SECTION Q Pauline R Murray Accountants NEEDLEWORK, KNITTING & DRESSMAKING SATURDAY 30th & SUNDAY 31st AUGUST 2014 entry fee closing date 50 cents (incl GST) - JUNIORS FREE PRIZEMONEY: AUGUST 8th 1st $2.00 - 2nd $1.00 - 3rd 50 cents WHERE TROPHY IS ALLOCATED NO PRIZE MONEY WILL BE PAID FOR 1ST CONVENER: Mrs. Heather Weatherald – 0422 368 505 or (08) 8384 6669 CHIEF STEWARDS Open Needlework & Dressmaking Classes Q1001- Q1047 & Juniors Q4103 - Q5126 Margaret Murray 8522 1160, Rhonda Inwood 8522 1823 Hand Knitting & Crochet Classes Q2048 - Q2085 Chris Pritchard 8522 7879, Dot Tscharke 8524 5390 Machine Knitting Q3086 - Q3102 Margaret Atyeo 8522 5781 & Cynthia Garrick 8255 7364 STEWARDS B.Springbett, A. Pritchard, M Perry, P. Rankin & D. Clark EXHIBIT ENTRY FORMS TO BE COMPLETED & LODGED BY FRIDAY 8TH AUGUST 2014 — NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED — ALL FEES MUST ACCOMPANY ENTRY FORM OTHERWISE ENTRY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED EXHIBITORS TO INCLUDE STAMPED SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE FOR RETURN OF EXHIBIT NUMBERS; ALTERNATIVELY NUMBERS MAY BE COLLECTED FROM THE SHOW OFFICE. (SEE PAGE 2 - OFFICE HOURS) NORTHERN AGRICULTURAL SHOWS ASSOCIATION OF SA INC - GRAND AGGREGATE TROPHIES (Please refer to page 19 of the Show Book) • Adults must compete at a minimum of 3 Northern Association Shows - Sheep & cattle classes need only compete in two shows • Juniors must compete at a minimum of 2 Northern Association Shows • Adult Age – from the beginning of the year the Exhibitor turns 18 years (and over) • Junior Age – 5 to 17 years (from the beginning of the year the Exhibitor turns 5 to the end of the year he/she turns 17) • Entry for the NASA Aggregate to be indicated on your entry form for each show • Aggregate Points to be calculated using: 1st – 5points, 2nd – 3 points, 3rd – 1 point page 124 EXHIBIT REGULATIONS • Exhibit to be in one class only. • Exhibits incorrectly entered may be transferred by Convener/Steward to a suitable class before judging. • Every article to have exhibit number attached. • All entries must be clean. • Exhibits which have won a 1st prize in a previous Gawler Show will be disqualified. • All reasonable care is taken with Exhibits, however no responsibility of loss of or damage to exhibits is accepted. • No exhibit to be on coat hangers. • EXHIBIT LABELS – Thread ribbon or tape through holes on exhibit label (do not remove sticky back), hand stitch or use a small safety pin to firmly attach ribbon or tape to exhibit. • EXHIBIT LABELS FRAMED ARTICLES – Tie ribbon or tape to back of frame making sure exhibit label hangs below bottom edge of frame (to be visible from the front of exhibit). HINTS ON JUDGING • Special attention to pressing of seams • Attention to trimming loose threads ALL EXHIBITS TO BE DELIVERED TO SHOWGROUNDS RECREATION CENTRE BUILDING Thursday 28TH August - 5.00pm - 6.30pm or Friday 29TH August - 8.00am - 11.00am Exhibits NOT TO BE REMOVED until after 5.00pm Sunday ANY PROBLEM CONCERNING DELIVERY TIME PLEASE CONTACT CHIEF STEWARD TO MAKE OTHER ARRANGEMENTS ONLY EXHIBITORS ADMITTED TO HALL PRIOR TO JUDGING JUDGING — 12.30pm FRIDAY JUDGES: Needlework & Dressmaking Class Q1001-Q1047, & Juniors Q4103 - Q5126 - Christine Bishop Hand Knitting & Crochet Q2048 - Q2085 - Wendy Harvey Machine Knitting Q3086 - Q3102 – Rita Divine EXHIBITORS MUST PRODUCE ENTRY FORM COPY to Steward on arrival at Hall with exhibit • to collect prize money between 3.30pm - 4.30pm Sunday • to Convener for collection of Exhibits between 5.00pm - 5.30pm Sunday • Each Exhibit will be signed off before release to Exhibitor • OPEN NEEDLEWORK & DRESSMAKING NEEDLEWORK DEFINITIONS • Embroidered Tapestry (canvas work) is worked on embroidery canvas, either single or double thread, using any suitable stitch or combination of stitches. Stitching should completely cover the ground canvas. • Counted Work – these embroideries are worked by counting the threads of the fabric e.g. holbein, blackwork, pattern darning, pulled fabric, drawn thread, etc. • Surface Stitchery - embroideries