COUNCIL REPORT Report No.: PDS037-2015 Executive Committee March 16, 2015 File No: 3020-20/D14-045 To: From: Subject: Mayor and Council Mateja Seaton, Planning Technician Development Variance Permit application for the property, located at 1971 Dixon Road Owner: Oranya Farms II Holdings Ltd. (Directors: Cornelis Antonius Spitters, Jeffrey Matthew Spitters, Jordan Andrew Spitters) RECOMMENDATIONS 1. THAT application 3020-20/D14-045 to allow variances, as detailed in Report No. PDS037-2015, be approved in principle, and that a permit be prepared for an upcoming Council Hearing; and after considering the comments and concerns of surrounding property owners and occupiers at the Council Hearing, if Council wishes to proceed with the issuance of Development Variance Permit No. 1966, the appropriate motion will be: 2. THAT application 3020-20/D14-045 to issue Development Variance Permit No. 1966, as detailed in Report No. PDS 037-2015, be approved; 3. THAT the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to execute all documents relating to this matter. SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE The applicant is the owner and operator of Oranya Farms, an 11.27 hectare fully certified organic chicken farm. The farm has 9 double deck (floor) broiler chicken production barns with a total floor area of 23,662 m2 (254,694 ft2). The farm operation currently grows 210,240 organic broilers in this facility at any given time, and places and ships 26,280 birds per week. The applicant has indicated that the property is suited for further expansion to accommodate upwards of 50,000 organic chickens placed and shipped per week for a housed capacity of 400,000 chickens. In order to meet the demands of an expanding farming operation, the applicant is proposing three variances for the subject property. BACKGROUND Proposal: The applicant is requesting three variances as follows: a) A variance to the to the maximum permitted lot coverage as per the Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014, to increase lot coverage from 12% to 24% to accommodate the construction of 6 new barns (see Figure 3) L:\D14\D14-045\PDS037-2015.docx Page 2 of 4 Report No. PDS 037-2015 b) A variance to the Streamside Protection Bylaw, No. 14652005, to reduce the setback from 15 m to 5 m on the northern watercourse (approximate area of 1,100 m2 ) (see Figure 4) c) Variance 3: a variance to the Streamside Protection Bylaw, No. 1465- 2005, to reduce the setback from 15 m to 5 m on the eastern watercourse (approximate area of 580 m2 ) (see Figure 4). Applicant: Oranya Farms II Holdings Inc. (Jeffrey Spitters) Owner: Oranya Farms II Holdings Inc. Legal Description: Lot 2 Section 14 Township 19 New Westminster District Plan 6374 OCP Designation: Agricultural Zoning: Agricultural Two Zone (A2) Site Area: 11.27 ha (27.84 acres) Description: The subject property is located near the community of Arnold, south of the Trans-Canada Highway and west of the Interprovincial Highway. The property is located in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) and is a certified organic chicken farm. Two ditches run parallel to the north and east property lines. There is an existing mobile home on the property, as well as nine barns and a shop. Surrounding Uses: N: S: E: W: Vacant dairy farm (zoned A2) Farm (zoned A2) Small fruits (zoned A2) Agricultural uses - vacant (zoned A2) DISCUSSION Official Community Plan (OCP)/Zoning 1. The Official Community Plan (2005) designates the subject property as Agricultural. The intention of this category is to provide a stable, long-term land base for farming and other uses that support farming operations. The proposal is consistent with the policies contained within the OCP. 2. In 2011, Council approved the Agriculture Strategy which aims to enhance the health and viability of the agricultural economy through seven key objectives. These objectives include fostering agriculture-friendly regulations and enhancing opportunities for agricultural enterprise. The proposed variances would allow for the construction of several new buildings to expand the farm's operational capacity, which is consistent with the strategy document. 