Catholic Community of Christ the King Parish May 17, 2015 Ascension Sunday of the Lord Volume Xlll Issue 24 Very Rev. Anthony Fontenot, V.F.– V.F.– Dean of the South Deanery and Pastor — [email protected] Shane Swire Office Manager/Bookkeeper Tiffany Champion Administrative Assistant Robert Barbry Youth Ministry/LifeTeen JoAnna Bearb Elementary PREP Coordinator Tammy Duhon Jr. High/Sr. High PREP Coordinator Renita Papillion Music Director Matthew Zawadzki Accompanist Elaine Heape Volunteer Coordinator Ask about 15% D is count Pat & Bonnie Landreneau Parish Picnic! June 7, 2015 We need some help, please call the office if you would like to man a station. Volunteers needed: face painters for the kiddos, volunteers to keep an eye on the water slide activity, people to help set up and line tables, cut watermelon, etc… We also need families to man the popcorn machine and sno cone machine (a couple so it can be in shifts), a couple of adults to supervise the teen bingo. Please call if you feel you can help or just plan to come out and have a terrific afternoon with us! Teens, this is a great opportunity to get those service projects in! Call the office at 478-0213 to sign up as a volunteer and get more information. Christ the King Office 7680 Gulf Highway Lake Charles, LA 70607 Office Hours 9:00 9:00 am - 4:3 4:30 pm Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Friday Closed for lunch 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Office Number: 337337-478478-0213 Fax Number: 337337-478478-0793 Weekdays: Tuesday & Thursday - 8:00 am Wednesday & Friday - 5:00 pm Christian Prayers– Prayers– 30 minutes prior to weekday Mass Saturday Mass: 5:00 5:00 pm - Anticipated Sunday Masses: 8:30 am & 10:30 am Holy Days: 6:30 pm - Anticipated 6:45 am Parish Trustees Jack O’Reilly Lisa Henry Finance Council Melissa House (Vice Chair) Paula Dupuy (Secretary) Dionne Hine Chris Lemoine Drusilla Jones Norman McCall Blaine Doucet Pastoral Council Jill Breaux (Vice Chair) Confessions: Saturday 4:004:00-4:50 pm, 30 minutes before Sunday and daily Charlotte Chavis (Secretary) Robin Basone Russel Bello Mass or by appointment Cookie Phillips Wilma McDaniel Baptisms: Call the Church office for details. details. Pat Verrette Marriage: Call the Church Office at least 6 months in advance. Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) Elementary: Saturday 9:15 am - 10:30 am Jr. & Sr. High: Wednesday 6:00 pmpm-7:30 pm Confirmation Classes: Wednesday 6:00 pmpm- 7:30 pm Visit Christ the King’s website at Reflecting on Sundays Reading Tune in to Glad Tidings tv show at 6am on KPLC or online at You can see them live or go online to watch this Sunday and past recordings. Reflection on the Gospel for the Feast of the Ascension Sunday– May 17th, 2015 The Ascension of the Lord Loss is part of the human condition, and death is the most painful manifestation of loss. Today’s feast of the Ascension invites us to face that experience of loss in a transformative way. In Ordinary Time, we celebrate the life and ministry of Jesus. Over the period of Lent and Easter, we have been remembering his death and resurrection. The liturgy now draws us into another aspect of the Mystery, that of the presence and absence of the Risen One. The physical loss of Jesus means a new and different sort of presence. Like the early Christians, we need time to grasp each dimension of the one great Mystery. Listen as Bishop Glen John Provost and Father Jeffrey Starkovich discuss the day’s Gospel reading from Saint Mark. Hear stories of the diocese, the region, the state, and the world in the news segment. In the second half hour, on Catholic Life Today, Deacon George Carr talks with Jeanne LeBato about Religious Iconology. Today’s gospel passage receives little attention in commentaries and classes because, along with immediately preceding passage (Mark 16:9-14), it is a late addition to the original text of Mark’s gospel. The author of these verses is familiar with the similar commission to proclaim the good news to all nations and to baptize in the name of the Trinity, found at the end of Matthew’s gospel. In Mark 16, the command is to bring the gospel to ‘the whole creation’. It is a more inclusive vision than Matthew’s and opens a space for an ecological reading of the text, an extension from the human to the other-than and more-than -human inhabitants of the Earth community. Ainsley’s Angels is excited to showcase the beautiful Lake Charles sunset on the evening of 25 July 2015 starting pre race activities approx. 