Glitch's Viking Hat of DOOM!

Glitch's Viking
Hat of DOOM!
US size 4 needles
Grey worsted weight yarn
Brown worsted weight yarn
Yellow yarn (any weight)
K: Knit
P: Purl
Kfb: Knit in front and back
K2tog: Knit two stitches together
Pbf: Purl in back and front
P2tog: Purl two stitches together
CO: Cast on
BO: Bind off
Make bobble: Pbf, Kbf twice, P2tog twice, K2tog
OR Kfb, Pbf twice, K2tog twice, K 2tog
Back Hem
The front and back are arbitrary, they should be
almost identical once it is sewn up.
CO 45sts in grey
Row 1: P
Row 2: P
Row 3: K
Row 4: *P4, make bobble, P8, repeat from *
Row 5: K
Row 6: P
Row 7: P
Row 8: Switch to brown, P across
Crown of Head
Row 9: BO 13sts, K to end
Row 10: BO 13sts, K to end (19 sts)
Row 11-28: K for about 18 rows (or until the piece
measures about 3.5”)
Row 29: P to end, CO 13sts
Row 30: K to end, CO 13sts
Front Hem
Row 31: P
Row 32: Switch to grey, K across
Row 33: K1, Kfb, K to last 2sts, Kfb, K1 (47sts)
Row 34: K1, Kfb, K to last 2sts, Kfb, K1 (49sts)
Row 35: P1, Pbf, P to last 2 sts, Pbf, P1 (51sts)
Row 36: K1, Kfb, K5, *make bobble, P8* repeat
between * to last 7sts, K5, Kfb, K1 (53sts)
Row 37: P1, Pbf, P to last 2sts, Pbf, P1 (55sts)
Row 38: K1, Kfb, K to last 2sts, Kfb, K1 (57sts)
Row 39: K
BO purlwise, sew ends of the I-shape you have
made together. Hide ends. The sides of the ear
holes may curl under a little. You can crochet
around them to prevent this, but I just left them. I
liked the impression of curved ear holes.
Chin Strap
Pick up 4sts from corner of hat (below ear holes)
Knit in moss stitch for 2.75”
Sew end of strap to other side of hat
Cut lengths of yellow yarn a couple inches longer
than desired. Tie a knot in one end and braid. Sew
securely to hat under ear holes, then cut knot off
so that the ends do not show.