging high performance shared storage to centralize virtual machine file storage for greater manageability, flexibility and availability Allow heterogeneous support for guest Operating systems like Windows client, Windows Server, Linux (at least Red Hat, SUSE, Ubuntu and CentOS, Solaris x86) capability for creating virtual machine templates to provision new servers allow taking point-in-time snapshots of the virtual machines to be able to revert back to an older state if required Page 64 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS Ability to thin provision disks to avoid allocating all storage space upfront. Full monitoring capabilities and alerts to prevent from accidentally running out of physical storage space should be there. support connecting smart card readers to multiple virtual machines, which can then be used for smart card authentication to virtual machines. support live Virtual Machine migration with enhanced CPU compatibility and without the need for shared storage option. Able to dynamically allocate & balance computing capacity across collections of hardware resources aggregated into one unified resource pool with optional control over movement of virtual machines like restricting VMs to run on selected physical hosts. Provide dynamic power management such that in case of during off peak hours not all servers are required to be powered on due to less load it should place few servers in G2/S5 (Soft Off) power state as per the Industry Standard Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) specifications to save power in an automated or manual or scheduled manner. High Availability capabilities for the virtual machines in the sense if in case one server fails all the Virtual machines running on that server shall be able to migrate to another physical server running same virtualization software. The feature should be independent of Operating System Clustering and should work with FC/ iSCSI SAN and NAS shared storage. This high availability feature should also be extended to and aware of the applications running inside of the virtual machines. Provision to provide zero downtime, zero data loss and continuous availability for the applications running in virtual machines in the event of physical host failure, without the cost and complexity of traditional hardware or software clustering solutions. Support built-in storage multi-pathing Abilities to offload specific storage operations to compliant storage hardware thereby performing these operations faster and consuming less CPU, memory, and storage fabric bandwidth Enhanced visibility into storage throughput and latency of hosts and virtual machines that can help in troubleshooting storage performance issues. Provide software FCoE adaptor that can work with a network adaptor that support partial FCoE offload capabilities. Allow configuring each virtual machine with one or more virtual NICs. Each of those network interfaces can have its own IP address and even its own MAC address NIC teaming for load sharing and redundancy. Allow creating virtual switches that connect virtual machines Support configurations of 802.1q VLANs which are compatible with standard VLAN implementations from other bidders allow dynamic adjustment of teaming algorithm so that the load is always balanced across a team of physical network adapters Continuously monitor utilization across virtual machines and should intelligently allocate available resources Allow redirection of virtual machine serial ports over a standard network link thereby enabling solutions such as third-party virtual serial port concentrators for virtual machine serial console management or monitoring Allow RAM over-commitment that allows to configure virtual machine memory in such a way that it safely exceeds the physical server memory. Allow usage of Remote devices which allow Installation of software in a virtual machine running on a server from the CD-ROM of a desktop Provide support for Microsoft Cluster Services between virtual machines Page 65 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS Solution to automate and simplify the task of managing hypervisor installation, configuration and upgrade on multiple physical servers. Allow virtual machines to directly access physical network and storage I/O devices enhancing CPU efficiency in handling workloads that require constant and frequent access to I/O devices. Provide Simple and cost effective backup and recovery for virtual machines which should allow admins to back up virtual machine data to disk without the need of agents and this backup solution should have built-in variable length de-duplication capability. Provide in-built Replication capability which will enable efficient array-agnostic replication of virtual machine data over the LAN or WAN. This Replication should simplify management enabling replication at the virtual machine level and enabling RPOs as low as 15 minutes. Provision to upgrade the Guest OS tools available with the hypervisor without need for any reboots. In-built capability to be able to deliver a proven endpoint security solution to any workload with an approach that is simplified, efficient, and cloud-aware. This security solution should enable 3rd party endpoint security solutions to eliminate the agent footprint