The Catholic Community at Holy Spirit/Newman Hall Welcomes You We Gather To Hear God’s Word To Taste Jesus’ Life in Eucharist To Be a Community of God’s Love For One Another and For All Q We Are Sent To Relish Learning That Enriches All Lives To Heal Divisions in Our Church and World To Participate in The World’s Quest for Justice and Peace Q Learn more about us at Phone: 510-848-7812 2700 Dwight Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 email: [email protected] FAX: 510-848-0179 April 19, 2015 – 3rd Sunday of Easter COMMUNITY GIFT Our community gift to Operation Rice Bowl to date is $1,048.50. Thanks for your support of the overseas poor. STEWARDSHIP Weekly Collection for Apr 12 Sunday $11,236.39 Online $1,500.00 Total $12,736.39 Weekly Goal $12,150.00 Financial Status Finances Jan 1 – Feb 28 Income $130,719.99 Expense $107,505.55 Surplus $23,214.44 Want the convenience of electronic giving? Call Peg at (510) 848-7812, or visit our Online Giving page on our website: SCRIPTURE READINGS (Year B: Cycle I) Today, April 19 - 3rd Sunday of Easter Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Psalm 4:2, 4, 7-8, 9 First John 2:1-5; Luke 24:35-48 Monday, April 20 Acts 6:8-15; John 6:22-29 Tuesday, April 21 Acts 7:51, 8:1; John 6:30-35 Wednesday, April 22 Acts 8:18; John 6:35-40 Thursday, April 23 Acts 8:26-40; John 6:44-51 Friday, April 24 Acts 9:1-20; John 6:52-59 Saturday, April 25 First Peter 5:5-14; Mark 16:15-20 Next Sunday, April 26 – 4th Sunday of Easter Acts 4:8-12; Psalm 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 21, 29; First John 3:1-2; John 10:11-18 CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES COLLECTION – Today’s 2nd collection helps CRS assist the poor and vulnerable overseas. Thank you for your support. Please remember our friends who have entered eternal life: Beni Fein (Mar 14 – parishioner since ‘74– Memorial Service on 2pm, 6/27), Raul Loya (Apr 1 - parishioner’s father – Funeral on 10am, 4/11), Christopher Murphy (former student parishioner & Cal football player ’04 – Funeral on 2pm, 5/2). May they and all our departed rest in God’s loving hands. As you plan your will, please do not forget to include your parish, after taking care of family and other important needs. There will always be others after us who will need the spiritual support of our parish. COMING UP AT NEWMAN Sunday, April 19 10:00 am Playgroup Program 4:00 pm Choir Rehearsal 6:00 pm Student Dinner 7:30 pm AA Meeting Monday, April 20 9:00 am Adoration (Mon-Fri) 9:00 am Food Not Bombs 12:10 pm OA Meeting 1:00 pm Writing Group 4:30 pm Newman Garden Group 7:00 pm JustFaith 7:30 pm Non-Violent Peacemaking Group 7:30 pm Parish Council Meeting 7:30 pm Meditation Group Tuesday, April 21 1:00 pm Tuesday Theology 5:30 pm Knitting Group Wednesday, Apr 22 6:00 pm Sacred Dance Workshop 8:00 pm Student-led Rosary Thursday, April 23 7:30 pm Emmaus Group 8:00 pm Adoration/Reconciliation Friday, April 24 12:10 pm OA Meeting 6:30 pm Chun Jin Ahm 6:30 pm Seekers 7:30 pm AA Meeting Saturday, April 25 8:30 am First Communion Retreat 9:00 am Marriage Prep 6:30 pm Senior Banquet CAPITAL CAMPAIGN UPDATE – As of April 10th, our parish has pledged $246,450 toward our goal of $681,628. This represents just over 36% of our goal from only 16% (126) of our parish families. Keep up the great work!! If you did not write your name, you were not counted in our participation count. Feel free to fill out another pledge envelop with your name and write you gave already. Also when you get a thank you letter from the diocese, please check to see if our parish was credited. If you didn’t write Newman on your pledge envelope, they selected the closest parish to your address. Let us know if this is the case and we can get it corrected. If you haven’t filled out a pledge envelope, please consider filling one out so we can get a high participation score. We want the diocese to know how exceptional we are. ANNOUNCEMENTS BERKLEY CROPWALK — Join our neighboring churches, walking together to take a stand against hunger in our world. Consider either walking or sponsoring a walker. 