3. The subject property is zoned Agricultural Two Zone (A2), which permits Agricultural Uses, a Single Detached Dwelling, and Accessory Full-Time Employee/Seasonal Employee Residential Uses. The applicant's proposal is in line with the permitted uses. The applicant is applying to vary the maximum permitted lot coverage from Report No. PDS 037-2015 Page 3 of 4 20% to 24% to build six additional barns, on-site manure storage, a mill, and two residences to house the owner and farm employees (see Figure 3). 4. The Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014, determines the need for Accessory Full-Time Employee Residential Use based on a minimum established level of operation - in the case of chicken broilers, the minimum level is set at 56,000 birds at one time. Oranya Farms grows 210,240 organic broilers at this facility at any given time quadruple the amount of the minimum established level of operation. One of the proposed residential dwellings would be for the owner and the other for farm workers . Streamside Protection Bylaw 5. Two non-permanent, non-fish-bearing ditches run parallel to the north and east property lines of the farm (see Figure 4). The applicant hired Scott Resource Services (SRS) to complete a Fish Habitat Assessment Report (Attachment A) to identify required stream setbacks for the proposed new buildings. The Streamside Protection Bylaw (SPB) requires a 15m streamside setback for both ditches. The SPB applies to the two proposed houses, but it does not apply to agricultural buildings. 6. The applicant is proposing to reduce the streamside setbacks from the two ditches running along the north and east property lines to 5 m (see Figure 4). Given that the watercourses are classified as non-fish bearing ditches, SRS determined that the provincial Riparian Areas Regulation (RAR) setback would be 2 m. They concluded that a variance to the SPB allowing a reduction in setbacks from 15 m to 5 m would not be detrimental to fish habitat. 7. Staff recommend support for the proposed variance for the following reasons: a. SRS has indicated that the two ditches are non-permanent and non-fish bearing, with very poor fish habitat value. b. The applicant faces constraints on the available building envelopes due to existing barns already constructed on the property and their positioning in relation to the ditches. c. The applicant recently planted a tree buffer along the full length of the north and east property lines as part of their Environmental Farm Plan (EFP). The EFP Program, launched by the Ministry of Agriculture in 2003, aims to complement and enhance current environmental stewardship practices of producers. The tree buffer consists of a total of 644 Western Red Cedars planted in two rows, with an approximate area of 3,454 m2 . d. The planted tree buffer has already provided compensation at an approximate ratio of 2: 1 for the total area of both proposed Streamside Protection Bylaw variances (1680 m2 ). Ministry Referral 8. The Ministry of Agriculture was consulted on the application for the three proposed variances. Ministry staff indicated that they would be willing to support a lot coverage of up to 35% for farm buildings and structures, excluding residential lot coverage. Ministry staff did not have issues with the streamside setback variances as they are not required for any of the proposed agricultural buildings. Page 4 of 4 Report No. PDS 037-2015 Communication Plan If supported by Council, a permit will be prepared for an upcoming Council Hearing. The City will notify in writing the adjacent property owners and occupiers of the date and time of the Council Hearing. FINANCIAL PLAN IMPLICATION No financial plan implications are anticipated. IMPACTS ON DIRECTION COUNCIL POLICIES, STRATEGIC PLAN ANDIOR COUNCIL This parcel is consistent with the City's Official Community Plan. SUBSTANTIATION OF RECOMMENDATION The applicant is requesting variances to construct several new agricultural and residential buildings to support an expanding farm operation. If approved, the proposed lot coverage would exceed the maximum permitted lot coverage under the A2 zone by 4% . Variances to the