from the virtual machines, offload intelligence to a security virtual appliance, and run scans with minimal impact. Support hardware as well as non-hardware accelerated 3D graphics to run Basic 3D applications in virtual machines. Ability to set constraints that restrict placement of a virtual machine to a subset of hosts in a cluster and to keep virtual machines paired or separated. Allow dynamic adjustment of the teaming algorithm so that the load is always balanced across a team of physical adapters on a Virtual Switch Provide support for a single 62TB file Provide a “Latency Sensitivity” setting in a VM that can be tuned to help reduce virtual machine latency. When the Latency sensitivity is set to high the hypervisor will try to reduce latency in the virtual machine by reserving memory, dedicating CPU cores and disabling network features that are prone to high latency. 6.2.9 Software Software 1 VMware vSphere 5 Enterprise Plus As per requirement 2 VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager 5 Standard (25 VM Pack) As per requirement 3 RHEL 7.0 Advanced Server (64 Bit) with PostgreSQL Enterprise bundled (PostgreSQL support from Enterprise DB(NICSI Empanelment) for five years) 4 4 Windows Server standard 2012R2SNGL OLP NL 2Proc 8 5 Windows Server CAL 2012 SNGL OLP NL DvcCAL 200 6.2.10 15 KVA On-Line Double Conversion UPS System Supply, install, test and commissioning of one number true online, double conversion, high efficiency, high power factor Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS) rated at 10 KVA with Page 66 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS independent battery backup support for 10 minutes on full load. The backup batteries should be supplied with the necessary arrangements to mount inside a cabinet. Specification: Widest input range. Double conversion and IGBT technology. Full IGBT Rectifier / Battery charger IGBT based Inverter Batteries to support 10 minutes full load backup. Power distribution panels Remote Emergency Power off Facility for remote viewing Parallel redundancy without extra hardware needed 1. Technical specification of 15KVA Modular UPS system General Specifications Capacity: 15 KVA Topology: On line double conversion UPS (VFI-SS-111 classification as Defined by ENIEC62040-3 Standard) with Isolation Transformer at input. (External) UPS Architecture: Modular based UPS using minimum two or more similar power modules Standards: Safety: EN/IEC 62040-1 EMC: EN/IEC 62040-2 Input Input Voltage: 400 VAC, 3 phase ± 15% Input frequency: 50Hz, ± 5% Input Total Harmonic Distortion (THDi): ≤ 3 % at rated load Power factor: ≥0.99 Output Output voltage: 400 VAC, 3 phase Or 230VAC Single phase. Voltage variation: ± 1% Frequency : 50Hz Overload capability: 10 min : 125% load rate with no bypass intervention 60 sec : 150% load rate with no bypass intervention Efficiency: > 94% Crest factor: 3:1 Total harmonic distortion on nominal power : < 3 % (Linear load) < 5 % (Non Linear load) Battery Back backup time: Having 2 Battery set in parallel with minimum13000VAH (6500VAH x2)for recommended for 20-30 min at 15KVA load. Page 67 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS Battery cabinet : Battery shall be assembled in a cabinet and the cabinet shall be powder coated . Battery make: Amarraja/Panasonic/Numeric General specification Technology of rectifier and inverter : IGBT Emergency power off Contact : Required Working temperature range : from 0°C to +40°C Humidity range : 20-90% non condensing Protection degree : IP21 Features : Multiple configuration of (3/3, 3/1, 1/1) Independent Phase Control / Management (Hardware / Software) Local Display: The following parameter to be displayed in the front panel LCD display 1. Input & Output Voltage, Frequency, Current and PF 2. Output Power (W & VA), Frequency, PF 3. Battery voltage Signals and alarm: The UPS must be equipped with a lighted operating status indicator a well as with a buzzer able to immediately indicate the following operating conditions 1. Battery operation 2. Faulty Power module 3. Over load 4. Generic fault Warranty 5 years from OEM The UPS Manufacturer Company must have ISO9001 certification for development, production, and services. It should be able to configure as three independent phase management at site without changing the cabinet. Reference Standards: The static un-interpretable power system must be designed and produced in compliance with the following international standards: EN/IEC 62040-1 “General and safety requirements for UPS used in operator access areas" EN/IEC 62040-2 “Electromagnetic compatibility requirements (EMC)” EN/IEC 62040-3 “Performance requirements and test methods” The UPS must have CE marking in accordance with European Directives 73/23, 93/68, 89/336, 92/31, 93/68. Page 68 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS 6.2.11 Tape Drive Tape drive type LTO Ultrium 6 Physical capacity 2.5 TB native; 6.25 TB with 2.5:1 compression Number of tape drives - 1 Number of tape cartridges - 1 Data transfer rate Up to 160 MBps native Power requirements 100 – 240 V ac, 50 – 60 Hz auto-ranging Backward read/write compatible with LTO Ultrium 5 media and read compatible with LTO Ultrium 4 media Support for Microsoft Windows 2000; Microsoft Windows Server 2003; Linux and