If you would like someone to contact you about making a Legacy or a donation then please complete the form below or call us I would like someone from Care for the Carers to contact me regarding a Legacy or donation Name………………………………………. Supporting Carers in East Sussex To find out more about Care for the Carers contact us on: A Caring Legacy Telephone: 01323 738390 Address: …………………………………. Fax: 01323 745770 ……………………………………………… Email: [email protected] ……………………………………………… Town / City: …..…………………………… Post Code: ……………………………….. Telephone: ……………………………... Web: www.cftc.org.uk 1st Floor Greencoat House 32 St Leonards Road Eastbourne East Sussex BN21 3UT ( or contact us by telephone / email ) Care for the Carers is an independent charitable company. Registered office: Greencoat House, Eastbourne, BN21 3UT Registered Charity No: 1074906 Registered Company: 3677361 Member of the Princess Royal Trust for Carers Network Leaflet designed & printed by Sumfield & Day Printed on 50% recycled paper A local charity supporting unpaid carers in East Sussex Carers In East Sussex it is estimated that there are approximately 51,000 adult carers and 1800 young carers. Carers can be a family member, friend or neighbour. Carers health and wellbeing can be adversely affected by the demands of their caring role Carers social opportunities are often limited, leading to feelings of isolation What is a Legacy A legacy is a way of providing support to a charity in a very special way. By leaving a donation in your Will you are helping Care for the Carers to continue its invaluable work. How to include Care for the Carers in your Will The average age of a young carer is 12 years old There are approximately 12,500 carers aged 65 and above in East Sussex There is no retirement age for carers Care for the Carers aims; “To improve the quality of carers’ lives by helping the local community recognise and value the role of carers, and by enabling carers to access the services and support they require.” Updating an existing Will We recommend that anyone making changes to their Will seeks the advice of a Solicitor or Legal Advisor. Minor changes to a Will are easy to make. You can incorporate a gift to Care for the Carers by way of a Codicil. A Codicil means that you can alter your Will without needing to make a completely new one. There are a number of ways to include Care for the Carers in your Will: Residual donation: leaving a percentage of the residue of your estate after all dependants have been provided for. Pecuniary donation: by leaving a specific sum of money, which can be index linked to preserve its value. Specific donation: by deciding to leave a particular asset to Care for the Carers. Donations to charities are exempt from tax, so anything you leave to Care for the Carers is free of Inheritance Tax and we would receive the full amount. You can ask your solicitor about the best way to use your Will to reduce tax. Care for the Carers Supporting unpaid carers since 1989
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