5:30pm at the Lake Charles Civic Center. We are currently looking for "VOLUNTEERS" for this event. We are looking for enthusiastic and dependable people that we can count on and that can commit themselves as of now. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are willing to donate your precious time to a great cause. Areas help needed in are, food booths, traffic control, course and finish line water stations, runners, coke trailer, cheerleaders along the course etc... If we were to accept that our mission in the ‘in-between times’ is to bring the gospel to all creation, then we might take more seriously God’s command in Genesis 2 to reverence and protect the earth (usually translated as ‘to till and to keep’). We might stop polluting the air that all creatures need for life. We might also read the affirmations of Genesis 1 through the lens of Mark 16 and respect once more the intrinsic goodness of all creation as a gospel imperative. The ‘Ascension’ event recounted towards the end of the passage presupposes a pre-scientific, three-tiered understanding of the structure of the world. In this ancient view, God is in the heavens above and Jesus is caught up into God’s realm. The vertical movement is balanced by a horizontal movement: Jesus’ return to ‘the right hand of God’ ensures a different kind of presence in the church despite his seeming absence, one that enables the believer to continue the healing and re-creative ministry of Jesus ‘to all creation Our goal is to promote the message of Ainsley’s Angels throughout the community of Lake Charles, as well as, the state of Louisiana, and we would love your assistance in making this 2nd annual road race and finisher’s festival even better than last year’s amazing event! The impact we are making on those with disAbilities who normally would not be able to experience endurance events is tremendous. As a 501c3 non-profit organization incorporated in Lake Charles, 100% of all proceeds will go directly toward furthering our mission! Thank you for your dedication and efforts to support Ainsley’s Angels. For questions or concerns please call Kristine Seaward at 337-802-4181 or Roxane Mata at 337-377-7143. The Priestly Ordination of Deacon Ruben Villarreal and Jay Alexius, M.D. will be Saturday, June 27th at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Lake Charles. Mass begins at 10:00 am and the reception will begin afterwards at St. Louis High School. To assist in this diocesan event, the reception is co-hosted by the home parishes of the candidates, St. Lawrence Catholic Church and Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church. Anyone interested in making a monetary donation for the reception is asked to make checks payable to The Diocese of Lake Charles with “Ordination” in the memo area, and mail to: Diocese of Lake Charles, Attention Msgr. Daniel Torres, 414 Iris Street, Lake Charles, LA 70601. For more information, please contact Kitty Roberts, Reception Coordinator at 337-496-9193 or [email protected]. Your donation will help to make this a memorable occasion for Deacon Villarreal and Deacon Alexius. Thank you for your generosity! Silver & Golden Anniversary Mass Our Silver and Golden Wedding Anniversary Celebration is to take place on Sunday, June 21st 2015 at the 11:15am Mass in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. Any couple celebrating their 25th, 50th, 55th, 60th, 65th, or 70th is invited to attend. Following mass will be a reception with Bishop Provost in the Ave Maria Hall. Family members of the honored couples are also invited to the mass and reception. Contact the parish office to register by June 16th. Youth Ignite Camp will be Sunday, June 28th—Thursday July 2nd 2015. This is our local