C M H O R I R S T ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING T C H SUNDAY 26TH APRIL 2015 U at R 4.00 pm C E O N ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING A Annual Vestry Meeting - Election of churchwardens 1. Prayers 2. Minutes of last Meeting 3. Chairman’s remarks 4. Election of Wardens B Annual General Meeting 1. Opening Worship 2. Apologies for Absence 3. Minutes of last Annual General Meeting 4. Matters Arising 5. Christ Church Reports 6. Matters arising from Reports 7. Appointment of Auditors 8. Report on Electoral Roll 9. 9. Elections: 9.1 PCC members 9.2 Deputy Wardens 9.3 Sidespersons 10. Rector’s Report 11. Any other Business 12. Date of next Annual General Meeting CHRIST CHURCH MORETON PARROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL ANNUAL VESTRY MEETING Everyone was welcomed and the meeting was opened in prayer. Minutes of previous meeting These were accepted as a true record. Graham thanked Eileen and Angela for all their work as churchwardens during the year, it has been a very busy year in view of the 150th Anniversary celebrations and the building work carried out to the church. They have both worked extremely hard and thanks was expressed by all present. Election of Churchwardens Angela Hanton and Eileen Hughes were elected as churchwardens. Graham thanked them both and asked that we pray for them both in their ministry. The meeting was closed. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING PARROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL CHRIST CHURCH MORETON 6th April 2014 1. Opening Worship The meeting was opened in prayer and worship. Graham read from Proverbs 3. 2. Apologies Apologies were received from; Norman and Sylvia Clark, Ken Ashford, Mandy and Steve Smith, Nick and Ann Huggins, Alison Entwhistle, Sheila Farrington, Barbara Wilson, Bill and Jean Griffiths, Keith Culligan. 3. Minutes of last Annual General Meeting These were accepted as a true record. 4. Matters Arising There were no matters arising. 5. Christ Church Reports Graham said that all the reports should reflect our vision of being a WELL church. 5.1 Treasurer’s Report Lynda Jones presented the accounts to the meeting and reported that the monthly giving is increasing but we do still have a monthly shortfall. The work carried out on the church during the 150th anniversary has now been completed and paid for. Graham thanked Lynda and Ann Turner for all their work on the church accounts. The proposal to accept the accounts was made by Eileen Hughes and seconded by Barrie Smith 5.2 The Work of the PCC This included reports from the Churchwardens, PCC secretary, Pastoral Care Management Team and Support for Missions. Graham read the Policy Statement on Working with Children to the meeting. 5.3 Work with our Community This included reports from Open Church, Adult Training Centre, TLC, Christ Church School, the Food Bank and Sunningdale. 5.4 Work with Children and Families There were reports from Baby Bible Buddies, SOS, Toddlers, Sunday Club and NexGen. Phil Jones asked if there were any plans for the older children in Sunday Club. Graham reported that they older ones would help with the younger children in Sunday Club and also have some weeks where they received teaching. 5.5 Arts and Crafts This included reports from the Needlecraft and Hassock group, the Flower Arrangers, and the Craft Club. Graham thanked all involved with these groups for their hard work and commitment. 5.6 Outreach and Discipleship There were reports from Mothers and Others, Men’s Breakfast and Ladies Lunch. Graham said that this meeting helped us to appreciate the breadth of activities going on in church and we needed to be thankful for it. 6. Appointment of Auditor Graham thanked Jane Matthews for auditing the accounts and she agreed to continue. 8. Electoral Roll Report Eileen Hughes reported that there were now 121 on the electoral roll which was an increase from 117. 9. Elections 9.1 PCC members Graham thanked Bob Holmes, Steve Smith, Wendy Martindale and Beryl Blackman who had come to the end of their term on the PCC. He stated that it was important to have mature Christians on the PCC who could be responsible for driving the church forward. As there were 7 people nominated for 4 places an election was necessary. Jane Fisher, Martyn Hindle, Terry Hughes and Barry Smith were duly elected with Peter Bush occupying the vacancy for a year. 9.2 Deanery Synod Wendy Martindale and Beryl Blackman were duly appointed to the Deanery Synod. 9.3 Deputy Wardens Terry Hughes, Carol Allen and Beryl Blackman were willing to deputise as churchwardens. 9.4 Appointment of Sidespersons The meeting was willing to delegate the responsibility to the church wardens. 10. Rector’s report Graham provided a pictorial view of the last 150 years at Christ Church. He said that we have a lot to thank God for as the work on the church has made a tremendous difference. Visitors have commented on the decoration and warmth and we thank God that it is now paid for and the tithe was able to support the Family Pack Project and the Street Pastors locally. We were able to celebrate with the Bishop and by reaching out to our local community with the Give Away Day. It was encouraging to see new faces at our services and we need to ensure that they feel able to stay. We now have a joint service with the 9.00am and 10.45am services on the 5th Sunday and there is a new pattern of evening services. Although there is much to thank God for in 2014 there is still work to be done. Our vision is to be a WELL church and our 5 year vision is now 2 years towards the goal. • To deepen our commitment to Christ and to one another • • • To increase our relevance to the community of Moreton To respond with compassion to the needs of our community To develop our evangelism within the community and amongst