Unix Warranty five-year from OEM 6.2.12. Biometric based Access control Specification IP based Access Control System based on Biometric Technology allowing access to authorized personnel only Individual access cards to all the authorised personnel. The doors will be provided with additional Electromagnetic locks, and should operate on failsafe principle. Configurable system for user defined access Built-in Real Time Clock (RTC), calendar; complete Database stored locally and shall be capable of operating offline on standalone mode Record, report and archive each and every activity (permission granted and / or rejected) with log formats Fail safe operation in case of no-power condition and abnormal condition such as fire, theft, intrusion, loss of access control, etc. At the biometric reader, user presents the finger to the biometric reader which is unique to each employee. The pattern is read and compared with stored data to grant / deny access. Page 69 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS Agreement No. ................ Date:…………………. AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF MODULAR DATA CENTRE AT NCESS Between NATIONAL CENTRE FOR EARTH SCIENCE STUDIES राष्ट्रीय पथ् ृ वी ववज्ञान अध्ययन केंद्र (Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India) पथ् ृ वी वज्ञान मंत्रालय (भारत सर्ककाार) P.B. No. 7250, AKKULAM, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM-695 031, Kerala पोस्ट बोर्कस 7250, तुरुववर्ककल पोस्ट, आर्ककुलम, ततरुवनंतपरु ाम 695 031, केरल and ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ....................................................................... Page 70 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS AGREEMENT [to be executed on Rs.100 Kerala Stamp Paper (non-judicial) Agreement No.: 2010 (01) This AGREEMENT for setting up of data Centre at NCESS is executed on this the ................................ day of two thousand ......................... BETWEEN the Director, National Centre for Earth Science Studies (NCESS), an autonomous research and training organization under Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India, P. B No.7250, Akkulam, Thuruvikkal PO, Thiruvananthapuram – 695031, Kerala, India hereinafter referred to as “client” which expression shall unless it is pregnant to the context or meaning thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns of the FIRST PART and M/s. _________________________ (name and address of the Bidder), represented by .................................................... hereinafter referred to as “the bounden” with expression shall unless it be pregnant to the context or meaning thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns of the SECOND PART WHEREAS in response to the Notification No ........................... dated ...................... the bounden has submitted to NCESS a tender for setting up of a Modular data Centre at NCESS subject to the terms and conditions contained in the said tender. WHEREAS the bounden has also deposited with NCESS, a sum of Rs. .…............... as earnest money for execution of an agreement undertaking the due fulfilment of the contract WHEREAS the National Centre for Earth Science Studies has issued a purchase order vide .............. for setting up of a Modular data Centre at NCESS WHREAS the work has been entrusted to ....................................... to provide the service on the terms and conditions set forth below: NOW THEREFORE THESE PRESENTS WITNESS and it is hereby mutually agreed as follows: The following documents attached hereto shall be deemed to form an integral part of this Agreement: (a) The General Conditions of Agreement (GC) (b) The Special Conditions of Agreement (SC) (c) The tender Document (Technical) consisting of scope of work, description of Services, Hardware and Software Specification, List of Deliverables and warranty obligations (d) Financial bid consisting of Summary and Breakdown of Cost (e) The minutes of meeting / proceedings of the (f) Clarifications issued on ........... after the pre-bid meeting (g) The technical proposal submitted by .......... on .................. (h) The financial proposal submitted by ........... on ................. (i) The minutes of meeting / proceedings of the Negotiation meeting held on .......... Page 71 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS WITNESSETH GENERAL CONDITIONS OF AGREEMENT (GC) 1.0 DEFINITIONS: Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms whenever used in this Agreement have the following meanings: Applicable Law shall mean any Act, notification, byelaw, rules and regulations, directive, ordinance, order or instruction having the force of law enacted or issued by the Government of India or State Government or regulatory authority or political subdivision of government agency. NCESS stands for National Centre for Earth Science Studies, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India ......... stands for will provide the Services to NCESS under the Agreement. Agreement means the Agreement signed by the Parties and all the attached documents listed in its Section I above. Client means the National Centre for Earth Science Studies Firm means ...................................... Day means calendar day. Effective date means the date on which this Agreement comes into force. Government/GoI means the Government of India Currency means Indian Rupees. Party means NCESS or ........ as the case may be, and Parties means both of them. Services means the work to be performed by ........ pursuant to this Agreement, as detailed in the Scope of Work. Third Party means any person or entity other than NCESS or ....... Location shall mean the location identified in the Office of NCESS, Thuruvickal P.O., Akkulam, Thiruvananthapuram – 695031, Kerala, India. In writing means communicated in written form with proof of receipt. Acceptance means the NCESS’s written certification that following installation, the system(s)/software (or specific part thereof) has been tested and verified as complete and/or fully operational, in accordance with the acceptance test defined in the Acceptance Test Documents. Acceptance Test Documents means a mutually agreed document which defines procedures for testing the functioning of the hardware and peripherals, against requirements laid down in the agreement. Page 72 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS Authorized Representative shall mean any person/agency authorized by either of the parties. LOI means issuing of Letter of Intent which shall constitute the intention of the Client to place the purchase order with the successful bidder. OEM means Original Equipment Manufacturing company that is incorporated in India or abroad Rates/Prices means prices of supply of equipment and services quoted by the Bidder in the Commercial Bid submitted by him and/or mentioned in the Agreement RFP means the detailed notification seeking a set of solution(s), service(s), materials and/or any combination of them System shall refer to the hardware and software and infrastructure to be made available at the location. 2.0 This Agreement can only be modified by a written agreement duly signed by persons authorized to sign Agreement on behalf of the Customer and of FIRM, and variations from, or addition to, the terms and conditions of this Agreement in any order or other written notification from the Customer or FIRM shall be of no effect. 3.0 The Laws of the Republic of India shall govern this Agreement. 5.0 The firm shall perform the Scope of Work specified in the Tender Document including System Integration, Warranty and Maintenance obligations under this Agreement 6.0 The Customer and the Firm agree that the following terms and conditions shall apply to the work of for setting up of a Modular data Centre at NCESS as per the details provided in the Tender Document 7.0 Effective Date and period of This Agreement This Agreement shall be effective from the date of signature by both parties to this agreement. This agreement will remain in force till 5-year period with said scope of work including the warranty has been completed in all respects. 8.0 Contract Performance Guarantee Within 10 days after the receipt of notification of award of the Contract from the NCESS the (Firm) in lieu of return of the bid security, shall furnish the Contract Performance Guarantee to NCESS, which shall be equal to 10% of the total value of the Contract and valid for a period of 5 years in accordance with the Terms & Conditions of Contract. 9.0 Notice 9.1 At the respective addresses set forth above or such other addressed and to the attention of such other person or persons as may hereafter be designated by like notice hereunder, and any such notice sent by Speed Post/Registered Post shall be deemed to have been served on the date when, in the ordinary course of post, it would have been delivered at the address to which it was sent. Page 73 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS 9.2 Any notice, request or consent required or permitted to be given or made pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing in the English language and shall be given by mailing the same by Speed Post, postage prepaid, In the case of NCESS to: 10.0 Headings The headings shall not limit, alter or affect the meaning of this Agreement 11.0 Language This Agreement shall be executed in English, which shall be the binding and controlling language for all matters relating to the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. 12.0 Notices 12.1 At the respective addresses set forth below or such other addressed and to the attention of such other person or persons as may hereafter be designated by like notice hereunder, and any such notice sent by Registered Post shall be deemed to have been served on the date when, in the ordinary course of post, it would have been delivered at the address to which it was sent. 12.2 Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, any notice, request or consent required or permitted to be given or made pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing in the English language and shall be given by mailing the same by Speed Post, postage prepaid, in the case of NCESS to The Chief Manager National Centre for Earth Science Studies, P.B.No.7250, Thuruvikkal. P.O; Akkulam Thiruvananthapuram-695 031, Kerala And in the case of (Firm) to: ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... A Party may change its address for notice hereunder by giving the other Party notice in writing of such change to the address specified in the Agreement. 