The City of Del City Mailing Address: P.O. Box 15177 Del City, Oklahoma 73155 •Telephone: 405-677-5741 •Fax: 405-671-2807 • • email: [email protected] Del City Council PUBLIC NOTICE OF MEETING Brian E. Linley Mayor (405) 670-7309 [email protected] Regular Meeting City Council 3701 SE 15th Street – City Hall Del City, Oklahoma Sam Tesney Ward 1 Councilman (405) 672-7478 [email protected] April 6, 2015 – 6:00 p.m. Bill Giles Ward 2 Councilman (405) 672-4064 [email protected] Ken Bartlett Ward 3 Councilman (405) 677-2233 [email protected] Floyd A. Eason Ward 4 Councilman (405) 677-6431 [email protected] Mark Edwards City Manager (405) 671-2800 or (405) 670-7300 [email protected] The City of Del City encourages participation from all citizens. If participation at any public meeting is not possible due to a disability, notification to the city clerk at least 48 hours before the scheduled meeting is encouraged to make the necessary accommodations. The City may waive the 48-hour rule if signing is not the necessary accommodation. Posted for public view at 5:00 p.m. on April 3, 2015. Signed: _________________________________________ City Clerk/Deputy City Clerk AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PROCLAMATION: Fair Housing Month 4. PUBLIC AND COUNCIL INPUT (A maximum of thirty (30) minutes has been set aside for those wishing to discuss nonagenda items. Citizens may speak for a maximum of five (5) minutes during this time. Personal character assassination and attacks on City personnel will not be heard or tolerated.) A. B. Public Council 5. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT CITY CLERK’S REPORT 6. CONSENT DOCKET Discussion, consideration, possible action to approve the following items by unanimous consent, with one motion: (This item is placed on the agenda so the Council, by unanimous consent, may designate those routine agenda items they wish to approve or acknowledge by one motion. If any proposed item does not meet with approval of all Council members, the item will be heard in regular order.) 7. A. Approve budget amendment for FY 2014-2015, as shown in Exhibit A to the Council agenda. Requested by City Clerk Carol Noble B. Approve minutes of regular meeting of the Council of March 16, 2015. Requested by City Clerk Carol Noble C. Approve a blanket purchase order for Steven K. Wesnidge (Steve’s Contractor Services) in the amount of $5,000.00 for Code Enforcement Abatements for FY 2014-2015 from Account No. 01-510-363. Requested by City Planner Monica Cardin D. Approve a blanket purchase order for Tabitha Mattison in the amount of $5,000.00 for Code Enforcement Abatements for FY 2014-2015 from Account No. 01-510-363. Requested by City Planner Monica Cardin UPGRADE OF LIGHTING AT THE WOMEN’S VETERANS MONUMENT Discussion, consideration, possible action to approve and ratify addition of lighting to the interior of the Women’s Veterans Monument through CMSWillowbrook and to Tri-State Industrial Group for the addition of under-stone strip lighting around the entire interior perimeter of the Women’s Veterans Monument so as to obviate tripping or other liability issues to the City from visitors who reverence the monument during nighttime hours; authorize an expenditure of $47,765.00; and direct staff accordingly. Requested by City Manager Mark Edwards 8. RESOLUTION – AMENDED AND RESTATED TRUST INDENTURE FOR THE OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND (OMRF) Discussion, consideration, possible action to approve Resolution No. ______, amending and restating the Trust Indenture for the OMRF to authorize daily valuations and daily accounting with the Master Defined Contribution Plans and providing for daily valuation of participant accounts in the Defined Contribution Plans, both administered by the OMRF; authorize Mayor to endorse same. Requested by Human Resource Director John Smith 9. PURCHASE OF SELF-PROPELLED STREET STRIPING MACHINE Discussion, consideration, possible action to approve/deny the expenditure of $25,325.00 to Paving Maintenance Supply Inc., the lowest responsible bidder, for a self-propelled street striper. The machine is capable of painting two colors at the same time, such as a white stripe followed by a black or a double yellow line. Equipment will be used to maintain city street markings and parking lots. Requested by Public Works Director Bill Graham 10. SOONER ROAD REHABILITATION PROJECT Discussion, consideration, possible