friends. Graham said that the church functions due to the commitment of many people. He thanked Eileen for the way she had steered the church through the building programme. He also thanked Lynda and Ann for their work on the accounts and Doreen and Edna who help. Graham thanked Bob and Pam Holmes who organise the music for the 10.45am service, as well as those who clean, arrange flowers and look after the churchyard. He also mentioned that there is now a need for a PCC secretary as Clair Culligan wishes to step down in order to be able to fully concentrate on the Family Pack Project. There is a continuing financial challenge as although the house in Kinnerton Close is sold, money needs to be ring fenced for a new curate. Debbie Stott is joining us on a part time basis in the summer and hopefully we will have a full time curate the following year. The huge challenge is in our commitment to children and young people. We need to pray about it as to how to nurture them and to pray for Christ’s glory in this community. We have various activities which bring us into contact with people such as Toddlers, Christ Church School, Rainbows and we need to pray as to how best we can develop this link. We have TLC, the Food Bank and the Family Pack Project which reach out to our local community and we need to discern what the Lord is calling us to do. Developing our evangelism within the community and amongst friends is a huge challenge; this is borne out by statistics which show that the number of people who have never been to church is becoming higher. Our themed verse is “trust in the Lord and lean not on our own understanding” Therefore we need to trust in Him and look to Him for direction in our lives. He has given us all we need and we have to be available to do His work. Trusting in the Lord means submitting to Him, when we do that there will be fruit and His church will be built up. 11. Any other Business Richard Kells thanked Graham for all that he is doing at Christ Church and encouraged him to keep going. We are blessed to have him as our Rector. 12. Date of next A.G.M. Sunday 26th April 2015 Annual Report Members of the Parochial Church Council from 1st January 2014 to 31st December 2014: Revd Graham Cousins (ex-officio) Revd Debbi Stott (ex-officio) (from 29th June 2014) Mrs Angela Hanton (re-elected 6th April 2014) Mrs Eileen Hughes (re-elected 6th April 2014) Secretary Mrs Clair Culligan (until 13th May 2014) Mr Richard Kells (from 13th May 2014) Treasurer Mrs Lynda Jones Other members: Mrs Carol Allen Mrs Beryl Blackman (Deanery Synod member elected 6th April 2014) Mrs Doreen Bryce Mr Peter Bush (elected 6th April 2014, resigned 12th July 2014) Mrs Jane Fisher (elected 6th April 2014) Mrs Lynn Hindle Mr Martyn Hindle (elected 6th April 2014) Mr Bob Holmes (retired 6th April 2014) Mr Terry Hughes (elected 6th April 2014) Mr Phil Jones Mrs Wendy Martindale (Deanery Synod member elected 6th April 2014) Mr Barrie Smith (elected 6th April 2014) Mr Steve Smith (retired 6th April 2014) Mrs Anne Turner Rector Curate Wardens Bankers: Santander CAF Bank Custodian Trustee: Chester Diocesan Board of Finance Christ Church and Public Benefit Christ Church Moreton PCC is a Christian charity which undertakes a variety of activities in Moreton with wide ranging public benefit. The individual sections of this report explain in some detail the activities that take place (with statistics where available) and these provide public benefit in one or more of the following areas: • The Christian faith provides a religious, moral and ethical framework. Christ Church PCC and the members of Christ Church seek to explain this faith to people in the parish and to live it out in their lives. • The PCC maintains the parish church as a place of worship in the town and has regular services of worship, mainly on Sundays and in addition on special occasions in the church’s year, for example Christmas and Easter Week. The church is open most lunch times during the week for visiting and private prayer. • The parish centre is maintained to supplement the church building in the provision of facilities for social care and outreach (eg TLC, Tea Bar/Lighthouse and various clubs) and for teaching the Christian faith. • Christ Church is available and well used for weddings, funerals and wedding blessings. The churchyard, though having no new burial plots or space available in the Gardens of Remembrance, is still open for burials and for the interment of cremation ashes in existing plots. • Christ Church helps to provide moral and spiritual education of children both by helping manage and provide spiritual instruction for Christ Church voluntary aided school (where the rector is the chair of governors) and by running Sunday school and mums and toddlers groups. • The church and its members try to carry out Jesus Christ’s teaching to provide for those in need through giving away part of its income, by organising collections for relief charities and by providing assistance for local needs such as the homeless. The church has a ‘drop in’ tea bar during term time to provide a friendly face and refreshments to local people. The church also provides work placements for people from the local adult education unit. • The church has a pastoral care team which undertakes hospital and sick visiting and visits and assists those who are bereaved. A special service is held annually for those families bereaved during the year. The church also runs groups to help particular social care concerns. • The church is also aware of working in Moreton and strives to ensure that its activities do not cause problems for people living in the area. Essentially everything that is done at Christ Church is open to anyone who wishes to partake. Some areas of work, for example the toddler group, are necessarily limited to certain groups of people, but