News Release Contact: Mike Terson Public Relations and Marketing Manager Buffalo Grove Park District Phone: 847.850.2116 Fax: 847.459.0744 Email: [email protected] March 16, 2015 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Buffalo Grove Park District Construction Projects Suspended By The State Of Illinois (Buffalo Grove Park District, Buffalo Grove, IL) 5 The Buffalo Grove Park District has received letters from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources informing the District to suspend all projects that were being funded in part by State grant money. The three projects that affect the Buffalo Grove Park District are the new Gas Station Exhibit at the Raupp Museum (awarded in June 2014), the redevelopment of the Community Arts Center (awarded in October 2014), and the redevelopment of Willow Stream Park (awarded in May 2013). The Community Arts Center project has yet to begin; however, the Raupp Museum project is under contract and was scheduled to begin March 16, 2015, and the Willow Stream Park project began last summer and is not yet complete. According to the letter in reference to the Willow Stream Park grant sent by Illinois Department of Natural Resources Director, Wayne Rosenthal, “this suspension requires that the Buffalo Grove Park District immediately cease incurring additional obligations, costs or spending for which grant reimbursement would be sought until further notice.” “While I’m not happy about it, I can somewhat understand the Governor putting projects that have yet to begin on hold; however, to say we cannot finish a project that we were awarded in 2013 and began construction on last year is extremely detrimental to our community,” said Buffalo Grove Park District Executive Director Ryan Risinger. “What we have right now is a torn up park that we are being told we cannot finish. We have residents who cannot use the park, as well as programs and events scheduled to take place this summer that will likely be canceled. There is also the concern of litigation, since we have a construction contract that we are now being forced to breach,” added Risinger. The Willow Stream Park redevelopment project received an Open Space Land Acquisition Development (OSLAD) grant in May 2013 for $400,000. The total cost of the project was $818,000 and included improvements to the pathway system, including new pathways through wooded areas and the far east side of the park near the baseball fields, a nature playground, shelter and storage areas, new lighting, a shelter 530 Bernard Drive ● Buffalo Grove, Illinois 60089 ● 847.850.2100 ● with a performance stage, and a warming house/shelter near the area where the ice skating rink is constructed during the winter. Scheduled to be completed this spring were pathways, the performance stage and shelter, the warming house/shelter, and a significant amount of landscape work. The Raupp Museum OSLAD grant was for $51,000, and the Community Arts Center Park and Recreational Facility Construction (PARC) grant was for $1,731,832. Anyone wishing to express concern with this decision can contact Governor Rauner at 217.782.0244 or write him at 207 State House, Springfield, IL 62706. ####
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