worked freely across the surface of the fabric without the necessity of counting the threads. page 125 • All Framed items MUST measure as stated below NEEDLEWORK & DRESSMAKING CHIEF STEWARD: Class Q1001 Q1002 Q1003 Q1004 Q1005 Q1006 Q1007 Q1008 Q1009 Q1010 Q1011 Q1012 Q1013 Q1014 Q1015 Q1016 Q1017 Q1018 Q1019 Q1020 Q1021 Q1022 Q1023 Q1024 Q1025 Q1026 Q1027 Q1028 Q1029 Q1030 Q1031 Q1032 Q1033 Q1034 Q1035 Q1036 Q1037 Rhonda Inwood - Ph 8522 1823 Tapestry picture or any other article larger than 24” (61cm) on any one side including frame DONATED BY MRS E. NEILSEN Tapestry picture or any other article, no larger than 24” (61cm) on any one side including frame DONATED BY MRS E. NEILSEN Longstitch Cross Stitch, worked on Aida type fabric in which each stitch is worked over a woven square, larger than 18” (45cm) on any one side, including frame DONATED BY TOTALLY FRAMED, GAWLER Cross Stitch, worked on a linen or similar fabric in which each stitch is worked over two or more threads, larger than 18” (45cm) on any one side, including frame DONATED BY RHONDA INWOOD Any article in Cross Stitch no larger than 18” (45cm) on any one side, including frame DONATED BY LESLEY CURNOW Filet lace work Hand made lace Piece of hardanger work Counted work, other than tapestry, longstitch, cross stitch or hardanger Article of embroidery using a variety of stitches (not less than 5) $20 VOUCHER DONATED BY SPOTLIGHT Surface Stitchery, white or cream Surface stitchery, coloured embroidery DONATED BY CYNTHIA GARRICK Embroidery on painted or printed background, hand and/or machine embroidered Christmas Decoration, hand and/or machine embroidered Any hand smocked garment DONATED BY GAWLER AH&F SOCIETY Any hand smocked article Embroidered Bag, hand and/or machine embroidered Wool embroidered article Crewel embroidery Candlewicking, any article Kantha embroidery Embroidered beadwork Ribbon Embroidery Stump work – 3 dimensional Hand appliqué Wall Hanging Any article hand appliqué other than Wall Hanging Embroidered Cushion, hand and/or machine embroidered Embroidered article (embroidery to be less than 6” or 15cm) Fabric Manipulated (no cut threads) Machine embroidered, free motion Machine embroidered pre-digital designed, article less than 1m x 1m Machine embroidered pre-digital designed, article greater than 1m x 1m $20 VOUCHER DONATED BY KORNACRAFT Machine embroidered, digitized Machine appliqué Machine appliqué including free motion embroidery Machine work using a combination of three or more techniques. page 126 Q1038 Q1039 Q1040 Q1041 Any article in needlework by a person who has never won 1st prize in the Gawler Show needlework section Any article in needlework by a person 80 years and over Any article in needlework by a disabled person Any other article in needlework not specified $20 CASH DONATED BY EMBROIDERER’S GUILD OF SA INC (GAWLER BRANCH) Q1042 2-piece outfit - Adult or Child Q1043 Lined Garment VOUCHER DONATED BY GAWLER DRY CLEANERS Q1044 Child’s Garment Q1045 Fancy Costume e.g. dancing, fairy, etc Q1046 Outfit for a Pet Q1047 Any garment Adult BEST EXHIBIT NEEDLEWORK & DRESSMAKING (Classes Q1001 - Q1047) TROPHY DONATED BY IN MEMORY OF MRS ML NORMAN HAND KNITTING & CROCHET CHIEF STEWARD: Chris Pritchard - Ph 8522 7879 • All hand knitted articles should be sewn by hand with wool. • Machine knitted bands on hand knitted garments will not be disqualified • Buttons to be sewn with same yarn as knitted garment. Q2048 Q2049 Q2050 Q2051 Q2052 Q2053 Q2054 Q2055 Q2056 Q2057 Q2058 Q2059 Q2060 Q2061 Q2062 Q2063 Q2064 Q2065 Q2066 Q2067 Q2068 Q2069 Q2070 Q2071 Q2072 Q2073 Q2074 Q2075 Coat Hanger (knitted) Coat Hanger (knitted) by person who has never won 1st prize in this class Coat Hanger (crochet) Coat Hanger (crochet) by a person who has never won 1st prize in this class Tea Cosy (knitted or crochet) Any article in Tatting Crochet Cloth, any size Crochet Doyley (23cm or less) in white, cream or ecru (mounted) Crochet Table Mat, any colour Any Crochet article (mercer cotton) not specified Crochet novelty or toy Crochet Rug (wool or acrylic) DONATED BY MRS MELVA