Streamside Setback Bylaw are required to enable construction of the two proposed residential dwellings. Staff supports this application as this proposal is consistent with the Official Community Plan and the Agriculture Strategy. Prepared by: Mateja Seaton Planning Technician Department Head Approval: Siri Bertelsen General Manager of Planning & Development Services Reviewed by: Darren Braun Director of Development Planning Enclosures: Figure 1 - Location Figure 2 - Context Plan Figure 3 - Proposed Lot Coverage Figure 4 - Proposed Setbacks Attachment A - Fish Habitat Assessment Report (Scott Resource Services Inc.) Attachment B - Development Variance Permit No. 1966 FIGURE 1 LOCATION ADDRESS: APPLICANT: 1971 Dixon Road Oranya Farms II Holdings Inc. Jeffrey Spitters - Contact ~A • ABBOTSFORD Planning and Development Services FILE NO. 3020-20 I D14-045 March 16, 2015 SITE: PIAN OF LOT 2 SECTION 14 TOWNSHIP 19 NEW WESTMINSTE:R DISTRICT PIAN 6374 . .~ - :!-I' - ••{ ,~ ..' ". .-' ,', .' ..' ." ." ." .' .,' .'1<" .. ' .,' ." .,' ..' .. ' .J .J .,' .J .J ." .' .-if'''' .- .,' ~. ,. T ( r)y...y,,'(t'.J', dry.,J: .... , , _ .. .,..;.J .' .J .,' .~ .J .J .J .,' .,' .J ..- .:~ .,' .~ .,' .,' .-' :;"'k .,' .,' .,> .J i it ..1.11" .:.:.. ::-=.c .. .~ .J .J .' .J .J .' ." .J - .- ~ ' ::'-':" SooS£l5O'::J .J .,' '~.f .,' ,.;I •..; ..J .J .J ..' .J .' .J .,' .,' ,1 .' J ""''''' .J .~ .,- .,' .' ~ .~~ .,- .:." .,' . .,' " .... ::,:- .~ .,' .J .,- .J ..' .,' .J .,' .,' .J .,' .J .J .,' ." .J .,' .,' .,' .,' NlCArFstan:Tlor_U.26/>Q IIl£J. NIrA .' .J ..t •J .J .,' .,- .,' .,' .J ~ Of DlS1t.1:; BIIUJIHG FOOrPRIfTS. lJ.fJ9.5 m2 (12% rF Of PIIOPCJStD MDIIGS. 9J2..5 m2 (Mlr OF SlJ6ECTtDT .' .,' ,'. .- tOT ARfA) I I no. Of :::: ~~ ~ =: 15m SE1B'.CK. 1.2J"" D.liIi':r------------------------------------ (15M Sl7BAOr - 5m SEJBjQ{) • NIY. rFBUIlltNGS TO IItCCWSJ1lll:lW IImIIH 15m rF Itf'OFSAIIII" JaJ.5 m2 FIGURE 2 SITE PLAN ADDRESS: APPLICANT: • 1971 Dixon Road Oranya Farm II Holdings Ltd. Jeffrey Spitters - Contact irA ABBOTSFORD Planning and Development Services FILE NO. 3020-20 I 014-045 March 16, 2015 PROPOSED HOUSE 1 EXISTING BARN 9 PROPOS DARN 1 XISTING BARN PROPOS D BARN 2 PROPOS D BARN 3 PROPOSED BARN 4 SOUTH PROPERTY LINE COVERD WITH B TREES AND HEDGES. ROUGH CALCULATED AREA = 70721'12 EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING TREE BUFFER AREA IS APPROXIMATE) AREA CALCULATED FROM PROPERTY LINE TO EXTENT OF 3M MATURE TREES TOTAL = 34521'12 EXISTING BARNS 18.2 AREA = 1,0931'12 ea. EXISTING BARNS 2,3,4,6,8.7 AREA = 1,1711'12 ea. EXISTING BARNS 88.9 AREA = 2,4191'12 ea. PROPOSED BARNS 1,2,8.3 AREA = 2,4191'12 ea. PROPOSED BARNS 58.6 AREA = 1,1711'12 ea. EXISTING SHOP AREA = 2221'12 PROPOSED HOUSE 1 AREA = 3181'12 PROPOSED HOUSE 2 AREA = 4411'12 PROPOSED MILL AREA = 3451'12 PROPOSED STORAGE AREA = 6691'12 PROPOSED WATER SHED = 801'12 COMPOSTING FACILITY = 22401'12 PROPOSED SHOP = 4461'12 TOTAL STRUCTURE COVERAGE AREA = 26,8391'12 TOTAL LAND AREA = 112,6521'12 PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE AREA = 247. FIGURE 3 PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE ADDRESS: APPLICANT: • 1971 Dixon Road Oranya Farm II Holdings Ltd. Jeffrey Spitters - Contact ~A ABBOTSFORD Planning and Development Services FILE NO. 3020-20/ D14-045 March 16,2015 ~: , ri' :; l~:_-_~----,I.v'I 0'" D~: ~: l~::~ ,~- fbt _____-_____--"L~ .o)"~'5m~= ~~ e'rf' ,- ;~ :~':<kC------------YI.~ .~~ . rf ..~ ;.~ LC-------,b-~~~ , x""~ I",'' ' ~ ~t~ .,f .,f> 5 m setback from Top of Bank L, .? .'I! •.f II .>~ •.f .J' .~ ..' .v' .'~ t: ~....~ .1' .~ .>~ ,. ...~ l,~ .~ .~ .>"....~I .'It,t. ~PMJ 11>1'\ !2.O.IIO.M[J)~'\tt<V '~':~~ .~ I."= ..t, .,1- % '."" ~ I PROPOSED VARIANCE To reduce the streamside setback from 15 m to 5 m (variance area - 580 m 2 ) 15 m setback from Top of Bank .. .1' (;' ..l .' .~ .~ .~ AN FIGURE 4 PROPOSED STREAMSIDE SETBACKS ADDRESS: APPLICANT: • 1971 Dixon Road Oranya Farms II Holdings Inc. Jeffrey Spitters - Contact ........ A ABBOTSFORD Planning and Development Services FILE NO. 3020-20/014-045 March 16, 2015 ATTACHMENT A SCOTT RESOURCE SERVICES INC. Environmental Consultants 31856 Silverdale Avenue, Mission, BC V2V 2K9 Tel: (604) 820-1415 Fax: (604) 820-1621 [email protected]/ RESOURCE SERVICES August 21, 2014 Jeffrey M. Spitters Oranya Farms 26965 20th Avenue Aldergrove, BC, V4W 2P2 Re: Fish habitat assessment for 1971 Dixon Road, Abbotsford Be. 1.0 Background Project #: 1047.0102 ---:---.~ Your #: ./oF AB130 1-'.. RECEIVE;<P~ ! NOV 06 2014 ,, P"'3fln "~ ft./ ,!} & D \Z: erv.' eVe/on IIment ICeS Dopa ... l"'lTien[ Scott Resource Services Inc. (SRS) has undertaken a fish habitat assessment of 1971 'tJix Roa . Abbotsford BC, to identify and document fish habitat on and immediately adjacent to the subject property (Attachment 1). The watercourse assessment is required in order to identify the stream setbacks to allow for the: • • • construction of a workshop; construction of a new residential building; and replacement of an existing building. In addition, this report is intended to provide justification for a setback variance for the construction of the new residential building. 2.0 Study Area The study area included 1971 Dixon Road (civic address: Lot: 2 Sec: 14 Twn: 19 Plan: 6374) and the adjacent properties. 3.0 Methods Prior to the field assessment, a search of known watercourses within and adjacent to the study area was conducted using the eOA WebMap, the Community Mapping Network's Sensitive Habitat Inventory and Mapping (SHIML and the Fisheries Information Summary System (FISS) database. The entire study area was traversed on foot on August 12, 2014, to confirm existing stream classifications and to identify watercourses that drained onto or off of the site that could potentially provide fish habitat. Identified watercourses were assessed to determine if they were fish bearing and or provided a significant contribution of base flow, food, and nutrients to fish habitat. Watercourses :c 0 J. Spitters: Fish habitat assessment August 21, 2014 were considered to provide a significant contribution of base flow, food, and nutrients to fish habitat when there was evidence of annual flow and or surface connectivity to fish habitat. Setback recommendations for watercourses were made based on the COA Streamside Protection Bylaw 1465-2005 (SPB) and the Ministry of Agriculture's Factsheet "Agricultural Building Setbacks from Watercourses in Farming Areas". While it is understood that the COA SPB is based on the now repealed Streamside Protection Regulation (SPR), the Riparian Areas Regulation (RAR) detailed assessment methodology was referenced to determine an appropriate baseline buffer width sufficient to protect fish habitat values per provincial standards. 4.0 RESULTS The subject property is located in south Abbotsford, near the community of Arnold, within the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). There are currently ten barns and a residential building on the property. The remainder of the property is used to harvest hay. The COA WebMap identified an isolated ditch on the north property boundary. SHIM identified a fish bearing watercourse on the east and west property boundaries, and a non-fish bearing ditch on the south property boundary. The field assessment occurred in mid-summer, following an extended period of dry weather. It was raining on the day of the assessment. Two ditches were observed on the subject property (Ditch 1 and Ditch 2). Ditch 1 was located on the east property boundary, adjacent to Dixon Road, and Ditch 2 was located on the north property boundary, between the subject property and 2165 Dixon Road. The watercourse on the south side of the subject property identified on SHIM mapping was not observed during the field assessment. A large berm precludes the possibility of a stream at that location. A description of each watercourse, including fish habitat classification, is provided in the following sections. Representative photographs are located in Attachment 3. 