Patons Canadiana X-Small 9 balls

Patons® Canadiana (100 g/3.5 oz)
9 balls
10 balls
11 balls
12 balls
13 balls
14 balls
Patons® Decor (100 g/3.5 oz)
8 balls
9 balls
10 balls
11 balls
12 balls
13 balls
Sizes 4.5 mm (U.S. 7) knitting needles or size needed to
obtain tension. Cable needle-CN. 5 buttons.
Sample made with Patons® Classic Wool (#00202 Aran)
TENSION: 20 sts and 26 rows = 4 ins [10 cm].
C6B = Slip next 3 sts onto a CN and leave at back of work.
K3 then K3 from CN.
To fit bust
28-30 ins
32-34 ins
36-42 ins
44-46 ins
48-54 ins
56-62 ins
Finished bust
33 ins
40 ins
45 ins
52 ins
59½ ins
66½ ins
Patons® Classic Wool
(100 g/3.5 oz)
cm ]
81.5-91.5 cm ]
96.5-106.5 cm ]
112-117 cm ]
122-137 cm ]
142-157.5 cm ]
[ 84
[ 101.5
[ 114.5
[ 132
[ 151
[ 169
8 balls
8 balls
9 balls
10 balls
11 balls
12 balls
cm ]
cm ]
cm ]
cm ]
cm ]
cm ]
The instructions are written for smallest size. If changes are
necessary for larger sizes the instructions will be written
thus ( ). When only one number is given, it applies to all
Cast on 43 (49-55-67-73-85) sts.
1st row: (RS). Knit.
2nd row: K1. *P3. K3. Rep from * to end of row.
Rep last 2 rows 5 times more, inc 2 (5-5-5-5-5) sts evenly
across last row. 45 (54-60-72-78-90) sts.
Proceed in Cable Pat as follows:
1st row: *K3. P3. K3. Rep from * to last 0 (0-6-0-6-0) sts.
(K3. P3) 0 (0-1-0-1-0) time.
2nd to 4th rows: Knit all knit sts and purl all purl sts as they
5th row: *K3. P3. C6B. P3. K3. Rep from * to last 9 (0-60-6-0). (K3. P3) 1 (0-1-0-1-0) time. K3 (0-0-0-0-0).
6th to 12th rows: As 2nd row.
Rep last 12 rows of pat until work from beg measures 17 ins
[43 cm], ending with RS facing for next row.
Shape V-neck: Next row: Pat to last 3 sts. K2tog. K1.
Next row: Work even in pat.
Rep last 2 rows 5 (5-5-5-5-6) times more. 39 (48-54-66-7283) sts.
Shape armhole and V-neck:
1st row: (RS). Cast off 2 (3-4-6-7-8) sts (armhole edge). Pat
to last 3 sts. K2tog. K1 (front edge). 36 (44-49-59-64-74) sts.
2nd row: Work even in pat.
3rd row: Cast off 2 (2-3-5-6-7) sts. Pat to end of row. 34
(42-46-54-58-67) sts.
4th row: As 2nd row.
Keeping cont of pat, dec 1 st at armhole edge on next 3 (55-7-11-17) rows, then on every following alt row 1 (4-7-99-8) times, at same time, dec 1 st at front edge on next and
every following 4th row 1 (3-4-6-7-8) time(s) more. 28 (2929-31-30-33) sts.
Dec 1 st at front edge only on every following 4th row from
previous dec 8 (8-3-9-5-8) times, then every following 6th row
2 (1-4-0-2-0) time(s). 18 (20-22-22-23-25) sts.
Cont even in pat until armhole measures 8½ (9-9½-10-10½11) ins [21.5 (23-24-25.5-26.5-28) cm], ending with RS
facing for next row. Cast off.
Cast on 43 (49-55-67-73-85) sts.
1st row: (RS). Knit.
2nd row: *K3. P3. Rep from * to last st. K1.
Rep last 2 rows 5 times more, inc 2 (5-5-5-5-5) sts evenly
across last row. 45 (54-60-72-78-90) sts.
Proceed in Cable Pat as follows:
1st row: *K3. P3. K3. Rep from * to last 0 (0-6-0-6-0) sts.
(P3. K3) 0 (0-1-0-1-0) time.
2nd to 4th rows: Knit all knit sts and purl all purl sts as they
5th row: K3 (0-0-0-0-0). (P3. K3) 1 (0-1-0-1-0) time. *K3.
