1.0 Please Note Study Sessions Topics: At 6:15 p.m. Council will meet with Public Works Director to discuss implementation of Storm Sewer Rates. OWATONNA CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, April 21, 2015 - 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers – Admin Building April April 24th 22nd 1. INTRODUCTORY ACTIONS: 1.1 Call to Order – Roll Call - Pledge of Allegiance. 1.2 Approval of Agenda. 1.3 Public Hearing. 1.4 Mayor - Proclamation of Arbor Day. 1.4.1 Recognition of City Employees Retired during 2014. 1.5 Finance Report. 2. CONSENT AGENDA: 2.1 Minutes: City Council Meeting – April 7, 2015. 2.2 Licenses and Permits: 2.2.1 Event Permit – Bikers Against Child Abuse Ride – May 16, 2015. 2.2.2 Event Permit – Steele County Recycling Event – May 16, 2015. 2.2.3 Event Permit – Memorial Day Parade – May 25, 2015. 2.2.4 Event Permit – Smokin ‘in Steele BBQ Event – May 29th & 30th, 2015. 2.2.5 Event Permit – 2015 Minnesota Tractor Ride – June 13, 2015. 2.2.6 Event Permit – Harry Wenger Marching Band Festival – June 20, 2015. 2.2.7 Exempt Permit – Steele County Purple Ribbon Club – August 23, 2015. 2.2.8 2015 Consumer Fireworks - Local Permit – Cash Wise Foods. 2.3 Board & Commission Minutes/Reports: 2.3.1 Library Board Minutes – February 17, 2015. 2.4 Department Reports: 2.4.1 SELCO Community collaboration Arts and Cultural Live Initiative Grant Application. 2.5 Contracts/Agreements: 2.6 Miscellaneous Items: 2.6.1 Exception to Noise Ordinance - OHS Spring Fling – May 29, 2015. 3. ACTION ITEMS: 3.1 Licenses & Permits. 3.2 Contracts / Agreement. 3.3 Board & Commission Recommendations: 3.3.1 Amend Human Rights Commission By-Laws. 3.4 Ordinances. 3.4.1 Proposed Ordinance 6-15, Amend Section 290 – Human Rights Commission. 3.4.2 Proposed Ordinance 7-15, Amend Section 94.079, “Paving Underground Facilities – Maintenance and Repair” – to include sump service as property of the property owner. 3.4.3 Proposed Ordinance 8-15, Amend Section 94.060, “Curb Construction Requirements; Inspection; Permit” – to increase amount of insurance required by contractors. 3.5 Resolutions: 3.5.1 Resolution 44-15: Declare Costs–Emergency Repair Completed-442 West Bridge Street. 3.5.2 Resolution 45-15: Set Date for Public Hearing to Consider Proposed Assessment for Emergency Repair Completed at 442 West Bridge Street. 3.6 Miscellaneous Items. 4. REPORTS. 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS. [Please limit comments to two minutes and to items not on the agenda.] 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS, COUNCIL COMMENT, AND GENERAL INFORMATION. 7. ADJOURN Order of Roll Call: Raney, Svenby, Dotson, Okerberg, Schultz, Burbank & Abraham 1.4.1 Proclamation City of Owatonna WHEREAS: In 1872 J. Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agriculture that a special day be set aside for the planting of trees; and WHEREAS: This holiday, called Arbor Day, was first observed with the planting of more than a million trees in Nebraska; and WHEREAS: Arbor Day is now observed throughout the nation and world; and WHEREAS: Trees can reduce the erosion of our precious topsoil by wind and water, cut heating and cooling costs, moderate the temperature, clean the air, produce oxygen and provide habitat for wildlife; and WHEREAS: Trees are a renewable resource, giving us paper, wood for our homes, fuel for our fires, and countless other wood products; and WHEREAS: Trees in our city increase property values, enhance the economic vitality of business areas, and beautify our community; and WHEREAS: Trees are a source of joy and spiritual renewal; and WHEREAS: Owatonna has been recognized as a Tree City USA by the National Arbor Day Foundation and desires to continue its tree-planting ways, NOW THEREFORE, I, Thomas A. Kuntz, Mayor of the City of Owatonna, do hereby proclaim April 24, 2015 to be ARBOR DAY in the City of Owatonna, and I urge all citizens to support efforts to care for our trees and woodlands and to support our city's community forestry program; and FURTHER: I urge all citizens to plant trees to gladden the hearts and promote the well being of present and future generations. DATED: This 21st day of April, 2015. ________________________________ Thomas A. Kuntz, Mayor 1.4.1 2014 Retirees First Name Type of Tree Location of Planting Mark Bruce Kevin Deanne Mark Tim Raymond Hackberry Swamp White Oak Red Maple Swamp White Oak Red Maple Sugar Maple Red Maple City Shop by salt shed Mineral Springs Park Chase Lake Buecksler Park West Hills Buecksler Park Jaycee Park Arett Francis Sedivy Von Wald Edel Hassing Truelson Mayor will read proclamation during April 21st Council Meeting April 24th – Arbor Day – Tree Planting Event begins on the front steps of the Administration Building at 12:15 p.m. 1.5 2.0 BEGIN CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ENT AGENDA 2.1 Owatonna City Council Minutes Administration Building Tuesday, April 7, 2015 7:00 o’clock p.m. The Owatonna City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Administration Building. Council President Abraham called the meeting to order. Present were: Council Members Abraham, Dotson, Burbank, Raney, Schultz, and Okerberg; Mayor Kuntz; City Attorney Walbran; Public Works Director Skov; Community Development Director Klecker; Human Resource Director Gorski; City Administrator Busse and Assistant City Clerk Clawson. Council Member Svenby was unable to be at the meeting. Council Chairman Abraham welcomed everyone to the meeting and Council Member Burbank led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance. Council Member Schultz made a motion to approve the agenda, Council Member Okerberg seconded the motion; all members present voted aye for approval. Mayor Kuntz introduced Ella Rasp, Student Representative during the April Council Meetings. Mayor Kuntz made proclamation today, April 7, 2015 was National Service Recognition Day. He encouraged residents to recognize the positive impact of national service in our city and thank those who serve and to find ways to give back to their communities. Mayor Kuntz recommended Sharon Klein be recommend to the District Court to serve on the City’s Charter Commission. This will fulfill the term of deceased member Raymond Truelson, representing the Fourth Ward. Council Member Dotson made a motion to approve Resolution 42-15 recommending the appointment of Sharon Klein to the Charter Commission, Council Member Burbank seconded the motion; all members present voted aye for approval. If approved, this appointment will expire December 31, 2017. Council Vice President Schultz recapped the expenses for the period totaling $536,039.63. Council Member Raney made a motion to approve payment of these bills; Council Member Dotson seconded the motion; all members voted aye for approval. President Abraham advised council members review the Consent Agenda Items prior to the meeting to approve in one motion. Consent Agenda Items for approval include: Minutes: City Council Meeting – March 17, 2015. Event Permit – Outdoor Movie – Chamber of Commerce - May 16, 2015. Event Permit – Federated Family 5K Run/Walk – July 18, 2015. Event Permit – Relay for Life – July 17, 2015 to morning of July 18, 2015. Street Vendor Permit – Todd Carver – Fun on Wheels, LLC – Kona Ice. Tree Trimmer Permits – D&D Yard Service LLC. & Strobel Tree-n-Boom Services, LLC. Annual Retail Fireworks Permit – TNT Fireworks at WalMart Parking Lot (tent). Temporary