CHRIST CHURCH CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL Baker Street Weston-super-Mare North Somerset BS23 3AF Headteacher: Mr Clive Wilson Tel: (01934) 620738 Fax: (01934) 622398 E-mail: [email protected] 8 May 2015 Dear Parents PERSONAL BESTS! Another great week with lots of children achieving personal bests! Well done to the following who received certificates: Reception – Jayden for showing great improvement with letter recognition and sounds. Year 1 – Dylan for super maths investigation work. Year 2 – Agatha who always tries her best and works hard on her handwriting. Year 3 – Courtney who shows increased confidence and ability in Maths! Year 4 – Leo for using a lovely descriptive opening paragraph. Year 5 – Eden for making huge improvement in his sentence construction. Year 6 – Paris for excellent focus in all her tasks! ROARY Year 3 have done really well this week with managing to arrive at school on time and also for the least number of absences! Roary the Lion will be staying in their class this week! SATS Just to remind you that the Y6 tests take place week beginning on Monday, 11 May. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday - Reading Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Maths Maths It is very important that your child attends school to sit them. It will be a tiring week and in order to support the children it would be helpful if you could ensure that they get a good night’s sleep, have a sustaining breakfast and arrive at school in good time so they are not anxious about being late. For those who are a little nervous, they can bring a small teddy (or equivalent) for company during the tests. Also, for SATs week, we will offer our Year 6s a cereal bar and juice when they arrive at school. If you do not wish your child to have this option, please let the school office know. BOOK FAIR Our annual Book Fair will be returning to school on Thursday, 14 May! The Book Fair will be open after school every day and you are welcome to come and browse from the selection of books provided. Every child purchasing a book will be given a raffle ticket and at the end of the Book Fair we will be choosing 5 tickets. The winners will be given the opportunity to choose a book to the value of £5! We have been promised a great selection of books again this year and hope you are able to come along. If anyone is able to help with the Book Fair after school please see Mrs Foote in the school office. Thank you! KILVE COURT Kilve Court is a Residential Education Centre situated at Kilve, near Bridgwater. They run a variety of courses throughout the year for children of various ages. They are holding a Family Open Day on Sunday, 5 July and have provided the school with copies of their Summer Holiday Courses for 2015. If anyone would like a copy of the brochure there are limited copies available in the school office. GOBLIN COOMBE Just a reminder that we need completed Medical Forms for Goblin Coombe as soon as possible. If you have lost or mislaid your form please do not hesitate to come and ask for another. These are available from the school office. Payment, if not already made, should be made on line via ParentPay or by a requested PayPoint letter. Thank you. HERE COMES SUMMER??!! ………. On THURSDAY, 21 MAY we are celebrating our English Summer with a special pizza ‘grab bag’ lunch from our school kitchen and we will be eating outside on our lovely new grass! The cost of the lunch is £2 and, for the week before until Friday, 22 May, we are lowering the amount you need to put on ParentPay for lunches to £2 so that children who do not normally have lunches can pay just this amount rather than the normal £10. If you do not have access to the internet you can bring the cash to the office but dinners must be paid for by THURSDAY, 21 MAY. This of course only applies to the children who normally pay for dinners in Years 3 – 6. For the children in infant classes (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) there is no charge and children on Free School Meals do not have to pay either. NEPAL DISASTER Thanks to everyone who took part in our non-uniform day and sent in donations for the Nepal Disaster Fund. We haven’t counted the money yet but will do so as soon as possible and let you know how much we raised. Yours faithfully C Wilson Headteacher
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