4.1 Ditch 1 Ditch 1 appeared to have been constructed to direct road and overland drainage from the southeast corner of the subject property north along Dixon Road to a large, flowing ditch north of Campbell Road, approximately 600 m north of the subject property. Fish presence in the ditch adjacent to Campbell Road was visually confirmed during the field assessment. Ditch 1 was intermittently wetted and flowed through multiple culverts under agricultural access roads between the subject property and Campbell Road. At the time of the assessment, Ditch 1 adjacent the subject property was intermittently wetted, with no evidence of flowing water. As the portion of Ditch 1 adjacent the subject property represents the uppermost extent of the ditch, it is likely only wetted during periods of heavy rain, or during the wet season when the water table is higher. The bankfull width was approximately 2.5 m, with a depth of approximately 1.0 m. Substrate consisted of fines. Vegetation adjacent to Ditch 1 consisted predominantly of grasses with sporadic Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus) immediately adjacent to the top of bank. Although Ditch 1 is likely only wetted during periods of heavy rain, it currently drains overland flow towards a known fish-bearing watercourse. As a result, it could be considered to provide a source of food, nutrients, and base flows to fish habitat. However, as Ditch 1 currently functions as an agricultural Scott Resource Services Inc. Page 2 of 5 1. Spitters: Fish habitat assessment August 21, 2014 and roadside drainage ditch, and does not provide a clean source of water to downstream habitat in the driest time of the year, its contribution to fish habitat was considered marginal. Ditch 1 was classified as a non-permanent, non-fish bearing watercourse. 4.2 Ditch 2 Ditch 2 appeared to have been constructed to direct overland drainage along the north property boundary east to Ditch 1, and west to an unnamed ditch on the west property boundary of 2165 Dixon Road. At the time of the assessment, Ditch 2 was intermittently wetted, with no evidence of flow, and no evidence of headwaters. As Ditch 2 did not have a spring or other source of flow, it is likely only wetted during periods of heavy rain or during the wet season when the water table is higher. The bankfull width was approximately 2.5 m, with a depth of approximately 1.0 m. Substrate consisted offines. Vegetation adjacent to Ditch 2 consisted predominantly of grasses with sporadic Himalayan blackberry, black hawthorn (Crataegus douglasii), and red-osier dogwood (Comus stolonifera) immediately adjacent to the top of bank. Instream vegetation included reed canary grass and cattails (Typha latifolia) Although Ditch 2 is likely only wetted during periods of heavy rain, it currently drains overland flow towards a known fish-bearing watercourse. As a result, could be considered to provide a source of food, nutrients, and base flows to fish habitat. However, as Ditch 2 currently functions as an agricultural ditch, and does not provide a clean source of water to downstream habitat in the driest time of the year, its contribution to fish habitat was considered marginal. Ditch 2 was classified as a non-permanent, non-fish bearing watercourse. 5.0 DISCUSSION Within the assessment area, Ditch 1 and Ditch 2 were considered to provide limited fish habitat, and new buildings will be required to observe the setback as defined by the eOA SPB or the Ministry of Agriculture's Factsheet "Agricultural Building Setbacks from Watercourses in Farming Areas". Setbacks are not applicable to existing agricultural buildings or to agricultural practices. 5.1 Watercourse Setbacks Streamside Protection and Enhancement Areas (SPEA) for watercourses located in the eOA are determined by the eOA SPB. Per the bylaw, stream setbacks are determined based on: existing or potential vegetation; fish bea ring status; and permanency of flow. 5.1.1 Ditch 1 Existing or potential vegetation is measured perpendicularly from the top of bank on either side of a stream. Riparian vegetation for Ditch 1 was defined under Subsection (1) (a) of the eOA SPB: "intact and continuous areas of Existing Vegetation or Potential Vegetation equal to or greater than 30 m wide." Ditch 1 was identified as a non-permanent, non-fish bearing stream. Under Subsection (2) (b), the SPEA must be: Scott Resource Services Inc. Page 3 of 5 J. Spitters: Fish habitat assessment August 21, 2014 "at least 15 metres wide measured perpendicularly away from the Top of Bank for all Non Fish Bearing Streams that are Non-permanent Streams." Per the RAR detailed assessment methodology, Ditch 1 would be classified as a non-fish bearing ditch and a 2 m setback would be considered sufficient to preserve fish habitat values. 