Practicing the Most Stringent Water Resources Management, Guarantee Sustainable Development of the Society Dr. TIAN Qi Department of Water Resources Ministry of Water Resources, PRC May, 2015 Overview 1 Pressures and Challenges 2 Policies and Drivers 3 Practices and Progresses 2 1 Pressures and Challenges 3 1 Challenges Limits of water available 用水量(亿m3) 生活用水量 工业用水量 农业用水量 7000 总用水量 Limit for 2015 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 年份 Trends of water consumption from 1997 to 2013 2013 Ecosystem degradation Compliance Rate 46% 54% Limits of Carrying capacity WQ compliance in WFZs 2 Policies and drivers 6 The most stringent water resources management system Three red lines Red line for water development and utilization Four regulations Water use total quantity control system Water use efficiency control system Red line for water use efficiency Red line for Water function zones pollution load Water function zones pollution load control system Water resources management responsibility and accountability system 7 ---- The red line for water use efficiency Unit of industrial added value(m3) Water use efficiency control targets in different horizons 8 3 Practices and Progresses Quantity control and indicator decompose Water abstraction assessment and permit Water saving society Freshwater ecosystem civilization Groundwater protection Capacity building Responsibility and accountability 10 3.1 Indicators system of “three red lines” National index Provincial-level Completed Prefecturelevel Completed County-level 98% completed Water allocation for the first 25 rivers crossing provincial boundaries 12 3.2 Enhance water abstraction assessment and permit Make city development in accordance with water available 3.3 Water Saving society National water saving plans Water use quota for major industries Pilots at national, provincial and local level 3.3 Water Saving society Saved water amount Water used per capita (GDP) 30 billion 35% 3.3 Water Saving society Industrial project suffers from water shortages water-saving improvement by Industrial investment in yellow river irrigation district Qingtong Gorge Irrigation District of Ningxia Ningxia Jingneng Ningdong Electric Power Generation Company water-saving of Yellow River Irrigation District 3.3 Water saving society Water tickets Water saving education 3.4 Freshwater ecosystem civilization Leadership of Minster CHEN Lei 3.4 Freshwater ecosystem civilization National plans, WFZs and pilots Drinking water source 19 3.4 Freshwater ecosystem civilization Water function zones pollution load control Water function zones 4493 First grade water function zones Second grade water function zones 2888 2738 3.4 Freshwater ecosystem civilization Suzhou river is changing Laizhou, crane came back 21 3.5 Progress of groundwater protection National groundwater pollution control planning National program of groundwater overdraft zoning National groundwater monitoring system 俄罗斯 哈萨克斯坦 乌兹别克斯坦 哈尔滨 蒙古 乌鲁木齐 吉尔吉斯斯坦 土库曼斯坦 长春 沈阳 塔吉克斯坦 朝鲜 呼和浩特 北京 阿富汗 天津 银川 西宁 巴基斯坦 太原 石家庄 韩国 日本 济南 兰州 郑州 西安 合肥 拉萨 尼泊尔 重庆 南京 上海 杭州 武汉 成都 南昌 长沙 锡金 不丹 福州 贵阳 台北 印度 昆明 孟加拉国 广州 澳门香港 南宁 缅甸 图 首都 省会城市 省界 0 250 例 越南 国界 浅层地下水超采区 500 1,000 km 海口 老挝 菲律宾 泰国 Distribution of groundwater overdraft 22 3.5 Progress of groundwater protection Control of overdraft in S-N water transfer riparian 3.6 Capacity building for water resources monitoring Establish national MIS for water resources 24 3.6 Intensify capacity building for water resources monitoring MIS and the “three red lines” 3.7 Responsibility and Accountability Take responsibility Make accountability Supervise with good responses Connection with Water development goals of the United Nations after 2015 Integrated Water Resources Management Upgrade water use efficiency Improve water quality Restore Water ecosystem Water marketing Scale up reuse and recycling Looking forward to corporation Many Thanks [email protected]
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