Sirenian and Other Marine Mammals: Evolution and Systematics

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Sirenian and Other Marine
Mammals: Evolution
and Systematics
5.1. Introduction
The mammalian order Sirenia, or sea cows, includes two extant families, the Trichechidae
(manatees) and the Dugongidae (the dugong). The name Sirenia comes from mermaids
of Greek mythology known as sirens. Sirenians have a fossil record extending from the
early Eocene (50 Ma) to the present (Figure 5.1). Manatees include three living species
and are known from the early Miocene (15 Ma) to the Recent in the New World tropics.
The dugong is represented by a single extant species, Dugong dugon, of the Indo-Pacific.
Dugongs were considerably more diverse in the past, with 19 extinct genera described and
a fossil record that extends back to the Eocene. A North Pacific lineage of dugongids survived into historic times and had successfully adapted to cold climates. Sirenians are
unique among living marine mammals in having a strictly herbivorous diet, which is
reflected in the morphology of their teeth and digestive system. The Desmostylia, the
only extinct order of marine mammals, are relatives of sirenians and are discussed here,
as is the extinct marine bear-like carnivoran, Kolponomos. Other marine mammals
include members of two extant carnivore families, the Mustelidae (which includes the
sea otter, Enhydra lutris), the Ursidae (containing the polar bear, Ursus maritimus), and
the extinct sloth family Megalonychidae (which includes the aquatic sloth lineage
5.2. Origin and Evolution of Sirenians
5.2.1. Sirenians Defined
Sirenians possess relatively large stout bodies, downturned snouts, short rounded paddlelike flippers, and a horizontal tail fluke. Manatees can be readily distinguished from
dugongs by their smaller size, a rounded rather than notched tail, and a less-pronounced
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Prorastomus †
Protosireninae †
Hydrodamalinae †
Halitheriinae †
Miosireninae †
Desmostylia †
Kolponomos †
Thalassocnus †
Early Late
Middle Late E L
Figure 5.1.
Chronologic ranges of living and extinct sirenians and other marine mammals. Ma = million
years ago.
deflection of the snout. The latter feature enables manatees to feed at any level in the
water column rather than being obligate bottom feeders, like the dugong with its strongly
downturned snout.
The monophyly of sirenians is well established. Sirenians are united by possession of
the following synapomorphies (Domning, 1994; Figures 5.2 and 5.3):
1. External nares retracted and enlarged, reaching to or beyond the level of the anterior
margin of the orbit. In the primitive condition, the external nares (nostrils) are not
2. Premaxilla contacts frontal. All sirenians are characterized by a premaxilla-frontal
contact. In the primitive condition, the premaxilla does not contact the frontal; instead
it contacts the nasal posteriorly.
3. Sagittal crest absent. The skull of sirenians can be distinguished from other closely
related mammals in lacking development of a sagittal crest.
4. Five premolars, or secondarily reduced from this condition by loss of anterior premolars. Early sirenians possess five premolars as did ancestral placental mammals
(Archibald, 1996). This tendency was later reversed by post-Eocene sirenians, which
often reduce the number of premolars. Ungulates show the primitive condition, possession of four premolars (Thewissen and Domning, 1992).
5. Mastoid inflated and exposed through occipital fenestra. In sirenians, the mastoid
is inflated and fills a large fenestra (window-like opening) in the dorsal occiput. It does
not extend around the base of the cranium to form a flange on the ventral occiput
(Novacek and Wyss, 1987). In the primitive condition seen in most mammals, there is
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5.2. Origin and Evolution of Sirenians
Desmostylia †
Figure 5.2.
A cladogram depicting the relationship of sirenians and their close relatives. Numbers refer to
sirenian synapomorphies, some of which are illustrated in Figure 5.3. † = extinct taxa.
continuous mastoid exposure between the horizontal basicranium and ventral (vertical) occiput.
6. Ectotympanic inflated and drop-like. Sirenians are distinguished by having an
inflated ectotympanic (one of the bones forming the auditory bulla) that is drop-like in
shape. In the primitive condition, the ectotympanic is uninflated (Tassy and Shoshani,
7. Pachyostosis and osteosclerosis present in skeleton. The skeleton of sirenians displays both pachyostosis and osteosclerosis, modifications involved in hydrostatic regulation (Domning and de Buffrénil, 1991).