13.0 Fraud and Corruption 13.1 Definitions: It is NCESS’s policy to require that this Agreement observe the highest standard of ethics during the selection and execution of such Agreements. In pursuance of this policy, NCESS defines, for the purpose of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows a. Corrupt practice means the offering, receiving, or soliciting, directly or indirectly, of anything of value to influence the action of a public official in the selection process or execution of agreement; Page 74 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS b. Fraudulent practice means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a tendering process or the execution of a agreement detrimental to the interest of NCESS/GoI and includes collusive practice among bidders (prior to or after bid submission) designed to establish prices at artificial and non-competitive levels and to deprive NCESS/GoI of the benefits of free and open competition. c. Collusive practices mean a scheme or arrangement between two or more Total Solution Providers with or without the knowledge of the client, designed to establish prices at artificial, non-competitive levels; d. Unfair trade practices means supply of services different from what is ordered on, or change in the Scope of Work which was given by the NCESS/GoI. e. Coercive practices means harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly, persons or their property to influence their participation in a procurement process, or affect the execution of a Agreement; 13.2 Measures to be taken (a) NCESS may terminate the agreement if it determines at any time that representatives of......... were engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices during the period of execution of that agreement, without ......... having taken timely and appropriate action satisfactory to NCESS to remedy the situation; (b) NCESS may also sanction against (Firm), including declaring (Firm) ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be awarded a agreement if it at any time determines that (Firm) has, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices in competing for, or in executing, a NCESS-financed agreement; 14.0 Modifications or Variations Any modification or variation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including any modification or variation of the scope of the services, may only be made by written agreement between the parties. However, each party shall give due consideration to any proposals for modification or variation made by the other party. 15.0 Price and Payment Terms 15.1 The contract value which is Rs.________________ (Rupees in words __________________) is inclusive of all costs, duties and levies. The contract value is to be firm without any escalation till the period of the agreement including the extended period of on mutual agreement. 15.2 The total payment due to consultant shall not exceed the Agreement Price which is an fixed lump-sum covering all costs, including taxes as required to carry out the Services 15.3 100% of the order value shall be paid to the bidder after delivery of all the items at site, its installation, commissioning and acceptance by NCESS. Page 75 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS 15.4 Performance Security @10% of the order value should be submitted on agreement signing through a Bank Guarantee, which should be valid for five years + 60 days from the date of commissioning. 15.4 All payments shall be made in Indian Rupees and subjected to statutory tax deduction at source as applicable/required at the prevailing tax rates. 15.5 For undertaking any additional services not mentioned in the ToR, ......... will be suitably compensated on mutually agreed terms and conditions. For the purpose of determining the remuneration due for additional services as may be agreed upon mutually. 15.6 Payments will be made only against valid invoice to the account of consultant and the payments would be made against the valid invoice within thirty (30) days, supported by acceptance from NCESS 15.8 If the deliverables submitted by (Firm) are not acceptable to NCESS, reasons for such non-acceptance should be recorded in writing and NCESS shall not release the payment due to (Firm). This is without prejudicing NCESS’s right to levy any liquidated damages under the clause 9. In such case, the payment will be released to (Firm) only after it re-submits the deliverable and which is accepted by NCESS. 16.0 Force Majeure 16.1 Definition: For the purposes of this Agreement, Force Majeure means an event which is beyond the reasonable control of a Party, is not foreseeable, is unavoidable and not brought about by or at the instance of the Party claiming to be affected by such events and which has caused the non-performance or delay in performance, and which makes a Party’s performance of its obligations hereunder impossible or so impractical as reasonably to be considered impossible in the circumstances, and includes, but is not limited to, war, riots, civil disorder, earthquake, fire, explosion, storm, flood or other extreme adverse weather conditions, strikes, lockouts or other industrial action (except where such strikes, lockouts or other industrial action are within the power of the Party