Erie County Prevention Gaps and Barriers Analysis [2014] Page Gaps and Barriers Analysis Overview and Results 2-3 Descriptive Maps of Prevention Program Locations: All Programs and Types 4 Environmental Programs 5 School-based Programs [with Municipal Boundaries] 6 School-based Programs [with School District Boundaries] 7 Recurring Programs [with Municipal Boundaries] 8 Recurring Programs [with School District Boundaries] 9 Maps of Highest Risk Locations with Prevention Programs: Erie County Excluding the City of Buffalo [with Municipal Boundaries] 10 Erie County Excluding the City of Buffalo [with School District Boundaries] 11 City of Buffalo Only 12 1 Gaps and Barriers Analysis Overview The Gaps and Barriers Analysis for Prevention Services in Erie County compares the provision of prevention services within each zip code area to selected risk indicators. Gaps are identified where there is a mismatch between the prevention services and risk level (e.g. no/low prevention provision & high risk). First, the distribution of prevention services was evaluated by compiling information about prevention programs and their locations through the Erie County Prevention Services Information Center, an online repository for this information. Providers identified the approximate target population, type of program, and zip code location(s) for their programs. These data were then tallied by zip code, with individual programs being counted once per zip code of service provision in order to avoid over counting. For example, a school-based program might be offered in three elementary schools in zip code 14006 in the Lakeshore Central School District, but this zip code received only one tally for these programs in order to avoid redundancy. While some programs do not have an explicit locational component or are home-based, most prevention services are offered at specific location and can thus be tabulated for this analysis. Maps were developed from these data to evaluate the spatial distribution of programs in Erie County and then to examine existing gaps in service provision. The maps of prevention programs are broken down into five categories that correspond to none, one, a few (2 or 3), some (4 or 5) and many (more than 5). The gaps and barriers analysis for prevention programs compares the highest level of aggregated risk for ZIP codes in Erie County with the number of recurring prevention programs. Risk Indicators Database (RIDB) measures were summed and then re-quartiled for this aggregated risk measure; the locations with the highest level of risk are those with aggregated measures that fall in the fourth quartiles of either ZIP codes in Erie County Excluding City of Buffalo and ZIP codes in the City of Buffalo Only. Gaps and Barriers Analysis Results • • Descriptive Maps of Prevention Program Locations o Most ZIP codes in Erie County have some form of location-specific prevention activity, with notable exceptions in the more rural eastern and southeastern portions of the county and the Town of Clarence. o Location-specific environmental programs cover only portions of the county outside of the City of Buffalo. Within Buffalo, programs are few and are located on the east and west sides of the city. o Other environmental programs are not location specific and cover the county as a whole. These include