P3. C6B. P3. K3. Rep from * to end of row.
6th to 12th rows: As 2nd row.
Rep last 12 rows of pat until work from beg measures 17 ins
[43 cm], ending with RS facing for next row.
Shape V-neck: Next row: K1. Sl1. K1. psso. Pat to end of row.
Next row: Work even in pat.
Rep last 2 rows 5 (5-5-5-5-6) times more. 39 (48-54-66-7283) sts.
Shape armhole and V-neck:
1st row: (RS). K1. Sl1. K1. psso. Pat to end of row.
2nd row: Cast off 2 (3-4-6-7-8) sts (armhole edge). Pat to
end of row. 36 (44-49-59-64-74) sts.
3rd row: Work even in pat.
4th row: Cast off 2 (2-3-5-6-7) sts. Pat to end of row. 34
(42-46-54-58-67) sts.
Keeping cont of pat, dec 1 st at armhole edge on next 3 (55-7-11-17) rows, then on every following alt row 1 (4-7-99-8) times, at same time, dec 1 st at front edge on next and
every following 4th row 1 (3-4-6-7-8) time(s) more. 28 (2929-31-30-33) sts.
Dec 1 st at front edge only on every following 4th row from
previous dec 8 (8-3-9-5-8) times, then every following 6th row
2 (1-4-0-2-0) time(s). 18 (20-22-22-23-25) sts.
Cont even in pat until armhole measures 8½ (9-9½-10-10½11) ins [21.5 (23-24-25.5-26.5-28) cm], ending with WS
facing for next row. Cast off.
Cast on 81 (99-111-129-147-165) sts.
1st row: (RS). Knit.
2nd row: K3. *P3. K3. Rep from * to end of row.
Rep last 2 rows 5 times more, inc 9 (9-15-15-15-15) sts,
evenly across last row. 90 (108-126-144-162-180) sts.
Proceed in Cable Pat as follows:
1st row: (RS). K3. *P3. K6. Rep from * to last 6 sts. P3. K3.
2nd to 4th rows: Knit all knit sts and purl all purl sts as they
5th row: K3. *P3. C6B. P3. K6. Rep from * to last 15 sts.
P3. C6B. P3. K3.
6th to 12th rows: As 2nd row.
Rep last 12 rows of Cable Pat until work from beg measures
same length as Fronts to beg of armhole shaping, ending with
RS facing for next row.
Shape armholes: Keeping cont of pat, cast off 2 (3-4-6-78) sts beg next 2 rows, then 2 (2-3-5-6-7) sts beg following
2 rows. 82 (98-112-122-136-150) sts.
Dec 1 st at each end of needle on next 3 (5-5-7-11-17) rows,
then on every following alt row to 74 (80-88-90-96-100) sts.
Cont even in pat until armhole measures 4 (4-4-6-6-6) rows
less than Fronts before shoulder, ending with RS facing for
next row.
Shape shoulders: Next row: Pat across next 20 (22-2426-27-29) sts. Cast off 34 (36-40-38-42-42) sts. Pat to end
of row.
Right shoulder: Next row: (WS). Pat to last 3 sts. P2tog. P1
(neck edge).
Next row: K1. K2tog. Pat to end of row.
Sizes XL, 2/3XL and 4/5XL only: Rep last 2 rows once
All sizes: Work one row even. Cast off rem 18 (20-22-2223-25) sts.
With WS facing, join yarn to rem sts. P1. P2togtbl. Pat to end
of row.
Next row: Pat to last 3 sts. Sl1. K1. psso. K1.
Sizes XL, 2/3XL and 4/5XL only: Rep last 2 rows once
All sizes: Work one row even. Cast off rem 18 (20-22-2223-25) sts.
Cast on 51 (51-51-63-63-63) sts.
1st row: (RS). Knit.
2nd row: K3. *P3. K3. Rep from * to end of row.
Rep last 2 rows 5 times more, inc 9 sts evenly across last row.
60 (60-60-72-72-72) sts.
Proceed in Cable Pat as follows:
1st row: K3 (3-3-0-0-0). *K3. P3. K3. Rep from * to last
3 (3-3-0-0-0) sts. K3 (3-3-0-0-0).
2nd to 4th rows: Knit all knit sts and purl all purl sts as they
5th row: K3 (3-3-0-0-0). *K3. P3. C6B. P3. K3. Rep from
* to last 3 (3-3-0-0-0) sts. K3 (3-3-0-0-0).