Liquor Permit – Smokin’ in Steele BBQ - May 29th & 30th – Knight’s of Columbus. Minutes – OPU Commission - Feb 24, 2015. Minutes – Planning Commission – March 10, 2015. Minutes – Shade Tree Commission – Feb 24, 2015. Minutes – HRA – Feb 23, 2015. Council Minutes April 7, 2015 P a ge 2 o f 6 Minutes – Airport Commission – Feb 12, 2015. Monthly Report – Fire Department Activity Report & Dashboard – February 2015. Monthly Report – Building & Inspection Department – March 2015. Renewal of the Static Display Loan Agreement – National Museum of the US Air Force. Airport Farm Land Lease Agreements – Crop Year 2015. Renter Bob Cole John Ihlenfeld Paul Maas Duane Schroeder Bob Swedberg Andy Michaletz Andy Michaletz (EDA Land) Monsanto (EDA Land) $265.00/Acre 50A x $265.00 15A x $265.00 20A x $265.00 24A x $265.00 21.5A x $265.00 20.5A x $265.00 89A x $265.00 8A x $265.00 2015 Payment $13,250.00 $3,975.00 $5,300.00 $6,360.00 $5,697.50 $5,432.50 $23,585.00 $2,120.00 13A x $265.00 $3,445.00 8A x $265.00 Airport EDA Total $2,120.00 $65,720.00 $5,565.00 $71,285.00 Council Member Raney made a motion to approve these Consent Agenda Items, Council Member Okerberg seconded the motion; all members present voted aye for approval. Public Works Director Skov presented request to approve an additional easement on the property located at 2250 Austin Road. Last fall, a verbal agreement was made with the owners of Northland Farm Systems for a 15’ easement when approving a conditional use permit for construction of a building at this site. During the course of design, it was found to be more efficient for the City to purchase an additional 15’ for a total easement of 30’ and to purchase of an existing building along the western side of the property. Removing the building will allow open cut installation of the stormwater pipe in this area instead of having to directionally drill past it. Also, the wider easement allows for the pipe to be centered on the new 30’ easement and not impact the trees and fences on the existing 10’ easement. Council Member Schultz made a motion to approve the additional 15’ easement, Council Member Dotson seconded the motion; all members present voted aye for approval. Public Works Director Skov presented Resolution 43-15 for acquisition of the additional 15’ easement from John Losee and Kelly Katzung at 2250 Austin Road. The purchase of the additional easement is $50,000.00 and will be paid for from the Stormwater Utility Fund. Council Member Okerberg made a motion to approve Resolution 43-15, Council Member Dotson seconded the motion; all members present voted aye for approval. Public Works Director Skov presented quotes received March 6, 2015 for approval for the 2015 Road Materials: Concrete and Concrete Repair. Council Minutes April 7, 2015 P a ge 3 o f 6 READY MIX CONCRETE: Gemstone Products Co. 2025 Centre Pointe Blvd Suite 300 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 3000 psi Mix $ 117.00 Cu Yd. 4000 psi Mix $ 120.00 Cu Yd. CONCRETE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION: Rocon, Inc. Joint Repair, Type SA-A2 $ 3.15 L.F. Owatonna MN Adjust/Install Frame & Ring Casting $ 130.00 each Expansion Joint (spec.), Type C-3BS $ 51.75 L.F . Crack Repair, Type SA-A3 $ 3.15 L.F. Partial Depth Repair, Type SA-BA $ 18.65 L.F. Full Depth Repair SA-CA $ 21.35 S.F. CURB, GUTTER, SIDEWALK REPAIR: Welker Custom Homes, Inc. Remove 6” or 7” Concrete Driveway $ 11.00 S.Y. Owatonna MN Place 6” Concrete Driveway $ 55.00 S.Y. Place 7” Concrete Driveway $ 57.00 S.Y. Remove 4” Concrete Walk $ 2.60 S.F. Place 6” Concrete Walk $ 6.20 S.F. Place 4” Concrete Walk $ 5.85 S.F. Place 4” Exposed Aggregate Concrete Walk $ 13.00 S.F. Truncated Domes $ 62.00 S.F. Remove Curb & Gutter $ 5.25 L.F. Place Curb & Gutter $ 27.00 L.F. Adjust Frame/Ring Casting $ 100.00 each Rocon, Inc. Owatonna MN Remove 6” or 7” Concrete Driveway $ 10.75 S.Y. Place 6” Concrete Driveway $ 61.60 S.Y. Place 7” Concrete Driveway $ 62.00 S.Y. Remove 4” Concrete Walk $ 2.90 S.F. Place 6” Concrete Walk $ 7.75 S.F. Place 4” Concrete Walk $ 7.50 S.F. Place 4” Exposed Aggregate Concrete Walk $ 13.65 S.F. Truncated Domes $ 70.00 S.F. Remove Curb & Gutter $ 4.60 L.F. Place Curb & Gutter $ 30.00 L.F. Adjust Frame/Ring Casting $ 90.00 each Council Member Dotson made a motion to approve the quote from Rocon, Inc. for the Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation and the quote from Welker s Custom Homes, Inc. for Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Repair. Council Member Burbank seconded the motion; all members present voted aye for approval. Public Works Director Skov presented a maintenance agreement with McQueen Equipment for the SnoGo MP-3 Snow blower purchased during 2014. This is a 5-year maintenance contract with an annual fee of $2,000. Council Member Schultz made a motion to approve the maintenance contract, Council Member Okerberg seconded the motion; all members voted aye for approval. Council Minutes April 7, 2015 P a ge 4 o f 6 City Attorney presented Proposed Ordinance 3-15 for a second reading to adopt the 2015 Ordinance Code of the City of Owatonna. The first reading of the proposed ordinance was held during the March 17th Council Meeting and there have been no changes. American Legal Publishing Corporation completed the codification of the City’s ordinances which was last done in 1992. Council Member Schultz made a motion to approve the second reading of Proposed Ordinance 3-15, Council Member Raney seconded the motion. With a roll call vote, members voting aye: Raney, Dotson, Okerberg, Schultz, Burbank and Abraham; Nay: None; Absent: Svenby, the second reading was approved. This will be known as Ordinance 1520. City Attorney presented Proposed Ordinance 4-15 for a second reading. This ordinance will prohibit feeding of raccoons and other animals with the objective to prevent nuisance conditions associated with their feeding. The first reading was held and approved during the March 17th Council Meeting and there have been no changes to the proposed ordinance. Council Member Burbank made a motion to approve the second reading of Proposed Ordinance 4-15, Council Member Schultz seconded the motion. With a roll call vote, voting aye: Council Members Raney, Dotson, Okerberg, Schultz, Burbank and Abraham; and voting nay: None. The second reading of proposed Ordinance 4-15 was approved; this will be known as Ordinance 1521. Community Development Director Klecker presented the second reading of Proposed Ordinance 5-15 to rezone lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, Emerald Acres No. 3 from B-2, Community Business District to PUD, Planned Unit Development. The request was received from Ryan Wempen with The Cottages, LLC who plan to purchase this property currently owned by James Wanous, Wanous Farms. The Cottages, LLC is proposing to construct four 24-unit assisted living memory care units over the next 10 years based on market conditions. The property is currently three platted parcels and the applicant will file for an administrative lot combination for these parcels to be combined into one lot. The first reading of this proposed ordinance was approved during the March 17th Council Meeting with condition requiring review of our consultant’s report for stormwater control in this area prior to this second reading. The applicant has now submitted grading plans for this project and this is in compliance with the city’s plans for Phase I of the stormwater project for the SE area. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter and recommend approval of this zoning change with the following recommendations: 1) The City Engineer shall approve of all final grading, drainage, and utility plans prior to construction commencing. 2) The lots shall be combined into one parcel prior to the first building permit being issued. 3) All signs shall have sign permits issued. 4) One 12’ x 12’ gazebo will be permitted to be constructed at the rear of each building. No other accessory structures will be permitted on the site. 5) The shed on the north side of the property shall be removed prior to the occupancy of the first building. 6) The private communication easement shall be released or relocated prior to a building permit being issued for the second building. Council Member Dotson made a motion to approve the second reading of Proposed Ordinance 515 with the recommendations made by the Planning Commission, Council Member Raney seconded the motion. With a roll call vote, voting aye: Council Members Raney, Dotson, Okerberg, Schultz, Burbank and Abraham; and voting nay: None. The second reading of proposed Ordinance 5-15 was approved; this will be known as Ordinance 1522. Council Minutes April 7, 2015 P a ge 5 o f 6 Community Development Director Klecker presented Resolution 38-15 approving the final plat of the Gateway Addition. The preliminary plat was approved via Resolution 35-15 with conditions recommended by the Planning Commission included in the resolution: 1) An access easement shall be provided to the public to allow the public to access Oak Avenue and the alley through the vacated portions of Oak Avenue. 2) The final plat shall be recorded within 60 days from the date of final approval. 3) The application shall provide the utility easements as shown on the proposed final plat drawing. 4) The title opinion shall be approved by the City Attorney prior to recording of the plat. Council Member Schultz made a motion to approve Resolution 38-15, Council Member Okerberg seconded the motion; all members present voted aye for approval. Public Works Director Skov presented Resolution 39-15 approving the bids and awarding the contract for the 2015 Street & Utility Project, Project No. 15001. The six bids received for this project were: Heselton Construction, LLC of Faribault, MN $658,864.41 James Brother Construction Inc. of Elysian, MN $663,446.18 BCM Construction of Faribault, MN $684,716.05 Wencl Construction Inc. of Owatonna, MN $719,195.95 JJD Companies, LLC of Blooming Prairie, MN $733,242.13 Ulland Brothers Inc. of Albert Lea, MN $768,187.46 The bids were 7.2% more than the engineer’s estimate of $614,226.35 for this project; however, Skov noted there have been significant cost increases in underground and construction costs since the report was prepared last fall and recommended accepting the bids. Council Member Raney made a motion to approve Resolution 39-15 approving the bids and awarding the contract to Heselton Construction, LLC of Faribault, MN for $658,864.41, Council Member Burbank seconded the motion; all members present voted aye for approval. Public Works Director Skov presented Resolution 40-15 approving the bids and awarding the contract for the 2015 Bituminous Pavement Reconstruction Project, Project No. 15003. There were three bids received for this project were: Crane Creek Asphalt of Faribault MN $640,839.98 Bituminous Materials Inc. of Faribault, MN $660,431.85 Ulland Brothers Inc. of Albert Lea, MN $695,975.89 The engineer’s estimate for this project was $716,112.65. Council Member Dotson made a motion to approve Resolution 40-15 approving the bids and awarding the contract to Crane Creek Asphalt of Faribault MN for $640,839.98, Council Member Burbank seconded the motion; all members present voted aye for approval. Public Works Director Skov presented Resolution 41-15 to approve the bids and award the contract for the 2015 Overlay Project, Project No. 15003. There were three bids received for this project were: Crane Creek Asphalt of Faribault MN $139,947.88 Bituminous Materials Inc. of Faribault, MN $144,986.83 Ulland Brothers Inc. of Albert Lea, MN $168,629.00 Council Minutes April 7, 2015 P a ge 6 o f 6 The engineer’s estimate for this project was $152,160.31. Council Member Schultz made a motion to approve Resolution 41-15 approving the bids and awarding the contract to Crane Creek Asphalt of Faribault MN at $139,947.88, Council Member Dotson seconded the motion; all members present voted aye for approval. Public Works Director Skov requested council approval to proceed with advertisement for bids for the 2015 CIPPS Project, lining of approximately 12,500 feet of sanitary sewer. The City has undertaken an aggressive sanitary sewer lining program, a similar length was completed during 2014. Council Member Dotson made a motion to proceed with advertising the 2015 CIPPS Project, Council Member Okerberg seconded the motion; all members present voted aye for approval. Community Development Director Klecker requested council acknowledgment of cancellation of the public hearing planned for April 21st to consider modification of Development District 3 and establishment of Tax Increment Financing No. 3-9. Bushel Boy Farms, LLC requested use of TIF for a 160,000 square foot expansion project of their greenhouse; however our consultant is now advising as an agricultural related project this project may not be TIF eligible. Staff has contacted the company and is investigating other options to assist in the project. Acknowledging cancelation of the public hearing will allow staff to not publish or post the hearing notices. Council Member Schultz made a motion to approve this acknowledgement, Council Member Dotson seconded the motion; all members present voted aye for approval. There were no comments heard during Public Comments. During Council Comments, Council Member Raney commented he has been working with a constituent regarding an unsightly compost pile in his neighbor’s backyard. Fire Commander Bruce Thomas has viewed the site and reported the pile has been there many years and not in violation of the City Code; currently, the city has no ordinances regulating compost piles. Council Member Raney asked property owners give consideration to their yard’s appearance and try to keep well maintained neighborhoods. Council Member Okerberg thanked Public Works Director Skov and the Public Works staff for preparation of the 2015 street construction projects. Council Member Schultz commented the warm weather has increased activity on the City’s trails and asked everyone to be aware of pedestrians. Student Rep Rasp thanked Council and Mayor for the opportunity to be here and participate in meetings. Mayor Kuntz thanked Public Works Director Skov and Community Development Director Klecker for their work on the obtaining the easement at Northland Farms, this will have a huge positive impact on the flow of water in this SE neighborhood. At 7:33 p.m., Council Member Raney made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Council Member Dotson seconded the motion, all members present voted aye and the meeting was adjourned. Dated: April 13, 2015 Respectfully submitted, Jeanette Clawson, Assistant City Clerk 2.2.1 Approved: _____ _ Denied: ________ SUMMARY EVENTS PERMIT APPLICATION Date of Application: 4/14/15 Date to Council: EVENT INFORMATION: Bikers Against Child