mass media (e.g. TV and radio) programs and are not represented on the maps. o School-based programs are concentrated in the City of Buffalo and in suburban areas to the north and east of the city; notable lack of programs in the northeast, southern and southeast parts of the county. o Recurring programs exhibit a similar pattern to School-based programs Maps of Highest Risk Locations with Prevention Programs o Erie County Excluding City of Buffalo ZIP codes with highest aggregated risk have few recurring prevention programs. More urbanized zip codes north of the City of Buffalo have between 2 and 3 2 o programs, while high-risk areas in the southern end of the County have between 1 and 3 programs. ZIP code 14219, which comprises the most northern portion of the Town of Hamburg and which is at the highest risk, has no recurring prevention programs. City of Buffalo Only Locations of highest aggregated risk have 9 or more recurring prevention programs. Some locations in lower aggregated risk levels receive high levels of recurring prevention program service. 3 Erie County Prevention Programs: All Programs and Types Buffalo 14072 Grand Island 14216 14207 14228 14051 14068 14150 Tonawanda 14261 Amherst 14217 14223 14226 14214 14213 14215 Buffalo 14222 14213 14209 14208 14211 14201 14202 14218 Lackawanna 14219 14212 14204 14206 14085 14047 14210 14006 14220 Legend Eden 14057 14218 No Prevention Programs 14061 Brant 14081 Cattaraugus Indian Reservation A Few Prevention Programs (2 or 3) Some Prevention Programs (4 or 5) Many Prevention Programs (more than 5) 14111 West Seneca 14224 14059 Elma 14102 Marilla 14052 14127 Orchard Park Aurora 14033 14037 14169 Wales 14139 14170 14145 Colden 14025 North Collins 14091 14070 4 Alden 14004 Lancaster 14086 Holland 14080 14069 14034 Collins One Prevention Program 14026 14227 Boston 14001 Newstead Clarence 14031 14043 Cheektowaga 14112 Evans 14203 Hamburg 14075 14032 14221 14225 Tonawanda Indian Reservation Concord 14141 Sardinia 14055 14030 14134 Erie County Prevention Programs: Environmental Programs Buffalo 14072 Grand Island 14216 14207 14228 14051 14068 14150 Tonawanda 14261 Amherst 14217 14223 14226 14214 14213 14215 Buffalo 14222 14213 14209 14208 14211 14201 14202 14218 Lackawanna 14219 14212 14204 14206 14085 14047 14210 14006 14220 Legend Eden 14057 14218 No Prevention Programs 14061 Brant 14081 Cattaraugus Indian Reservation A Few Prevention Programs (2 or 3) Some Prevention Programs (4 or 5) Many Prevention Programs (more than 5) 14111 West Seneca 14224 14059 Elma 14102 Marilla 14052 14127 Orchard Park Aurora 14033 14037 14169 Wales 14139 14170 14145 Colden 14025 North Collins 14091 14070 5 Alden 14004 Lancaster 14086 Holland 14080 14069 14034 Collins One Prevention Program 14026 14227 Boston 14001 Newstead Clarence 14031 14043 Cheektowaga 14112 Evans 14203 Hamburg 14075 14032 14221 14225 Tonawanda Indian Reservation Concord 14141 Sardinia 14055 14030 14134 Erie County Prevention Programs: School-based Programs [Municipal Boundaries] Buffalo 14072 Grand Island 14216 14207 14228 14051 14068 14150 Tonawanda 14261 Amherst 14217 14223 14226 14214 14213 14215 Buffalo 14222 14213 14209 14208 14211 14201 14202 14218 Lackawanna 14219 14212 14204 14206 14085 14047 14210 14006 14220 Legend Eden 14057 14218 No Prevention Programs 14061 Brant 14081 Cattaraugus