Baseball Player

CJ Beatty
Motivational Speaker, Life Coach
and Professional
Baseball Player
CJ’s message of hope, accomplishment
and overcoming obstacles encourages
adults, parents and even kids, to
believe and achieve their goals.
His outlook on life is one of
limitless possibilities. To
see and hear CJ is a lifechanging experience!
• Leadership Skills
• Bullying
• Teamwork
• Dreams
• Entrepreneurship
• Mental Toughness
• Goal Setting
• Creating Faith
For bookings call
(336) 391-9710 or email CJ at
[email protected]
C J Beatty
Professional Baseball Player and Founder and CEO of
Motivational Nuggets
CJ is your speaker if you are looking for someone energetic, passionate, and able to engage
any audience with inspiring and motivating content.
He has become a YouTube sensation uplifting people
from over 100 different countries. In 2009, CJ was
selected by the St. Louis Cardinals of the Major
League Baseball draft. In 2011, he was unfortunately
released from the organization and had to make a
choice. From that life changing experience CJ
dedicated himself to teaching others to believe
in themselves when nobody else will believe in
them. He is the CEO and Founder of Motivational
Nuggets and is currently playing in the Chicago
White Sox organization.
CJ truly believes that teamwork will make the
dream work. Over the course of his baseball
career CJ has learned how to become an
effective leader to create a stronger team.
His keynote addresses are packed with
mind stretching topics that challenges
you to THINK as a leader so you may
LIVE as a leader.
Change is always uncomfortable at
first, but after listening to CJ break
down “The Steps To Success”
your dreams and goals will become
much closer. He speaks at conferences,
workshops, churches, universities
and delivers keynote addresses. His
life experiences and game-changing
attitude allows him to speak to a wide
range of audiences.
: @cjbeatty44
C J Beatty
Speaking Engagements:
*National Criminal Enforcement Association (NCEA)
(Columbia, SC)
*Breakfast With Beatty Youth Conference
(Winston Salem, NC)
*University of Virginia Football Team
(Charleston, VA)
*Wake Forest University Baseball Team
(Winston Salem, NC)
*WSFCS Anti-Bullying Event
(Winston Salem, NC)
*Redlands Rays Baseball Academy
(Brisbane, Australia)
"CJ Beatty is a fine example of a leader. Leaders build bridges to help
move us from where we are to where we need to be. A leader is someone
you choose to follow to a place you wouldnt go by yourself We look up to CJ
because of his leadership, integrity, honesty and trust."
and many more...
- Jerry Soles (NCEA Sgt/Narcotics)
"CJ Beatty is a leader and motivator. I am proud to endorse him as someone that can
energize an audience."
- Allen Joines (Mayor, Winston Salem)
"CJ Beatty was the perfect capstone for our crash course in mental conditioning. He spoke from
the heart and his message was exactly what we needed to hear. Bottom line is he keeps it real and
or guys respect and appreciate that."
- Tom Walter (Head Baseball Coach, Wake Forest University)
"CJ Beatty spoke at the Mel Blount Youth Home, and was such an inspiration to the boys and everyone in
attendance. Mr. Beatty did a great job connecting with the kids and motivating them to be the very best that
they can be. We are so fortunate to have had Mr. Beatty speak to our organization and we are all better people from
hearing his testimony."
- Mel Blount (NFL Hall of Fame Inductee)
"I’m honored to provide this word of support for CJ. We had our "Breakfast with Beatty”and it was a tremendous success. The triad
area came and supported this effort in great numbers. Most of all...the youth were encouraged to see that they too can reach for greater
careers, greater opportunities and greater levels. Our Bishop's daughter initiated this great connection that will remain for years
to come.”
- Pastor Frank Robinson Jr (Greater Cleveland Avenue Church)
: @cjbeatty44