anyone who falls into such a group (subject to space being available) is welcome. Some parts of church services (such as taking communion bread and wine) are restricted to members of faith, but all are welcome to attend and partake in all services. Although most of those who benefit from the PCC’s work live or work in the Moreton area, some beneficiaries are overseas (eg the recipients of mission donations) or in other parts of the UK (eg UK societies assisted). Most of those carrying out the church’s activity are volunteers whose benefits from the activity are incidental to their work. The Rector and curate receive stipends on a national scale and adequate housing for the work they do in the parish, but again the benefits are necessary for the proper running of the church and are incidental. The PCC are aware of the general guidance on public benefit published by the Charity Commission and this is taken into account in planning and operating the churches activities. RECTOR’S REPORT This booklet of annual reports covers many aspects of the life and mission of Christ Church. But it is important to look back over other important areas of our life together. Christ Church is a worshipping community. We have a regular pattern of worship services each week. These are Sundays — 9am — traditional service, 10.45am — family oriented service, 6.30pm - evening service. Average Sunday attendances are 130. In addition there are special services around festivals such as Lent, Easter and Christmas. Occasionally services are combined with other churches in Wallasey Deanery and with other denominations in Moreton. Though the services are managed primarily by the clergy, Christ Church has a tradition of involving members of the congregation in worship in such roles as leading all or part of the service, reading lessons, and leading prayers. A small ‘Preachers and Leaders team’ met regularly to plan sermon series’ and other aspects of our services, as well as other teaching programmes within the church. We are also blessed with gifted musicians and singers who lead the music in our 10.45 am and 6.30 pm services, and greatly enhance our worship. Sadly our organist at 9.00 am, Vera McCaskell, retired in February. We do owe her a great debt of gratitude for her faithful service to us over many years. Since her retirement, music at the 9.00 am service has been digital. We also have a Prayer Ministry team, members of which are available after every service. Christ Church also hosts services for local schools, especially around Christmas – in December 2014 over 1000 children and adults attended school carol services in church. The church is used for funerals, weddings and wedding blessings, and thanksgivings for the birth of a child. In 2014 our clergy (assisted by local retired clergy) conducted 43 funerals (13 of which took place in Christ Church). We also conducted weddings and 18 services of thanksgiving for the birth of a child. Christchurch graveyard is also used for burials and interment of cremation ashes. I would also like to express my thanks to those who serve behind the scenes. Angela Hanton and Eileen Hughes cover so much work looking after the organisational side of the church and the buildings. Our treasurer Lynda Jones, with assistant treasurer Anne Turner, has worked tirelessly to keep our finances secure. To them, and to so many others, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks. An annual report also gives the opportunity to look back on key events in the past year. 2014 was notable for the arrival of our new curate, Revd. Debbi Stott, and her husband Ian. We were also invited by Chester Diocese to take part in ‘Lead Academy’ – a programme for small teams from churches aimed at equipping churches to work for growth. I would like to thank Phil Jones and Rich Kells for joining me on this. One of the first results of this has been the work our PCC has done on our purpose statement – that Christ Church exists for the purpose of ‘making disciples, growing disciples, and being disciples.’ 2014 also saw the development of our ‘Family Pack Project.’ Alongside our work as a distribution Centre for Wirral Food Bank, it has been encouraging to see many people being willing to get involved with helping to fulfil our aim of responding with compassion to the needs of our community. Graham Cousins TREASURER’S REPORT 2014 ACCOUNTS The church accounts, and accompanying notes are included with this report. 2014 has been a very positive year in terms of finance for Christ Church, we have seen a very stable position throughout the year, and this has resulted from a combination of increased giving and a reduction in some expenses. General funds 2014 showed a positive position for the first time in many years and we are truly thankful for God’s blessing • the total income for the year was £88,244 (Up by £7,352 on 2013) • with the expense being £74,483 (Down by £4,294 on 2013) • Total surplus of £7,619 The PCC tithe the income of the church and this is donated to missions around the world as well as our local community. Restricted funds These are funds which have been received for a specific purpose and can only be spent for that purpose. There has been no significant movement in this account Designated Funds These are funds which the PCC have designated for a specific purpose, but can be used for another purpose with the permission of the PCC. There has been no significant movement in this account; the balance is made up from money received from the sale of 9 Kinnerton close and the annual Tithe. I would like to thank everyone who gives generously of their time to help keep church expenses low. I would also like to thank Doreen Bryce in her role as Planned giving officer and Anne Turner as assistant treasurer, their help is very valuable to me. Can I encourage you all to continue to