action to approve/deny the expenditure of $32,730.09 to ODOT for the rehabilitation of Sooner Road. The bids for the project have been opened and the successful bidder was $65,460.18 over the engineer estimate. This is a joint project with Midwest City; therefore, Del City’s share is $32,730.09. The project rehabilitates Sooner Road from Reno Avenue to SE 29th Street. Requested by Public Works Director Bill Graham 11. DETERMINATION OF DILAPIDATION AND ORDER OF REMOVAL – 3232 SE 15TH STREET A. Public Hearing Discussion, consideration, possible action to approve holding a public hearing, consistent with the requirements of 11 O.S. §22-112, to determine whether this property is dilapidated and has become detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of the general public and the community or if the property creates a fire hazard which is dangerous to other property. Requested by Community Services Director Tom Leatherbee B. Determination of Dilapidation and Order of Removal Discussion, consideration, possible action to approve/deny making a finding that the condition of the property, including all structures located thereon, constitutes a detriment or a hazard and that the property would be benefited by the removal of such conditions; approve/deny fixing reasonable dates for commencement and completion of the work by the property owner, those being commencement by May 7, 2015 and completion by June 30, 2015; authorize or not authorize the City Clerk to file a notice of dilapidation and lien; and approve/deny directing the City Manager to cause the structure to be razed and removed, in the manner deemed most costeffective and expedient, if the work is not completed by the property owner by the dates fixed herein. Requested by Community Services Director Tom Leatherbee 12. CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 – COUNTY ASSISTANCE TO REPAIR THE DEL CITY COMMUNITY CENTER PARKING LOT Discussion, consideration, possible action to approve/deny Change Order No. 1 to the agreement with Oklahoma County, District One, for the repairs to the Del City Community Center parking lot for an amount of $6,500.00. Additional concrete work behind the firehouse and striping has been identified. The change order represents a 3.8% increase in the original cost. Requested by Public Works Director Bill Graham 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION Discussion, consideration, possible action to approve recessing to executive session pursuant to the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, 25 O.S. § 301 et seq., for the purpose of the following: Discussion concerning matters pertaining to economic development, including the transfer of property, financing or the creation of proposal to entice a business to locate within the City of Del City as provided in 25 O.S. § 307(C)(10). Requested by City Manager Mark Edwards 14. ACTION FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION Discussion, consideration, possible action deemed appropriate, if any, arising from discussions held in executive session concerning matters pertaining to economic development, including the transfer of property, financing or the creation of a proposal to entice a business to locate within the City of Del City. Requested by City Manager Mark Edwards 15. COUNCIL INPUT 16. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Del City Municipal Services Authority April 6, 2015 – 6:00 p.m. 3701 SE 15th Street – City Hall Del City, Oklahoma The DCMSA encourages participation from all citizens. If participation at any public meeting is not possible due to a disability, notification to the city clerk at least 48 hours before the scheduled meeting is encouraged to make the necessary accommodations. DCMSA may waive the 48-hour rule if signing is not the necessary accommodation. Posted for public view at 5:00 p.m. on April 3, 2015. Signed: ________________________________________ City Clerk/Deputy City Clerk AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC AND TRUSTEE INPUT A. B. Public Trustees 4. MANAGER'S REPORT 5. CONSENT DOCKET Discussion, consideration, possible action to approve the following items by unanimous consent, with one motion: (This item is placed on the agenda so the Trust, by unanimous consent, may designate those routine agenda items they wish to approve or acknowledge by one motion. If any proposed item does not meet with approval of all Trust members, the item will be heard in regular order.) 