Abuse 2nd Annual 100 Mile Ride 4/21/2015 FEE Amount: None Event Dates/Times: Saturday, May 16, 2015 Time: An all day motorcycle bike ride. Beginning at 8:00 a.m. will meet at the Eagles and leave at 9:30 a.m. Will be returning the Eagles at approximately 7:30 p.m. Location (Address) of Event: Start and finish at the Eagles at 141 E Rose Street. Will be leaving town via Rose Street and Hoffman Drive. Plat to return later in the day from the east on Rose Street. Estimated Attendance (Participants and spectators): 150 APPLICATION INFORMATION (Person/Group Responsible): Bikers Against Child Abuse Owatonna MN Chapter Primary Contact /Applicant Name: Jake Reim Items needed: Members of B.A.C.A. will be directing traffic into the parking lot as bikes arrive and prepare for the ride. Department Notes : Park & Rec: 4/17/15 Corky Ebeling approve no comment made. Police: 4/16/15 Keith Hiller approve with comment, “Any special requests for police assistance to contact CPT Mundale 774-7202. Fire: 4/14/15 Mike Johnson approve no comment made. Street: 4/17/15 Kyle Skov approve with no comment made. Council Notes: City Council Approval: ____________________________________ Date: _____________________ Kris M. Busse, City Administrator/City Clerk Page 1 of 1 2.2.2 Approved: _______ Denied: ________ SUMMARY EVENTS PERMIT APPLICATION Date of Application: 4/06/15 Date to Council: 4/21/15 EVENT INFORMATION: Steele County Recycling Event FEE Amount: None Event Date: Saturday, May 16, 2015 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Setup begins at 7:00 a.m. and clean up after the event should be done by 3:00 p.m. Location (Address) of Event: in the parking lot of the Retrofit Companies, 1010 Hoffman Drive Estimated Attendance (Participants and spectators): 300+ APPLICATION INFORMATION (Person/Group Responsible): The Retrofit Companies Primary Contact /Applicant Name: Michelle Gwin Phone Number: 414-5158 Cell Phone: 475-0995 Items needed: 4 barricades to block traffic on Killworth Dr so unable to turn off west bound traffic on Hoffman Dr to Killworth Dr or access via the Auto Zone parking lot so the only entrance to the Retrofit parking lot will be Frontage Lane. Department Notes : Fire Department: 4/13/15 Chief Johnson approve with no comment Park & Rec Department: 4/13/15 Corky Ebeling approve with no comment Police Department: 4/16/15 Chief Hiller approve, noting Pam Roberts has contacted applicant to review options regarding traffic flow. (Pam also assisted the event planner last fall and the fall event went much better than the event held last spring.) Public Works: 9/08/14: Kyle Skov approved with comment, “Organizer to be responsible for picking up and returning cones and barricades from City Shop at 1100 Industrial Blvd. between 7 AM and 3PM Mon. to Fri. Arrangements can be made calling the Street department at 507-774-7051 to arrange pickup and return of barricades.” Council Notes: Approved as noted via Consent Agenda City Council Approval: ____________________________________ Date: _____________________ Kris M. Busse, City Administrator/City Clerk Page 1 of 1 2.2.3 Approved: ______ Denied: ________ SUMMARY EVENTS PERMIT APPLICATION Date of Application: 4/02/2015 EVENT INFORMATION: Memorial Day Parade & Program Date to Council: 4/21/2015 FEE Amount: n/a Event Dates/Times: Date _Monday, May 25th Time: 9:30 am – Parade Set up begins at 8:00 a.m. along the parade route. Program to follow at the Four Season’s Centre at 10:30 a.m. Location (Address) of Event Elm Avenue – Beginning at School Street and south to the Fairgrounds . Estimated Attendance (Participants and spectators): 600 APPLICATION INFORMATION (Person/Group Responsible): American Legion & VFW Primary Contact /Applicant Name: Wendy Ayotte Items needed: Use of street and right-of-way, street barricades, and traffic control as in previous years Department Notes : Fire Dept – Chief Johnson approved – no comment. Public Works – Kyle Skov approved - 2015-05-25 Memorial Day Parade": Barricades are available Mon. to Fri. 7 AM to 3 PM for pickup and return by event organizer. Call for making arrangements 507444-2458. Any permits required on County Road 171, applicant will need to contact Steele County Road Department. Police Dept – Chief Hiller approved - Captain Mundale to coordinate parade with applicant, Contact Captain Mundale at 774-7202. Park and Rec – Corky Ebeling approved – no comment. Council Notes: City Council Approval: ____________________________________ Date: _____________________ Kris M. Busse, City Administrator/City Clerk Page 1 of 1 2.2.4 Approved: _____ _ Denied: ________ SUMMARY EVENTS PERMIT APPLICATION Date of Application: 3/11/2015 Date to Council: 4/21/2015 EVENT INFORMATION: Smokin’ in Steele KC Barbecue Weekend FEE Amount: N/A Event Dates/Times: Date May 29th and 30th all day events from 7:00 a.m. – midnight th Set up Thursday, May 28 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. and Clean up Sunday should be done by 3:00 p.m. Location (Address) of Event: Steele County Fairgrounds Estimated Attendance (Participants and spectators): 2,500+ over the weekend activities. Weekend full of activities including Kansas City BBQ Association sanctioned State BBQ Competition with music in Fair Square and Beer Garden, Family event includes an antique tractor display, 5k Fun Run, Bicycle Cruise, harmonica lessons for kids, amateur grill-BBQ competition as a fundraiser for local Special Olympics APPLICATION INFORMATION (Person/Group Responsible): Knights of Columbus Primary Contact /Applicant Name Joe Elbert Items needed- Elm Street in fairgrounds – they have contacted Steele County Engineer’s Office Exception to Noise Ordinance – Bands will play until midnight 5/30/14 and 5/31/14. Short Term Liquor Permit – KC Hall has applied and been approved Street barricades & Cones Trash Receptacles Traffic Control during the 5k Race on Saturday May 30th Department Notes : Park & Rec: 4/13/15 Corky Ebeling approve – P&R will incur $200 costs Police: 4/10/15 Keith Hiller approve - Applicant meet with Captain Mundale prior to event to confirm liquor license parameters, contact Captain Mundale at 774-7202. Street: 4/16/15 Kyle Skov approve - Event organizer shall be responsible for arranging pickup and return of barricades from City Shop during normal business hours of 7:00 to 3:00 Mon to Fri. 507-444-2458. Activities affecting County Road 171 through the fairgrounds need approval from the Steele County Engineer. Fire: 4/13/15 Mike Johnson approve Council Notes: City Council Approval: ____________________________________ Date: _____________________ Kris M. Busse, City Administrator/City Clerk Page 1 of 1 2.2.5 Approved: _____ _ Denied: ________ SUMMARY EVENTS PERMIT APPLICATION Date of Application: 4/02/2015 Date to Council: 4/21/2015 EVENT INFORMATION: 2015 Minnesota Tractor Ride FEE Amount: n/a Tractor Ride will be going south this year towards Hope, Ellendale, and New Richland area and then return to their point of origin in Owatonna Event Date: _Saturday, June 13th Time: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Set up will begin at 6:00 a.m. and clean up should be done by 6:00 p.m. Location (Address) of Event: Meet at Ag Power Enterprises, 355 SW 18th St Leave Owatonna via 33rd Avenue to SW 18th Street to 39th Avenue. Return to Owatonna with the same streets at approximately 4:15 pm Estimated Attendance (Participants and spectators): 125-150 Tractors APPLICATION INFORMATION (Person/Group Responsible): KOWZ Radio, KORN Radio, and the Linder Farm Network Primary Contact /Applicant Name: Brad Kubat @ 507-444-9224 Cell during event @ 507-390-5043 Or Gener Linse @ 507-676-6433 Items needed: Traffic assistance on streets as leaving town in the morning. No assistance needed in the afternoon as will not be crossing traffic. Department Notes : Park & Rec: Fire Department: Street Department Police Department 4/17/15 4/14/15 4/16/15 4/16/15 Corky Ebeling approve with no comments Mike Johnson approve with no comments Kyle Skov approve with no comments Keith Hiller acknowledge and approve: “Applicant must coordinate with Captain Mundale at least 7 days prior to the event, contact Captain Mundale at 7747202.” Council Notes: City Council Approval: ____________________________________ Date: _____________________ Kris M. Busse, City Administrator/City Clerk Page 1 of 1 2.2.6 Approved: _____ _ Denied: ________ SUMMARY EVENTS PERMIT APPLICATION Date of Application: 4/10/15 EVENT INFORMATION: 6th Annual Harry Wenger Marching Band Festival Date to Council: 4/21/15 __ FEE Amount: Event Dates/Times: June 20, 2015 Time: Parade will begin at 11:00 a.m. Set up begins at 6:00 a.m. and clean up should be completed around 2:30 p.m Location (Address) of Event: Downtown area and on streets as shown on the attached map. Streets serve as the staging area and pick-up area for each band. The judging performance is on Main Street by the Post Office and the awards ceremony is in Central Park. Estimated Attendance (Participants and spectators): 5,000 APPLICATION INFORMATION (Person/Group Responsible): Harry Wenger Marching Band Festival Primary Contact /Applicant Name: Kim Cosens Items needed: Use of streets, public parking lots, parks, Central Stage with microphone / electricity, 6 sets bleachers set near judging area, cones and barricades along parade route, 14 additional picnic tables in park area, restrooms will be located along parade route and near park as was last year. Department Notes : Park & Rec: 4/10/15 Corky Ebeling approve - P & R costs : $ 1500. Opening & closing of the stage is the Applicants responsibility, portable restroom costs are the responsibility of the applicant. Police: 4/16/15 Keith Hiller approve – Meeting with shift supervisor is required. Fire: 4/13/15 Mike Johnson approve with no additional comments. Street: 4/16/15 Kyle Skov approve – applicant will need permit for Temporary Road Closure from Steele County and request coordination meeting be held again this year. 4/15/15 Steele County Engineer Anita Benson approve Temporary Road Closure for Main Street as parade route (County Road 48 from Rice Lake Street/Chambers to Oak Street) Council Notes: City Council Approval: ____________________________________ Date: _____________________ Kris M. Busse, City Administrator/City Clerk Page 1 of 1 2.2.7 2.2.8 2.3.1 1 Owatonna Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Gainey Room 105 North Elm Avenue Tuesday, February 17, 2015 The Owatonna Public Library (OPL) Board of Trustees held the monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 17, 2015. In attendance were: President Russ Dunn-Foster, Secretary John Pfeifer, Meredith Erickson, Library Director Mary Kay Feltes, and Administrative Assistant Dawn Sorensen. Vice President Don Overlie was present via the web-based technology SKYPE from the Maricopa Public Library in Surprise, Arizona. David Marcoux, Assistant Director Renée Lowery, and Children’s Librarian Darla Lager were absent. City Administrator Kris Busse and City Councilman Kevin Raney were also present. All members could see and hear one another. All members of the public at the regular meeting location could hear. Required notice was posted, including the fact that some member(s) may participate electronically. Call to Order President Dunn-Foster called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm. Public Comments Busse and Raney asked to present updated information regarding strategic planning for the City of Owatonna according to the meeting agenda. Reminder of Open Meeting Law President Dunn-Foster reminded the board and public of the INFORMATION BRIEF [Minnesota Open Meeting Law] published by the Minnesota House of Representatives (Revised October, 2014, www.house.mn/hrd/, Accessed January 22, 2015). Children’s Services Report Feltes reported that Lager was absent due to an Early Literacy meeting at Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation (SMIF) that she was attending with Nancy Vaillancourt, Branch Manager at Blooming Prairie Branch Library (BPBL). Both women are representing the Owatonna Public Library in this 2 collaboration. Sorensen presented the Children’s Services Report for January 2015 at OPL. Storytime was held nine times during January 2015, with 216 people attending. This total includes the 36 people attending Baby, it’s Cold Outside, the Storytime done in partnership with Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE). Adventure Time, a science program done in partnership with Steele County Extension 4-H, was held on January 7, 2015. The twelve people attending learned about the science of candy. Lager attended Project Community Connect, an annual event in Owatonna that provides services to homeless individuals in the community. She spoke to ninety-five people about the library and gave away children’s books to those with children in their lives. January 2015 Board Minutes President Dunn-Foster presented the unapproved January 2015 board minutes for approval. Erickson made a motion to approve, and Pfeifer seconded. All aye. Financial Reports Feltes presented the financial reports for OPL. Feltes reported that the 2014 budget for the library is still open. Feltes explained the program budgets to the board. Library Use Report Feltes presented the library use report for January 2015. At OPL, 19,745 items were checked out in January 2015. This was a 4.7% decrease as compared to January 2014. At BPBL, 2,077 items were checked out in January 2014. This is a 7.8% decrease for BPBL as compared to January 2014. OPL welcomed 102 new borrowers in January 2014. BPBL welcomed 2 new borrowers in January 2015. At OPL, 16,810 people came through the doors in January 2015. This is a 1.8% increase as compared to January 2014. At BPBL, 1,143 people came through the doors in January 2015. This is a 14.3% increase at BPBL as compared to January 2014. At OPL, 1,682 items were lent to other libraries through the inter-library loan (ILL) system in January 2015. OPL borrowed 1,202 items from other libraries through ILL in January 2015. Items lent and borrowed decreased at OPL as compared to January 2014. At BPBL, 461 items were lent through ILL, and 270 items were borrowed for January 2015. At BPBL, item lent was about the same, and item borrowed decreased slightly as compared to January 2014. Items lent are greater than items borrowed, reflecting that OPL and BPBL own the materials that their patron need. 3 Library Digital Use Report Feltes presented the digital use report for January 2015. OPL remains a leader in eBook and eAudio check outs for the southern Minnesota region. At OPL, 369 patrons downloaded 1,353 eBooks and 246 eAudio items in January 2015. Freegal, the music database for OPL had 110 patrons downloading 1,126 songs in 52 genres in January 2015. Zinio, the magazine database for OPL had 99 digital magazines downloaded in January 2015. IndieFlix, the movie database for OPL