invoking Force Majeure to prevent), confiscation or any other action by Government agencies. In case of occurrence of the above mentioned cases, the successful bidder’s right to an extension of the time limit for completion of the work in above-mentioned cases is subject to the following procedures. (a) That within 10 days after the occurrence of a case of Force Majeure but before the expiry of the stipulated date of completion, the bidder must inform the NCESS in writing about the occurrence of Force Majeure Condition and that the ......... considers himself entitled to an extension of the time limit. (b) That the (Firm) produces evidence of the date of occurrence and the duration of the force majeure in an adequate manner by means of documents drawn up by responsible authorities. (c) That the (Firm) proves that the said conditions have actually been interfered with the carrying out of the agreement. Page 76 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS (d) That the (Firm) proves that the delay occurred is not due to his own action or lack of action. 16.2 Force Majeure shall not include the following (a) Any event which is caused by the negligence or intentional action of the consultant or by or of the consultants subcontractors or agents or employees, (b) Any event which a diligent Party could reasonably have been expected both to take into account at the time of the conclusion of this Agreement, and avoid or overcome in the carrying out of its obligations hereunder. (c) Insufficiency of funds or inability to make any payment required hereunder. (d) Apart from the extension of the time limit, force majeure does not entitle the successful bidder to any relaxation or to any compensation of damage or loss suffered. 16.3 Breach of Agreement The failure of a Party to fulfill any of its obligations under the Agreement shall not be considered to be a breach of, or default under, this agreement insofar as such inability arises from an event of Force Majeure, provided that the Party affected by such an event (a) has taken all reasonable precautions, due care and reasonable alternative measures in order to carry out the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and (b) has informed the other Party as soon as possible about the occurrence of such an event as soon as possible and in any case not later than 14 days. 16.4 Measures to be taken (a) A Party affected by an event of Force Majeure shall continue to perform its obligations under the Agreement as far as is reasonably practical, and shall take all reasonable measures to minimize the consequences of any event of Force Majeure. (b) A Party affected by an event of Force Majeure shall notify the other Party of such event as soon as possible, and in any case not later than fourteen (14) days following the occurrence of such event, providing evidence of the nature and cause of such event, and shall similarly give written notice of the restoration of normal conditions and restart the work within a week of restoration of the conditions. (c) Any period within which a Party shall, pursuant to this Agreement, complete any action or task, shall be extended for a period equal to the time during which such Party was unable to perform such action as a result of Force Majeure. (d) During the period of their inability to perform the Services as a result of an event of Force Majeure, (Firm) upon instructions by NCESS, shall either (i) demobilize,; or (ii) continue with the Services to the extent possible, in which case (Firm) shall be paid for the performance only. (e) In the case of disagreement between the Parties as to the existence or extent of Force Majeure, the matter shall be settled according to Clause 8.2 of the agreement. Page 77 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS 18.5 Extension of Time Any period within which a Party shall, pursuant to this Agreement, complete any action or task, shall be extended for a period equal to the time during which such Party was unable to perform such action as a result of Force Majeure. A party failing to its obligations to inform compliance with the procedure prescribed in clause 2.6.3 shall not invoke a force majeure exemption. 18.6 Payments (a) During the period of their inability to perform the Services as a result of an event of Force Majeure, (Firm) shall be paid under the terms of this Agreement. (b) For the performance in force majeure event shall not give rise to a claim for damages. The client shall only be liable to the consultant for such part of performance before the force majeure event arose. Any prepaid amount shall be refunded to the client. 19.0 Settlement of Disputes 19.1 Amicable Settlement Performance of the agreement is governed by the terms & conditions of the agreement. The Parties agree that the avoidance or early resolution of disputes is crucial for a smooth execution of the Agreement and the success of the assignment. The Parties shall use their best efforts to settle amicably all disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or its interpretation. In case of dispute arises between the parties regarding any matter under the agreement, either Party of the agreement may send a written Notice of Dispute to the other party. The Party receiving the Notice of Dispute will consider the Notice and respond to it in writing within 30 days after receipt. If that party fails to respond within 30 days, or the dispute cannot be amicably settled within 60 days following the response of that party, clause 8.2 shall become applicable. 