March 5, 2015 AGENDA Introductions 2014 Diversion Report 2014/2015 Maintenance Activities and Flood Repairs Budget Update CIP Update FEMA Update Staffing and Authority Reorganization 2015 Run Season Plan Delivery Process Reminders 2014 Church Ditch Diversions at Clear Creek Total Water Diverted Delivery per Inch Cost to User per Inch Average Delivery 2005- 2014 7,461.40 AF 0.98 AF/Inch $91.84 per AF 1.10 AF per Inch 2014 Maintenance Activities Replaced Headgate 11 At Headgate 60 Installed riprap check structure Reworked headgate to take sufficient water for all incholders. Placed bentonite in ditch banks in flood damaged areas. Placed bentonite in ditch banks in the headworks area. Installed concrete check pads at Headgates 80 and 84. 2015 Completed Maintenance Removed fallen trees in Westwoods Golf Course Made flow improvements at Farmer John’s property and from Denver Kickers Club to 4380 Easley Way. Also removed a down tree and boulders that were restricting flow. Placed bentonite in banks at Quaker and 64th Ave. Removing fallen tree from easement at 4390 Easley Rd. Repaired trash rack at the Narrows. Planned 2015 Maintenance Clear cutting vegetation 74th Ave. East of Kipling North of Legacy Farms Westwoods Golf Course 2015 Planned Maintenance Ditch Reshaping West of Ralston Valley High School West of 76th Drive North of Headgate 60 North of Legacy Farms 2015 Planned Maintenance Headgate Replacements: Gate 40 – complete replacement, gate is not attached. Gates 56 and 57 Will start working on replacing ALL slide type gates along the ditch. Headgate 57 Budget Update Revenue 2014 EOY Forecast 2015 Adopted Budget WCRA Reimbursements $26,500 $12,000 CDWA Reimbursements $45,500 $5,000 Assessments $516,064 $770,936 Transfer Fees $490 $100 Crossing Fees $1,500 $1,000 $175 $175 $60,000 $76,175 CDWA Loan Reimbursements $600,000 $0 FEMA Reimbursements $250,000 $0 Miscellaneous Revenue $167 $6,000 $1,499,896 $871,386 Interest Earned Bypass Reimbursements Total Revenue Operating Expenditures 2014 EOY Forecast 2015 Adopted Budget Legal Services $9,000 $10,000 Engineering Services $15,000 $25,000 $1,500 $2,000 Contracted Services $150,000 $150,000 Ditch Maintenance $240,957 $218,500 $9,000 $9,000 Operating Supplies $25,000 $35,000 Energy/Utilities/Fuels $30,000 $30,720 $0 $43,000 $15,000 $4,000 $495,457 $560,000 General Services Vehicle Repair Capital Equipment WCA Operating Supplies Total Operating Expenditures Capital Improvement Projects 2014 EOY Forecast 2015 Adopted Budget Headworks $158,465 $320,000 Flood Damage Repairs $527,558 $200,000 $10,000 $40,000 $250,000 $0 $0 $25,000 $946,023 $560,000 Master Plan Update FEMA Payments Headgate/Flume Replacement Total CIP Expenditures FEMA Update Continue to receive reimbursements from FEMA for work done to repair structures. FEMA approved a mitigation project for the Leyden Creek Crossing. Work at Leyden Creek will begin this month. Install box culvert in the ditch. Armor bank to protect culvert from future high flows. Reseed disturbed area. There are some issues getting funding for the block wall installed near Headgate #53. FEMA process will continue until all projects including the mitigation at Leyden Creek are completed. Authority Staffing and Reorganization Retirement/resignation of two staff. Jim Manley Eve Craven Northglenn and Westminster would like the Authority to be more autonomous. Staff will no longer be Northglenn employees. Hiring 2 full-time and 1 part-time employees. General Manager Ditch Superintendent Secretary. Staff will run the ditch separate from the Cities. City staff will continue to sit on the Authority board. 2015 Run Season Operations Authority is very short staffed. New staff is not anticipated to be hired and working until July 2015. City of Northglenn will provide a few staff to help when needed. Authority will contract with Farmers Highline Canal and Reservoir company to help with 2015 run season. Delivery Process Unique conditions in 2014 pointed out ineffiencies in delivering water to inch-holders. Too much water going down Dry Creek Valley Ditch means more water is available to inch-holders. Developed a new delivery spreadsheet to help determine pro-rata share for each inch-holder based on: Diversion from Clear Creek. Number of inches calling for water. Inch-holders who have not called for water, will not have their gate unlocked. Water will be distributed to all calling inch-holders based on the pro-rata share available. Laterals/headgates that do not have adequate measuring devices will need to be replaced. Reminders Assessments are due by April 1, 2015. Please call or e-mail to request your water. We will not open your gate without a formal request. Please make sure that your flume and laterals are cleaned prior to April 1, 2015 in preparation of water deliveries. We cannot deliver water to a headgate that cannot measure it’s deliveries. Please maintain these structures. The website will be updated frequently with updates on projects and with important information. QUESTIONS? THANK YOU
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