pray in relation to the church finances, that our current stability may continue and that the PCC would continue to be prayerful and diligent in their handling of all the money the church receives. Lynda Jones Treasurer CHURCH WARDEN’S REPORT I’m glad to say that 2014 has been a quieter year and given us time to get our breaths back after a hectic 2013. We had hoped that we would be able to complete phase two of works to be done, by installing a new audio system and carpet, and although we didn’t manage to get the new carpet we do have the new audio system comprising of a state of the art screen and projector, and what a difference this has made to our viewing of words and pictures and it has also meant that with the removal of the old screen we can now see the other lovely wooden commandment board which has been hidden for so long. In 2013 we became involved with the Family Pack project which continues to be of great help to those in need, but then in 2014 we launched the Family Pack Project which is unique to Christ Church, this project goes much further than providing food, it provides daily essential and household needs both for adults and children and we do this four times a year, this project like food bank helps us to show both The Lord’s and our love for the community and those in need. This year has also seen the formation of a new committee known as the FAB committee, (Facilities and Building), through this committee we hope to sort out not only maintenance of church and parish centre and grounds, but also to address the nitty gritty areas i.e. health and safety, fire safety, cleaning, decorating and electrical to name but a few, and our thanks go to those who agreed to be part of this committee. Our grateful thanks also to our sides people, our flower arrangers, our church cleaners and our two diligent parish centre cleaners who all do a great job, and last but certainly not least we must not forget to mention our office manager and those who volunteer to help in the office, thank you all. We pray that the Lord will continue to bless and protect us as we serve Him and give Him our thanks and praise. (Psalm 145 v3) God Bless Eileen and Angela PCC SECRETARYS REPORT PCC members, both existing and those new in April, have met every 2 months with each subcommittee meeting more frequently. A brief report is prepared after each PCC meeting to inform members of the congregation what has been happening with the business and governance functions at Christ Church. There has been significant time and prayer given to defining our church vision, which was one of the actions to come out of our involvement with “Lead Academy.” The PCC is still working on sharing our vision to make, grow and be disciples across all aspects of what goes on Christ Church. This will involve our future leadership structure, engaging the gifts of new people and growing them in various ministries. Each committed member of Christ Church will also be a growing disciple and facilitating this continues to be a PCC priority. The fruit of our new structure can be seen elsewhere in this report with the formation of our FAB committee, facilities and buildings. We continue to pray and need prayer for the leadership and governance structure within Christ Church and all members of the PCC. It has been very encouraging to see the PCC working together in 2014 and I pray that we continue in 2015 to glorify God through Jesus in all we do. Rich Kells Policy Statement on Children, Young People and the Parish Church of Christ Church, Moreton.. This statement was agreed at the PCC meeting held on: 17th March 2015 • It will be read out to at least one PCC meeting each year, where progress in implementing it will be monitored. • As members of this church, we commit ourselves to the nurturing, protection and safekeeping of all, especially children and young people • It is the responsibility of each one of us to prevent the physical, sexual and emotional abuse of children and young people and to report any abuse discovered or suspected • We recognise that our work with children and young people is the responsibility of the whole church • Our church is committed to supporting, resourcing and training those who work with children and young people and to providing supervision • Our church is committed to following the guidelines and procedures published by the Diocese • The parish will adopt good practice guidelines • Each worker with children and young people must know the guidelines and undertake to follow them. Each shall be given a copy of the Parish's agreed procedures and Good Practice guidelines As part of our commitment to children and young people, the PCC has appointed ANGELA HANTON to be the Child Protection Coordinator. • Children and Young People are an important part of our Church today • They have much to give as well as to receive • We will listen to them • As we nurture them in worship, learning, and in community life, we will respect the wishes and feelings of Children and Young People MISSIONARY SUPPORT Tithe from 2013 giving With the balance with the money brought forward from 2012 the total amount in the Missionary Fund is £6374.93. The Missionary Committee prayed for wisdom on the way we would share this money out. It was decided to give the following amounts to: Merseyside Youth Ipusikilo Tear Fund Barnabus Trust Wycliffe Translators Open Doors Bible Society Samaritan’s Purse Family Pack Project Wirral Foodbank MAF Bible Networks Richard Samples Christian Institute Christian Bookshop Ark Simeons Trustees Foxhill Total 1000.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 500.00 500.