5.1.2 Ditch 2 Riparian vegetation for Ditch 2 was defined under Subsection (1) (a) of the COA SPB: "intact and continuous areas of Existing Vegetation or Potential Vegetation equal to or greater than 30 m wide." Ditch 2 was identified as a non-permanent, non-fish bearing stream. Under Subsection (2) (b), the SPEA must be: "at least 15 metres wide measured perpendicularly away from the Top of Bank for all Non Fish Bearing Streams that are Non-permanent Streams." Per the RAR detailed assessment methodology, Ditch 2 would be classified as a non-fish bearing ditch and a 2 m setback would be considered sufficient to preserve fish habitat values. 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Setback recommendations for the construction of the new buildings on the subject property are outlined below. 6.1 Workshop As the proposed workshop is required for agricultural purposes, it is exempted from the eOA SPB. The Be Ministry of Agriculture recommends that new agricultural buildings that present a low risk of discharging contaminants be constructed at least 5 m from the top of bank of constructed ditches. As a result, the footprint of the new workshop should be at least 5 m from the top of bank of Ditch 2. 6.2 New residential building The new residential building is not required for agricultural purposes. As a result, per the COA SPB it must be constructed at least 15 m from Ditch 1 and Ditch 2. However, the only suitable building location that would not impact existing or future agricultural uses is situated within 15 m of Ditch 1 and Ditch 2. Given that the ditches contribute marginally to downstream fish habitat, a setback of no less than 2 m would be appropriate. As a 2 m setback width determined using the detailed RAR Assessment Methods is recognized as sufficient to protect fish habitat health, a variance to the eOA SPB allowing a setback reduction from 15 m would not be considered to negatively impact fish habitat. In addition, as the agricultural land use will not change following development, and all avallable land will be used for hay or other agricultural purposes, establishment of a 15 m wide SPEA on the subject property will not be feasible or required. The project owner has indicated that a 5 m setback is required for construction of the residential building. Based on the above, a 5 m setback would not result in negative impacts to fish habitat. If a variance is granted, the SPEA between the new building and the ditches should be protected from encroachment and rehabilitated with native vegetation. As construction works would occur in close proximity to Ditch 1 and Ditch 2, construction best management practices and mitigation measures should be employed to prevent harm to fish habitat or violation ofthe COA Erosion and Sediment Control Bylaw, 2010, 1989-2010. Scott Resource Services Inc. Page 4 of 5 J. Spitters: Fish habitat assessment 6.3 August 21, 2014 Residential building replacement The existing residential building that will be replaced is not required for agricultural purposes, and is located approximately 30 m from Ditch 1. Per the COA SPB, the replacement building and yard must be constructed at least 15 m from the top of bank of Ditch 1. As there is sufficient room for construction within the existing footprint, a variance to the SPB is not required. 7.0 Closing I trust that this report meets your needs at this time . If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Scon RESOURCE SERVICES INC. - -' .. ' i Remi Massqn, B.5c., R.B.Tech. Project Biologist .