had 1 movie downloaded for January 2015. Upcoming Programs Sorensen reported that OPL will be celebrating the 115th anniversary of the library on Sunday, February 22, 2015 from 1:00-5:00 pm with a Community and Patron Celebration Day. Cookies, beverages, and paper supplies have been donated by several local businesses for this event. Nancy Vaillancourt will give a Secrets of the Library tour at 2:00 pm. Sorensen reported that the World Film Series film Love is Strange will show at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm on February 26, 2015. On March 23, 2015 at 7:00 pm, Derek E. Sullivan, former Sports Editor for the Owatonna People’s Press, will present a program on his new young adult novel Biggie. The Steele County Food Shelf (SCFS) and OPL have partnered for March’s Hunger Film Fest. Films addressing the topic of hunger will be shown every Tuesday night beginning at 7:00 pm. Louanne Kaupa, local dietician and Board member of the SCFS will be facilitating these events. Homeless Individuals at OPL Feltes discussed the ongoing presence of homeless individuals at OPL. The Owatonna People’s Press recently covered the issue of homeless in the community and identified the library as a refuge. Feltes commented on the outpouring of support from community members and organizations in providing cold weather gear at the library. Strategic Planning Feltes welcomed administration and council participation in library strategic planning. Library strategic plans will align with City of Owatonna strategic plans. The board will continue to address issues surrounding the Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats (SWOT) analysis at the March meeting. Busse reported on the updates to the two-day strategic planning session held in January 2015 for the City of Owatonna. Busse specifically wanted to address concern from the library board over plans for flood mitigation near the library in the capital improvement plan as well as city strategic planning efforts. Busse reported that the City Council will be looking at flood mitigation 4 efforts sooner rather than later according to a proposed capital improvement plan schedule for 2015-2019. Busse suggested that grant opportunities may be available through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Busse reported that Kyle Skov, City of Owatonna Engineer/Public Work Director, has recommended performing a study of watershed projects needed to properly address the flood mitigation for the city. Busse also reported that the Information Technology (IT) department currently located at OPL will be moving to City Hall offices on the West Hills campus. Busse reported that the City Council would like a space allocation study performed for OPL so that the library is making the best possible use of its current space. Busse reported that there is money in the capital improvement plan to have the space allocation study done in 2015. President Dunn-Foster asked who would perform this study, and whether this space allocation study is the same as a feasibility study the board had discussed in August 2014. Busse stated that a space allocation study differed from a feasibility study. Erickson was concerned about the extent of public input on the watershed projects before they are decided upon by City Council. Erickson was also concerned about the impact future projects would have on the library structure and location. Erickson stated that the broad range of flood mitigation planning should be for all of downtown. Busse reiterated that the study discussed in regard to flood mitigation would explore the size and scope of flood mitigation projects. Erickson was concerned about costs of smaller projects versus larger projects in flood mitigation, and whether the public would be included in this decision-making process. Erickson was also concerned that planning should be realistically tied to long range library expansion plans, and that the projects be financially manageable. Raney stated that smaller flood mitigation projects are needed before any library long term planning. Busse stated that projects need to meet the needs of the entire city on a reasonable level. Erickson stated that in-house expertise was necessary to consider financial expenses in flood mitigation planning. Pfeifer suggested that the City Council consider working library expansion plans into flood mitigation planning, with suggestions to re-purpose the building according to the needs of the community. Dunn-Foster reported that other parking lots and the avenues surrounding the library flood just as badly as OPL during heavy rains. Feltes agreed. Erickson reiterated that the city should “…preserve this incredible structure of the library.” Erickson continued to state that Owatonna has many amenities such as parks, a library, etc., and this is what brings people to the town to live, work, and stay. Feltes reported that over 26,000 people have library cards in Steele County and they are invested in this library. Raney reported that the flood mitigation study will offer options, then the City Council can rate the options, look at costs, and come up with a solution. Dunn-Foster supported the plans to perform the flood mitigation study in 2015. Erickson stated that good public policy suggests planning before events happen, and that when plans move forward, the public, and specifically the OPL Board of Trustees should have the opportunity to approach the City 5 Council with their experiences and concerns. Raney stated that the purpose of this study is to mitigate flooding. Feltes thanked Busse and Raney for coming and for listening to the Board’s concerns in flood mitigation plans for the City of Owatonna. Erickson reiterated the importance and significance of the library, stating “…this structure is historical and magnificent…and dear to many hearts.” Erickson continued by requesting that the City Council include the library in infrastructure needs for future planning. New Business Feltes reported that Lager and Vaillancourt would be collaborating with SMIF monthly for the early literacy committee. Motion to Adjourn President Dunn-Foster made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:50 pm. The next meeting for the OPL Board of Trustees will be held on Tuesday, March 17, 2015 at 4:30 pm in the Gainey Room. Respectfully submitted, Dawn Sorensen 2/27/15 2.4.1 THE CITY OF OWATONNA Office of City Administrator Kris M. Busse TO: 540 West Hills Circle Owatonna, MN 55060-4794 Ph. (507) 774-7340 FAX: (507) 444-4394 Email: [email protected] Mayor and Council FROM: Kris M. Busse, City Administrator RE: SELCO Community Collaboration Arts and Cultural Live Initiative Grant Application DATE: April 17, 2015 Purpose: Council approval of submission of a grant application to SELCO Community Collaboration Arts and Cultural Live Initiative. Background: Community Collaboration is one of SELCO’s region-wide Arts and Culture Live initiatives. Through an application process, the SELCO Legacy Review Committee awards funds to libraries and library partners for arts and cultural projects, programs and events. SELCO will act as fiscal agent for this grant. Owatonna Public Library is partnering with Culture Fest to offer a dance work shop for youth, dance performance and interactive educational events throughout the festival day. Budget Impact: Grant request is for $6,510.00 which will cover costs of the dance troupe. Expenses In Kind costs are estimated at $1,652. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this grant application. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer The City of Friendliness and Beautiful Parks 2.6.1 Approved: ______ Denied: ________ SUMMARY EVENTS PERMIT APPLICATION Date of Application: 3/31/2015 EVENT INFORMATION: Date Council: 4/21/2015 OHS Spring Fling FEE Amount: None Event Dates/Times: Date Friday, May 29, 2015 Event Time: 9:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight Location (Address) of Event: 333 E School Street Description of Event: - Dance in the school’s parking lot. Estimated Attendance: 500 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ APPLICATION INFORMATION (Person/Group Responsible): OHS Student Council 333 E School St, Owatonna MN 55060 Primary Contact /Applicant Name: Julie Haugan Phone: 444-8933 Items Requested: Exception to the City’s Noise Ordinance, outdoor music will be played until 12:00 midnight. City Administrator Recommendation/Approval: Thirty one letters were sent to property owners within 350’ of the planned event site. Five responses were received with none opposing approval for the exception to allow outdoor music to play until midnight. Two responses included requests to remind the event organizer and students to be mindful of the neighboring properties and not litter in the area. City Council Comments: City Council Approval: ____________________________________ Date: __________________ Kris M. Busse, City Administrator/City Clerk Page 1 of 1 3.0 BEGIN ACTION AGENDA ITEMS ENT AGENDA 3.3.1 THE CITY OF OWATONNA Office of City Administrator Kris M. Busse TO: 540 West Hills Circle Owatonna, MN 55060-4794 Ph. (507) 774-7340 FAX: (507) 444-4394 Email: [email protected] Mayor and Council FROM: Kris M. Busse, City Administrator RE: Revision to the By-Laws of the Owatonna Human Rights Commission DATE: April 17, 2015 Purpose: Council approval of revision to the By-Laws of the Owatonna Human Rights Commission. Background: On February 10, 2015 the Owatonna Human Rights Commission approved recommendation of attached changes to their By-Laws. Council met with Vice Chair Fred Ventura during a Study Session on April 7, 2015 to receive the OHRC 2014 Annual Report and discuss the proposed changes to their By-Laws and the city ordinance regarding their powers and duties. Budget Impact: None Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval to amend the Owatonna Human Rights Commission By-Laws as recommended by the Owatonna Human Rights Commission. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer The City of Friendliness and Beautiful Parks 3.4.1 THE CITY OF OWATONNA Office of City Administrator Kris M. Busse TO: 540 West Hills Circle Owatonna, MN 55060-4794 Ph. (507) 774-7340 FAX: (507) 444-4394 Email: [email protected] Mayor and Council FROM: Kris M. Busse, City Administrator RE: Proposed Ordinance 6-15, Amend 2015 City Code of Ordinance regarding the Powers and Duties of the Human Rights Commission DATE: April 17, 2015 Purpose: Council consideration of the first reading of Proposed Ordinance 6-15 amending Chapter III, Section 32:02 Powers and Duties. Background: The Owatonna Human Rights Commission is recommending an amendment to the City’s ordinance removing the name of a specific entity for collaboration efforts and no fault grievance procedures. The Human Rights Commission does collaborate with many organizations to assist in education the community about diversity issues and felt it best to keep the ordiance language broad. The Owatonna Human Rights Commissioners are volunteers and not trained in no fault grievance procedure and mediation; if a situation occurs, Minnesota Human Rights Commission individuals would be referred to. Budget Impact: None Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the first reading of Proposed Ordinance 6-15. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer The City of Friendliness and Beautiful Parks Proposed Ordinance No. 6-15 ORDINANCE NO. ________ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER III OF THE 2015 ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF OWATONNA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED “ADMINISTRAITON” BY AMENDING SECTION 32.02 “HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISISON” NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWATONNA, MINNESOTA, DO ORDAIN: Section 1. Chapter III of the 2015 Ordinance Code of the City of Owatonna, entitled “Administration” by amending section 32:022 “Human Rights Commission, Powers and Duties” as follows: The Human Rights Commission shall have the following powers and duties: (a) To collaborate with the Cultural Diversity Network and other organizations to assist in educating the community about diversity issues; (b) To assess the human relations and civil rights needs of the community and to advise the administration and City Council of the results of these assessments; (c) To advise the administration and City Council on matters concerning the Minnesota Human Rights Act; (d) To cooperate with other groups and governmental agencies concerned with human rights; (e) To form study groups and advisory committees to the commission, which may include persons who are not members of the commission, to assist in the accomplishment of its duties; (f) To provide support and information services to persons in matters of discrimination and intolerance; (g) To develop a community-wide readiness plan to address problems arising from discrimination or intolerance; (h) To explore implementation of a no fault grievance procedure and mediation training and its applicability to the Owatonna community; (ih) The commission shall have the power to seek outside funding sources in addition to resources supplied by the City to assist in its mission. All outside monies or grants received by the commission are subject to the City’s Charter and Ordinance provisions. Section 2. Effective date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. Passed and adopted this _____ day of ____, 2015, with the following vote: Aye __; No _; Absent __. Approved and signed this __ day of ___, 2015. ATTEST: _____________________________________ Thomas A. Kuntz, Mayor ______________________________________________ Kris M. Busse, City Administrator/City Clerk STRIKEOUTS INDICATE DELETIONS. 3.4.2 THE CITY OF OWATONNA Office of Public Works Director City Engineer TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: 540 West Hills Circle Owatonna, MN 55060-4701 Ph. (507) 774-7307 FAX: (507) 444-4351 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL KYLE SKOV, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND CITY ENGINEER April 17, 2015 Modification to City Code 94 related to construction permits Purpose To update ordinance 94.079 to include ownership of the sump pump service along with the sanitary sewer service and water service. Background: Currently the ownership of the sump pump service is not defined in code. This will clarify the homeowner is responsible for operation and maintenance of the sump pump service to the home. Budget Impact: None Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the first reading of Proposed Ordinance 7-15. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer The City of Friendliness and Beautiful Parks Proposed Ordinance No. 7-15 ORDINANCE NO. ________ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER IX OF THE 2015 ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF OWATONNA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED “STREETS AND SIDEWALKS” BY AMENDING SECTION 94.079 ” PAVING UNDERGROUND FACILITIES - MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR” NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWATONNA, MINNESOTA, DO ORDAIN: Section 1. Chapter IX of the 2015 Ordinance Code of the City of Owatonna, entitled “Streets and Sidewalks” by amending section 94.079 “Maintenance and Repair” of Paving Underground Facilities as follows: The sewer and water, water and sump service is the property of the owner of the lot or premises abutting the street. The owner is responsible for the installation, maintenance and repair of the sewer and water, water and sump service and the costs therefor. Section 2. Effective date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. Passed and adopted this _____ day of ____, 2015, with the following vote: Aye ____; No ____; Absent _____. Approved and signed this ____ day of _____, 2015. _____________________________________ Thomas A. Kuntz, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________________ Kris M. Busse, City Administrator/City Clerk UNDERLINING INDICATES NEW LANUGAGE. STRIKEOUTS INDICATE DELETIONS. 3.4.3 THE CITY OF OWATONNA Office of Public Works Director City Engineer TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: 540 West Hills Circle Owatonna, MN 55060-4701 Ph. (507) 774-7307 FAX: (507) 444-4351 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL KYLE SKOV, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND CITY ENGINEER April 17, 2015 Modification to City Code 94 related to construction permits Purpose To update ordinance 94.060(C) from an insurance requirement of $100,000 to $1,000,000. Background: Currently contractors working within the City Right of Way are only required to carry a liability policy of $100,000. Staff believes this should be updated to $1,000,000. Budget Impact: None Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the first reading of Proposed Ordinance 8-15. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer The City of Friendliness and Beautiful Parks Proposed Ordinance No. __8-15_ ORDINANCE NO. ________ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER IX, “STREETS AND SIDEWALKS” OF THE 2015 ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF OWATONNA, BY AMENDING THE GENERAL REGULATIONS SECTION 94.060 ENTITLED “CURB CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS; INSPECTION; PERMIT” NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWATONNA, MINNESOTA, DO ORDAIN: Section 1. Chapter IX, Streets and Sidewalks, of the 2015 Ordinance Code of the City of Owatonna, by amending section 94.060 entitled “Curb Construction Requirements; Inspection; Permit” of the General Regulations as follows: (C) Permit, application for. No person shall install or replace any such curbing on the public streets or on any public property owned by the city, without a permit therefor granted by the Engineer. Application for each such permit shall be accompanied by the fee in the amount duly established by the Council from time to time, and a certificate of public liability insurance, in the amount of at least $100,000 $1,000,000 combined single limit, naming the city as an additional insured. Section 2. Effective date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. Passed and adopted this _____ day of ____, 2015, with the following vote: Aye ____; No ____; Absent _____. Approved and signed this ____ day of _____, 2015. _____________________________________ Thomas A. Kuntz, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________________ Kris M. Busse, City Administrator/City Clerk UNDERLINING INDICATES NEW LANUGAGE. STRIKEOUTS INDICATE DELETIONS. 3.5.1 THE CITY OF OWATONNA Office of Public Works Director City Engineer TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: 540 West Hills Circle Owatonna, MN 55060-4701 Ph. (507) 774-7307 FAX: (507) 444-4351 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL KYLE SKOV, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND CITY ENGINEER April 17, 2015 Special Assessment 442 West Bridge Street Purpose To receive a council motion to declare costs and set public hearing for special assessment at 442 West Bridge Street. Background: A broken water service at an unoccupied, bank owned property, leaked within the public right of way during the winter and was causing a public hazard. The City of Owatonna responded by attempting to contact the owner and have the repair completed. The owner was unresponsive and did not repair the leak. The City of Owatonna proceeded to complete the repair. The cost was $7,400 to D&M construction for the repair of the leak and $925 for the replacement of the concrete sidewalk for a total of $8,325.00. Budget Impact: The City of Owatonna will be responsible for holding the cost of the repair until reimbursed through tax receipts. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer The City of Friendliness and Beautiful Parks RESOLUTION NO. 44-15 A RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT WHEREAS, the City has completed an emergency repair at 442 West Bridge Street and the cost of such service is $8,325.00 so that the total cost of the improvement will be $8,325.00, and of this cost the City will pay an estimated $ 0 as its share of the cost, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Owatonna, Minnesota: 1. The estimated cost of such service to be specially assessed is hereby declared to be $8,325.00. 2. The City Clerk, with the assistance of the Public Works Director, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 3. The Clerk shall, upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council thereof. Passed and adopted this the following vote: Aye ; No Approved and signed this day of ; Absent day of , 2015, with . , 2015. _______________________________ Thomas A. Kuntz, Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________________ Kris M. Busse, City Administrator/City Clerk 3.5.2 RESOLUTION NO. 45-15 . A RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 44-15, passed by the Council on April 21, 2015, the City Clerk was directed to prepare a proposed assessment of the cost of the emergency repair completed at 422 West Bridge Street in the City; and WHEREAS, the Clerk has notified the Council that such proposed assessment has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Owatonna, Minnesota: 1. A hearing shall be held at a regular City Council meeting to be held on the day of May, 2015, in the Council Chambers of the City Administration Building at 7:00 p.m. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 19th 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. She shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. 3. No appeal as to the amount of an assessment to a specific parcel of land may be made unless the owner has either filed a signed written objection to that assessment with the City Clerk prior to the hearing or has presented the written objection to the presiding officer at the hearing. Passed and adopted this the following vote: Aye day of ; No ; Absent Approved and signed this day of , 2015, with . , 2015. _______________________________ Thomas A. Kuntz, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ Kris M. Busse, City Administrator/City Clerk
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