Chemistry 460 Spring 2015 Dr. Jean M. Standard March 25, 2015 Angular Momentum Properties Classical Definition of Angular Momentum ! In classical mechanics, the angular momentum vector L is defined as ! ! ! L = r × p , (1) ! ! where r corresponds to the position vector and p is the (linear) momentum vector. The cartesian components of the angular momentum vector, Lx , Ly , and Lz , can be expressed in terms of the components of position and momentum using the definition of the cross product, Lx = ypz − zpy (2) Ly = zpx − xpz (3) Lz = xpy − ypx . (4) The square of the magnitude of the angular moment vector, L2 , is defined as for any vector as the sum of the squares of the components, L2 = L2x + L2y + L2z . (5) The magnitude L of the angular momentum vector is therefore the square root of the relation in Eq. (5), 1/2 L = !" L2x + L2y + L2z #$ . (6) Angular Momentum Operators To construct quantum mechanical operators for angular momentum, the basic rules for constructing operators are employed: coordinates are transformed into "multiply by" operators, and momenta are transformed into derivative operators using the relation pˆ k = −i! ∂ , k = x, y, or z . ∂k (7) Using the rules for operator construction, the angular momentum component operators become " ∂ ∂ % Lˆ x = yˆpˆ z − zˆpˆ y = −i! $ y − z ' ∂y& # ∂z (8) " ∂ ∂% Lˆ y = zˆpˆ x − xˆpˆ z = − i! $ z − x ' # ∂x ∂z & (9) " ∂ ∂ % Lˆz = xˆpˆ y − yˆpˆ x = − i! $ x − y '. ∂x & # ∂y (10) 2 The operator for the square of the angular momentum also may be constructed, Lˆ2 = Lˆ2x + Lˆ2y + Lˆ2z . (11) Note that there is no Lˆ operator in quantum mechanics. Since quantum mechanical operators must be linear operators, the square root in the classical definition precludes the use of the magnitude L as an operator. Spherical Polar Coordinates The angular momentum is closely related to the angular variables θ and φ of the spherical polar coordinate system. A point ( r, θ , φ ) in the cartesian axis system is shown in Fig. 1. € Figure 1. Diagram illustrating the spherical polar coordinates r, q, and h. The equations relating cartesian coordinates ( x, y, z ) and spherical polar coordinates € x = r sin θ cos φ y = r sin θ sin φ z = r cos θ . ( r, θ , φ ) are (12) € The ranges of the coordinates are 0 ≤ r ≤ ∞ , 0 ≤ θ ≤ π , and 0 < φ ≤ 2π . Solving for ( r, θ , φ ) in terms of ( x, y, z ) yields € € € ( r = € x 2 + y 2 + z 2 " 1/2 ) % ' θ = cos $ 2 2 2 1/2 ' $# x + y + z '& z −1 $ ( " y% φ = tan −1 $ ' . #x& ) € € (13) (14) (15) 3 The angular momentum component operators also may be expressed in terms of spherical polar coordinates, " ∂ ∂ % Lˆ x = −i! $ −sin φ − cot θ cos φ ' ∂θ ∂φ & # (16) " ∂ ∂ % Lˆ y = − i! $ cos φ − cot θ sin φ ' ∂θ ∂φ & # (17) ∂ Lˆz = − i! . ∂φ (18) The square of the angular momentum operator also may be expressed in spherical polar coordinates, & ∂2 ∂ 1 ∂2 Lˆ2 = Lˆ2x + Lˆ2y + Lˆ2z = − ! 