~ / ' / .:<.".. Ryan Anaka, M.5c. Project Manager Attachments (3) 1. General Project Area 2. Annotated City of Abbotsford WebMap 3. Selected Site Photographs Scott Resource Services Inc. Page 5 of 5 Attachm ent 1. General Project Area Figure 1. Annotated map of the study area. Base mapping source from the City of Abbotsford WebMap (2014). Attachment 2. Annotated City of Abbotsford WebMap Figure 1. Annotated Aerial photograph of 1971 Dixon Road, Abbotsford. Scale is approximate. Air photograph sourced from the City of Abbotsford WebMap (2014). Attachment 3. Selected Site Photographs , . Photograph 1. View Ditch 1 on the subject property, facing north. At this location, the ditch was dry. Riparian vegetation consisted of short grasses and Himalayan blackberry along the length of the ditch. Photograph taken August 12, 2014. Photograph 2. View of Ditch 1 on the subject property. The approximate upstream extend ofthe ditch is indicated with a white arrow. Photograph taken August 12, 2014. Photograph 3. View of Ditch 2 on the subject property, facing west. At this location the ditch contained a small amount of standing water. Photograph taken August 12, 2014. Photograph 4. View of the substrate in Ditch 2 on the subject property. There was no evidence of flowing water, and the red iron oxide is indicative of low flow situations. Photograph taken August 12, 2014. SCOTT RESOURCE SERVICES INC. SCOIT RESOURCE SERVICES Environmental Consultants 31856 Silverdale Avenue, Mission, Be V2V 2K9 Tel: (604) 820-1415 Fax: (604) 820-1621 ~ A 8 e~ [email protected]/ ~ OR 0 l-~~ " NOV D6 2014 October 29, 2014 Jeffrey M. Spitters Oranya Farms 26965 20th Avenue Aldergrove, BC, V4W 2P2 Re: ECEIVELl~ Project #: 1047.0 Your #: of/anning & D . Services D.. e!!el0pmem • (;partment / ~J Addendum to the fish habitat assessment for 1971 Dixon Road, Abbotsford Be. Scott Resource Services Inc. (SRS) submitted a watercourse assessment of 1971 Dixon Road, entitled: "Fish habitat assessment for 1971 Dixon Road, Abbotsford Be', addressed to Jeffrey Spitters and dated August 21, 2014. This letter is intended to provide additional detail requested by the City of Abbotsford (COA). 1. 2. 3. A total of 644 western redcedars (Thuja plicata excelsa) will be planted in two rows on the east and north property boundaries. These will consist of 322 trees 1.00 m to 1.25 m in height, and 322 trees 2.25 m to 2.50 m in height. The row closest to the property boundaries will consist of the smaller trees, while the inside row will consist of the larger trees. The total area of the cedar hedge is anticipated to be 3454 m 2 • The new residential building in the northeast corner of the subject property will have a footprint 2 of 173 m within 15 m of the top of bank of Ditch 1 and Ditch 2. There will be no encroachment within 5 m ofthe top of bank. A split rail fence is to be installed 2 m west of the top of bank of Ditch 1. The fence will be located between the new residential building and Ditch 1 and is intended to prevent encroachment into the ditch. The attached drawing shows the location and areal coverage of the cedar hedge, and the footprint of the residential building within 15 m of the top of bank (Attachment 1). I trust that this letter meets your needs at this time. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, SCOTI' RESOURCE SERVICES INC. . " !( . Remi Ma;;son, B.5c., R.B.Tech. Project Biologist Attachments (1) 1. Survey Drawing 8yan Anaka, M.Sc. Project Manager ~ 7 Attachment 1 Survey Drawing ~wa .~iS ~i~~ ~ ' ~. ~ · :~i :~iS.Ii ~nl~ "a~. ~~n 1'J~~ ; ~~~ > '1- ~ i ~ ..~ ~ ~ i!! [ ~ i ~ - '0 AT ~ ~ ~;,; ~!l!g ... }~~ ~ ~ ~ ii, ~~ ~, ~~ a ~ . ~~ \:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~r t .' 1f ~~- ~ ~": I -; ~ i '..~ ~ il ~ ". ~ ". " -. -:~ -:\0.>! ~ i ~ .., '.. ..... ~ i ", ' ". '" ". 0.. :. ... ~ " . ". ',. '- .... '-. .. -, ". -" /10 ....., . , .. ", ". ~ I'T "- ". ". '. --'-- ". ", '''~ ~: -~ ..... '-. '. ", -'" '-;~ " "0 ". '" ',. ". "·U".:: ". .,, . ". '. ; .'t,... .j'" , '1 !<:t ;"., '",.,:<.t. ~. .~. ..... '" <' ". 1:, ih a '. ~H~ I!, 'I~~~ ~ l:~l'r P2i ~~,i ~a. ~F§ 9i~ ~§ii ;;s~ ~~ I;i~ r';' ~o :e !:~ ~ ". .n,,§~ ~~ ~!5 4- ". ~,,~ :'F ';. /' -, '. ~~~ ~" ~ < ar -'. ". ", ~" ~: ...., ~"ii -', ;:'" "~ .~~. ~"~ '" ". '" -. .. ..