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 10.00 £6310.00 This leaves us with a balance of Merseyside Christian Youth Camp Orphanage Christ Church supports in Uganda Work in Syria Work in Iraq Missionary Aviation Fellowship YWAM on hold £74.93 A little news about the work of our Missionary Societies that we support. Please pray for the people who work for these Societies. Merseyside Christian Youth Camps, enable youngsters to have a week’s holiday and enjoy having fun and learning about Jesus. The camp is also let out to Church organisations, for weekends away. In the past we have supported new buildings for the girls and in November 2014 we enjoyed our own Church Weekend away there. We have already booked to go again in November 2015. Ipusikilo, is a Christian organisation that builds and runs homes for the youngsters to live in and they have a mother and father figure looking after them. Tear Fund is a Christian organisation that works worldwide with different countries who have need of aid caused by famine, war, emergency disasters. They also help people to learn how to grow crops and provide clean water for villages. Barnabas Trust helps persecuted Christians all over the world. Enabling them to have access to Bibles in their own language an to support them with other needs. Wycliffe Translators they translate the Bible into many thousands of languages to enable people to read the word of God wherever they live in the world. Open Doors works with persecuted Christians and we asked them to use it in Syria as this country is in so much turmoil. They help by providing supplies and also Bibles so that the Church can continue to survive. Bible Society works with Christian churches by providing help and support. They provide Bibles and support to the poor and needy in all parts of the world translated into their own language. We asked them to put this money towards Canon White’s work in Iraq. Samaritan’s Purse is the organisation that collects and sends out the shoe boxes for children in poorer countries each Christmas. This is a very special gift that we provide for the children all over the world. Wirral Foodbank This is a project to provide three days food for short term needy people who are in financial difficulties. The person needs a valid voucher which is provided by authorised people i.e. School Nurse, health professional. We hold two Foodbank sessions, run by volunteers on Tuesday evenings 6.00 p.m. – 7.30 p.m. and Fridays 2.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. at Christ Church Parish Centre. Family Pack Project This is a project that is run by our fellowship on a quarterly basis were the Church give out packs of clothing and household projects to needy families. It is run on the same basis as the Wirral Foodbank and the families need to have a voucher from a health professional, school or other authorised places. Missionary Aviation Fellowship is a scheme were small planes are used to get to otherwise unaccessable places in the world that need medical equipment or a health professional, teaching materials both Christian and secular. Bible Networks This is a society who gets Bibles and Bible texts to people who live in countries where they are persecuted. Christian Networks is a society that fight for the moral rights of Christians to practice their beliefs as written in the Bible and they lobby ministers at government with important issues. Christian Bookshop is a local bookshop in Birkenhead to help towards keeping the shop ope, thus enabling people to buy Christian resources locally. ARK The ARK is a safe place for homeless people to stay over-night and get a good hot meal. It is based in Birkenhead so it is a locally based charity that we are supporting. Simeons Trustees This Trust is lots of churches Benefactor, and along with the Parish Council in helping with the appointment of a new Rector whenever the benefice is vacant. This donation helps with the Trustees expenses for all such appointments under their sphere. Foxhill This is a Conference Centre owned by the Diocese of Chester and we pay an annual donation to help with their administration costs, to keep us informed of any Courses we would like to attend. Youth With A Mission We are looking into maybe supporting Richard Sampler in some small part, who wishes to go out to Siberia to work with YWAM. A small amount of money has been put aside from 2014s tithe if we do support his work. Angela Hanton and Eileen Hughes (Churchwardens) WORK WITH OUR COMMUNITY PASTORAL CARE MANAGEMENT TEAM Christ Church Pastoral Care Management Team meet monthly to discuss the pastoral needs of the church family together with the appropriate needs of the community of Moreton. The team consists of seven members of the congregation with direct contact to pastoral facilities within the church. As well as the immediate care to be given to the sick and housebound, the well being of others in need are considered. The outreach commitment covers Bereavement follow-up, T.L.C. Open Church, Service Users from Moreton Training Centre, Foodbank and Family Pack Project with suggestions for further development. In order to fulfil the role, the team ask for constant prayer, that they may be given the spiritual strength to serve people in need. The team would like to request, that you, the congregation of Christ Church, are the “eyes & ears” within the community and that you would bring any pastoral concern to their attention. God bless you all. Beryl Blackman THE OPEN CHURCH PROJECT The ‘Open Church’ project was started in September 2005 with the aim to make available free access to God’s House other than during regular services. The church is open 12 noon to 1.00 pm Monday to Friday for all the community seeking Quiet, Meditation and/or Prayer. There is no formal agenda unless prayers are requested by the visitors. For security reasons the project is staffed by a team of volunteers known as ‘Guardians’. There are at least two people on duty at all times. The church has limited Police surveillance during the hour. The announcement