GRAETZ Crochet Baby’s Shawl or blanket, etc. Crochet Baby wear to 2 years Crochet Baby’s booties or shoettes (one pair) Crochet Garment (adult) Crochet Garment (child) Any article in crochet (wool or acrylic) not specified Crochet or Knitted doll’s outfit (securely mounted) Article free form, Knitting and/or Crochet DONATED BY CHRIS PRITCHARD Knitted Baby wear to 2 years Baby’s Shawl or blanket, etc (knitted) DONATED BY LESLEY CURNOW Knitted Baby’s Booties or Shoettes 1 pair, wool Knitted Baby’s Booties or Shoettes 1 pair, acrylic Knitted garment (adult) DONATED BY JULIE PENNO Knitted garment (child’s) DONATED BY PAULINE R. MURRAY ACCOUNTANTS Knitted socks, mittens, gloves DONATED BY JULIE PENNO Knitted hat, scarf or cap page 127 Q2076 Q2077 Q2078 Q2079 Q2080 Q2081 Q2082 Q2083 Q2084 Q2085 Knitted rug Knitted toy Knitted beadwork doll Knitted beadwork, any article, other than a doll Any article in knitting not already specified Any article in crochet (wool or acrylic) by person over 80 yrs of age Any article in crochet (other than wool/acrylic) by person over 80 yrs of age Any article in knitting by a person over 80 yrs of age Any article in knitting by a disabled person Any article in crochet by a disabled person DONATED BY MRS HEATHER WEATHERALD MACHINE KNITTING CHIEF STEWARD: Margaret Atyeo - Ph 8522 5781 • Machine knitted garments may be sewn with a linker except for the bands. Q3086 Q3087 Q3088 Machine Knitting of / or including Fair Isle DONATED BY BEV SPRINGBETT Machine Knitting by a person who has never won 1st prize in Gawler Show machine knitting section DONATED BY CYNTHIA GARRICK Machine Knitting of / or including Tuck or Slip Stitch DONATED BY THE BAKE & BREW SHOP, GAWLER CANDLES KNITTING CLUB MARGARET ATYEO CHRIS PRITCHARD CANDLES Q3089 Machine Knitting, infant’s set, at least 3 pieces DONATED BY A PRITCHARD Q3090 Machine Knitting in Baby wear to 2 years DONATED BY MAGARET ATYEO Q3091 Machine Knitting in Baby’s Shawl or Blanket DONATED BY WICKED EARTH SOYA Q3092 Machine Knitting - Open - Adults $25 VOUCHER DONATED BY HAIR STUDIO 32 Q3093 Machine Knitting - Open - Child 2-10 years DONATED BY GAWLER MACHINE Q3094 Machine Knitting, Toy or Novelty DONATED BY M COLEMAN Q3095 Machine Knitting, Household article DONATED BY CHRIS PRITCHARD Q3096 Machine Knitting, socks, mittens, gloves, hat, scarf or cap DONATED BY Q3097 Q3098 Q3099 Q3100 Q3101 Machine Knitting garment of / or featuring lace DONATED BY L J HOOKER, GAWLER Machine Knitting with garter carriage Machine Knitting in weaving DONATED BY JEWELLERY JOURNEY Machine Knitting garment or article with appliqué, embroidery or beads, trims, etc. Machine Knitted garment or article by person over 80 yrs of age DONATED BY Q3102 Machine Knitting by person under 18 years DONATED BY WICKED EARTH SOYA AGGREGATE TROPHY MACHINE KNITTING DONATED BY M MURRAY PERPETUAL TROPHY MACHINE KNITTING for MOST OUTSTANDING WORK DONATED BY IN MEMORY OF MRS JUDITH HIGGINS page 128 JUNIOR SECTION - ENTRY FREE CHIEF STEWARD: Heather Weatherald - Ph 8384 6669 PRIZEMONEY: 1st $2.00 - 2nd $1.00 - 3rd 50 cents Q4103 Q4104 Q4105 Q4106 Q4107 Q4108 Q4109 Q4110 Q4111 Q4112 Q4113 Q4114 12 YEARS AND UNDER Any article in long-stitch tapestry Any knitted article Knitted Outfit for a Pet Any crochet article Any article in cross-stitch Any article in needlework Any article machine made Any garment machine made Toy Cushion Father’s Day Gift Any article made by 2 or more students 12 yrs & under DONATED BY GAWLER AH&F SOCIETY Q5115 Q5116 Q5117 Q5118 Q5119 Q5120 Q5121 Q5122 Q5123 Q5124 Q5125 Q5126 13 YEARS TO UNDER 18 YEARS Any article in long-stitch tapestry Any knitted article Any crochet article Any article in cross-stitch Any article in needlework Any article machine made Any garment machine made Any article appliquéd, by hand or machine Toy Cushion Father’s Day Gift Any article made by 2 or more students 13 yrs to under 18 yrs DONATED BY GAWLER AH&F SOCIETY HIGHEST AGGREGATE $5 DONATED BY MRS H K WEATHERALD HIGHEST AGGREGATE $5 DONATED BY MRS H K WEATHERALD page 129
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