2 (( 2 + cot θ + ∂θ sin 2 θ ∂φ 2 ' ∂θ ) ++ . * (19) Commutators € The components of the angular momentum operators do not commute, [ Lˆx , Lˆy ] [ Lˆy , Lˆz ] [ Lˆz , Lˆx ] = i!Lˆ z = i!Lˆ (20) x = i!Lˆ y . However, each of the components commute with the square of the angular momentum, € [ Lˆ2 , Lˆx ] = [ Lˆ2 , Lˆy ] = [ Lˆ2 , Lˆz ] (21) = 0. 2 ˆ Since Lˆ and Lˆ z commute, they can possess a set of simultaneous eigenfunctions. However, since Lˆ x and Ly do 2 not commute with Lˆ z , they€cannot possess the same set of eigenfunctions as Lˆ z and Lˆ . € € Angular Momentum Eigenvalue Equations € momentum eigenvalue equations are The angular € € € € Lˆ2 Yℓm (θ , φ ) = ! 2 ℓ ( ℓ +1) Yℓm (θ , φ ) (22) Lˆz Yℓm (θ , φ ) = m! Yℓm (θ , φ ) . (23) Here, ℓ and m are integers, with ℓ = 0, 1, 2, … and m = 0, ± 1, ± 2, …, ± ℓ . The integer ℓ is known as the angular momentum quantum number and m is known as the magnetic, or azimuthal, quantum number. The functions Yℓm (θ , φ ) are known as spherical harmonics, and they are discussed in more detail below. € € € 4 Eigenfunctions of Angular Momentum The eigenfunctions of the angular momentum operators are the spherical harmonics, Yℓm (θ ,φ ) m In Eq. (24), the functions Pℓ € & ( 2ℓ + 1) ( ℓ − m ) !)1/ 2 m + = ( Pℓ ( cos θ ) e imφ . (' 4 π ( ℓ + m ) !+* (24) ( cos θ ) are associated Legendre functions, m Pℓ € ( u) = 1 ( 2 ℓ! ℓ 1− u2 ) m /2 d ℓ+ m du ℓ+ m (u − 1) 2 ℓ . (25) The associated Legendre functions obey the recursion formula € m ( 2ℓ + 1) u Pℓ ( u) m m = (ℓ − m + 1) Pℓ+1( u ) + (ℓ + m ) Pℓ−1( u) . (26) The first several associated Legendre polynomials are listed in the table below. € P00 ( u) = 1 P10 ( u) = u ( P11( u) = 1− u 2 € P20 ( u) = ) 1/ 2 € P21( u) = € P22 ( u) = 1 3u 2 − 1 2 ( ) 3u (1 − u ) 3 (1− u 2 ) 2 1/ 2 € € As with any quantum mechanical eigenfunctions, the spherical harmonic functions are orthonormal, 2π π ∫∫ € * Yℓ'm' (θ, φ ) Yℓm (θ, φ ) sinθ dθ dφ = δℓ 'ℓ δm'm . (27) 0 0 Raising and Lowering Operators The angular momentum raising and lowering operators Lˆ+ and Lˆ− are defined as Lˆ+ = Lˆ x + i Lˆ y (28) € € Lˆ− = Lˆ x − i Lˆ y . (29) In spherical polar coordinates, the raising and lowering operators become " ∂ ∂ % Lˆ+ = !eiφ $ − i cot θ ' ∂φ & # ∂θ (30) " ∂ ∂ % Lˆ− = !e−iφ $ − − i cot θ ' . ∂φ & # ∂θ (31) 5 Some useful commutators involving the raising and lowering operators are ! Lˆ2 , " ! Lˆ , " + ! Lˆ , " z ! Lˆ , " z Lˆ+ #$ = !" Lˆ2 , Lˆ− #$ = 0 Lˆ− #$ = 2! Lˆz Lˆ+ #$ = ! Lˆ+ Lˆ− #$ = −! Lˆ− . (32) The raising and lowering operators Lˆ+ and Lˆ− have the following effects on the eigenfunctions Yℓm (θ ,φ ) , 1/2 Lˆ+ Yℓm (θ , φ ) = ! "#ℓ ( ℓ +1) − m ( m +1)$% Yℓ,m+1 (θ , φ ) € € 1/2 Lˆ− Yℓm (θ , φ ) = ! "#ℓ ( ℓ +1) − m ( m −1)$% Yℓ,m−1 (θ , φ ). (33) € (34) Note that the raising operator raises the magnetic quantum number m by one and the lowering operator lowers m by one, but the operators have no effect on the angular momentum quantum number ℓ .
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