19.2 Arbitration (a) Both Customer and FIRM consent to the application of the laws of India to govern, interpret, and enforce all of Customer’s and FIRM’s rights, duties and obligations arising from, or relating in any manner to, the subject matter of this Agreement, without regard to conflict of law principles. The courts of law at Thiruvananthapuram shall have the exclusive jurisdiction for matters relating to this Agreement. (b) Disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be finally settled by arbitration which shall be held in Thiruvananthapuram, India in accordance with the laws of India. The arbitration award shall be final and binding for the parties without appeal and shall be in writing and set forth the findings of fact and the conclusions of law. (c) The arbitration proceedings and that of all documents and communications between the parties shall be English. Page 78 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS (d) The decision of the majority of arbitrators shall be final and binding upon both parties. The expenses of the arbitrators as determined by the arbitrators shall be shared equally by NCESS and (Firm). However, the expenses incurred by each party in connection with the preparation, presentation shall be borne by the party themselves. All arbitration awards shall be in writing and shall state the reasons for the award. 20.0 Liquidated Damages: If setting up Modular Data Centre is delayed beyond the stipulated time limit, (i.e. 3 months), penalty will be levied by NCESS on the successful bidder. The penalties applicable are as follows: (a) In case of delay beyond 1 week based on reasons solely attributable to the bidder, 0.25% of total value of the contract will be charged as penalty. (b) In case of delay beyond 2 weeks,.50% of total value of the contract will be charged as penalty. (c) In case of delay beyond 3rd week and beyond, 1% of total value of the contract will be charged as penalty. (d) If any delay exceeds more than 4 weeks, NCESS reserves the right to cancel the order without giving any notice. In such case the bidder shall forfeit the performance warranty (a) In case of default on the part of (Firm) to comply with any terms and conditions of the Agreement the (Firm) may forfeit the Security Deposit. 21.0 Installation: (a) The Supplier is responsible for all unpacking, assemblies, wiring, installations, cabling between hardware and connecting to power supplies. The Supplier will test all hardware operations and accomplish all judgments necessary for successful and continuous operation of the hardware. (b) The client agrees to permit the firm access to its premises to execute the installation and other obligations as part of the agreement. (c) This testing / inspection shall be performed at the Delivery site and the NCESS shall inspect the goods against make & models ordered, any physical damage on delivery. The NCESS shall reject the items, which are not delivered as per the agreement or any subsequent modifications to the agreement. (d) In consultation with NCESS, the Firm shall prepare an acceptance test plan and demonstrate the functionality of the system. On approval of the Acceptance Test Plan by NCESS, it shall be binding on the Firm to provide all the technical assistance needed to perform Acceptance Test. (e) If any Item or any part thereof, before it is taken over is found to be defective or fails to fulfil the requirements of the agreement, the NCESS shall serve a notice (firm) for setting forth details of such defects or failure. (Firm) shall replace the defective materials so as to make it comply with the requirements of the ToR Page 79 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS forthwith. The replacements shall be made free of all charges by the (firm). Should (firm) fail to do so within a specified time frame, NCESS reserves the discretion to reject and replace at the cost of the (firm) the whole or any portion of the items as the case may be, and that is defective or fails to fulfill the requirements of the agreement. The cost of any such replacement made by the NCESS shall be deducted from the amount payable to the (firm) 22.0 Training: For each hardware and software component installed, the Supplier is required to train the designated technical and end-user personnel so as to to enable them to effectively operate the total system independently. 23.0 Maintenance and Warranty 23.1 The Supplier further warrants that all Goods supplied under this Contract shall have no defect arising from design, materials or workmanship (except when the design and/or material is required by the Purchaser’s Specifications) or from any act or omission of the Supplier, that may develop under normal use of supplied Goods in the conditions prevailing in the country. 23.2 The (firm) undertakes to provide Warranty and Maintenance services direct from OEM at the location for a period of five years from the date of successful system installation. 