Mission Camp, Please let our office know if anyone in your Parish needs yard or house work done. We will clean, cut, paint, etc. Please call Caroline Matt @ the Diocese of Lake Charles 439-7400 extension 301 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sat., May 16 The Ascension of the Lord– Acts of the Apostles 1:1-11; Ephesians 4:1-13 or 4:1-7, 11-13; Mark 16:15-20 5:00 pm Robert “Bobby” Conner, Ronald Primeaux, Larry Broussard Sun., May 17 The Ascension of the Lord– Acts of the Apostles 1:1-11; Ephesians 4:1-13 or 4:1-7, 11-13; Mark 16:15-20 8:30 am Parishioners 10:30 am A.D. & “Boonie” Trahan, Letha Vincent, Iris Jones, Veda Boudreaux, Mass of Thanksgiving Mon., May 18 Easter Weekday- Acts of the Apostles 19:1-8; John 16:29-33 Tues., May 19 Easter Weekday- Acts of the Apostles 20:17-27; John 17:1-11a 8:00 am A.D. & “Boonie” Trahan Wed., May 20 Easter Weekday- Acts of the Apostles 20:28-38; John 17:11b-19 5:00 pm In Thanksgiving for success of surgery and full recovery for Chad Bourque Thur., May 21 Easter Weekday- Acts of the Apostles 22:30; 23:6-11; John 17:20-26 8:00 am Jimmy, Gary, Joe & Sylvia Calloura No Mass Tuesday, May 19 7:30 am Christian Prayers 8:00 am Mass 8:30 am Pro Life Rosary Wed, May 20 4:30 pm Christian Prayers 5:00 pm Mass 5:30 pm Adoration Thurs, May 21 7:30 am Christian Prayers 8:00 am Mass Friday, May 22 4:30 pm Christian Prayers 5:00 pm Mass Fri., May 22 Easter Weekend- Acts of the Apostles 25:13b-21; John 21:15-19 5:00 pm For the holy souls in purgatory Sat., May 23 Pentecost Sunday Vigil – Genesis 11:1-9; Romans 8:22-27; John 7:37-39 5:00 pm Gordon Guillory, Veda Chapman Sun., May 24 Pentecost Sunday– Acts of the Apostles 2:1-11; 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13; Galatians 5:16-25 8:30 am Wanda Arabie Landreneau, Ronald Ortego, Letha Vincent, Bert Marcello, Veda Boudreaux, Murrel Matte 10:30 am Parishioners Masses are $5.00 per intention per mass Monday, May 18 Saturday, May 23 4:00 pm Confession 4:30 pm Rosary in the Church 5:00 pm Mass Upcoming Events in May 20 23 23 Adoration 5:30 pm-9:30 pm New Lector Training at 10:00am in the church New Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister Training at 11:00am in the church 25 Office Closed for Memorial Day 28 Youth Choir/Band Practice 6:00pm-7:00pm in church May Meetings 18 19 20 21 22 23 26 29 Abraham’s Tent 8:00am-1:00pm LAS Meeting 6:00 pm Elementary PREP meeting 3:30pm KC Meeting 6:30 pm Men’s Scripture Reflection Group 6:00 am Men’s Prayer Breakfast 7:00am Finance Council 6:15 pm in Office Lobby Men’s Scripture Reflection Group 6:00 am Sunday, May 24 8:30 am Mass 10:30 am Mass/Children’s Church 6:00 pm Bible Study/Hang out 8th-12th grade Collections Second Weekend of May 2014 $ 7, 186.00 Second Weekend of May 2015 $ 6,484.50 SANCTUARY LIGHTS : For our church community CANNED GOODS & POWDERED MILK Please Remember in Prayer our Sick CHRIST THE KING IS ACCEPTING ASSORTED CANNED GOODS, GARDEN PRODUCE & POWDERED MILK FOR CATHOLIC CHARITIES. IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE PLEASE DROP IT OFF AT THE FRONT OFFICE OR IN THE BACK OF THE CHURCH. Ruthvan & Dean, Grace & Phillip Abshire Sr., Sam Ange Jr., Janet Berlin, Ronald & Lynetta Beaugh, Melvin J. Bertrand, Dwayne Boyd, Sarah Brandow, Charlie Mae & Dallas Brasseaux, Casen Broussard, Evolia Broussard, Irvin Broussard, Marlena Broussard, Mitchell Broussard, Sherrie Broussard, Jamie Burt, Jean Verret, Sherry Carnahan, Jimmie Patrick Clark, Cecil Clark III, Jessica Clements, James Chavis, Rose Chavis, Drew Cormier, Una Couvillon, Janelle & Leland Crochet, Pauline Fontenot, Margie Fontenot, James Fontenot, Linda Frederick, Rena Fruge, Jason Fruge, Ronald Gaspard, Jr., Barbara Gauthreaux, Monica Gentry, Elaina Granger, Joyce Granger, Maurine Granger, Neil Gremillion, Martha Gurrola, Augustine Gurrola Jr, Natalie Gurrola, Lucy Gurrola, Lucinda Frederick Gurrola, Gary Hardy, Jackie Harris, Margie Heard, Mary Hebert, Betty Hebert, Terry Hebert, Mary Abate Hollingsworth, Frankie Jester, Mary Johnson, Drue Lannin, George & Dorothy Lapoint, Wanda Lambert, Joyce LeDoux, Melissa Laughlin, Leroy Leger, Dale