25% of funds stays local and 75% supports worldwide hunger programs through Church World Service. The walk is on Sun, Apr 19 at 1pm, done by 3pm. Contact Marlene for more info ([email protected]) or check out THE SPIRIT MOVES: Dance Meditation and Praise — In the Spirit of Easter, Carla DeSola, a member of Newman and renowned sacred dance teacher and choreographer, will offer an introductory session on dance as a form of meditation and joyful praise. The session includes stillness and focused prayer moving into celebratory dance. Material is drawn from scripture, music and the urgings of our heart. We will conclude with a chant from Taize. All are welcome on Apr 22, 6:45-8pm, in the chapel. CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS — NEW WELCOME COMMITTEE — For many of us, Newman is the center of our spiritual life; yet, we are also a large congregation, and this can make our church an overwhelming and challenging place to make connections for visitors and newer parishioners. In order to bridge this gap, we are forming a formal welcome committee to serve as our parish outreach to visitors and new members. Some ideas involve placing our manned welcome table at the church entrance before and after mass, creating a pamphlet detailing the many ways to get involved, and holding a bi-annual social gathering for all new parishioners. If you would be interested in serving on such a committee, please email Gina Gamble ([email protected]) letting her know which mass(es) you attend and times that would be good for you to attend a meeting. -*- SIMPLY STUDENTS -*- EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AND BENEDICTION — Come spend some time with the Lord in the Eucharist every 1st Saturday of the month after the 12:10pm Mass until 4:30pm. SENIOR BANQUET DINNER – All seniors and graduating students are invited to a senior banquet sponsored by our Newman Alumni on Sat, Apr 25 after the 5pm Mass. THE NEWMAN FICTION GROUP will meet at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 5, to discuss The Wide Sargasso Sea, by Jean Rhys. This critically acclaimed novel uses Jane Eyre as a starting point to tell a story about Mr. Rochester's first wife. SENIOR STUDENT DINNER – All seniors and graduating students, if you cannot get enough free food, are welcome. You are also invited to a senior student dinner that will be cooked by our 3rd year students. They look forward to being what you are today, on the cusp of achieving that CAL degree. This will be after the 5pm Mass on Sun, Apr 26. CONFIRMATION CONGRATULATIONS – Congratulations to our 30 Candidates who were confirmed by Bishop Barber this past Thursday: High School Candidates: Zoe Appel, Sofia Barandiaran, Lucas Cruz, Teresa Mesones, and Jared Pursiano; College & Adult Candidates: Alondra Urbina, Ben Cervantes, Carmen Ramirez, Edgar Rodriguez, Edgard Vidrio, Elise Cox, Erick Morales, Fernando Barragan, Fiona Morrison-Fleming, Gina Dang, Giorgio Tavecchio , Ivon Pena, Ivette Martinez, James Reedy, Jr., Jeanette Rios, Kinsey Brock , Leslie Cerpa , Brianna Hernandez, Marco Pedroso, Marissa Ayala, Mitzia Martinez, Moralma Rodriguez , Nicholas Westerman, Sooinn Lee, and Urina Kim. Thanks to Tom Dandelet, Frances Rojek, and Frs. Bob, Dat,& Ivan who helped in their preparation. In this sacrament, through prayers, the laying on of hands, and anointing with chrism, these candidates were strengthened by the Holy Spirit to profess more boldly their faith and actively live out their Christian profession in the world. BACCALAUREATE MASS – All seniors and graduating students, family, and friends are invited to a Baccalaureate Mass to honor our graduating students. Mark your calendars for Fri, May 15th. BIBLE STUDY – Looking to learn more about the Bible. Consider Seekers Bible Study or a FOCUS Bible Study or the multi-generational Emmaus Group. For more info on the FOCUS Bible Study, contact Leanne Tracy, [email protected] ROSARY GROUP — Need an oasis to get away from the stresses of studies, exams, life? Though led by student, all parishioners are welcomed to join Rosary Group on Wed at 8pm in the Gallery Room to pray a Mystery of the Rosary. Newman Knitting Group on Tue at 5:30pm Rosary Group on Wed at 8pm Chun Jin Ahm & Seekers Bible Study on