INTEGRATED ROADMAPS FOR THE SDGS Exploring strategies for durable success Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. Identify policies and practices that, by 2030, will sustainably increase productivity and production while improving livelihoods, increasing resilience, and maintaining ecosystems. € ? P R I VA T E DE V E L OP M E N T G I N V E S T O R S PA R T N E R S R O V E R N M E N T E PR E SE N T AT I V E S S C I E N T I S T S FA M I L Y FA R M E R S The challenge: + ? Who should be involved and how? € € € $ $ € € € $ $ € € € $ $ € € € $ $ € € € $ $ 2015 € € € 2030 Where and how much should we be investing? - N EGAT I V E How to reach this target in the most sustainable way while maximizing positive impacts and minimizing negative impacts CAN HELP ? $ Y IELD POSI T I V E MI ? $ € PROBLEM: Insufficient food access and availability .** TARGET: Sustainably increase productivity and production while improving livelihoods, increasing resilience, and maintaining ecosystems. What kinds of policies and practices do we need to get there? The process: INDICATORS: – Crops production and yield – Prevalence of malnutrition – Poverty rate What education is needed? Case study from SENEGAL* STEP1 Build stakeholder consensus on problem, targets, and indicators. TEST SCENARIOS: Societ y Economy Environment Sustainable family farming, characterized by low use of chemical products, high labour and knowledge intensity, and is associated with sustainable agriculture and food systems. STEP2 Experience shared learning through model development and identify needed data. Industrial farming, characterized by high use of chemical products (e.g. fertilizer & pesticides) and energy (e.g. machinery). 20 Prevalence of malnutrition Percentage of population whose food intake is insufficient to meet dietary energy requirements. Industrial farming 17 Base run 14 11 8 Sustainable farming 2010 2020 Sustainable farming 65 Total crops production thousand tons/year 2030 59 STEP3 Industrial farming 53 47 Base run 41 35 2010 2020 2030 Simulation scenarios to test our understanding and potential policies discussing results with stakeholders, develop new ideas. The conclusion: –Simulation results show that in both scenarios agriculture production increases significantly over time compared to a continuation of current policies. –The increase in production in the sustainable family farming scenario is less pronounced in the short term and more gradual than in the industrial farming scenario; still, the long-term production in the sustainable family farming scenario reaches a higher absolute level. –Sustainable family farming scenario also shows greater resilience of the agriculture system when facing external shocks such as an increase in input prices or a downsizing of available funds for the planned interventions. This means: Inclusive decision making Gender empowerment Understanding long term impacts Improved livelihoods More nutritious, and affordable food Improved health for communities Maintaining and regenerating ecosystems *A project developed in collaboration with the Biovision Foundation. **This problem was one of several addressed in the case study. The same will apply for the target and the indicators Find us at: Email: [email protected]
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