Lutgring, Philip McLean, Kathy Buntyn Maxon, Helen Moreau, Clifford & Eula Mae Miller, Deloris Miller, Sonia Miller, David Musselwhite. David Nelson, Dennis Niver, Eric Norwood, Juanita Nunez, Betty & Jack O’Reilly, James Gary Papillion, Sue & Larry Parker, Jamice Peace, Bill Person, John Petty, Wilbur Porche, Shirley Primeaux, Joseph Richard, Fallon Rogers, Joyce Savoie, Margie Savoie, Connie Shuff, Kenneth Smith, Talon Sonnier, Debra Terranova, Delaine Theriot, Gabryelle Tregle, Charlotte Trosclair, Geraldine Vezina, Fern Walker, Debrah Weeks, Huey West, Mayola Wickie, Charlene Wyche CHURCH CLEANING MONTH OF May Farnell Family Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Thy love. V. Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created. R. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth. Let us pray. O God, Who didst instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant us in the same Spirit to be truly wise, and ever to rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Names will be removed after 4 weeks. Call the parish office (478-0213) to have names remain on the list. SECOND COLLECTION MAY 24TH ST VINCENT DE PAUL Please check our website for online giving options, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following seminarians: SAMUEL ORSOT celebrates his birthday on May 21st. You may send birthday gree ngs to him at St. Henry's Catholic Church, 1021 Eighth Avenue, Lake Charles, LA 70601. JOHN SOUDER celebrates his birthday on May 26th. Birthday gree ngs may be sent to him at Our Lady Queen of Heaven, 617 W. Claude St., Lake Charles, LA 70605. LEVI THOMPSON's birthday is May 28th. You may send birthday gree ngs to him at Christ the King, 7680 Gulf Hwy., Lake Charles, LA 70607. Prayer intentions for the month of May. Pope Francis Universal: That, rejecting the culture of indifference, we may care for our neighbors who suffer, especially the sick and the poor. Evangelization: That Mary's intercession may help Christians in secularized cultures be ready to proclaim Jesus. Bishop Provost For the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on those graduating and confirmed. Please keep these young men and all of our seminarians in your prayers. The 1st practice is Thursday, May 28th from 6:00pm-7:00pm in the church. Schedule for May 23rd/24th ALTAR SERVER Congratulations to all the graduates and confirmation students! SUNDAY 8:30 AM SUNDAY 10:30 AM Austin Vincent Dakota Shelstead Joseph Petty Emilee Richard Aubrey Caldwell Evan Bernard William Richard EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF COMMUNION K-5th Grade PREP Preparation Meeting will be Wednesday, May 20th from 3:30pm-6:30pm. Come when you can if you are interested in helping! SATURDAY 5:00 PM LECTORS Jobe Hebert Jeanette Fontenot Wilma McDaniel Patrick Verrette Juliana Hinton Fray Zamora Sharon Phillips Maria Richard Robin Basone Thomas St. Romain Anne Duhon Tina Savoie John Owen Jennifer Duhon Betty Sonnier Bryon Derouen HOSPITALITY Justin Triplett Owens Ledano Davey Hebert CHILDREN’S CHURCH (10:30) Shane Swire Chris Bearb Attention: Liturgical Ministers If you have summer plans and will be out some weekends in June, July or August, please call the office. New Schedules will be out May 30th/31st. New Liturgical Minister Training Will be held on Saturday, May 23, 2015 10:00am for Lectors 11:00am for Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers Pray for our Soldiers… Regular Choir Rehearsal has moved to Tuesdays at 6pm. All are Welcome to join the Choir! Cantor Practice will be the 1st Tuesdays of each month at 6pm in the church. Anyone interested in being a Cantor please join us! Lord hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need, Amen. Scott Hebert, David L. Phillips, Jr., Kim Rossiter, Charles McFarland, Jeremiah LaFosse, Brad Grant, Blaine Pakerson, Samuel Richard Matt Everage, Ray Kiser, Treavor Carriere, Kody Willis For parishioners who have family members or friends who serve in any branch of the Armed Forces, please call the office to add names to the prayer list.
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