Fri, at7pm Student Dinner on Sun at 6pm Easter Blessings and Thank You ... To all who contributed time, energy and gifts, towards making our Holy Week and Easter liturgies unique: * Colleen Lenord and the choirs and musicians for the uplifting and beautiful music throughout the Triduum * Jim Roth, mixed choir member, who most generously takes care of all our sound and visual equipment * slide operators, Mary-‐Jean Tenret, John McChesney-‐Young, & Megan Dwyer * Head Christine Dalton and all the volunteer sacristans * Dave Korenchan, the MC for the Triduum Liturgies, and all the liturgical assistants * Lectors and Jeff Dhont who trains and schedules them * Eucharistic ministers and Gary Addiego who trains them * the slide operators, Mary-‐Jean Tenret, John McChesney-‐Young, Megan Dwyer * Frances Rojek and all who assisted with the Foot Washing, Procession of the Cross and Baptisms * the FOCUS Missionaries for all their assistance * the Newman Dancers and Omega West Dancers coordinated by Carla DeSola * all those who helped decorate the Chapel and the Garden of Gethsemane * John Neville and Walt Lindquist who prepared the baptismal pool * Hospitality Ministers and Greeters, the collectors * Peg McGowan and the counters for tracking our finances * the Linen Carers and Chapel Cleaning Crew * those who tidied up the chapel after each liturgy, and put away the 500+ candles used at the Easter Vigil * those who helped prepare the party for the newly baptized and confirmed * those who washed the towels and mats * Ann Buechner, who takes care of usage reporting for copyright * Patrick McIlhone and the Front Desk receptionists * Marcin Majda and those who prepare coffee and donuts each week * RCIA Team (Howard Fisher, Joan Allekotte, Kaya Oakes, Tom Meyer, & Fr. Al) who helped prepare our 6 elect and candidates for full reception to the Catholic Church * Guest Jesuit confessors (Fr. George, Fr. Tom, Fr. John), Gina Gamble (preacher), Van Pierre Mandin & Nicole Manalo (musicians) for assisting our Communal Reconciliation * SMT Liturgy Committee for the Walking Stations of the Cross on Good Friday * Molleen Dupree-‐Dominguez and SMT Publicity for publicizing our Holy Week schedule * the Paulists celebrants and concelebrants * your generous contributions which make possible a beautiful environment * the presence of each member of the assembly – bringing unique gifts and spirit. - Your Staff of Newman Hall-Holy Spirit Parish Staff Rev. Ivan Tou, CSP (Pastor) [email protected] Rev. Dat Tran, CSP (Associate Pastor) [email protected] Rev. Al Moser, CSP (Paulist Emeritus) [email protected] Rev. Robert J. O’Donnell, CSP (In Residence) [email protected] Colleen Lenord (Music & Liturgy) [email protected] Frances Rojek (Faith Formation) [email protected] Robbie Valentine (Administrative Assistant) [email protected] Peg McGowan (Administrative Assistant) [email protected] Christine Dalton (Sacristan) [email protected] Molleen Dupree-Dominguez (Web Administrator) [email protected] Mass Schedule Weekdays Mon-Sat: 12:10 pm Tuesday: 5:15 pm Thursday: 9:00 pm (candlelight) Sunday Saturday: Sunday: 5:00 pm (anticipatory for Sunday) 7:30 & 10:00 am 5:00 & 10:00 pm (candlelight) Hearing assistance units are available at the front desk. Regular School-Year Building Hours Monday-Friday: 9:00 am–9:15 pm Saturday: 9:00 am-6:00 pm (1st Sat until 7:00 pm) Sunday: 7:00 am-11:00 pm Reconciliation Saturday 3:30-4:30 pm, Thursday 8:00-8:45 pm, or by appt. Eucharistic Adoration M - Th 9 - 10 am, Th 8 - 9 pm Eucharist for the Sick or Homebound Leave a message for the priest on duty at Newman Hall. Baptisms and Marriages Call the weekday receptionist for further information. Infant/Toddler Care & Playgroup Childcare is available Sundays at the 10:00 am Mass. A faith program for 2-5 year olds is also available during the 10:00 am Mass. Coffee & Donuts served after 10:00 am Mass. Sunday Parking There is limited parking on Sundays in the Newman parking lot across Dwight Way from the church building. Parking is also available at UC Berkeley's Underhill Lot (west of College between Channing and Haste), for $0.50/hour on Sundays.
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