Christ Church Downend & The Church Centre, Quakers Road

Christ Church Downend
& The Church Centre,
Quakers Road
12 April 2015 - Second Sunday of Easter
My Lord and My God
John 20:19
Holy Communion
Church Centre
Morning Worship
Parish Church
Celtic Evening Worship
(refreshments served
from 6pm) Parish Church
Pray for Events Team
Almighty Father,
you have given your only Son to die for our sins
and to rise again for our justification:
grant us so to put away the leaven of malice and
wickedness that we may always serve you
in pureness of living and truth;
through the merits of your Son Jesus Christ our
Lord, who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
New to Christ Church?
If you are here for the first time,
please do make yourself known to
others after the service and
complete one of our ‘Welcome’
If you have children, they can go
to an age specific group, so please
ask one of the Welcomers for
More details about the life of the
church can be found on the
If you would value prayer, please go to the
sanctuary (by the Altar) after the morning service.
If you would like to receive deeper prayer
ministry, please contact Pauline Pearce for an appointment on 0117
This Week
Monday 13April
Morning Prayer
Pray for those dealing with bereavement
Tuesday 14 April
09.00 - 3pm
Your PCC needs you
On Sunday 26th April after the 10.30 service,
we’ll be holding our Annual Parochial Church
Meeting (APCM) and electing people to various
positions of responsibility. The PCC is the key
governing and oversight body of the church and
works at its best when there is a full contingent
of church members.
It meets six times a year, receiving reports and
making decisions about the church’s vision,
finances, buildings, staffing and ways of
You can pick up a leaflet today detailing what
the role of a PCC member involves along with a
nomination form, which once completed needs
to be returned to the Parish Office.
Open Church including:
Morning Prayer
Guided Meditation
Building Prayer
Bristol Blue Glass - Dr F
Pray for Christian witness at work
Wednesday 15 April
Morning Prayer
Pray for teenagers facing peer pressure
Thursday 16 April
Holy Communion
Open Church
Pray for those battling addictions
Friday 17 April
Pray for Life Groups, Triads and Triplets
Saturday 18 April
09.45 to 12pm
How to have difficult
Pray for the Building 4 Life Project
We’re particularly keen to draw in new members
of all ages.
Sunday 19 April
Third Sunday of Easter
A big THANK YOU to everyone who sponsored
us on the "Sleep Out". You helped raise £600 for
the Crisis Centre Ministries - Denise & Andy
Tanzania Trotters
25 members of Christ Church are running the
Frenchay 10k today, 12th April at 11am in aid of
this summer’s trip – if you are able to sponsor
them, there are forms in the foyer.
Holy Communion
Parish Church
Morning Worship
Church Centre
Morning Worship
Parish Church
Holy Communion
Parish Church
Pray for Church Fellowship
Easter Lilies: A very big thank you to all
who donated money towards the Easter
Lilies. I hope you agree that the Church
looked splendid and is a wonderful way
to Praise our Lord. Thanks to the flower
arranging team for helping to display all
the beautiful flowers. Maggie Nichols Team Leader
Women’s Breakfast
Leading 4 Life: ‘Mastering the Art of
Crucial Conversations’
Shelley and Anita have sampled the
breakfast and it’s a winner!
Whether you simply ‘lead’ yourself, your
family, or others in the workplace or community, you are very welcome to join us as
we unpack an aspect of leadership
together on Saturday 18 April, 9.45am – 12
noon in the Youth Hub. If you would like to
attend please email:
[email protected]
General Election Hustings event being
hosted by Bridge Community Church at
Bradley Stoke Community School on
Sunday 12th April at 7pm. Candidates for
the Bradley Stoke and Filton ward which
includes much of Downend will be present.
Saturday 25 April 9.00am at The Lamb,
To book a place and hear Shelley
Peterson share about her work at the
Willow Tree Centre, family and faith,
contact Anita on 077523233950 or
[email protected]
Alpha 2015
A chance to ask the big questions, to
explore maters of faith in a safe
environment and discover more of the
depths of God’s love. Whether you
want to enquire about faith or you
need a refresher, Alpha is for you.
Come and find out more at the Alpha
Supper on Monday 27th April at
7.30pm, with the Alpha Course starting
on Monday 11th May. To find out more
you can talk to Paul Peterson, Jane
Harding, Mark Rich, Jane White or Deb
Turpin or you can go to the Alpha
An Evening With Jonnie Angel,
Wild Goose
Are you someone with a heart for supporting those who find themselves in more
vulnerable circumstances because of mental ill health, disabilities, general ill health,
ageing, frailty; those who have addictions, are homeless, have experienced failed
immigration, Carers and others?
What is on your heart for them? What do you ask of God in this season as a
community as we seek to live out a Vision of whole life discipleship for all and draw
all to salvation in Christ? Perhaps you feel ill equipped; not released to serve God as
you hope? Whatever your heart, you are invited to an evening shared with Jonnie
Angel, Wild Goose Drop In Centre Manager, Crisis Centre Ministries, Easton. Maybe
there is someone else of Christ Church you would like to invite and/or bring along?
Join us on Monday 20th April at 7.30pm to 9.00pm in Christ Church Foyer, with
drinks and biscuits available. Please let Andy Smith or me know if you would like to
join us (for those who have already confirmed there is no need to email us again).
Thanks Kathy Prosser, Ministry of Wholeness, PCC of Christ Church Downend Registered Charity No 1131689
The Craft Group would like to
thank everyone who buy our
greeting cards, especially the
Easter cards.
Every year we send a team of young people and
the young at heart from Christ Church Downend.
THE NOISE takes place over the May bank holiday
weekend, so this year it’s the 2nd and 4th May. We
So far this year we have raised
have fantastic fun, working together and helping
£181.21 for Mercy Ships.
out in some less fortunate communities. Please let
Gary or Diane know if you intend to join in as we
need to register those taking part. It’s about showing God’s love in practical ways. You
can do one or both days. Lifts are provided. It costs £5 to register and you will be given
a blue THE NOISE T-shirt. The Noise is cross generational volunteering, so it will be great
to see everyone! I can’t really express how enjoyable, worthwhile and meaningful THE
NOISE Weekend is. Please come along and find out for yourselves.
Cakes for Aquila
Some of you will have heard Claire Bell’s inspiring
message about the work of Aquila recently.
We would love to bless those doing the Aquila divorce
recovery course with cakes again this year. Could you
make a cake one Wednesday evening and bring to the
Youth Hub at 7.25pm (or we can arrange collection)?
If you are not a baker, how about committing to pray
for the team on one or more of those dates, from 7.20 to 7.50 pm as they prepare
and as people arrive?
The dates are as follows: 22 and 29 April, 6,13,20 and 27 May and 3 and 10 June
Please contact Anita on 07753233950 or [email protected] to
confirm which dates you can or cannot do.
Mothers' Union Annual Day Away - Wednesday June 10 2015
Join us for an Afternoon Cream Tea at the Larmer Tree Gardens, Salisbury.
The cost of this enjoyable day is £19 and includes travel, leaving from Cleeve Hill Extension at 09.15am and returning to Downend around 6pm.
To book please contact Joan Wynne Jones on 0117 9569161
Please email Sue Richardson on [email protected] by 6pm on Tuesday or
call 07584 281605 for items to be included in the pew sheet, thank you.
Contact the Parish Office on 0117 908 9867
email: [email protected]
Twitter: @ChristChDownend