< ~ \1 ", '''~ .. " !tl'i '<~ ". "> ". I I ". "< I '. ". "t I I I '. I i~ ~( /....... \ .. ~. . '-. . ''''''t. _-, '. ATTACHMENT B DEVELOPMENT VARIANCE PERMIT NO. 1966 1. This Development Variance Permit No. 1966 is issued to ORANYA FARMS II HOLDINGS INC. 26965 20 TH AVENUE ALDER GROVE, BC V4W 2P2 as the owner (the "Permittee") and shall apply only to ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land within the City of Abbotsford ("the City") described below, and any and all buildings, structures and other development thereon: Parcel Identifier: 011-191-376 Legal Description: Lot 2 Section 14 Township 19 New Westminster District Plan 6374 (the "Lands") 1. This Development Variance Permit is issued pursuant to and in accordance with the applicable bylaws of the City and is issued subject to compliance with all of the bylaws of the City except as specifically varied by this Permit. 2. City of Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw No. 2400-2014 shall be varied as follows: a) Section 210.3.4 shall be varied to increase the maximum lot coverage from 20% to 24% in accordance with Schedule "A". 3. Abbotsford Streamside Protection Bylaw No. 1465-2005, Section 5 shall be varied as follows: a) to reduce the Streamside Protection and Enhancement Area from 15.0 m to 5.0 m from the top-of-bank along the watercourse at the east side of the property in order to accommodate the construction of two new residences, as identified in Schedule B. b) to reduce the Streamside Protection and Enhancement Area from 15.0 m to 5.0 m from the top-of-bank along the watercourse at the north side of the northern new residence in order to accommodate the construction of a new residence, as identified in Schedule B. 4. This Permit does not constitute subdivision approval, a Soil Removal/Deposit Permit, a Tree Removal Permit or a Building Permit and does not entitle the Permittee to undertake any work without the necessary approvals or permits. Site work must be in compliance with the Soil Deposit/Removal Bylaw and the Tree Protection Bylaw; other works must be constructed in accordance with engineering plans and specifications acceptable to the City's General Manager of Engineering,; and buildings and structures can only be altered, changed in occul!lancy or constructed in accordance with the B,C. Building Code following issuance of a Building Permit. 5. This Permit expires two years from the date of issuance, as provided for in the Local Government Act, Section 926, AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION PASSED by Abbotsford City Council on the ,2015. THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED this The Corporate Seal of the CITY OF ABBOTSFORD was hereunto affixed in the presence of: Mayor, Henry Braun Corporate Officer, William Flitton L:ID14ID14-045IDVP1966 day of ,2015. day of SCHEDULE "A" DEVELOPMENT VARIANCE PERMIT NO. 1966 PROPOSED HOUSE 1 EXISTING BARN 9 EXISTING BARN 6 PROPOS DARN 1 XISTING BARN PROPOS D BARN 2 PROPOS 3 PROPOSED BARN 4 SOUTH PROPERTY LINE COVERD WITH B TREES AND HEDGES. ROUGH CALCULATED AREA = 7072M2 TREE BUFFER AREA IS APPROXIMATE) AREA CALCULATED FROM PROPERTY LINE TO EXTENT OF 3M MATURE TREES TOTAL 3452M2 = ,,0.. ,,0.. ,,0.. ,,0.. ,,0.. EXISTING BARNS 18.2 AREA = I,093M2 EXISTING BARNS 2,3,4,6,8.7 AREA 1,171M2 EXISTING BARNS 88.9 AREA = 2,419M2 PROPOSED BARNS 1,2,8.3 AREA = 2,419M2 PROPOSED BARNS 58.6 AREA 1,I71M2 EXISTING SHOP AREA = 222M2 PROPOSED HOUSE I AREA = 318M2 PROPOSED HOUSE 2 AREA 441M2 PROPOSED MILL AREA 345M2 PROPOSED STORAGE AREA 669M2 PROPOSED WATER SHED 80M2 COMPOSTING FACILITY = 2240M2 PROPOSED SHOP 446M2 = = = = = = = = · = 26,839M2 TOTAL STRUCTURE COVERAGE AREA TOTAL LAND AREA 112,652M2 PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE AREA 24X .,...",;; ABBOTSFORD Plann ing and Development Services = EXISTING EXISTING SCHEDULE "8" DEVELOPMENT VARIANCE PERMIT NO. 1966 PROPOSED VARIANCE To reduce the streamside setback from 15 m to 5 m (variance area - 1,180 m 2) ~:: .. ~ .-" D~: (: CO<SEIE •'01' .~ ,of ,~ - ,~ ,1' ,-i' ,~ "P ,..t _ ...... - L ~----------------------~ ./' ,~ ft~ : ~=,~~ 1J.L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......L" ~ .,'1' S> ,v' ;I •." ,~ .~ " ,..t C 5 m setback from Top of Bank To reduce the streamside setback from 15 m to 5 m (variance area - 580 m 2 ) AN """'A O· ABBOTSFORD Planning and Development Services
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