City of Davis Planning Commission Agenda Community Chambers, 23 Russell Boulevard, Davis, CA 95616 Wednesday, May 27, 2015 7:00 P.M. Commissioners: Herman Boschken, Cheryl Essex, George Hague, Marilee Hanson (Vice Chair), Rob Hofmann (Chair), Cristina Ramirez, Stephen Streeter, Marq Truscott (alternate) Staff: Principal Planner Bob Wolcott; Accounting and Fiscal Analyst Bob Blyth, Planner & Historical Resources Manager Ike Njoku Please note: The numerical order of items on this agenda is for convenience of reference; items may be taken out of order. No new items shall begin after 10:30 p.m. unless unanimous consent exists to continue. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Staff and Commissioner Comments Staff and Commission members may communicate general information of interest regarding matters within the jurisdiction of the Commission and Liaisons may report on other Commission meetings. Items presented for Commission action will be scheduled for a future agenda. 4. Public Communications At this time, any member of the public may address the Planning Commission on matters which are not listed on this agenda. Speakers will be asked to state their name for the record. Presentation time will be at the discretion of the Chair. This section of the agenda is for the Planning Commission to receive comments; except for brief questions for clarification, no discussion or action may be taken on any item that is not listed on the agenda 5. Consent Calendar All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered routine and noncontroversial, require no discussion and are expected to have unanimous Commission support and may be enacted by the Commission in one motion. A. Fiscal Year 15/16 Capital Improvement Projects Finding of General Plan Consistency (Accounting and Fiscal Analyst Bob Blyth) Recommendation: Find that the list of new Capital Improvement Projects included in the FY 15/16 budget are consistent with City of Davis’ General Plan B. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of November 12, 2014 Recommendation: Approve 6. Public Hearings A. Grande Village (former Grande School Site) / South Side of Grande Avenue Near Intersection of Mercedes Avenue; Planning Application #15-25: Final Planned Development #4-15 (Planner & Historical Resources Manager Ike Njoku) Page 1 of 3 05-27-15 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda - 1 Planning Commission Agenda May 27, 2015 Proposed Final Planned Development (FPD) to establish final zoning standards for the 41-lot Grande School site subdivision. Project standards are similar to 2008 FPD, which expired in 2012, and is subject to a Development Agreement that is still in effect. Recommendation: 1. Determine that the proposed project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to CEQA Section 15332 as an In-fill development project, CEQA Section 15305 as a minor alteration in land use limitations, and that the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the subdivision in 2008 adequately addressed the environmental impact of developing the subject site with 41 residential homes as no new adverse information or changes in condition have been identified associated with the project; and 2. Approve the planning application for Final Planned Development #4-15, subject to the findings and conditions of approval. B. The Villages at Willow Creek / 500 and 700 Drummond Avenue; Planning Application #14-56: Mitigated Negative Declaration #7-14, General Plan Amendment#7-14, Planned Development #5-14, Affordable Housing Plan #1-14, Tentative Map #8-14, Final Planned Development #5-14, and Design Review #21-14 (Planner & Historical Resources Manager Ike Njoku) Proposed 35-unit subdivision, including four accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and five live-work option homes, and a private recreational open space on 500 Drummond and four affordable attached single-family housing units (plus payment of in-lieu fee for the additional required affordable unit), and a private community garden space on 700 Drummond. Recommendation: Recommend to the City Council as follows: 1. Certify that Mitigated Negative Declaration #7-14 prepared for this project adequately addressed and mitigated the environmental impacts associated with the proposed project; 2. Approve the resolution of intent to amend the General Plan land use designation of the parcel located at 500 Drummond Avenue from Neighborhood Retail to Residential Medium Density, based on the findings; 3. Approve the resolution that amends the South Davis Specific Plan land use designation of the parcel located at 500 Drummond Avenue from Neighborhood Commercial to Residential Cluster Homes, based on the findings; 4. Introduce the Planned Development Ordinance that rezones the parcels located at 500 and 700 Drummond Avenue from P-D #6-87(Neighborhood Commercial) and P-D #2-02 (Attached Single-family) to P-D #5-14, permitting the proposed residential subdivision and uses, based on the findings and conditions; and 5. Approve the following implementing entitlement applications, based on the findings and conditions for each application: a) Affordable Housing Plan #1-14 that establishes the affordable plan for the subdivision. b) Tentative Map #8-14 that subdivide the 3.44-acre parcels into 35 lots. c) Final Planned Development #5-14 that establishes final zoning standards for Page 2 of 3 05-27-15 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda - 2 Planning Commission Agenda May 27, 2015 the 35 lots to be created in the new P-D district. d) Design Review #21-14 that establishes site plan and architectural standards for the new P-D district. 7. Informational Items A. Embassy Suites Hotel & Conference Center / 1111 Richards Boulevard - Demolition of the Existing Hotel and Restaurant on Richards Boulevard, and Replacement with a SixStory 132-Room Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Facility; Planning Application #14-18: Mitigated Negative Declaration #4-14, Specific Plan Amendment #1-14, Conditional Use Permit #2-14, Design Review #9-14 (Community Development Administrator Katherine Hess) Formal hearing and recommendation on the applications will be scheduled for Planning Commission in June. B. Schedule of Upcoming Meeting Dates (Principal Planner Bob Wolcott) 8. Staff and Commissioner Comments (continued as needed) 9. Adjournment. The next Planning Commission meeting is tentatively scheduled to be held on Wednesday, June 10, 2015. Planning Commission Agendas and accompanying staff reports are available for review or copying at the following location: City Hall, City Clerk’s Office, 23 Russell Boulevard. Available on-line: Planning Commission meetings are televised live on City of Davis Government Channel 16 (available to those who subscribe to cable television) and replayed on Fridays at 7:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Meetings are also televised live and available for review for three months on the web at If you have any questions regarding televised meetings or the Government Channel in general, please call 757-5667. General Notes: x Meeting facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. By request, alternative agenda document formats are available to persons with disabilities. To arrange an alternative agenda document format or to arrange aid or services to modify or accommodate persons with a disability to participate in a public meeting, contact the City Clerk by calling 757-5648 (voice) or 757-5666 (TDD). x Any writing related to an agenda item for the open session of this meeting distributed to the Planning Commission less than 72 hours before this meeting is available for inspection at City Hall, City Clerk’s Office, 23 Russell Blvd. These writings will also be available for review at the Planning Commission meeting in the public access binder in the rear of the Community Chambers. x The city does not transcribe its proceedings. Anyone who desires a verbatim record of this meeting should arrange for attendance by a court reporter or for other acceptable means of recordation. Such arrangements will be at the sole expense of the individual requesting the recordation. x For questions about this agenda, please call the City Clerk’s Office (530) 757-5648. 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