5.2.2. Sirenian Affinities
Proboscideans (elephants) are usually considered the closest living relatives of sirenians
(e.g., McKenna, 1975; Domning et al., 1986; Thewissen and Domning, 1992). Characters
that unite proboscideans and sirenians include rostral displacement of the orbits with
associated reorganization of the antorbital region, strongly laterally flared zygomatic
process of the squamosal, and incipiently bilophodont (double crested) teeth (Savage
et al., 1994). Sirenians, proboscideans, and the extinct desmostylians are recognized as a
monophyletic clade, termed the Tethytheria (named because early members were thought
to have inhabited the shores of the ancient Tethys Sea; McKenna, 1975; Figure 5.2).
Morphological characters supporting an alliance between tethytheres, the perissodactyls
(horses, rhinos, and tapirs), and the hyracoids (hyraxes), referred to as the Pantomesaxonia
clade (Prothero et al., 1988), have been refuted (Savage et al., 1994). Molecular data remove
perissodactyls from a relationship with tethytheres and hyracoids.
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2. Frontal and premaxilla in contact
Figure 5.3.
3. Lacks sagittal crest
Sirenian synapomorphies. (a) Snout of archaic elephant, Moeritherium, in dorsal and lateral
views illustrating the lack of contact between the premaxilla and the nasals (primitive condition
of character 2) (see text for further description). (Modified from Tassy and Shoshani, 1988.)
(b) Skull of the sirenian Dusisiren, in dorsal and lateral views illustrating the derived condition
of character 2, premaxilla lies in contact with nasals. (Modified from Domning, 1978.) Also visible are other sirenian synapomorphies, character: l = external nares retracted and enlarged,
reaching to or beyond the anterior margin of the orbit and 3 = sagittal crest absent.
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5.2. Origin and Evolution of Sirenians
Recognition of another clade, the Paenungulata, composed of the Tethytheria and
hyracoids (Novacek et al., 1988; Shoshani, 1993), is more controversial. Fischer (1986,
1989) and Prothero (1993) maintained that morphological features supporting the
Paenungulata can be disallowed as shared primitive characters and therefore are not
indicative of relationship. These workers have argued for a closer relationship between
hyracoids and perissodactyls. Molecular sequence data, however, strongly support the
Paenungulata clade (sirenians, proboscideans, and hyracoids; Springer and Kirsch,
1993; Lavergne et al., 1996; Stanhope et al., 1998; Madsen et al., 2001; Murphy et al.,
2001; Scally et al., 2001).
An African clade of diverse mammals, named Afrotheria, that includes sirenians in
addition to elephant shrews, tenrecs, golden moles, aardvarks, hyraxes, and elephants
has received consistent and strong support from molecular data (e.g., Springer et al.,
1997; Stanhope et al., 1998; Scally et al., 2001; Murata et al., 2003). Within
Afrotheria, interrelationships are less clear although support was found for
Tethytheria (i.e., sirenians + elephants), which is the sister taxon to hyraxes (Murphy
et al., 2001; Murata et al., 2003). Discovery of a new family of retroposons among
Afrotheria (AfroSINES) may help to resolve relationships among this group
(Nikaido et al., 2003).
5.2.3. Evolution of Early Sirenians
The earliest known sirenians are prorastomids Prorastomus and Pezosiren from early
and middle Eocene age rocks (50 Ma) of Jamaica (Figures 5.4 and 5.5). The dense and
swollen ribs of prorastomids point to a partially aquatic lifestyle, as does their occurrence in lagoonal deposits. The hip and knee joints of Prorastomus and Protosiren
(Domning and Gingerich, 1994) and the nearly complete skeleton of Pezosiren
Figure 5.4.
An early sirenian, Prorastomus sirenoides, from the late early Eocene of Jamaica. (a) Skull in
lateral and ventral views. (b) Reconstructed composite skeleton of Pezosiren portelli. (From
Domning, 2001.) (Unshaded areas are partly conjecture.)
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Prorastomus †
Protosiren †
Potamosiren †
Ribodon †
Halitheriinae †
Hydrodamalinae †
Figure 5.5.
Relationships among sirenians based on morphologic data. (Modified from Domning, 1994.)
† = extinct taxa.
(Domning, 2001a) indicate that the earliest sirenians possessed well-developed legs
(Figure 5.4).