Indian Reservation A Few Prevention Programs (2 or 3) Some Prevention Programs (4 or 5) Many Prevention Programs (more than 5) 14111 West Seneca 14224 14059 Elma 14102 Marilla 14052 14127 Orchard Park Aurora 14033 14037 14169 Wales 14139 14170 14145 Colden 14025 North Collins 14091 14070 6 Alden 14004 Lancaster 14086 Holland 14080 14069 14034 Collins One Prevention Program 14026 14227 Boston 14001 Newstead Clarence 14031 14043 Cheektowaga 14112 Evans 14203 Hamburg 14075 14032 14221 14225 Tonawanda Indian Reservation Concord 14141 Sardinia 14055 14030 14134 Erie County Prevention Programs: School-based Programs [School District Boundaries] Buffalo 14072 GRAND ISLAND TONAWANDA CENTRAL CITY 14150 14216 14207 KENMORETONAWANDA 14214 14213 14217 14223 AMHERST CENTRAL 14215 14209 14208 BUFFALO CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 14201 14202 FRONTIER CENTRAL 14075 14206 14047 14210 14203 14220 Legend 14006 EVANSBRANT CENTRAL 14061 14081 14218 No Prevention Programs A Few Prevention Programs (2 or 3) Many Prevention Programs (more than 5) 14085 14112 14059 14057 EDEN CENTRAL 14102 14052 EAST AURORA 14170 14169 ATTICA CENTRAL 14139 14145 14033 HOLLAND CENTRAL 14080 14025 14069 14111 NORTH COLLINS CENTRAL 14091 14070 7 ALDEN CENTRAL 14004 14037 IROQUOIS CENTRAL 14127 ORCHARD PARK CENTRAL HAMBURG CENTRAL GOWANDA 14034 CENTRAL 14035 One Prevention Program Some Prevention Programs (4 or 5) 14031 14219 14212 14204 14221 WEST SENECA CENTRAL LACKAWANNA 14224 CITY 14218 14211 AKRON CENTRAL 14001 CLARENCE CENTRAL CHEEKTOWAGAMARYVALE 14225 14043 LANCASTER BUFFALO CENTRAL CITY DEPEW 14086 CHEEKTOWAGASLOAN 14227 14222 14213 14228 14068 14051 WILLIAMSVILLE CENTRAL 14261 14013 14032 SPRINGVILLEGRIFFITH INST CENTRAL 14141 14030 YORKSHIRE14055 PIONEER CENTRAL 14134 Erie County Prevention Programs: Recurring Programs [Municipal Boundaries] Buffalo 14072 Grand Island 14216 14207 14228 14051 14068 14150 Tonawanda 14261 Amherst 14217 14223 14226 14214 14213 14215 Buffalo 14222 14213 14209 14208 14211 14201 14202 14218 Lackawanna 14219 14212 14204 14206 14085 14047 14210 14006 14220 Legend Eden 14057 14218 No Prevention Programs 14061 Brant 14081 Cattaraugus Indian Reservation A Few Prevention Programs (2 or 3) Some Prevention Programs (4 or 5) Many Prevention Programs (more than 5) 14111 West Seneca 14224 14059 Elma 14102 Marilla 14052 14127 Orchard Park Aurora 14033 14037 14169 Wales 14139 14170 14145 Colden 14025 North Collins 14091 14070 8 Alden 14004 Lancaster 14086 Holland 14080 14069 14034 Collins One Prevention Program 14026 14227 Boston 14001 Newstead Clarence 14031 14043 Cheektowaga 14112 Evans 14203 Hamburg 14075 14032 14221 14225 Tonawanda Indian Reservation Concord 14141 Sardinia 14055 14030 14134 Erie County Prevention Programs: Recurring Programs [School District Boundaries] Buffalo 14072 GRAND ISLAND TONAWANDA CENTRAL CITY 14150 14216 14207 KENMORETONAWANDA 14214 14213 14217 14223 AMHERST CENTRAL 14215 14209 14208 BUFFALO CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 14201 14202 FRONTIER CENTRAL 14075 14206 14047 14210 14203 14220 Legend 14006 EVANSBRANT CENTRAL 14061 14081 14218 No Prevention Programs A Few Prevention Programs (2 or 3) Many Prevention Programs (more than 5) 14085 14112 14059 14057 EDEN CENTRAL 14102 14052 EAST AURORA 14170 14169 ATTICA CENTRAL 14139 14145 14033 