23.3 The Supplier warrant that the Goods supplied under the contract are new, unused, of the most recent or current models and that incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials unless provided otherwise in the Contract. 23.4 The Supplier will accomplish preventive and breakdown maintenance activities to ensure that all hardware function without defect or interruption for at least 98% uptime for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week of operation of the machine worked on a quarterly basis. 23.5 Warranty/ annual Maintenance contract is comprehensive inclusive of operating system support on all the systems supplied and installed under this agreement. Any problem related with OS maintenance, reloading of OS with all device drivers, OS upgrade, device drivers, System configuration (if required) shall be attended & rectified by the supplier. All required device driver support should be provided by the supplier. 23.5 The warranty shall remain valid for 60 months after the Goods have been delivered, commissioned and accepted at the final destination indicated in the Contract. 23.6 Free maintenance services shall be provided by the Supplier during the period of warranty (5 years). After warranty period, for next three years, annual maintenance and repairs of the entire system including supply of spares etc. will be done by the Supplier. After the period of warranty (after warranty period of 5 years) the annual maintenance and repair cost for further 3 years shall be paid in equal quarterly instalments at the end of each quarter from date of completion of warranty. Page 80 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS 23.7 The Purchaser shall promptly notify the Supplier by email or through the help desk any claims arising under this warranty. Upon receipt of such notice, the Supplier shall, within the period of 24 hours, repair or replace the defective Goods or parts thereof, free of cost at the ultimate destination. 23.8 If the Supplier, having been notified, fails to remedy the defect(s) within 72 hours, the Purchaser may proceed to take such remedial action as may be necessary, at the Supplier’s risk and expenses and without prejudice to any other rights which the Purchaser may have against the Supplier under contract. 23.9 In case equipment, peripheral or components (such as CPU, monitors, printers etc. are taken away for repairs, the (firm) shall provide a similar standby equipment so that the equipments can be put to use in the absence of the originals/replacements without disrupting the regular work of the respective office. 23.9 Failure to arrange for the immediate repair/replacement will be liable for a penalty of Rs. 1000/ day per item. The amount of penalty will be recovered from the Performance Security guarantee during warranty period. During annual maintenance contract period, the penalty of Rs. 1000/ item per day will be recovered from the amount of annual maintenance charges. 24. Entire Understanding This Agreement together with the applicable Schedules, Appendix and Exhibits hereto and executed by the parties hereto constitutes the entire understanding between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereto and supersedes and cancels all previous negotiations thereof. 25. Other Terms and Conditions NCESS and (firm) acknowledge that they have read this Agreement, understood it and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. The parties agree that this Agreement, together with any other applicable Agreements, certifications, amendments and supplements and any exhibits or attachments thereto, referencing this Agreement or expressly made a part hereof that are duly signed by the parties, supersede all proposals or prior Agreements, oral or written and all other communications between the parties relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. NCESS acknowledges that (firm) provides consulting, implementation and development services to other Employers/customers and agrees that nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed or construed to prevent (firm) from conducting such business or to develop, use and distribute works that perform functions the same as or similar to the deliverables or work products either for itself or for its other Employers subject to (firm) maintaining confidentiality of NCESS confidential information. The Laws of the Republic of India shall govern this Agreement. Supplemental agreements, amendments, terminations etc, any additions, supplements, alterations, amendments etc. to the agreement shall be made as mutually agreed upon. Page 81 of 82 Request for proposal for setting up of the Modular Data Centre at NCESS The Director NCESS reserves the right to choose, accept or reject any or all requests / offers, in full or part, at any stage, reduce or increase the quantity without assigning any reasons thereof. for and on behalf of the client and the bounden have hereunto set their hands, the day and year shown against respective signatures IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties to this Agreement viz., the consultant and the client have been this agreement respectively on day and year first above written. For and on behalf of NCESS In the presence of witnesses: For and on behalf of (Firm) In the presence of witnesses: Page 82 of 82
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