of this facility is made available through the “Newsletter” within the church also as part of ‘Bereavement follow-up’ and within the “Moreton Messenger” quarterly. As the project is intended to be on a personal basis there is very little ‘feed back’ or testimony but 145 people came to the church in 2014. Annually the Guardians have an ‘Away Day’ with the Sisters of Jesus Way, West Kirby to strengthen and give spiritual guidance and reassurance and also to discuss domestic arrangements. Thanks and appreciation must be extended to the family of Christ Church and the Guardians for their hard work, support and prayers. Please keep us in your prayers. Beryl Blackman MORETON ADULT TRAINING CENTRE Moreton Training Centre is a training centre for adults with learning difficulties which follows the Social Service policy of “Service Users doing voluntary work within the community.” Christ Church has a long standing commitment of supporting this policy and having ‘Service Users’ within the Church, Graveyard and Parish Centre doing voluntary work. These duties include office work, kitchen work, helping within Toddler Group, maintenance work within Graveyard and car park area. Due to Social Service cut backs the larger Training Centre of some 136 service users has been closed and a smaller unit of 44 service users has been re-sited which has reduced the number of helpers coming to Christ Church. To date there are approximately 12 service users taking an active part in the daily running of the church; they are supported by staff from the Training Centre together with a Christ Church Liaison Officer. Moreton Training Centre and the service users would like to thank Christ Church for their ongoing support and understanding particularly during the difficult transitional period. Beryl Blackman FOODBANK The foodbank has now been up and running at Christ Church for a full 12 months . From 1st Jan 2014 to 31st December 2014 we have fed a total of 198 children and 422 adults, a total of 620 people. The total fed for all Wirral Foodbanks is 7,984 Adults and 4480 children, total of 12,464 people. This figures shows how much we need the Foodbank here in Moreton, God has put us all in the privileged position to be able to meet and help these people, we have had the opportunity to talk and pray with people and also invite them along to services and other events going on in church. We have a great team of 25 people, people who meet the Foodbank team often express how friendly and welcoming the team are, we would like to thank them for all their hard work and dedication throughout the year, it would not be possible to run the Foodbank without you. We would like to ask everyone to continue to pray for the Foodbank, pray for protection for the team, pray for good health, pray for wisdom and understanding when dealing with customers and pray most of all that people will see the love of the Lord through us. Mandy and Jane FAMILY PACK PROJECT We began the Family Pack Project in April 2014 in order to reach out to disadvantaged families in our community who are unable to afford the basic essentials. We give vouchers to the various agencies who work with these families, such as local schools, health visitors, medical centres and Early Years centres. The voucher holders give out the vouchers to the families in need who bring them along to our Family Pack Day in order to claim their pack. The packs contain basic essentials such as washing powder, washing liquid, toilet rolls, shampoo, soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes. There are also baby packs if there is a very young child in the family which contain nappies and wipes. We also include information about church activities and a publication containing information about the gospel. When the families come to the Parish Centre to collect their pack they are also able to choose adult and children’s clothing as well as toys and bedding. We have had extremely positive feedback from the families and the voucher holders and over the last year have held 3 Family Pack Days. The numbers have progressively increased on each occasion and since April we have been able to help 105 families including 153 adults and 181 children. We have a wonderful team of people from church who help us on the Family Pack Days and also when we need to sort our stock. We are very blessed to have them and thank them for their continued and valuable help, without which we could not operate the project. We thank God for the way he has helped us to resource this project, through financial grants and everyone’s generosity. It has enabled us to show God’s love to the people in our community who are struggling and often forgotten. God Bless Clair Culligan and Jane Fisher TLC TLC meets at the Parish Centre every Monday afternoon between 1pm and 3pm. It is hosted by a small team from Christ Church and offers a friendly, no pressure environment, in which visitors can relax, unwind and find people who will listen. TLC has been open for almost 7 years and we now have a group of ‘regulars’ who have found that TLC has helped them in all sorts of circumstances. We continue to attract new visitors and do our best to help people feel welcome and valued. People seeking out ‘TLC’ are often affected by the following: • Loneliness • Depression • Bereavement • Cares and worries for an elderly relative • Isolation • Stress/anxiety • Family difficulties • Relationship issues The list goes on.... We try our best to point people in the right direction if they need advice in a particular area, support groups, or relevant organisations. TLC is held in the ‘Drop in’ area of the Parish Centre. Each week we offer tea/coffee and cakes and accept donations to cover our costs. The general age range of those who attend TLC is between 40 and 85, but it remains open for all over 16’s. On average we