City of Cotati Sonoma County, California DATE: May 12, 2015 TO: ALL PLANHOLDERS SUBJECT: CITY OF COTATI – DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN AREA REVITALIZATION PROJECT NO. E13-01 NO. of PAGES: 23 ADDENDUM NO. 9 This package provides an addendum to the Project Contract Documents. This Addendum shall become part of the Contract and all provisions of the Contract shall apply thereto. Bidders shall acknowledge receipt of this Addendum by signing and attaching the acknowledgement to your proposal. Failure to do so may cause rejection of your bid as being non-responsive. Questions from Bidders: QUESTION 1: 4/28; 1:06 PM, GHILOTTI CONSTRUCTION Bid item #63 provide new water meter. Please clarify what size and type of meter we are to provide. Does the City provide water meters? ANSWER 1: See this addendum. QUESTION 2: 4/28; 11:18 AM, GHILOTTI CONSTRUCTION Bid item # 44 calls for 28”x20” RCP. The pipe is made as 19” x30” RCP. Please modify the bid item to reflect this size. ANSWER 2: NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS, PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT PROPOSAL-CONTRACTOR'S BID PROPOSAL: Remove pages BB-19 through BB-22 in their entirety and replace with pages BB-19 through BB-22B provided with this addendum. 201 West Si erra Aven ue, Cot ati, CA 94931-4217 Page 1 TELEPHONE 7077924600 FAX 7957067 City of Cotati Sonoma County, California QUESTION 3: 4/28; 8:22 AM, GHILOTTI CONSTRUCTION You have added bid items to relocate AT&T, PG&E and Comcast boxes and Cabinets and to adjust existing PG&E / AT&T boxes and manholes to grade. Speaking with agency reps they will not allow us to touch their live facilities and this work must be completed by these agencies. They were asked and know nothing about this project. Please clarify. ANSWER 3: PROJECT PLANS Remove utility plans U1-U4 (Sheets 18-21) and replace in their entirety with the updated sheets provided with this addendum. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS, PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT Section 14-1.06 NONHIGHWAY FACILITIES (INCLUDING UTILITIES); page TS-30. Replace the entire paragraph with the following: “If removal, relocation or adjustment of the utilities shown in the following table becomes necessary due to conflicts with your activities, make the necessary arrangements with the utility company through the Engineer: 1. Verified by a representative of the utility company 2. Allowing an agreed upon time for the utility owner to either complete its work or for the utility owner to verify the work to be performed by the contractor. 201 West Si erra Aven ue, Cot ati, CA 94931-4217 Page 2 TELEPHONE 7077924600 FAX 7957067 City of Cotati Sonoma County, California Utility Telephone manhole Television box or underground facility Telephone box or underground facility Electrical box or underground facility Joint Electrical & Telephone facility Contractor-Arranged Utility Removals, Relocations or Adjustments Utility Owner Location AT&T <<see Utility Plans>> Comcast <<see Utility Plans>> AT&T <<see Utility Plans>> PG&E <<see Utility Plans>> PG&E and AT&T <<see Utility Plans>> If any of the facilities can only be removed, relocated or adjusted by the utility owner (AT&T, PG&E or Comcast), and introduces delays to the Contractor's activities, an extension of time determined pursuant to the provisions in Section 8-1.07, "Liquidated Damages" of the State Standard Specifications may be granted by the Engineer without additional compensation to the Contractor.” QUESTION 4: 4/27; 2:21 PM, NEARY LANDSCAPES The pay quantities for irrigation and planting are measured by the square foot and appear to be off from what is shown on the drawings. For example on the alternate, there are 46 tree wells, no other planting is shown in the alternate area and the pay item is for 1,916 SF. The tree wells are 5’ x 5’ = 25 SF x 46 loc. = 1,150 SF. The same scenario happens on base bid the quantities for irrigation and planting where the pay item is 4,084 SF however our takeoff and hydrozone tables sheet Li1 confirm that actual measurement is 3,657 SF. Please advise. ANSWER 4: PROJECT PLANS Remove landscape plans Li 1 – Li 2 (Sheets 22-23) and replace in their entirety with the updated sheets provided with this addendum. QUESTION 5: 4/27; 12:46 PM, NEARY LANDSCAPES We don’t see a specification section for the pavers that are next to each tree grate. Please let me know if we are missing something or if specification will be added. 