March 29, 2015 Masses: Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 17 St. Patrick Lane ~ Rolla, MO 65401 Office Hours, M - F, 9 - 12 & 1 - 5 Phone Number ~ 573-364-1435 After hours call ~ 573-202-0473 Newman Center ~ 573-364-2133 Fr. Charles Pardee, Pastor [email protected] Fr. Jason Doke, Assoc. Pastor ([email protected]) Fr. Angelus Minj, Assist. Pastor ([email protected]) Deacon Michael Brooks ([email protected]) Permanent Deacon and School Principal Deacon Chad Lewis ([email protected]) Permanent Deacon Deacon Thomas Manion ([email protected]) Permanent Deacon Deacon Matthew McLaughlin ([email protected]) Permanent Deacon Mrs. Debi Willy ([email protected]) Parish Secretary Mrs. Pat Crowley ([email protected]) Parish Reception Mrs. Doris Backes-Delp ([email protected]) School Secretary Fr. Jason Doke ([email protected]) Newman Chaplain Mrs. Theresa McCarthy-Brow ([email protected]) Newman Administrative Assistant Eucharistic Adoration and Vespers Adoration - Each Wednesday from 9 AM to 8 PM First Friday from 7 AM to 6 PM Solemn Vespers First Friday - 6 PM Deadline for bulletin submissions is Close of Business on Monday. Contact parish office or email [email protected]. St. Patrick Parish Information New to the Parish Welcome to St. Patrick’s! We hope you will belong to our parish by participating in many activities. Please begin by registering on the form available from the parish office or priests. Registering in St. Patrick School Parents wishing to know more about our grade school are encouraged to contact the school principal, Deacon Michael Brooks at 364-1162. Parish School of Religion For children in grades K-8 who do not attend St. Patrick School, we are happy to offer religious education on Sunday mornings. Please contact the office. Youth Ministry For students in grades 9-12, we combine catechesis and social events. Call the office. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Adults who would like to join the Catholic Church or Catholic adults seeking Confirmation or Eucharist, please contact the parish office. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday, 3:30 to 4:40 PM Or contact a priest anytime for an appointment. Sacrament of Baptism Congratulations on your new child. As you look forward to baptism, remember preparations are required and the best time is during pregnancy. Parental instructions are held quarterly on the third Sunday of February, May, August and November at 1 PM in the Office of the church. Sacrament of Matrimony Marriage preparations require several months to a year ahead of the anticipated wedding date. Please contact the office. Opportunities for Anointing of the Sick Parishioners facing surgery or serious illness may request the Sacrament of the Sick at any time by calling the parish office. Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Mass Schedule Anticipation of Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord gBruce Shrader 5:00 PM Sun, March 29, Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 8:00 AM Parish Family 10:30 AM Deceased 4th Degree Knights Mon, March 30 Monday of Holy Week gRose Duty 7:00 AM Tues, March 31 6:00 PM Wed, April 1 Tuesday of Holy Week gJane O'Keefe 8:15 AM Wednesday of Holy Week gArthur Baebler 9:00 PM gFr. Kenneth Walker Thurs, April 2 7:00 PM Thursday of Holy Week gDominica & Joseph Ventimiglia Fri, April 3 Friday of the Passion of the Lord Sat, April 4 Vigil of Easter gLeonard & Catherine Bade 7:30 PM Sun, April 5, Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of th Lord gPat Smith 8:00 AM 10:30 AM 7:00 PM Parish Family gJohn Smith Monday, Mar 30--7:00 a.m. Mass Tuesday, Mar 31--6:00 p.m. Mass Wednesday, April 1--8:15 a.m. Mass 9:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 8:00 p.m. Benediction Holy Thursday, April 2--No Morning Masses 7:00 p.m. Mass of the Lord's Supper Return Rice Bowls Adoration until 10:00 p.m. Good Friday, April 3-Day of Fast and Abstinence No Eucharistic Adoration No Masses 3:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross 7:00 p.m. Celebration of the Lord's Passion Holy Saturday, April 4--No Confessions No 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Masses 7:30 Easter Vigil TODAY'S SCRIPTURE READINGS: Response: Psalms 22:8+9, 19-20, 23-24 Mark 11:1-10 Isaiah 50:4-7 Philippians 2:6-11 Mark 14:1-15:47 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sunday, March 29 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord • No PSR • Adult Ed. - 9:15 am - Parish Center • No Youth Group • No 7:00 pm Mass Tuesday, March 31 • Rosary - 5:00 pm - Chapel Wednesday, April 1 • Eucharistic Adoration - 9:00 am • Benediction - 8:00 pm Friday, April 3 • No School will resume April 7 • Office will be Closed will open on Apr. 7 Sunday, April 5, Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord • No PSR • No Adult Ed • No Youth Group • Mass—7:00 pm OUR SYMPATHY to Bert Bahr and family at the death of her husband and their father, Bill. His funeral was last Wednesday at St. Pat's. May he rest in peace and may all the family know Christ's comfort in this difficult time. Our sympathy to the family of Mary Asbridge who was buried from St. Pat's on March 18. May Mary and her husband Nick rest in peace. Our sympathy to Pat Sauer and family. They have had four family members passed away in the past 2 weeks. Money