HOLLAND CENTRAL 14080 14025 14069 14111 NORTH COLLINS CENTRAL 14091 14070 9 ALDEN CENTRAL 14004 14037 IROQUOIS CENTRAL 14127 ORCHARD PARK CENTRAL HAMBURG CENTRAL GOWANDA 14034 CENTRAL 14035 One Prevention Program Some Prevention Programs (4 or 5) 14031 14219 14212 14204 14221 WEST SENECA CENTRAL LACKAWANNA 14224 CITY 14218 14211 AKRON CENTRAL 14001 CLARENCE CENTRAL CHEEKTOWAGAMARYVALE 14225 14043 LANCASTER BUFFALO CENTRAL CITY DEPEW 14086 CHEEKTOWAGASLOAN 14227 14222 14213 14228 14068 14051 WILLIAMSVILLE CENTRAL 14261 14013 14032 SPRINGVILLEGRIFFITH INST CENTRAL 14141 14030 YORKSHIRE14055 PIONEER CENTRAL 14134 ZIP Codes with Highest Level of Aggregated Risk by Number of Recurring Programs [Erie County Excluding City of Buffalo, with Municipal Boundaries] Tonawanda Indian Reservation 14001 14072 14032 14228 14051 14068 Grand Island 14150 Tonawanda 14223 14217 14261 14221 14226 14043 No Prevention Programs One Prevention Program 14218 Lackawanna A Few Prevention Programs (2 or 3) Some Prevention Programs (4 or 5) Many Prevention Programs (more than 5) 14219 Not highest risk 14075 14224 14059 West Seneca Elma 14102 Marilla 14127 14037 14052 Orchard Park Hamburg 14085 Aurora 14139 14145 14080 14057 Eden Evans 14169 Wales 14170 14112 14047 Alden 14004 Lancaster 14086 Cheektowaga 14227 Highest Risk Areas 14033 Boston 14006 14061 14031 14026 14225 Buffalo Newstead Clarence Amherst Colden Holland 14025 14069 Brant 14111 North Collins 14081 Cattaraugus Indian Reservation 14091 Concord 14141 14055 Sardinia 14030 14134 14034 Collins 0 2.5 5 10 Miles 14070 10 Ü ZIP Codes with Highest Level of Aggregated Risk by Number of Recurring Programs [Erie County Excluding City of Buffalo, with School District Boundaries] 14013 14072 14068 14228 GRAND ISLAND CENTRAL 14032 CITY 14150 KENMORETONAWANDA 14217 CLARENCE CENTRAL 14261 14223 14226 AMHERST CENTRAL 14221 14031 14026 FRONTIER CENTRAL 14085 14057 14006 14102 IROQUOIS CENTRAL 14052 14037 14169 ATTICA CENTRAL EAST AURORA 14139 14170 14080 14033 EDEN CENTRAL EVANSBRANT CENTRAL 14059 ORCHARD PARK CENTRAL HAMBURG CENTRAL 14112 14047 14145 HOLLAND CENTRAL 14025 14069 14061 14111 NORTH COLLINS CENTRAL 14081 SPRINGVILLEGRIFFITH INST CENTRAL 14091 GOWANDA CENTRAL 5 ALDEN CENTRAL 14004 14224 No Prevention Programs WEST SENECA CENTRAL One Prevention Program LACKAWANNA A Few Prevention Programs (2 or 3) CITY 14218 14127 Some Prevention Programs (4 or 5) Many Prevention Programs (more than 5) 14219 Not highest risk 14075 2.5 14086 CHEEKTOWAGAMARYVALE 14225 14043 LANCASTER BUFFALO CENTRAL CHEEKTOWAGA CITY CENTRAL DEPEW CHEEKTOWAGASLOAN 14227 Highest Risk Areas 0 AKRON CENTRAL 14001 14051 SWEET HOME WILLIAMSVILLE CENTRAL TONAWANDA CENTRAL 10 14141 14030 YORKSHIRE14055 PIONEER CENTRAL 14134 14034 14035 14070 Miles 11 Ü Zip Codes with Highest Level of Aggregate Risk by Number of Recurring Programs [City of Buffalo] 14216 [1] 14207 [4] 14214 [4] 14215 [19] 14213 [18] 14222 [0] 14213 [18] 14209 [4] 14208 [7] 14211 [11] 14201 [4] 14212 [2] 14204 [11] 14202 [9] 14206 [10] 14210 [15] Highest Risk Areas 14203 [9] No Prevention Programs One Prevention Program A Few Prevention Programs (2 or 3) Some Prevention Programs (4 or 5) Many Prevention Programs (more than 5) Not highest risk 0 0.3 0.6 1.2 1.8 14220 [19] 14218 [3] 2.4 Miles 12 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