Study of the type skull of Protosiren fraasi using CT scans (Gingerich et al., 1994)
reveals small olfactory bulbs, small optic tracts, and large maxillary nerves, consistent
with the diminished importance of olfaction and vision in an aquatic environment
and consistent with enhanced tactile sensitivity of the enlarged downturned snout of
most Sirenia. Prorastomus and Protosiren were amphibious quadrupeds and not as
fully aquatic as most later sirenians. The peculiar forceps-like snouts of Prorastomus
and other early sea cows suggests a selective browsing habit by analogy with extant
narrow-muzzled ungulates. Additional morphologic, ecologic, and taphonomic data
support consideration of prorastomids as fluvatile (river) or estuarine semiaquatic
herbivores (Savage et al., 1994). Middle and late Eocene dugongids in need of taxonomic revision include Eotheroides and Eosiren from Egypt and Prototherium from
5.2.4. Modern Sirenians Family Trichechidae
Some scientists as recently as the 19th century considered the manatee to be an unusual
tropical form of walrus; in fact the walrus was once placed in the genus Trichechus along
with the manatees (Reynolds and Odell, 1991). The family Trichechidae was expanded
by Domning (1994) to include not only the manatees (Trichechinae) but also the
Miosireninae, a northern European clade composed of two genera, Anomotherium and
Miosiren. The trichechid clade as a whole appears to have been derived from late Eocene
or early Oligocene dugongids or from protosirenids (see Gheerbrant et al., 2005). The
subfamily Trichechinae includes three living species: the West Indian manatee
(Trichechus manatus), the West African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis), and
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5.2. Origin and Evolution of Sirenians
the Amazon manatee (Trichechus inunguis; Figure 5.6). Two subspecies of the West
Indian manatee can be distinguished on the basis of morphology and geography, the
Antillean manatee, T. m. manatus, and the Florida manatee, T. m. latirostris (Domning
and Hayek, 1986). Manatees are united as a monophyletic clade by features of the skull
(e.g., ear region). Other derived characters include reduction of neural spines on the vertebrae, a possible tendency toward enlargement, and, at least in Trichechus, anteroposterior elongation of thoracic vertebral centra (Domning, 1994).
Morphologic data supports the West African manatee and the West Indian manatee
sharing a more recent common ancestor than either does with the Amazon manatee
(Domning, 1982; Domning and Hayek, 1986). Mitochondrial sequence data supports
close divergence times for the three species (Parr and Duffield, 2002). Family Dugongidae
The Family Dugongidae is paraphyletic as defined by Domning (1994). It includes
two monophyletic subfamilies, the Dugonginae and extinct Hydrodamalinae, and the
paraphyletic extinct “Halitheriinae.”
The “Halitheriinae” includes the paraphyletic genera Halitherium, Eotheroides,
Prototherium, Eosiren, Caribosiren, and Metaxytherium. The best known genus,
Metaxytherium, was widely distributed in both the North Atlantic and Pacific during
the Miocene. Metaxytherium had a strongly downturned snout and small upper incisor
tusks. Members of this lineage were most likely generalized bottom-feeding animals that
Figure 5.6.
Modern manatee species. (a) West Indian manatee. (b) West African manatee. (c) Amazon manatee. (Illustrated by P. Folkens from Reeves et al., 1992.)
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5. Sirenian and Other Marine Mammals
probably consumed rhizomes (root-like stems) of small to moderate sized sea grasses
and sea grass leaves (Domning and Furusawa, 1995). A Caribbean and West Atlantic
origin for the genus, with subsequent dispersal to the North Pacific via the Central
American Seaway and later dispersal to coastal Peru is suggested.
The extinct Hydrodamalinae includes the paraphyletic genus Dusisiren and the lineage that led to the recently extinct Steller’s sea cow, Hydrodamalis gigas (Figure 5.7).
Dusisiren evolved a very large body size, decreased snout deflection, and the loss of tusks,
suggesting that these animals may have fed on kelp that grows higher in the water column
than do sea grasses (Domning and Furusawa, 1995). Steller’s sea cow, named for its discoverer, Georg W. Steller, a German naturalist, was a gigantic animal. It measured at
least 7.6 m in length and was estimated to weigh between 4 and 10 tons. The sea cow was
unusual in lacking teeth and finger bones and in possessing a thick, bark-like skin.