Counters for Monday March 30 Chris Samson, Marsha Belvo & Bess Ponzer Week of March 22 , 2015 Operating Income Offertory Income for the week: Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Special Collections: Esater Easter Memorials Overseas Relief Income needed per week (FY 2014-2015) 12,840.76 746,333.56 4.00 30.00 275.00 20,047.23 Rolla Catholic Newman Center This Week at Newman Council Discernment Starting April 8th Newman will be discerning council positions for the next academic year. We encourage everyone to pray and think about being a part of council. If you have any question contact Matt at [email protected]. Monday, March 30th 12:05 pm Mass at Newman's Chapel 8:00 pm Symbolon Video Series Tuesday, March 31st 9:00 pm Reignmakers Practice at St. Patrick's Wednesday, April 1st 7:00 pm Adoration at St. Patrick's Chapel 8:00 pm Reignmakers Practice at Newman 8:15 pm Reconciliation 9:00 pm Mass Thursday, April 2nd Holy Thursday: 7PM Mass at St. Patrick Friday, April 3rd 12:00 pm Sunday Scripture Study Weekly discussions of Sunday’s readings in the Newman Conference Room with Father Charlie. Good Friday: 7PM Liturgy at St. Patrick Saturday, April 4th Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil Mass at 7:30PM Sunday, April 5th Easter Sunday 6:00 pm Reignmakers Practice at St. Patrick's 7:00 pm Mass at St. Patrick's A Prayer for Good Friday Jesus, Today we pause to remember your sacrificial love That shone light into the darkness That bore life from such emptiness That revealed hope out of devastation That spoke truth through incrimination That released freedom in spite of imprisonment And brought us forgiveness instead of punishment. Thank you that we can now walk in the light of your life, Hope, truth, freedom and forgiveness, This day and every day. Amen. LITUR GIC A L M IN IS TER S A pril4 / 5 Greeters: K. D. Bohm, R Higginbotham, L. Woessner, M. Woessner, J. Haskell, D. Curtis, T. Roth, Perm. Deacon M. Cerney, B. Grimm Lector 1st Reading M. Kallman Lector 2nd Reading M. Brooks Petitions: D. Backes-Delp Sacristan: M. Deo Servers: J. Limmer, T. Martin Ushers: Music Ministry: A. Hibbard, Maureen Keener 5:00 PM Extra-Ordinary Ministers: S. Gamm, D. Priesmeyer, C. Boone 8:00 AM Extra-Ordinary Ministers: A. Della Pelle, D. Smith, D. DeSalme, C. Vierrether, G. Micka, Perm. Deacon Greeters: A. Pendleton, B. Pendleton Lector 1st Reading S. Smith Lector 2nd Reading S. Jackson Petitions: V. Miers Sacristan: B. Snodgrass Servers: A. Jackson, E. Starns Ushers: Music Ministry: 10:30 AM Extra-Ordinary Ministers: R. Snodgrass, P. Murphy R. Bourne, S. & E. Kaelin, P. Bourne, M. Brenden J. Greenway, A. Lenox, I. Martin, P. Rechtien, Fr. Mazanec, J. Burz, H. Baker, Perm. Deacon Greeters: M. Greenway, C. Scott Lector 1st Reading C. Zimmerman Lector 2nd Reading M. Lenox Petitions: M. Grimmel Sacristan: P. Veo Servers: T. Martin, J. Hesse Ushers: Music Ministry: T. Cossette, T. Boeding M. Brueing, M. Beattie ALL LITURGICAL MINISTERS--We have begun meeting 15 minutes before the start of each Mass. For those ministers who have already tested this experience, it is helpful. We can give special directions, answer questions, and pray together. During the next several months of Easter and other Feasts there will be many special notes. Please understand that part of ministry is to serve in the best possible way, so that the Assembly may experience the presence of God in our worship--be generous by participating in this meeting and making our worship as fitting as possible. Those meeting are all ministers --SERVERS, SACRISTANS, MUSICIANS, LECTORS, USHERS, GREETERS, EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS, DEACONS, AND PRIESTS. University Book & Supply “Save money at the off-campus store!” 341-5573 1107 North Pine Street, Rolla Appliances, Computers, Furniture, Electronics 1100 S. Bishop 573-368-5558 Star Sign Company Rolla, MO 65402 573-364-3876 Contact: Doug Berlin 1303 N. Bishop 364-7200 Call Chris Beaugard at 573-426-6565 or visit William B. Moorkamp, D.D.S. (Parishioner since 1984) 912 North Cedar Street, Rolla Partnerships for dental wellness and the smile you want Diabetic Shoes Mastectomy Fittings Doris Backes-Delp Independent Senior Sales Director 573-4651067 Cell 573-341-8385 Office [email protected]’ 341-2020 Hillcrest Pharmacy & Optical Free Eye Exams Discover what you Love Null & Son Funeral Home DEDICATED TO FUNERAL SERVICE SINCE 1924 “The First Choice of Families” 1010 Kingshighway 364-1200 [email protected] 573‐364‐1345 Join the choir for practice every Thursday night at 6:30 PM in the church. This space for 1 year $250.00 State Farm® This space available $475.00 per year Call the parish office (364-1435) Kirk Buhr, Agent 100 % Employee-owned * Member FDIC 1-800-667-5202 Remember St. Patrick Parish in your will. Join us as we pray the Rosary to honor our Blessed Mother every Tuesday at 5:00 PM in the Chapel Forum Dental 1810 E. 10th St. Rolla, MO 65401 573-364-1821 Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office - Bloomington, Illinois 61710 1007 Hauck Drive; Rolla MO 65401 573-364-3144 [email protected] St. Patrick Church participates in the Safe Environment Program of the Diocese of Jefferson City. For more information, contact the parish office (364-1435) or the diocese webpage at <>.
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