Public Document Pack Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S40 1LP DX 12356, Chesterfield Email [email protected] Executive Member for Customers and Please ask for Communities - Executive Member Decision Direct Line Fax Brian Offiler 01246 345229 01246 345252 23 March 2015 Dear Councillor, Please attend a meeting of the EXECUTIVE MEMBER FOR CUSTOMERS AND COMMUNITIES - EXECUTIVE MEMBER DECISION to be held on TUESDAY, 31 MARCH 2015 at 10.00 am in Executive Member's Office, Town Hall, Chesterfield, the agenda for which is set out below. AGENDA 1. 2. Part 1(Public Information) Declarations of Members' and Officers' interests relating to items on the Agenda Application for Small Grant Aid - May Day Gala 2015 (S100L) (Pages 3 16) Yours sincerely, Local Government and Regulatory Law Manager Chief Executive Huw Bowen This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 2 FOR PUBLICATION APPLICATION FOR SMALL GRANT AID - MAY DAY GALA 2015 (S100L) MEETING: EXECUTIVE MEMBER FOR CUSTOMERS AND COMMUNITIES DATE: 31 MARCH, 2015 REPORT BY: LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND REGULATORY LAW MANAGER WARDS: ALL 1.0 PURPOSE OF REPORT 1.1 To enable the Executive Member to consider a request from the Chesterfield and District Trades Union Council for financial assistance towards the costs of the 2015 May Day Gala, to be held on Monday, 4 May, 2015. 2.0 RECOMMENDATION 2.1 That consideration be given to the Trades Union Council’s request for financial assistance towards the cost of the 2015 May Day Gala. 3.0 BACKGROUND 3.1 The Borough Council has, for many years, provided financial assistance towards the costs of the annual May Day Gala. 3.2 Each year since 2011 the Council has granted a sum of £800 including the costs of premises hire. 4.0 2015 GALA 4.1 Attached at Appendix A is an application form from the Gala Treasurer, requesting the Council to consider grant aid of £800 for the 2015 Gala. Appendix A includes the actual costs for 2014 and estimated costs for 2015. Page 3 4.2 In order to comply with the requirements of Section 2 of the Local Government Act 1986, local authority support for the Gala has to be confined to the entertainment which is provided. 4.3 The anticipated total local authority support is £3,705 (including the £800 currently requested plus £2,500 from Derbyshire County Council and £405 from North East Derbyshire District Council) whereas the estimated cost of the entertainment is £4,950 (45.4% of the estimated total expenditure). In addition an element of the advertising, printing, and office expenses can also be charged to the entertainment expenses. 45.4% of the estimated advertising, printing and office expenses equates to £2,086. 4.4 The anticipated costs of this year's Gala show an estimated surplus of £2,883. This figure includes a balance from last year's Gala of £2,031. 4.5 Provision has been made in the current year's Council budget for a grant to a maximum of £800, including room hire. Any increase in the grant would require approval of a supplementary estimate by Cabinet. 4.6 The award of any grant will be subject to the requirement to complete monitoring information in accordance with the decision of Cabinet at Minute No. 217 (15th March, 2005). 4.7 No standard corporate issues are relevant to this report. 5.0 RECOMMENDATION 5.1 That consideration be given to the Trades Union Council’s request for financial assistance towards the cost of the 2015 May Day Gala. 6.0 REASON FOR RECOMMENDATION 6.1 To continue the Council's support for the May Day Gala. GERARD ROGERS LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND REGULATORY LAW MANAGER Page 4 You can get more information about this report from Brian Offiler, Committee and Scrutiny Coordinator, Democratic Services (345229). Officer recommendation supported/not supported/modified as below or Executive Member’s recommendation/comments if no officer recommendation. Signed Executive Member Date Page 5 This page is intentionally left blank Chesterfield Borough Council Application for Small Grant Aid 2015 The form should be completed in black ink or typed 1. CONTACT DETAILS Name of your Organisation or Group Chesterfield & District Trades Union Council Address c/o 34 Glumangate Chesterfield S40 1TX Main contact for Organisation or Group Title First Name Last Name Mr Hampton Colin Position held in Organisation or Group Treasurer Contact address (if different to the address above) Telephone 07870 387999 Fax Email [email protected] 01246 551529 Is your organisation a registered charity? If ‘Yes’ please quote the registration number: 2. THE SERVICE Please give a description of the service to be provided The Chesterfield & District TUC organises the May Day Gala on the May Bank Holiday in the Town Centre. There is a market for community organisations and entertainment in New Square and the Market Hall. The day traditionally has an international and cross cultural flavour. The grant will be used towards both entertainment on the platform in New Square and at the Market hall. What long term Council priorities will the service to be funded by the Council meet? Page 1 7 Please box(es) It will help to: A Sustainable Community – A flagship Sustainable Community by 2026. An Accessible, Equal and Cohesive Community – An inclusive Borough where everybody feels valued and has equal access to all local service and employment opportunities. A Living Community – Every household to have the opportunity of a decent home of their choice, which is affordable and accessible. A Working and Learning Community – A thriving economy in which everyone has the opportunity of a good quality job with access to the skills and training they need. A Safe, Healthy and Active Community – Everyone to be able to have a healthy lifestyle and to have a strong resilient cohesive community, safe from harm, with low crime rates and free from the fear of crime. What benefit will there be to Chesterfield residents and/or the area? If possible please also give an approximate percentage where there will also be a benefit to other people or other area(s) We expect that there will be at least 5000 people attending the gala at