Steller’s sea cow lived in cold waters near islands in the Bering Sea, in contrast to the distribution of other sirenians in tropical or subtropical waters, and in prehistoric times
from Japan to Baja California. The ancestry of this animal involves Metaxytherium
Figure 5.7.
Steller’s sea cow. (a) Left side of the body. (Illustrated by P. Folkens from Reeves et al., 1992.)
(b) Lateral and dorsal views of the skull and mandible. (After Heptner, 1974.)
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5.2. Origin and Evolution of Sirenians
and Dusisiren jordani from the Miocene of California. Dusisiren dewana, described from
9-Ma rocks in Japan, makes a good structural intermediate between D. jordani and
Steller’s sea cow in showing a reduction of teeth and finger bones. A penultimate stage in
the evolution of Steller’s sea cow is represented by Hydrodamalis cuestae from 3- to 8-Ma
deposits in California. H. cuestae lacked teeth, probably lacked finger bones, and was
very large.
Steller unfortunately described the sea cow’s blubber, 3–4 inches thick, as tasting
something like almond oil. Steller’s sea cow quickly became a major food resource for
Russian hunters. By 1768, only 27 years after its discovery, the sea cow was extinct.
Anderson (1995) proposed that the extinction of sea cows may also have been contributed to by a combination of predation, competition, and decline in food supplies that
occurred when aboriginal human populations colonized mainland coastlines and
islands along the North Pacific (further discussed in Chapter 12).
The subfamily to which the modern dugong belongs, the Dugonginae, includes in
addition to Dugong the following extinct genera: Bharatisiren, Corystosiren,
Crenatosiren, Dioplotherium, Rytiodus, and Xenosiren. Fossil remains of this dugongid
clade have been found from 15-Ma rocks in the Mediterranean, western Europe, southeastern United States, Caribbean, Indian Ocean, South America, and the North Pacific.
The most elaborate development of tusks in the Sirenia are found in later diverging
dugongines such as Rytiodus, Corystosiren, Xenosiren, and Dioplotherium. These species
possessed enlarged, blade-like, self-sharpening tusks that may have been used to dig up
sea grasses (Figure 5.8). The modern dugong may have evolved large tusks for a similar
reason, but now appears to use them chiefly for social interactions. The discovery of a
fossil dugongine in the Indian Ocean (Bajpai and Domning, 1997) was not unexpected
given the presence of living Dugong in that region today and it corroborates the earlier
Figure 5.8.
Members of the dugong lineage illustrating differential development of the tusks.
(a) Dioplotherium manigaulti. (b) Rytiodus sp. (From Domning, 1994.)
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suggestion (Domning, 1994) that the discovery of additional fossils from that region
would lend support for an Indo-Pacific origin for the genus.
The modern dugong, Dugong dugon (Figure 5.9), is distinguished by the following
derived characters (Domning, 1994): nasals absent, constant presence in juveniles of a
deciduous first incisor, frequent presence in adults of vestigial lower incisors, sexual
dimorphism in size and eruption of permanent tusks (first incisor), and functional loss
of enamel crowns on cheekteeth and persistently open roots of M2-3 and m2-3.
5.3. The Extinct Sirenian Relatives—Desmostylia
5.3.1. Origin and Evolution
First described on the basis of tooth fragments, the Desmostylia bear a name derived
from the bundled columnar shape of the cusps of the molar teeth in some taxa (Figure
5.10). These bizarre animals constitute the only extinct order of marine mammals. They
were confined to the North Pacific area (Japan, Kamchatka, and North America) dur-
Figure 5.9.
Lateral view of skeleton of modern dugong and its fossil relative. (a) Dugong dugon. (Modified
from Kingdon, 1971.) (b) Left side of body. (Illustrated by P. Folkens from Reeves et al., 1992.)
(c) Dusisiren jordani from the late Miocene-early Pliocene of California. (From Domning,
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5.3. The Extinct Sirenian Relatives–Desmostylia
ing the late Oligocene and middle Miocene epochs (approximately 33–10 Ma). Known
fossils represent at least 6 genera and 10 species, all hippo-sized amphibious quadrupeds
that probably fed on marine algae and sea grasses in subtropical to cool-temperate
waters (see Figure 5.10; Barnes et al., 1985; Inuzuka et al., 1995; Clementz et al., 2003).
