i Living with INTERMEDIATE What you’ll need: • • • • • • • ‘Moda Vera’ HARMONY 50g balls as per size 1 pair 5.00mm knitting needles 1 pair 7.00mm knitting needles 6.00m circular knitting needle Stitch markers Cable needle Scissors, yarn needle, tape measure SizeXS Fits Bust cm 87 Actual Size cm 91 Length cm 61 ‘Moda Vera’ HARMONY 50g Balls10 Abbreviations: alt alternate cont continue foll follows/ing K knit patt pattern st/s stitch/es sl slip S 92 96 63 M 97 101 65 L 102 106 67 11 12 13 beg begin/ning dec decrease inc increase/ing P purl rem remain/ing RS right side WS wrong side Special Abbreviations: M1K to make 1 st knit into next st of previous row M1P to make 1 st purl into next st in previous row Tension: 14 sts x 19 rows to 10cm over stocking st using 7.00mm needles. HARMONY CABLE VEST The information on this project sheet is presented in good faith, but no warranty is given, nor results guaranteed. Quantities and selections may vary at each store. Spotlight cannot guarantee results. Copyright Spotlight 2012. Instructions: Cable Stitches TWS: (Twist st) knit into 2nd st on left-hand needle then without dropping the 2 sts, knit into the first st, then carry both sts over the right needle. CB4F: Slip next 4 sts onto cable needle and place at front of work, K4, then K4 from cable needle, K8. CB4B: Slip next 4 sts onto cable needle and place at back of work, K4, then K4 from cable needle. CB3F: Slip next 3 sts onto cable needle and place at front of work, K3, then K3 from cable needle. BACK Using 5.00mm needles cast on 77 (81, 85, 89) sts. Row 1: (RS) K2, (P1, K1) to last 3 sts, P1, K2. Row 2: (WS) (K1, P1), to last st K1. Rows 1 & 2 form 1 x 1 rib patt, work 19cm of rib patt. Change to 7.00mm needles and set up for cable patt as foll: Row 1: P11 (13, 15, 17), (M1K, K2) 4 times, P2, M1K, K1, P2, K2, P2, (K2, M1K) twice, P2, K2, P2, M1K, K1, P2, K2, P2, (M1K, K2) twice, P2, K2, P2, M1K, K1, P2, (K2, M1K) 4 times, P11 (13, 15, 17) to end. Row 2 & all even rows: Knit all knit sts, purl all purl sts. Row 3: P11 (13, 15, 17), K12, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, K6, (P2, TWS) 3 times, P2, K6, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, K12, P11 (13, 15, 17). Row 5: P11 (13, 15, 17), K4, CB4F, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, CB3F, (P2, TWS) 3 times, P2, CB3F, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, CB4B, K4, P11 (13, 15, 17). Inc row Row 7: P11 (13, 15, 17), K12, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, K6, P2, TWS, P2, M1P, TWS, M1P, P2, TWS, P2, K6, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, K12, P11 (13, 15, 17). Row 9: P11 (13, 15, 17), K12, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, K6, P2, TWS, P3, TWS, P3, TWS, P2, K6, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, K12, P11 (13, 15, 17) to end. Inc row Row 11: P11 (13, 15, 17), CB4B, K4, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, CB3F, P2, TWS, P2, K1, M1K, TWS, M1K, K1, P2, TWS, P2, CB3F, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, K4, CB4F, P11 (13, 15, 17). Row 13: P11 (13, 15, 17), K12, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, K6, P2, TWS, P2, (TWS) 3 times, P2, TWS, P2, K6, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, K12, P11 (13, 15, 17). Inc row Row 15: P11 (13, 15, 17), K12, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, K6, (P2, TWS) twice, M1P, TWS, M1P, (TWS, P2) twice, K6, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, K12, P11 (13, 15, 17). Row 17: P11 (13, 15, 17), K4, CB4F, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, CB3F, P2, TWS, P2, TWS, P1, TWS, P1, TWS, P2, TWS, P2, CB3F, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, CB4B, K4, P11 (13, 15, 17). Inc row Row 19: P11 (13, 15, 17), K12, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, K6, (P2, TWS) twice, P1, M1P, TWS, M1P, P1 (TWS, P2) twice, K6, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, K12, P11 (13, 15, 17). Row 21:P11 (13, 15, 17), K12, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, K6, (P2, TWS) 5 times, P2, K6, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, K12, P11 (13, 15, 17). Armhole Pattern Change & Inc row Row 23: K8, P3 (5, 7, 9), CB4B, K4, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, CB3F, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, M1P, TWS, M1P, (P2, TWS) 2 times, P2, CB3F, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, K4, CB4F, P3 (5, 7, 9), K8. Row 24 & all even rows: K8, knit all knit sts, and purl all purl sts, to last 8 sts, K8. Row 25: K8, P3 (5, 7, 9), K12, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, K6, (P2, TWS) twice, P3, TWS, P1, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, K6, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, K12, P3 (5, 7, 9), K8. Row 27: K8, P3 (5, 7, 9), K12, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, K6, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, K1, M1K, TWS, M1K, K1, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, K6, (P2, TWS) twice, P2, K12, P3 (5, 7, 9), K8. Last 24 rows have established patt, with foll rules: • 8 st garter armhole • 6 st cable every 6 rows • 12 st plaited cable over 12 rows • 2 st twist st every RS row • 1 st inc each side of centre 2 st twist, then as 2 more knit sts are available, change to knit and then a new set of twist sts can commence Cont in patt until there are 122 (126, 132, 136) sts.** The information on this project sheet is presented in good faith, but no warranty is given, nor results guaranteed. Quantities and selections may vary at each store. Spotlight cannot guarantee results. Copyright Spotlight 2012. Cont in patt without shaping until work measures 61 (63, 65, 67)cm from beg ending with a WS wrong. Shape Shoulders Keeping patt correct cast off 10 sts at beg of next 6 rows, then cast off 9 (9, 10, 10) sts at beg of next 2 rows, 44 (48, 52, 52) sts. Place rem sts on holder or spare needle. FRONT Work as for back to**. Shape Neck Patt 48 (50, 51, 53), turn. Patt 1 row. Dec at neck edge in this and every row until 39 (39, 40, 40) sts rem. Cont in patt until work measures same as for back to shoulder shaping, ending with a WS row. Cast off 10 sts at beg of this and foll 3 alt rows. Patt 1 row. Cast off rem 9 (9, 10, 10) sts. Place next 26 (26, 28, 28) sts on a holder. Rejoin yarn to rem 48 (50, 51, 53) sts, patt 2 rows. Dec at neck edge this and every row until 39 (39, 40, 40) sts rem. Cont in patt until work measures same as for back to shoulder shaping, ending with a RS row. Cast off 10 sts at beg of this and the foll 3 alt rows. Patt 1 row. Cast off rem 9 (9, 10, 10) sts. COLLAR With right sides facing, pin and sew shoulder seams. Using 6.00mm circular needle, knit up 18 (19, 20, 22) sts down left front, K26 (26, 28, 28) from centre front stitch holder, knit up 18 (19, 20, 22) sts along right front, K44 (48, 52, 56) from back stitch holder, 106 (112, 120, 128) sts. Work 25cm of 1 x 1 rib. Cast off loosely in rib. FINISHING Pin and sew sides to armhole (garter st patt). Weave in loose ends.
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