Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Our Lady of Perpetual Help
4588 Roblin Boulevard, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3R 0G4
Phone: Office (204) 832-1993; (204) 832-2649 Rectory (204) 632-5848
Pastor’s cell phone (204) 781-0720
Office Hours: Monday—Friday: 9:00 a.m. - Noon, 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Msgr. Maurice Comeault
Maureen Fernandes
Heather Ryczak
Cristy Calma
Religious Education
Music Coordinator
Office Staff
Office Phone: (204) 832-1993; (204) 832-2649
Fax: (204) 888-4295
Parish Hall/Kitchen: (204) 896-0030
Religious Education: (204) 832-4336 [email protected]
Music Coordinator: (204) 832-1993 [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Email: Msgr. Comeault: [email protected]
Sacrament of the Eucharist
SATURDAY (anticipated) 5:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Before all Masses...let Msgr. know if he happens to
be in the gathering space
Sacrament of Baptism
Please call for available dates, times and options.
Sacrament of Marriage
Call the office for available dates and contact Msgr.
at your earliest convenience. The earlier the better.
Communion Calls
Please call the parish office.
Sacrament of the Sick
Please call Msgr. Comeault
PARISH WEBSITE www.olphwinnipeg.ca
PARISH SCHOOL: – K to Grade 8—St. Charles Catholic School—331 St. Charles Street Phone: (204) 837-1520
November 9, 2014
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Saturday November 8
7:30 AM Mass at Sisters of Charity
5:00 PM For Special Intention & Thanksgiving of Pat Caron
Sunday November 9
9:00 AM For deceased members of LaFreniere family
—Joe & Margaret LaFreniere
11:00 AM For Parishioners
November 9, 2014
Monday November 10
9:00 AM
† Anne Rehaluk—Jean & Harry Chornoboy
9:00 AM
Tuesday November 11
7:00 PM
For the Intentions of Anne Schwab
—Andrew & Richard Schwab
† Robert Bair—Dr. Anne Penny
9:00 AM
† Olivera Lambeta—The Nikolic family
9:00 AM
† Sergei Sherman—Liz Sherman
9:00 AM
† Pauline & Paul Huminicki
—Carol Huminicki & family
Wednesday November 12
Thursday November 13
Friday November 14
10:15 AM Charleswood Care Centre
For the intentions of Tom Wallace—Irene Mikawoz
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday November 15
5:00 PM
For the deceased members
of the Tomszak & Turowski families—Bernice Tomszak
Sunday November 16
9:00 AM In Thanksgiving of the Sereneo family
—Minerva & Jose Sereneo
11:00 AM For Parishioners
Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12
1 Corinthians 3:9b-11,
John 2:13-22
St. Leo
Titus 1:1-9
Luke 17:1-6
St. Martin of Tours
Titus 2:1-8, 11-14
Luke 17:7-10
St. Josaphat
Titus 3:1-7
Luke 17:11-19
Philemon 7-20
Luke 17:20-25
2 John 4-9
Luke 17:26-37
3 J ohn 5-8
Luke 18:1-8
Proverbs 31:10-13,
16-18, 20, 26, 28-31++
1 Thessalonians 5:1-6
Matthew 25:14-30
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
I have spent the opening days of November in the
spirit of gathering with Saints and praying for the
deceased. Managed to sprinkle the experience with a
few Jet games and day dreaming moments of
fascination at God’s words expressed in the created
language of the Fall season. A great time, just to be
and to appreciate and celebrate. I often think of my
deceased father, because he taught me the love of
life, hockey, baseball and left the faith department to
his mother, my grandmother to handle. All of these
aspects of real life have changed so much and I
regret to experience so many of them, mostly the
faith and the experience of community, on both
sides of the death experience, without my father, as I
know he would have enjoyed the ride.
A less interesting bit of new comes from our parish
finance ‘minister’. At the pace we are travelling, the
Sharing God’s Gift campaign will miss the target for
a second straight year, unless we have a few sleeper
donors who will have resources ready to creep out of
nowhere and help us fill in the blanks. I have not
figured out why, for the second year in a row, we are
less successful than past years. Not a good subject
for meditation.
I am waiting for promotion materials to come in
from Vancouver, to introduce the Mission we will
experience during the second week of Advent. One
bit of interesting information is that Fr. Lucien Larre
has an assistant by the name of Ria Kaal. They often
stay in rectories, but mine has one spare room only.
They also cook their own meals. Their special
requirement is for the big black Poodle, Pierre.