Basal desmostylians are represented by Behemotops from the middle or late Oligocene
of North America and Japan (Domning et al., 1986; Ray et al., 1994). Cornwallius, a later
diverging genus, is known from several eastern North Pacific late Oligocene localities.
Paleoparadoxia is a Miocene genus known on both sides of the Pacific. Sexual dimorphism in this species is suggested based on cranial and dental differences (Hasegawa
Figure 5.10.
Representative desmostylans. (a) Restored skeleton of Paleoparadoxia tabatai (From
Domning, 2002). (b) Skull and mandible of Desmostylus hesperus. (From Domning, 2001b.)
(c) Lower molar of Desmostylus in lateral and occlusal aspect. (Modified from Vanderhoof,
1937.) (d) Restored skeleton of Desmostylus. (From Domning 2001.)
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et al., 1995). A skeleton with skull from Point Arena, California was described as a new
species, Paleoparadoxia weltoni (see Clark, 1991). Another new species of
Paleoparadoxia has been reported from southern California and Mexico (Barnes and
Aranda-Manteca, 1997). Desmostylus, the most specialized and best represented genus
of the order, is found widely in Miocene coastal deposits of the North Pacific.
A phylogenetic analysis of desmostylians strongly supports a clade comprising
Desmostylus, Cornwallius, Paleoparadoxia, and Behemotops as consecutive sister taxa
(Clark, 1991; Ray et al., 1994; Figure 5.11). Synapomorphies that unite desmostylians
include lower incisors transversely aligned, the presence of an enlarged passage present
through the squamosal from the external auditory meatus to roof of skull, roots of the
lower first premolar fused, and paroccipital process elongated. Desmostylians are most
closely related to proboscideans (elephants) on the basis of several characters of the lower
molars and ear region, with sirenians forming the next closest sister group (Ray et al., 1994).
Reconstructions of the skeleton and inferred locomotion of desmostylians have been
controversial as recently reviewed by Domning (2002) and have included resemblances
to sea lions, frogs, and crocodiles (e.g., Inuzuka, 1982, 1984, 1985; Halstead, 1985).
Studies by Domning (2002) indicate that desmostylians had a more upright posture similar to that seen in some ground sloths and calicotheres. Locomotion in the water was by
forelimb propulsion resembling polar bears. Dental morphology is varied, and later
diverging species show adaptations for an abrasive diet, probably one that contained grit
mixed with plant material scooped from the sea bottom or shore. A stable isotope study
of tooth enamel from Desmostylus suggests that this taxon spent time in estuarine or
freshwater environments rather than exclusively marine ecosystems and likely foraged
on sea grasses as well as a wide range of aquatic vegetation (Clementz et al., 2003).
5.4. The Extinct Marine Bear-Like Carnivoran, Kolponomos
5.4.1. Origin and Evolution
The large extinct carnivoran species Kolponomos clallamensis was originally described
on the basis of an essentially toothless, incompletely preserved snout of middle Miocene
age from Clallam Bay, Washington. Study of this specimen together with new material
from coastal Oregon has resulted in the description of a second species, K. newportensis
(Figure 5.12; Tedford et al., 1994). Kolponomos had a massive skull with a markedly
downturned snout and broad, crushing teeth.
Behemetops †
Palaeoparadoxia †
Cornwallius †
Vanderhoofius †
Desmostylus †
Figure 5.11.
Relationships among desmostylians and related taxa. (Modified from Domning, 2001b.)
† = extinct taxa.
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5.4. The Extinct Marine Bear-Like Carnivoran, Kolponomos
Figure 5.12.
Line drawing of the skull and lower jaw of Kolponomos newportensis from the early Miocene
of Oregon. Original 25 cm long. (From Tedford et al., 1994.)
The relationship of Kolponomos to other carnivores has been problematic.
Originally this genus was questionably assigned to the Procyonidae, a family of terrestrial carnivores that includes raccoons and their allies. Study of additional specimens, including a nearly complete skull and jaw with some postcranial elements, has
supported recognition of Kolponomos as an ursoid, most closely related to members
of the extinct paraphyletic family Amphicynodontidae, which includes
Amphicynodon, Pachycynodon, Allocyon, and Kolponomos (Tedford et al., 1994).
