2014-2015 CF Performance Report

Community Futures (CF) is a program that supports community economic development and builds the capacity
of communities to realize their full sustainable potential. The purpose of the CF Program is to help communities
develop and implement local solutions to local problems.
as of
Community Futures West Interlake Inc.
Performance Results
Strong rural community strategic planning and implementation
1. Total number of community based projects:
Rural access to business development services
2. Number of jobs created/ maintained/ expanded through business services
3. Number of business training session participants
4. Number of business advisory services
Rural access to capital and leveraged capital
5. Dollar value of loans -$346,610.00
6. Number of loans
Provide additional information (e.g. Success stories, Links to priorities, leveraging work,
communication events, etc…)
Project Name:
West Interlake Community Development Project Support Initiative
New this year or ongoing
from previous year?
Dollar Amount Contributed by CF:
Numbers of Partners
Dollar Amount Contributed by Other
Was this identified in your organization’s strategic plan and/or operating plan?
WICDPSI is designed to encourage community groups to take an economic development approach to
growing the community. The initiative provides a matching contribution of up to $10,000 for projects that
create new capital development in the community, is accessible to all and impacts direct or indirect
Performance Results for 2014-15 Community Futures West Interlake
employment creation or prepares the community for new investment and growth. CFWI committed a total of
$20,000 to the initiative in 2014/15.
In the Fall 2014 intake, CFWI had 13 applications with total requests in excess of $75,000, clearly
demonstrating the need for such funding within the region. Though the maximum contribution of $10,000 is
often a fraction of the overall project costs, matched with the community’s funds, this often provides the
seed money needed to leverage other, larger programs.
In 2014/15, two projects were each approved for $10,000 contributions:
Steep Rock Campground completed the construction of an outdoor pavilion that will increase event/rental
revenues and tourism expenditures in the area;
Woodlands Childcare received support to furnish the newly constructed 28 space childcare facility – the
first public centre in the community. The centre will create 5-7 new jobs and provide a key service to the
area. The WICDPSI contributions helped leverage in excess of $100,000 in additional funds for these
projects while filling important needs in the respective communities.
Community Planning Assistance – RM of Grahamdale
Project Name:
New this year or
ongoing from
previous year?
Dollar Amount Contributed by CF:
$0 (In-Kind
Staff Support)
Numbers of Partners
Dollar Amount Contributed by Other
Was this identified in your organization’s strategic plan and/or operating plan?
Description a paragraph or two:
Supporting community development efforts is a significant part of the CFWI work. Strategic planning is
important to assure communities have a clearly defined path and effective use of the very limited resources
available to take action and sustain or grow. CFWI committed staff resources to support these efforts by
working directly with communities to determine the scope of planning, to identify the stakeholders to
participate, to facilitate processes and to develop an action plan. Efforts then shift to supporting the
implementation of that plan.
CFWI facilitated a strategic planning process to assist the Rural Municipality of Grahamdale in identifying
economic development priorities and action plans. The process included council, municipal staff and
community volunteers working through a SWOT exercise and then prioritizing key goals to be achieved.
CFWI then worked directly with the economic development committee and staff to develop a detailed action
plan and resource requirements. As a result of this process, the RM has endorsed the action plan and relaunched the CDC to harness the skills and contributions of community representatives and are in the
process of approving a $15,000 working budget for the implementation of the action plan. The process has
also justified the hiring of a part time EDO and a clear framework for the staff to work within. The plan will
result in positive results in the areas of business support/attraction, tourism development,
cottage/residential lot development and community services development.
Performance Results for 2014-15 Community Futures West Interlake
This planning assistance to the RM of Grahamdale was in-depth and has yielded additional investments
(financial and staff/volunteer time) into the implementation. CFWI’s role in this process provided a valuable
service free of charge, allowing funds that may have been tied up in planning consultant fees to be direct to
action. CFWI continues to be involved as a resource to the community and looks forward to seeing
realization of the plan.
*CFWI also provided similar planning support to Interlake Tourism Association & Woodlands