receive 12-16 visitors weekly. Visitors are able to stay for as little or long as they wish. If private listening is required then we ask our visitors to tell a team member so that this can be arranged in a quieter area. Prayer is also available if requested. Our numbers have remained consistent throughout the year as some cease attending as need lessens and others join us. We have been encouraged by the developing friendships amongst those who come along. In the main, TLC offers a weekly slot that helps to alleviate a little of the loneliness and isolation that we can all experience at times in our lives. Visitors are regularly informed of social activities and other events organised by the wider church. Some of our TLC visitors have attended the monthly ‘Ladies Lunch’ and have found it helpful in establishing and developing friendships. The Men’s breakfast, Quizzes, Dances, Christmas meal, Carol services and day trips out are also advertised. Barbara Nelson continues to keep us entertained as the organiser of the weekly quiz slot at TLC. Generally this is held just after 2pm, as we pit our wits (Ladies versus the Gentlemen). This often has us laughing as it brings out not only our competitive sides but enables us to interact well. It is always lovely to see new faces at TLC. We would love to see more of our church members pop in, if only to understand how TLC functions and to sample our refreshments. Lynn Hindle and Tommy Allen (TLC Team leaders) WORK WITH CHILDREN/FAMILIES S.O.S. S.O.S. meets on Tuesdays during term times. It is an informal time which is open to any children with their parents / carers. We meet after school; on arrival the children enjoy themselves and let off steam by playing games, while the parents / carers have a drink and a time to chat. After this we always have a Bible story, followed by some craft around the theme of the Bible story. Through most of the year we have had several children with their families who have no other church connection, as well as 5 families who are connected with church. S.O.S. welcomes all children with their parents / carers to join us at any time. Gwen Cousins TODDLER GROUP Toddler group is an important link with the community, last year we tried to develop the Christian ethos of the group and this has continued via: • • • • Welcome packs for newcomers containing a Toddler Group information leaflet and pamphlet on activities that go on throughout the week within the church, also a child friendly book about Jesus and our annual memory verse is included. Each week we sing a song carrying the message of Jesus. Occasionally the craft is related to biblical stories such as Noah’s Ark and we put out colouring sheets with bible verses on. Rev Cousins continues to come in once a term to sing with the children and tell them bible stories and at Christmas we were given a Toddler Group service of our very own. The parents/carers are invited to special events and services at church such as the Christingle, Christmas and Easter services. At Easter the children are given treat baskets with ‘Jesus is Alive’ on and at Christmas, books of the Christmas story are handed out as presents. Children from 0-pre-school age are welcome. The majority age of children attending is around 12 months old to 3 years old, most arrive with mums or grandmothers but occasionally we have a few dads and child minders and two child minders that come regularly. Tuesdays seem to be the busiest with an average of 16-20 attending each week and since just before Christmas we saw an increase on the Monday going from 8-12 each week to 12-16. Those who lead and help at toddler group appreciate all the prayer and support that is given. Please continue to pray that we serve the Lord well by showing his love and sharing his word with all those who come to the group. Thank you. Alison Entwistle SUNDAY CLUB Sunday Clubs meet on Sundays during term time, and have up to 12 children and young people most Sundays, ranging from 3-13 years old. We are grateful to God for these children, as many churches have virtually no children’s work. But having them does put a big responsibility on us as a church to teach and nurture them. We have 8 leaders, who take it in turns to teach the children. Sadly illness meant that Wendy Martindale had to stand down as a leader this year – we hope that she will be able to re-join us in the future. Our format has changed since last year’s report. We no longer meet as 4 different groups, but as one group of mixed ages. The aim of Sunday Club remains the same – to teach children Bible Stories, and how to put the teaching of the Bible into practice in their everyday lives. Most of our children come from church families, but we do welcome those whose families otherwise have little contact with church. Gwen Cousins RAINBOWS AND BROWNIES We have 10 Rainbows and 16 Brownies at the moment in our three groups. We are hoping to gain more as the year goes on. We meet weekly, term time. Each of the groups do things in their own right, games and craft in their unit meetings. They can also get together to go on outings, parties etc. Every January both groups along with other groups in the district start the year by going to the Floral Pavilion to a pantomime, this year it was Cinderella. The Rainbows last year did a sponsored silence for the Family Project Pack. Our Brownies also collected things for the Project. Brownies also had the community police to talk to them about their radios, and a lady to teach them sign language. The Wednesday Brownies had the fire engine and a talk by the fire men. Brownies last year was a special year as they celebrated 100 years of Brownies doing plenty of activities together along with other units in the Wirral and North West. The start of the year was a film show at New Brighton to see Frozen. We also had a duck dash race in