Kolponomos and Allocyon are hypothesized as the stem group from which the
Pinnipedimorpha arose (Figure 5.13). Shared derived characters that link Allocyon,
Kolponomos, and the pinnipedimorphs include details of the skull and teeth (Tedford
et al., 1994).
Kolponomos was probably coastal in distribution, because all specimens have
been discovered in near-shore marine rocks. The crushing teeth would have been
suited to a diet of hard-shelled marine invertebrates. Kolponomos probably fed
on marine invertebrates living on rocky substrates, prying them off with the incisors
and canines, crushing their shells, and consuming the soft parts as sea otters often
do. Kolponomos represents a unique adaptation for marine carnivores; its mode
of living and ecological niche are approached only by the sea otter (Tedford et al.,
Amphicynodon †
Pachcynodon †
Allocyon †
Figure 5.13.
Kolponomos †
Enaliarctos †
Relationships among Kolponomos and related taxa. (Modified from Tedford et al., 1994.)
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5.5. The Extinct Aquatic Sloth, Thalassocnus natans
5.5.1. Origin and Evolution
In 1995, an aquatic sloth, Thalassocnus natans (Muizon and McDonald, 1995; Muizon
1996), represented by an abundance of associated complete and partial skeletons, was
reported from early Pliocene marine rocks of the southern coast of Peru (Figure 5.14).
Since that discovery four additional species of the Thalassocnus lineage have been
described from the late Miocene-late Pliocene (McDonald and Muizon, 2002; Muizon
et al., 2003; Muizon et al., 2004a). The aquatic sloth lineage spans over 4 Ma and was
apparently endemic to Peru. Thalassocnus is a nothrotheriid ground sloth on the basis of
a number of diagnostic cranial, dental, and postcranial features.
As previously known these sloths were medium to giant-sized herbivores with terrestrial
or arboreal habits. As judged from its morphology and the paleoenvironment of the locality where these sloths have been recovered, Thalassocnus occupied an aquatic habit. The
tail probably was used for swimming and a ventrally downturned premaxilla expanded at
the apex suggests the presence of a well-developed lip for grazing. An increase in massiveness of the dentition and associated changes in the skull and mandible to permit crushing
and grinding suggests that thalassocnines were grazers and fed primarily on sea grasses
(Muizon et al., 2004b). The morphological similarity of thalassocnines and desmostylians
(i.e., elongate, spatulate rostra) raises the intriguing possibility that these animals were the
ecologic homologues of desmostylians in the South Pacific (Domning, 2001b).
5.6. The Sea Otter, Enhydra lutris
Although sea otters (Figure 5.15) are the smallest marine mammals, they are the largest
members of the Family Mustelidae, which includes 70 species of river otters, skunks,
weasels, and badgers, among others. The generic name of the sea otter is from the Greek
enhydris, for “otter,” and the specific epithet is from the Latin lutra, for “otter.” Three
subspecies of sea otter are recognized based on differences in morphology as well as distribution: Enhydra l. lutris (Linnaeus, 1758) inhabits the Kuril Islands, the east coast of
the Kamchatka Peninsula, and the Commander Islands; Enhydra 1. kenyoni (Wilson
5 cm
Figure 5.14.
Aquatic sloth, Thalassocnus natans from the early Pliocene of Peru. (a) Skull. (b) Lower jaw in
dorsal and lateral views. (From Muizon et al., 2003.) (Courtesy of C. de Muizon.)
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5.6. The Sea Otter, Enhydralutris
Figure 5.15.
Sea otter, Enhydra lutris. (a) Ventral view of body. (Illustrated by P. Folkens in Reeves et al.,
1992.) (b) Skull in dorsal, lateral, and ventral views and lower jaw in lateral view. (From
Lawlor, 1979.)
et al., 1991) ranges from the Aleutian Islands to Oregon; and Enhydra 1. nereis (Merriam,
1904) had a historic range from northern California to approximately Punta Abrejos,
Baja California.
Based on a cranial morphometric analysis, individuals of E. l. lutris are characterized
by large wide skulls with short nasal bones. Specimens of E. 1. nereis have narrow skulls
with a long rostrum and small teeth, and usually lack the characteristic notch in the postorbital region found in most specimens of the other two subspecies. Specimens of E. 1.
kenyoni are intermediate to the other two but do not possess all characters and have
longer mandibles than either of the other two subspecies (Wilson et al., 1991).