6th row: As 2nd row.
7th row: Inc 1 st in first st. Pat to last 2 sts. Inc 1 st in next
st. K1. 62 (62-62-74-74-74) sts.
8th to 12th rows: As 2nd row.
Last 12 rows form Cable Pat and side incs.
Inc 1 st each end of needle on every following 10th (8th-6th6th-4th-2th) row from previous inc to 76 (76-82-76-94-80) sts,
then every following 12th (10th-8th-8th-6th-4th) row to 78
(82-88-96-108-118) sts, taking inc sts into Cable Pat.
Cont even in Cable Pat until work from beg measures 17½
(17½-18-18-17½-17) ins [43.5 (43.5-45.5-45.5-44.5-43) cm],
ending with RS facing for next row.
Shape top: Cast off 3 (4-6-7-8-10) sts beg next 2 rows. 72
(74-76-82-92-98) sts.
Next row: K1. Sl1. K1. psso. Pat to last 3 sts. K2tog. K1.
Next row: Work even in pat.
Rep last 2 rows to 46 (46-44-48-62-74) sts.
Next row: (RS). K1. Sl1. K1. psso. Pat to last 3 sts. K2tog.
Next row: P1. P2tog. Pat to last 3 sts. P2togtbl. P1.
Rep last 2 rows to 30 (30-32-32-34-34) sts.
Cast off 3 sts beg next 6 rows. Cast off 12 (12-14-14-16-16) sts.
Pin garment pieces to measurements. Cover with a damp
cloth, leaving cloth to dry. Place marker on front edge at beg
of Front shaping. Sew shoulder seams. Sew in Sleeves. Sew
side and sleeve seams.
Cast on 13 sts.
1st row: (RS). K2. (P1. K1) 5 times. K1.
2nd row: (K1. P1) 6 times. K1.
Rep last 2 rows until work from beg measures 60 (60-65-7075-75) ins [152.5 (152.5-165-177.5-190-190) cm].
Cont in (K1. P1) ribbing as before until band fits around back
neck and down right front edge, noting position of buttonholes.
Cast off in ribbing. Sew buttons to correspond to buttonholes.
Collar: With RS facing, beg at right front shaping of front
band, pick up and knit 141 (147-159-165-171-177) sts up
right front, around back neck and down left front to beg of
front shaping.
1st row: (RS of Collar). Knit.
2nd row: K3. *P3. K3. Rep from * to end of row.
3rd row: Knit to last 2 sts. Place first marker on needle. Sl1P.
yf. Slip st back onto left hand needle – wrap made. Turn.
Leave rem sts unworked.
4th row: K1. *P3. K3. Rep from * to last 6 sts. P3. K1. Place
second marker on needle. Wrap next st. Turn. Leave rem sts
5th row: Knit to 2 sts before first marker. Move first marker
here. Wrap next st. Turn. Leave rem sts unworked.
6th row: Pat to 2 sts before second marker. Move second
marker here. Wrap next st. Turn. Leave rem sts unworked.
Rep last 2 rows, working 2 sts fewer each row 16 (17-18-1920-21) times more. 73 (75-83-85-87-89) sts between first
and second markers. Remove markers.
Next row: (RS). Knit to end of row, working both wrap and
slipped st tog to prevent holes.
Next row: K3. *P3. K3. Rep from * to end of row, working
both wrap and slipped st tog to prevent holes. 141 (147-159165-171-177) sts.
Cast off knitwise.
Belt Loops (make 2).
Cast on 16 sts. Cast off.
Try on Cardigan and mark position for Belt Loops at side
seams. Sew Belt Loops to side seams at markers.
Front Band: Cast on 9 sts.
1st row: (RS). K2. (P1. K1) 3 times. K1.
2nd row: (K1. P1) 4 times. K1.
Rep last 2 rows until band when slightly stretched measures
length to fit up left front edge to shoulder, sewing to Left Front
as you work.
Mark position of 5 buttons, having top button ½ inch [1.5 cm]
down from beg of front shaping, bottom button 3 ins [7.5 cm]
up from cast on edge, and rem buttons spaced evenly between.
Work Buttonholes on Right Front band to correspond to
buttons as follows:
1st row: (RS). K2. (P1. K1.) twice. Cast off next 2 sts. Rib to
end of row.
2nd row: Rib, casting on 2 sts over cast off sts.
… a part of your life.
P.O. Box 40, Listowel ON N4W 3H3