some point during the day. The vast majority will be from the Chesterfield Borough area. Will there be any others who benefit? If so please give details and approximate percentages if possible I would estimate that 40% will be from NE Derbys, Bolsover and beyond. Please describe the users of the service All ages, members of the public. Page 2 8 3. MONITORING & EVALUATION What are the outputs or targets sought? If possible, please give numbers, e.g. users, sessions, hours of service etc. Successful well attended gala Are there any significant stages or milestones during the year? If possible please list 3 significant stages of your work during the year. Booking entertainment Producing leaflets, programmes, posters. This year’s Gala falls on Monday May 4th What are the anticipated outcomes? Please describe the impact that your work will have We will provide a great day out for all within our community with an emphasis on the common issues that all are confronting on an international basis. Cultural activities will represent the international flavour of May Day. We will attract visitors to the town centre helping the local economy and sustaining employment. How will you monitor and evaluate your service? Chesterfield & District Trades Union Council will produce a report on the day’s events evaluating the activities. If the grant is being used to purchase equipment, please give details of where it will be kept and how its use will be controlled? It is not. Page 3 9 4. GRANT REQUESTED How much grant funding are you asking for from the Council for 2015? £ 800 (Total amount requested must not exceed £5,000) How much of this grant will be spent on the following items? Please give details of your budget for next year split between the amount of grant to be used for existing services and new services; please add comments if appropriate Existing Services New Services Comments Salaries (including National Insurance and pension) Please give details for each job title Staff recruitment Staff training and travel Volunteers training and expenses Rent, heat, light Room hire 750 Provision for market hall 50 entertainmant Telephone Printing & stationery Equipment & depreciation Repairs & maintenance Audit/independent examination Insurance Other Please give details Please give details of other confirmed or anticipated income or funding Please give details of income or funding for next year split between the amount to be used for existing services and new services; please add comments if appropriate Existing New Income or funding Please give details Comments Services Services 2500 Derbyshire County Council 405 North East Derbyshire District Council Have you applied to Chesterfield Borough Council for any other funding or income this financial year (20015/16)? If so, who from, what for and how much? Page4 10 This section should be completed by a person authorised to do so by the organisation I understand that the funding applied for is only to be used for the service described above I confirm that the information given in this form is accurate Signed: Name: Colin Hampton Date: 02/03/15 Treasurer CBC Office use only I have checked the application and all relevant information requested has been provided and is adequate. Signed: Name: Date: / / CONTRACT 1. Any grant awarded must be used exclusively by us for the purposes set out in this application. 2. No major change will be made to what we use the grant for or how we spend it. 3. Any grant from the Council cannot be used to pay for expenditure incurred or committed prior to the date of approval. 4. We will inform the Council of any changes to our Bank or Building Society Account. 5. We will acknowledge the Council’s grant in our annual report, our Chair’s or Secretary’s report at our AGM, the accounts which cover the period of the grant and in any publicity materials we produce about the work supported by the grant. We will supply copies of these documents to the Council on request. 6. The grant must be spent as per application and ensure that no part of the budget is spent on: - Anything contrary to legal rules about Council spending, - On any kind of commercial or trading enterprise, - On any kind of political or campaigning activity and, - To benefit sole individuals. 7. If we do not spend the entire grant we will promptly return the unspent amount to the Council. 8. We will take steps to monitor the success of the project and complete the Monitoring Report. 9. We will keep all financial records and accounts, including receipts for items purchased with the grant, for at least two years from payment of the grant. We will make these available to the Council on request. We understand that this does not release us from the Council to keep our records for longer periods. Page 5 11 10. These terms and conditions will prevail and remain in force so long as any grant funds remain unspent and until the Monitoring Report has been received and approved by the Council. Name: (Please write in capitals) Position: Signed: Date: / / This contract must be signed by the Chair, Treasurer or Secretary of the organisation. Page6 12 Chesterfield & District Trades Union Council - May Day Entertainment and Local Authority Contributions Actual 2014 Est 2015 Income Grant Aid Chesterfield Borough Council Derbyshire County Council NE Derbyshire District Council Total Grant Aid 800 2850 405 4055 800 2500 405 3705 Total Ents Income 4055 3705 Children's Entertainment Bouncy Castle Total Children's Entertainment 160 160 160 160 Insurance 253 253 300 400 700 300 250 400 950 Market Hall Total Hire of Market Hall/winding wheel 716 750 Motor Hire of Vehicles Petrol Total Motor 132 20 152 150 20 170 1000 600 200 450 100 2350 950 600 400 450 100 2500 Sundry St John Ambulance Total Sundry 562 562 580 580 Total Ent Expenses 4480 4950 Expenses Marching Bands Urban Gypsies Nottingham Samba Band Ireland colliery band Total Marching Bands New Square Entertainment Bleeding Hearts/Max Pasm Band Ducie/Ian Prowse Maia/Swamp Trash PA Ents Sundry Total Rykneld Square Entertainment Page 13 This page is intentionally left blank Page 15 Page 16
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