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5.6.1. Origin and Evolution
The modern sea otter Enhydra arose in the North Pacific at the beginning of the
Pleistocene, about 1 to 3 Ma and has not dispersed since that time. There are records of
Enhydra from the early Pleistocene of Oregon (Leffler, 1964) and California (Mitchell,
1966; Repenning, 1976). One extinct species, Enhydra macrodonta (Kilmer, 1972), has
been described from the late Pleistocene of California.
The closest living relative of Enhydra are other lutine otters Lutra (Eurasian and spotted neck otters), Aonyx (short clawed otter), and Amblonyx (small clawed otter) based on
separate and combined analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data (Koepfli
and Wayne, 1998, 2003; Figure 5.16). The morphological analysis of extant mustelids by
Bryant et al. (1993) differed in allying the giant otter Pteronura with other lutrines including Enhydra (see Figure 5.16). In a phylogenetic analysis that included both the living sea
otter and related extinct taxa, Berta and Morgan (1985) proposed that there were two lineages of sea otters: an early diverging lineage that led to the extinct genus Enhydriodon and
a later diverging lineage that led to the extinct giant otter Enhydritherium and the extant
sea otter Enhydra (see Figure 5.16). Enhydriodon is known only from Africa and Eurasia,
with three well-described species. In addition, there are several more poorly known specimens from Greece, England, and east Africa that have provisionally been assigned to the
genus. All of this material is of late Miocene/Pliocene age. It is not known if Enhydriodon
lived in marine or freshwater habitats or both. However, they were as large or larger than
modern sea otters and had similarly well-developed molariform dentitions (Repenning,
1976). Enhydritherium is known from the late Miocene of Europe and the late
Miocene/middle Pliocene of North America. Two species of Enhydritherium are
described: E. lluecai from Spain and E. terraenovae from Florida and California.
Enhydritherium is united with Enhydra based on dental synapomorphies.
An incomplete articulated skeleton of Enhydritherium terraenovae was described
from northern Florida (Figure 5.17; Lambert, 1997). The depositional environment of
this site, which is located a considerable distance from the coast, indicates that E. terranovae frequented large inland rivers and lakes in addition to coastal marine environments. Enhydritherium was similar in size to Enhydra, with an estimated body mass of
approximately 22 kg. The unspecialized distal hind limb elements and heavily developed
humeral muscles of Enhydritherium strongly suggest that, contrary to Enhydra, this animal was primarily a forelimb swimmer. With its more equally proportioned forelimbs
and hind limbs, Enhydritherium was almost certainly more effective at terrestrial loco-
Figure 5.16.
Lutra maculicollis
Lutra lutra
Relationships of Enhydra and related taxa. (a) Morphological data (Bryant et al., 1993). (b)
Molecular data (Koepfli and Wayne, 2003).
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5.7. The Polar Bear, Ursus maritimus
Figure 5.17.
Extinct giant otter, Enhydritherium terranovae from the late Miocene of Florida, skull and
lower jaw in lateral view. Original 16 cm long. (From Lambert, 1997.)
motion than Enhydra. The thickened cusps of the upper fourth premolars of E. terranovae and their tendency to be heavily worn suggest that these otters, like Enhydra, consumed extremely hard food items such as molluscs (Lambert, 1997).
5.7. The Polar Bear, Ursus maritimus
5.7.1. Origin and Evolution
Polar bears are the only species of bear that spend a significant portion of their lives in
the water. The generic name for the polar bear, Ursus, is the Latin word for bear, and its
specific epithet, maritimus, refers to the maritime habitat of this species. The previous
suggestion that the polar bear (Figure 5.18) might represent a separate genus, Thalarctos,
because of its adaptation to aquatic conditions and its physical appearance is not supported. Ursus maritimus has a fossil record limited to the Pleistocene (Kurtén, 1964).
Analysis of combined nuclear and mitochondrial sequence data (Yu et al., 2004) corroborate a sister group relationship between brown and polar bears (Zhang and Ryder,
1994; Talbot and Shields, 1996; Waits et al., 1999). Molecular data support divergence of
polar bears from brown bears, Ursus arctos,1–1.5 Ma (Yu et al., 2004), which is approximately 10 times older than the fossil record (.07–.1 Ma; Kurtén, 1968).
