Alderman Ameya Pawar 47th Ward 2015 Block Party Request Form Date Submitted__________________________ Requester’s Name______________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number_____________________________________________________________________ Email Address_________________________________________________________________________ Alternate Contact (must have different address than above)__________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number_____________________________________________________________________ Email Address_________________________________________________________________________ Block Party Information Date of Block Party (1st Choice)____________________________________________________________ 2nd Choice (required)____________________________________________________________________ Start Time____________________________________________________________________________ End Time (no later than 10pm)____________________________________________________________ Street to be closed______________________________________________________________________ From* (ie: 2900)________________________________________________________________________ To* (ie: 2960)____________________________________________________________________ Comments or special instructions___________________________________________________ *Access to alleys must be kept open during the block party. 4243 N. Lincoln Ave. I Chicago, IL 60618 I Phone: 773-868-4747 I Fax: 773-549-4757 [email protected] I CHICAGO FIRE DEPARTMENT Special Events 3510 S. Michigan Ave 2nd FL Chicago, IL 60653 Return to 47th Ward Office Attn: Deputy District Chief Jeffrey Lyle Coordinator of Special Events I am requesting a C.F.D. fire truck or engine at the following event: TYPE OF EVENT: DATE: LOCATION: *ALDERMANIC WARD: TIME: CONTACT PERSON’S NAME: CONTACT PERSON’S PHONE NUMBER: *NOTE: ALDERMANIC WARD MUST BE COMPLETED I/we understand all C.F.D. equipment is considered “in service” meaning that should an emergency situation occur it will take priority, and C.F.D. will respond to that incident. The C.F.D. will not turn on fire hydrants or gives rides. Confirmation for block parties can no longer be provided. The C.F.D. will make every attempt to honor all Block party and special event request. Date Received CHICAGO JUMPING JACK INFLATABLE REQUEST FORM 2015 EMAIL APPLICATION TO: or MAIL APPLICATION TO: Initials Time Scheduled Initials [email protected] Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events 78 East Washington Street - 4th Floor, Chicago, IL 60602 OFFICE USE ONLY JUMPING JACK INFLATABLES ARE AVAILABLE ON A FIRST-COME-FIRST-SERVED BASIS SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS ONLY BEGINNING MAY 23, 2015 THROUGH AUGUST 30, 2015 Please note that rules and regulations have changed significantly for the season. RULES AND REGULATIONS. Please initial each rule. Applications will be accepted beginning at 9am on Wednesday, April 1, 2015 via email: [email protected] or fax: 312-742-2783 or in person at the Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE). No applications will be accepted PRIOR to this date. ____ 2. Inflatables will only be provided to residential block parties within the city limits of Chicago. Events on private property, in parks, in forest preserves, private parties, birthday parties, schools and festivals are not eligible to apply. ____ 3. Inflatables are for outdoor use only. ____ 4. Inflatables can only be set up on pavement, asphalt or concrete. ____ 5. Applicants will receive notification by email or phone on the status of their request. The contracted provider will call to set up deliveries. ____ 6. Approved block parties will receive an inflatable for (4) hours between the hours of 10am and 6pm on the scheduled day. Actual hours will be determined by availability. Only one inflatable will be delivered to a requesting block party. ____ 7. The requesting party will be required to provide a driver’s license or credit card information as a security deposit and designate an adult to sign for the inflatable upon arrival. If inflatable is damaged during use, the credit card provided will be charged for damage. Inflatables will not be dropped off without credit card information or a driver’s license and signature of a designated adult. ____ 8. The inflatable will not be set up during inclement weather (rain, high winds, etc.). ____ 9. The contracted inflatable company must be able to drive directly to the set up site. The inflatable cannot be transported manually. If the site is not accessible by vehicle, services will not be rendered. ____ 10. Generators are not provided. It is the responsibility of the requesting party to supply electrical power (120 watts) to operate the inflatable within 100 ft of the inflatable. ____ 11. All parked vehicles must be removed from the location of the inflatable. Applicants are responsible for securing all necessary street closure permits from the Aldermanic Office in that ward. ____ 1. PLEASE COMPLETE INFORMATION BELOW AND EMAIL TO: Jumping Jack Program - Email : [email protected] Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events, 78 East Washington Street - 4th Floor | Chicago, IL 60602 | Fax: 312-742-2783 Name of Applicant: On-Site Contact: (Name) Required* (Cell Phone) Required* (Home Address) Required* (Zip Code) Required* (Email) Required* Secondary On-Site Contact: (Name) Required* (Home Address) Required* (Cell Phone) Required* (Zip Code) Required* (Email) Required* Day and Date of Block Party: (Day of the Week) (Month) Ward in which Jumping Jack Inflatable is appearing: (Date) Approx.# of children attending: Required* Please estimate I certify that I am requesting a Jumping Jack Inflatable for a residential block party and have read each of the 2015 rules and regulations above. DCASE reserves the right to cancel this agreement if the rules are not met. Printed Name:__________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________Date: _________________ Required* Required*
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