Apparently he does not bark nor bite, never fights
with other dogs and chews nothing but food. We
might need a billet for the length of the Mission.
Just thought I would place the seed in the ground
and hope for a sprout, even though we are out of
season for sowing. God’s love would be the only
reward I see for now. Have a holy month of
~ Msgr. Maurice Comeault ~
THE WEEK AHEAD…Meetings/Events
(See front of bulletin for Mass schedule)
Monday November 10
9:30 am
Coffee and Scripture
5:30 pm
Children’s Choir Practice
6:00 pm
7:15 pm
No Adult Choir Practice
Tuesday November 11
Remembrance Day—Office Closed
1:00 pm
No Good Shepherd
7:30 pm
CWL Executive Meeting
7:30 pm
Finance Council Meeting
7:30 pm
4th Degree Knights Executive Meeting
Wednesday November 12
9:30am—6:00pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
(With Evening Prayers & Solemn Benediction)
7:00 pm
Practice 5PM Music Group
7:30 pm
Prayer Group
Thursday November 13
9:30 am
Knitting Group
10:30 am
Deanery Meeting at St. Vital Parish
7:00 pm
Little Rock Scripture Study (LRSS)
Friday November 14
1:30 pm
Mother of Perpetual Help Prayer Group
Saturday November 15
9:00am—5:00pm AED/CPR/First Aid Training
Sunday November 16
11:00 am
Your Prayers Are Requested
For souls of Stefania Lenczewska,
Czeslaw Lenczewski, Ysabella Lenczweska
& Leszek Lenczewski, Anna Kent
and Rosita Eusebio Ignacio.
November 1/2, 2014
(Includes donations from pre-authorized contributions)
Regular Offertory
Other Church Funds
Sharing God’s Gifts
Other Charities
Donations that children bring up to the
“pot of gold” during the offertory are
used for children’s charities.
Catechism News
Grade2/First Reconciliation Retreat
Saturday November 29th 9:30-12:00pm
This retreat is for the child and parent/
guardian. It is on Saturday November 29th 9:3012:00pm. Please RSVP to Maur een and let her
know if one adult/guardian, or both parents will
attend. Both are welcome but only one needs to
attend with your child. This will aid in the planning
for this retreat. [email protected] or call
204 832 4336
Catechism is cancelled on Monday December 8th
in order to allow Catechists and families to take in
our Advent Parish Mission. As a result Grade 2
Reconciliation will be moved to Monday, December
15 at 6pm.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
There will be NO CLASS on November 11th.
We Joyfully Welcomed Into The
Family Of God
Baptism this Sunday, November 9, 2014
“Think of the love that God has lavished on us, by letting us
be called God’s own children; and that is what we are.”
1 John 3:1
The next Executive Meeting of CWL
Council will be held Tuesday,
November 11 at 7:30pm in Fr “O” Hall.
Please Join Us!
We cordially invite all parishioners (children/adults)
for a fellowship and fun MOVIE NIGHT on
Tuesday, November 18th in Main
Hall. (There will be no Mass or General
Meeting of CWL that evening).
Time: 7:00 pm
The Movie: Facing the Giants (PG) 1 hr 52mins
(see poster on CWL bulletin board)
Action –packed drama about a Christian high school
football coach who uses his undying faith to battle
the giants of fear and failure. Never Give Up
Never Back Down Never Lose Faith
“Hot buttery popcorn and refreshments will be
served. Free will donations.
Sponsored By The Couples For Christ
Living Rosary at 9:00am and the Holy
Mass at 10:00am on Saturday, December 6,
2014. For more information please call Vic
at 204-416-4994.
“The streams make glad the city of God, the
habitation of the Most High.” ——-Psalm 46
Knights of Columbus
On Sunday November 23rd after both
Masses we invite you to our Big
Breakfast. On the menu we have
generous helpings of ham, eggs, hash browns and
fresh fruit. Coffee, tea and juice will also be
 Net proceeds in support of Villa Rosa
as part of our pro-life commitment.
Villa Rosa serves single women completing their
pregnancy thereby choosing life for their babies.
Your generous donation will be gratefully
accepted at the door.
Harry Laarveld, Grand Knight
Annual Craft And Bake Sale
Saturday, November 22, 10:00am--2:00pm
(Lunch available)
And Sunday, November 23 After All Masses (with
Breakfast graciously provided by Knights of
Columbus) until Rainbow Auction Draw at 1:00
p.m. Proceeds from sale of Raffle tickets for
Rainbow Auction go to ESK-OMI MISSIONS.