5.8. Summary and Conclusions
The monophyly of sirenians is widely accepted and elephants are considered their
closest living relatives. Sirenians, elephants, and extinct desmostylians form a monophyletic clade, the Tethytheria, that is part of a larger, diverse mammal clade, the
Afrotheria. Sirenians are known in the fossil record from approximately 50 Ma. Early
sirenians were fluvatile or estuarine semiaquatic herbivores with functional hind
limbs. Manatees are likely derived from dugongids. An extinct lineage of dugongids
led to the recently extinct Steller’s sea cow that was cold adapted for life in the Bering
Sea, in contrast to other members of this lineage distributed in tropical or subtropical
waters. The hippopotamus-like desmostylians (33–10 Ma) have the distinction of
composing the only extinct order of marine mammals. The large extinct bear-like
Figure 5.18.
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5. Sirenian and Other Marine Mammals
Polar bear, Ursus maritimus. (a) Right side of body. (b) Lateral and dorsal views of skull and
lateral view of lower jaw. (From Hall and Kelson, 1959.)
carnivoran Kolponomos is now recognized as more closely related to amphicynodontine ursids and pinnipedimorphs rather than its previous allocation to the raccoon
family. The range of adaptation of sloths, formerly known to have only terrestrial and
arboreal habits, was extended based on discovery of a diverse lineage of aquatic sloth
Thalassocnus. The modern sea otter appears to have evolved in the North Pacific 1–3
Ma. Among fossil sea otters is Enhydritherium, which likely frequented large rivers and
lakes as well as coastal marine environments. The most recently diverging lineage of
marine mammals, the polar bear, appears to have been derived from brown bears
between .5 and 1 Ma.
Melursus ursinus
(Sloth bear)
Helarctos malayanus
(Sun bear)
Ursus americanus
(American black bear)
Ursus thibetanus
(Asiatic black bear)
Ursus arctos
(Brown bear)
Ursus maritimus
(Polar bear)
Figure 5.19.
Relationships of polar bears and their relatives. (From Yu et al., 2004.)
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5.9. Further Reading
Sirenian phylogeny is detailed in Domning (1994, 2001b) and a popular account of the
evolution of manatees and dugongs can be found in Reynolds and Odell (1991). For
a summary of the evolution and phylogeny of desmostylians see Domning (2001b,
2002). A description of the bear-like carnivoran Kolponomos is provided in Tedford et al.
(1994). For descriptions of the aquatic sloth see Muizon and MacDonald (1995),
McDonald and Muizon (2002), and Muizon et al. (2003). Sea otter evolution is
reviewed by Berta and Morgan (1985) and Lambert (1997). Bear phylogeny, especially
the molecular evidence, is discussed by Yu et al. (2004) (Figure 5.19).
Anderson, P. K. (1995). “Competition, Predation, and the Evolution and Extinction of Steller’s Sea Cow.”
Hydrodamalis gigas. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 11: 391–394.
Archibald, J. D. (1996). “Fossil Evidence for a Late Cretaceous Origin of ‘Hoofed Mammals.’ ” Science 272:
Bajpai, S., and D. P. Domning (1997). “A New Dugongine Sirenian from the Early Miocene of India.” J. Vert.
Paleontol. 17(1): 219–228.
Barnes, L. G., and F. Aranda-Manteca (1997). New middle Miocene Paleoparadoxidae (Mammalia,
Desmostylia) from Baja California and Mexico. Abstr., 57th Ann. Meet. Soc. Vert. Paleo., Chicago, p. 30A.
Barnes, L. G., D. P. Domning, and C. E. Ray (1985). “Status of Studies on Fossil Marine Mammals.” Mar.
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Berta, A., and G. S. Morgan (1985). “A New Sea Otter (Carnivora: Mustelidae) from the Late Miocene and
Early Pliocene (Hemphillian) of North America.” J. Paleontol. 59: 809–819.
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Clark, J. M. (1991). “A New Early Miocene Species of Paleoparadoxia (Mammalia: Desmostyha) from
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Clementz, M. T., K. A. Hoppe, and P. L. Koch (2003). “A Paleoecological Paradox: The Habitat and Dietary
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Domning, D. P. (1978). “Sirenian Evolution in the North Pacific Ocean.” Univ. Calif. Publ. Geol. Sci. 118:
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