6. A. Approve budget amendment for FY 2014-2015, as shown in Exhibit A to the DCMSA agenda. Requested by City Clerk Carol Noble B. Approve minutes of regular meeting of the DCMSA of March 16, 2015. Requested by City Clerk Carol Noble OKLAHOMA MODEL BOAT ASSOCIATION (OKMBA) USE OF EAGLE LAKE FOR A SANCTIONED RACE Discussion, consideration, possible action to approve/deny authorizing the OKMBA exclusive use of Eagle Lake on Friday, June 5, 2015 through Sunday, June 7, 2015 to conduct their tenth annual, nationally sanctioned race; declare/deny a public purpose. Spectators are encouraged. OKMBA will be responsible for advertising, conducting the race and clean up. Insurance requirements require that no one be allowed on the water (watercraft); however fishing from the shore is acceptable. Requested by Recreation Supervisor Bryan Beard 7. INVITATION TO BID (ITB) NO. 1514 – SEWER LINE REPLACEMENT CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 Discussion, consideration, possible action to award/deny change order No. 1 to ITB No. 1516 – Sewer Line Replacement to Jordon Contractors, for an amount not to exceed $2,150.00 for the installation of a manhole in an existing sewer main. The existing manhole was unable to be rehabilitated and a new one is necessary. This change order represents 1.6% of the original contract cost. Requested by Public Works Director Bill Graham 8. INVITATION TO BID (ITB) NO. 1516 – CDBG WATER LINE REPLACEMENT Discussion, consideration, possible action to award/deny ITB No. 1516 – Water Line Replacement in the vicinity of SE 27th Street from Epperly Drive to Vickie Drive to the lowest responsible bidder, JAG Underground, for an amount not to exceed $128,160.00. A total of 1,248 lineal feet of sixinch water line will be installed. Requested by Public Works Director Bill Graham 9. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) NO. 1602 – CARBON FILTER MEDIA Discussion, consideration, possible action to award/deny the first year of a three-year contract under RFP No. 1602 – Carbon Filter Media to the lowest responsible bidder, Cabot Norit Activated Carbon, for the purpose of replacing the carbon filter media at the Del City Water Plant. The first year of the contract is $102,154.48. Requested by Public Works Director Bill Graham 10. WORK ORDER NO. 3 – PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH GARVER ENGINEERING Discussion, consideration, possible action to approve/deny Work Order No. 3 for professional services to Garver Engineering for an amount not to exceed $10,450.00; authorize Trust Chairman to endorse same. Work includes obtaining the survey data needed to design the modifications to the Waste Water Plant beyond Phase A. Presently, Garver Engineering is in the process of designing repairs to the head works and sequencing batch reactor tanks as part of Phase A. Additional modifications are required beyond this initial phase. Accomplishing all the survey work at one time reduces the overall cost of gathering field data to accomplish the total project. Requested by Public Works Director Bill Graham 11. TRUST INPUT 12. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund Committee April 6, 2015 – 6:00 p.m. 3701 SE 15th Street – City Hall Del City, Oklahoma The OMRF Committee encourages participation from all citizens. If participation at any public meeting is not possible due to a disability, notification to the city clerk at least 48 hours before the scheduled meeting is encouraged to make the necessary accommodations. OMRF may waive the 48-hour rule if signing is not the necessary accommodation. Posted for public view at 5:00 p.m. on April 3, 2015. Signed: Signed: ________________________________________ City Clerk/Deputy City Clerk AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC AND COMMITTEE INPUT A. B. 4. Public Committee MINUTES Discussion, consideration, possible action to approve minutes of regular meeting of the OMRF Committee of December 1, 2014. Requested by City Clerk Carol Noble 5. RETIREMENT APPLICATION Discussion, consideration, possible action to approve City employee Ted Rupe to receive an early retirement from the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund, per voluntary resignation/retirement request from the employee. Requested by Human Resource Director John Smith 6. COMMITTEE INPUT 7. ADJOURNMENT
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