We are 2 weeks away from our big fundraiser.
We have need for New Items for the Rainbow
Auction, As Well As Gently-Used
Items For The 2nd Time Around
Table. Please mar k accor dingly and
place in the bins downstairs.
We will also have need for baking
products for the BAKE TABLE. We need various
loaves, cookies, cakes, pies, muffins, Christmas
treats etc. Please mark the baking goods, and if nuts
please specify.
Baking may be dropped off on Friday November
21st.... 9:00am– 12noon AND 1:00pm– 9:00pm;
Saturday, November 22nd....... 8:3am. -10:00am.
We will need volunteers to make homemade soups
(such as borscht, vegetable, hamburger, lentil or such
soups) and volunteers to make up sandwich fillings
(ingredients for egg salad and chicken salad
Please consider helping.
ASAP.... Trish Maguire (204-895-8285) or one of
the Steering Committee members: Judy Albiani (204
-896-5320), Janet Brunger (204-837-3318), Joan
Armstrong (204-895-7595), or Mary Bibik (204-8952285) if you can make any of the above.
A Big Thank You to all parishioners for their
efforts in helping to raise funds for various charities
Open Invitation
Orientation & Training Session
Present & Future Altar Servers
OLPH Church Sanctuary/Altar
Monday, November 17, 2014
@ 6:00pm
Thank You and God Bless ~ Vic 204 416 4994
What :
Who :
When :
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land & Jordan
Adria Travel and Globus invite you to an
information evening featuring our 2015 Holy Land
Escorted Group Tour to Israel & Jordan. Walk in
the footsteps of Jesus and Moses. Sightseeing: Visits
to Tel Aviv, Jaffa, Caesarea, Megiddo, Muhraqa,
Haifa, Mount of Beatitudes, Capernaum, Sea of
Galilee, Tabgha, Nazareth, Cana of Galilee, Bet
She'an, Bethlehem, Jerusalem. Tour Chaplain: Fr.
Dado. Date: Monday, November 10, 7 PM, St
Anthony of Padua Hungarian Church, 371 Burnell
St, Winnipeg. Please RSVP [email protected] or
204 982 1202
In Our Thoughts and Prayers
Please remember in your prayers,
Mother of parishioner, Lori (& Ray) Bilevicius
May she rest in the peace of Christ
Women’s Inter-Church Council of Winnipeg
Invites you to Fellowship of the Least Coin
InGathering Service Theme: “All God’s Children in
God’s World” Guest Speaker: Sara Toma her mother
and youngest brother are refugees in Lebanon. Her
sister & brother are still in Syria. Come and Hear her
story on Wednesday, November 26th at 1420
Portage Avenue. For details please see the bulletin
board by main entrance of the church.
St. Charles Catholic School
331 St. Charles Street
Wednesday, November 26th
Kindergarten Fair & Open House 6:30 p.m.
If you have a child turning five this year, are you
ready for kindergarten? Is your child?
We invite you to come and find out at St. Charles
Catholic School.
The Fair is a fun, interactive tour of the skills kinder
students will be developing such as: reading,
numeracy, gross motor skills and language.
Pre- register today and reserve your spot! Please call
Norm at 204-837-1520.
Our Open House presentation “A Day in the Life of
a Kindergarten Student” begins at 7:00 p.m.
St. Charles is a K-9 school, offering full day, every
day kindergarten, Before and After School Care, a
Violin Enrichment Program, K-9 French, Arts
Program, as well as a Hockey Skills Development
Program. Academy Kids Daycare is also located on
the premises. For more information, please visit our
website at www.stccs.ca or call 204-837-1520.
Quality Education that is intellectually
challenging and Faith-Filled
Please Join
the St. Charles Parish Development and Peace
Committee for dessert and coffee on Sunday,
November 16 at 7:00pm in St. Charles Parish hall.
We will learn about farmers in Canada and
throughout the world who are struggling to retain
their right to save, sow and exchange their
seeds. Guest speakers, St. Charles parishioner
Diane and Carl Havixbeck, will share the concerns
facing Canadian farmers. All are welcome. For
further information contact Annette Kohut 204-8891391 or Fran Blanchard 204-889-7348.
Offertory collections
Building fund
Knights of Columbus
Other donations
Votive candles
Other receipts
Rental income
Special collections:
Diocesan Appeal
Evangelization of Nations
St. Charles School
Children’s Charities
Service and supplies
Property expenses
Good Works donations
Capital expenditures
Accounting & bank charges
Special collections remitted