Birkenhead Park. Our two units joined together in May for a Pack Holiday at Hadlow Fields Willaston. We also took over Chester Zoo for a couple of days. To finish the 100 year celebrations off in October I organised a joint party with Paulsfield and had a magician to entertain us all. Jackie Spraggett ARTS AND CRAFTS FLOWER ARRANGERS The Flower Arrangers – a number of ladies from within the congregation of Christ Church take up the task of keeping the Church decorated with flowers throughout the year. Apart from the four major festivals – Mothering Sunday – Easter – Harvest Festival & Christmas when all the arrangers join together to meet the task of decorating the entire Church, a six weekly rota ensures two arrangers take responsibility for the flowers on the pulpit and in the porch. It is not essential to have professional experience as within a friendly atmosphere the ladies feel they are free to complete their own design or arrangement using the God given skills they have. Some ladies feel the skill is beyond them but they do valuable work removing distressed or dead flowers and foliage. Should you feel, on reading this, you would like to join the Flower Arrangers, please contact the Treasurer via the Clergy. The Treasurer would like to take this opportunity to thank the congregation for their very generous donations at Easter and Harvest Festival towards the flowers. God’s blessing with you. Beryl Blackman CRAFT CLUB The Craft Club is very small with four ladies at the moment where we make cards for all occasions, talk, swap ideas and just have a wonderful afternoon relaxing in each other’s company. It costs £1 a week for any craft stuff we need and we have tea or coffee. Pauline Williams BUILDING THE CHURCH – OUTREACH & DISCIPLESHIP HOME GROUPS We are blessed by having at least 6 housegroups, each group has about 5 to 7 in each group and meets hopefully once a week, sometimes that’s not always possible with one thing and two others. One group meets Tuesday afternoon, and another group meet Tuesday nights and the other 4 meet Wednesdays. We have had some really good studies which Graham has done for us all and being with one another folk can ask questions which sometimes others can answer. Also it is getting to know one another a little better and at least we can share and most importantly pray for each other and their needs and concerns. Carol Allen MOTHERS AND OTHERS There are eight members who attend Mothers and Others and we all love Friday morning where we can come, relax, have a good chat and laugh. We have two meals booked and planning some days out. It is a group that really support one another in good times and bad. If you would like to know more please speak to Pauline. Pauline Williams MEN’S BREAKFAST Men’s breakfast is now in its sixth year at Christ Church, as men we meet on the 3rd Saturday of each month and enjoy a very sumptuous full English breakfast, men’s fellowship and a themed talk by an invited guest. In 2014 we had a series called ‘9 Bible truths in a year’ Once again we were fortunate to have been well supported by speakers from a number of other churches across the Wirral as well as our very own Graham, Richard and Phil. Our Saturday morning fellowship continues to be well supported with an average attendance of 22 men each month including regular visitors from Moreton Baptist church. In 2015 we will be changing the format of men’s breakfast slightly so we can continue to grow in faith with each other as men of Christ Church. Thanks to all the team who help prepare and cook the breakfast each month. Steve Smith LADIES LUNCH Meet Friends, Take Friends, Make New Friends…. The Ladies Lunch is a great place to come and meet up with other members of the congregation who you don’t often see, due to us having the opportunity to worship at three different services. It’s a great place to take friends who wouldn’t normally attend church, for them to find out that we’re a friendly bunch and relatively normal! It’s a great place to come and hear what amazing things Our Father God is doing in the lives of ordinary women; to be encouraged, motivated and inspired. To take time for yourself, relax and have someone else make your lunch. We have now been meeting for over a year and are gradually fine tuning things so that the lunch runs smoothly. We meet at 12 noon in the Parish centre for approximately 2 hours, we aim to run a lunch every third Saturday of the month (the same day as The Men’s Breakfast) We have 9 meetings a year taking a break in April, August and December. Last November we joined up with the Men’s Breakfast group and had A Curry/Take Away evening. It was a great opportunity for us all to meet together (and check out how the men ran things!) We start with tea, coffee and a chat, have lunch, then listen to a speaker. At the end there is an opportunity to have prayer from members of Christchurch Ministry team. Last year we heard about the role of a Street Pastor, a Community midwife, The Foodbank, and TLC amongst other topics. In January, some of the ladies from Moreton Baptist church came along, when one of their ladies came to tell us about her and her husband’s work in Uganda. In March we shall be hearing from one of our younger church members telling us about God’s plans in her life and the twists and turns along the way. We have a core group of helpers who lovingly prepare the lunch and clear up, a big thank you to you all. We are always eager to recruit new volunteers to bake, prepare lunch or wash a few dishes. We have a regular attendance of approximately 25 women, most of us live busy lives and we understand that some months other plans have to come first. You are always welcome and it will be good to see you however often you are able to come along. Thank you. Sheila Farrington
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