201 West Si erra Aven ue, Cot ati, CA 94931-4217 Page 3 TELEPHONE 7077924600 FAX 7957067 City of Cotati Sonoma County, California ANSWER 5: See the updated Plans (issued with Addendum 4) and updated Notice to Contractors, Special Provisions, Proposal and Contract (issued with Addendum 5). QUESTION 6: 4/27; 12:46 PM, NEARY LANDSCAPES All of the major components of the irrigation system (water meter, backflow, controller, master valve, etc.) are south of station 12+56 and are in the alternate work area. If alternate area is not awarded what will service system north of station 12+56. ANSWER 6: See this addendum. QUESTION 7: 4/27; 2:28 PM, TEAM GHILOTTI Where can I get information in regards to the City Bench (R18), Trash Receptacle (R20A) for the City Of Cotati. I went to the Website and can’t find it there. Please advise. ANSWER 7: NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS, PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT REVISE Section 14-5. Site Furnishings, as follows: “CITY BENCH The Contractor shall bid a unit price for furnishing and installing City Benches where shown on the plans and per the City standard detail R18 in Appendix D.” “TRASH & RECYCLING RECEPTICLES The Contractor shall bid a unit price for furnishing and installing trash and recycling receptacles where shown on the plans and per the City standard detail R20A in Appendix D.” REVISE Appendix D – Miscellaneous Construction Details as follows: Add City Bench, Trash, and Recycling Receptacle details attached to this addendum. QUESTION 8: 4/27; 3:14 PM, TEAM GHILOTTI Number of Days = 88 Calendar = Is this just for the Base Bid? 201 West Si erra Aven ue, Cot ati, CA 94931-4217 Page 4 TELEPHONE 7077924600 FAX 7957067 City of Cotati Sonoma County, California ANSWER 8: NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS, PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT REVISE the first paragraph of the PROPOSAL (page BB-23) as follows: “The undersigned further agrees to deliver and to complete the Base Bid Wwork within 88 Days from the date of issuance, by the Public Works Department, of instructions to proceed with the work, and within 10 Days of the date of mailing of the notice of award, to enter into and execute and provide to the City the necessary contract with the necessary bonds and other required documents, and in case of default in executing the necessary contract within the time fixed by the Instructions to Bidders, the bidder’s security accompanying this bid shall become the property of and be forfeited to the City of Cotati. If Bid Alternate 1 is awarded, the undersigned agrees that 43 Days will be added to the Base Bid Days. If Bid Alternate 2 is awarded, the undersigned agrees that 34 Days will be added to the Base Bid Days.” REVISE the second paragraph on the BIDDER’S SIGNATURE PAGE (page BB-38) as follows: “The bidder agrees to deliver and to complete the Base Bid Work Project within 88 Days from the date of issuance, by the Public Works Department, of instructions to proceed with the Project, and within 10 Days of the date of mailing of the notice of award, to enter into and execute and provide to the City the Project contract, bonds and all other documents specified in the Contract Check List included in the bid package, and in case of default in executing the Project contract within the time fixed by the Instructions to Bidders, the bidder’s security accompanying this bid shall become the property of and be forfeited to the City of Cotati. If Bid Alternate 1 is awarded, the undersigned agrees that 43 Days will be added to the Base Bid Days. If Bid Alternate 2 is awarded, the undersigned agrees that 34 Days will be added to the Base Bid Days.” REVISE the third agreement term in the AGREEMENT (page BB-41) as follows: “TIME FOR COMPLETION. The Contractor must complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents within eighty-eight (88) Days from the date specified in the City’s Notice to Proceed (“Time for Completion”). If Bid Alternate 1 is awarded, the Work shall include an additional 43 Days. If Bid Alternate 2 is awarded, the Work shall include an additional 34 Days. The total Time for Completion, including additional Days for any awarded Bid Alternates, shall be specified in the City’s Notice to Proceed.” QUESTION 9: 4/27; 3:14 PM, TEAM GHILOTTI Engineer Estimate = $ 1,300,000.00 = Is this just for the Base Bid? 201 West Si erra Aven ue, Cot ati, CA 94931-4217 Page 5 TELEPHONE 7077924600 FAX 7957067 City of Cotati Sonoma County, California ANSWER 9: Yes. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS, PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT SPECIAL NOTICE, on page Notice to Contractors -1, REVISE the second paragraph from the end of the page as follows: “The bids are to be submitted for the entire work. The amount of the bid for comparison purposes will be the total of all items including bid prices for Alternative 1. The amount of the bid for determining the lowest responsible and responsive bid will be the total of all items included in the Base Bid and Additive Alternative 2 Bid added together.” SPECIAL NOTICE, on page Notice to Contractors -4, REVISE the second paragraph from the end of the page as follows: “The City of Cotati reserves the right to reject any and all bids or to waive any defects or irregularity in bidding in accordance with applicable law. In accordance with California Public Contract Code Section 20103.8, if the City elects to award a contract for performance of the project, the contract will be awarded in accordance with California Public Contract Code Section 20162 and other applicable law to the responsible bidder submitting a responsive bid with the lowest total bid price for the base bid and Additive Alternative 2 Bid added together without consideration of the bid price for any additive or deductive items. All bids will remain valid for 90 calendar days after the bid opening. Except as permitted by law and subject to all applicable remedies, including forfeiture of bidder’s security, bidders may not withdraw their bid during the 90 day period after the bid opening.” BIDDING AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, REVISE paragraph 8.1 (AWARD) as follows: “In accordance with applicable law, the City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informality in any bid. The City reserves the right to accept any portion of any bid, unless the bid package expressly provides that the award will be made as a whole. If the City elects to award a contract for performance of the Project, the contract will be awarded in accordance with California Public Contract Code Section 20162 and other applicable law to the responsible bidder submitting a responsive bid with the lowest total bid price for the base bid and the additive or deductive alternate items listed in the Special Notice Notice to Bidders. In accordance with the contract documents and other applicable law, the City may add or deduct items of work from the Project after the lowest responsible bidder is determined.” 201 West Si erra Aven ue, Cot ati, CA 94931-4217 Page 6 TELEPHONE 7077924600 FAX 7957067 City of Cotati Sonoma County, California QUESTION 10: 4/27; 2:11 PM, ARGONAUT CONSTRUCTORS Since you are going to postpone for a week can you also address the acknowledgement page for addenda 2. It states we have acknowledged addenda number 1 not number 2. ANSWER 10: REPLACE acknowledgment page for Addendum 2 with page provided with this addendum. Approved by: . City Manager/Director of Public Works /City Engineer Attachments: 1. Acknowledgement of this Addendum 2. Acknowledgment of Addendum 2 3. Bid Proposal 4. Utility Plans (U1-U4) 5. Landscape Plans (Li1-Li2) 6. Details a. Trash Can b. Recycle Can c. City Bench (1 page) (1 page) (5 pages) (4 pages) (2 pages) (3 pages) 201 West Si erra Aven ue, Cot ati, CA 94931-4217 Page 7 TELEPHONE 7077924600 FAX 7957067 City of Cotati Sonoma County, California CITY OF COTATI CITY OF COTATI – DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN AREA REVITALIZATION PROJECT NO. E13-01 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDUM NO. 9 Receipt is hereby acknowledged by ______________________ (Print Name) on the ______ day of ___________, 2015. By: _______________________ Signature _______________________ Title _______________________ Company 201 West Si erra Aven ue, Cot ati, CA 94931-4217 TELEPHONE 7077924600 FAX 7957067
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