JULY 2013 Westchester Knitting Guild g Newsletter © This newsletter is for the exclusive use of members of the WKG. Picnic and Member‐ Led Mini Workshops July 22nd Leadership Team 2013 J. Evelyne Liebmann, President [email protected] Linda Higham, Interim Vice President and Member Communication Communication [email protected] Linda Cramer, Recording Secretary and Charities [email protected] Raina Laredo, Programs [email protected] Olive McNeil, Education Director [email protected] Jeanne Scofidio, Treasurer [email protected] Joan Ratner, Newsletter [email protected] Dorothy Freeman, Charities & Library [email protected] Myra Myra Cohen Cohen Meeting Coordinator [email protected] Carrie Krams, Webmaster [email protected] Our July program will be a pot‐luck picnic supper followed by hands on workshops led by some of our members This by hands‐on workshops, led by some of our members. This is going to be a lively and fun event, and we are very thank‐ ful to all the wonderful people who have volunteered to teach. Tables and chairs will be set up for each workshop. You might be able to learn more than one technique, so come prepared. Fixing Mistakes with Dorothy Freeman ‐ Learn to fix mistakes so you aren't stressed while knitting; fearing you will make a mistake and then be unable to continue working. I will demonstrate key issues and we can practice some basic techniques. Materials: Worsted yarn in a light, solid color and the appropriate needles. Latvian Braid with Margie Laury ‐ Deceptively simple braid can be worked in two or three colors for inserts or edging details. Worked with three colors, it is a bit tricky as the yarns wind around each other but ultimately they unwind. Materials: Yarn of 2 or 3 colors and appropriate sized needles. Knit a small rectangle of a single color (about 21 sts by 2 by 2”)) to get started. to get started. Kitchener Stitch & Wrap‐&‐Turn with Evelyne Leibmann ‐ Techniques for grafting and shaping heels for sock and other knitting. Kitchener stitch is the go‐to finishing for sock toes and other knitted items where you do not want a noticeable seam. Wrap and turn is the technique used e c ea g s o o s a e a s Yarn and appropriate a a d app op a e when creating short rows. Materials: sized needles, yarn needle and scissors. continued on page 2. . . . . PAGE 1 JULY 2013 From the President . . . . I would like to thank Raina Laredo for bringing Judy Pascale to the guild for our June meeting. Judy’s program about knit in bands (edges) was informative and, for many of us, transformative. I know that I will never again add edging to a garment after it is completed but as I knit the pieces. Photos of the techniques that Judy detailed are enclosed with this newsletter (page 3) that Judy detailed are enclosed with this newsletter (page 3). Our July meeting promises to be a fun evening. It is our annual picnic and, weather permitting, we will be able to use the library courtyard as well as the auditorium. We are also going to have our member led workshops ‐ lots to do and lots to eat! Happ Knitting Evelyne Liebman Happy Knitting, Evelyne President WKG Mini Workshops, continued. . . . Entrelac with Olive McNeil ‐ Technique for creating a textured diamond pattern resembling woven knitted stripes but actually knitted in one piece. Pattern will be provided for a scarf using 440 yards of aran weight yarn. Materials: Multi‐color yarn or two or three colors of yarn and appropriately h l f d i l sized needles. A row counter is useful. Double Knitting with Linda Higham ‐ Create a reversible, double‐thick fabric working both sides of the fabric simultaneously. Materials: Two colors of plain DK or worsted yarn and appropriate‐sized needles. Picnic Supper July 22nd We will have a pot luck cooperative supper as part of our July meeting. Please bring a dish of finger food or a dessert to share (about 12 servings). We will supply d h ( b 12 i ) W ill l paper goods and water. PAGE 2 JULY 2013 Judy Pascale – Let’s Band Together Workshop – June 24 Here are photos of the techniques that Judy demonstrated. Swatch #1 Swatch #2 Swatch #3 Swatch #4 Swatch #5 Swatch #6 PAGE 3 JULY 2013 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION DINNER On the eveningg of June 24th, the Taconic Correctional Facilityy held a Volunteers’ Recognition Dinner. The event is held to thank the volunteers for all the work they do for the inmates. This is an annual event and every year certificates of appreciation are handed out as well as tokens of remembrance, e.g., tote bags with Taconic Correctional Facility printed on the side, flowering plants, or a b beautiful tif l card d with ith a lovely l l poem. When trying to decide what to give this year Sister Antonia, the chaplain who initiated the knitting program, suggested the students in the program knit gifts for each volunteer. There was not much time to make almost 50 items plus our usual constraint of a limited quantity of yarn. We suggested knitting bookmarks and the administrators planning the event were pleased and accepted the idea. Next we had to ask the students currently in the program to volunteer their time and talents to make as many bookmarks as they could. They eagerly accepted the challenge and lived up to our expectations. We took each bookmark and “wrapped” it in a piece of paper with the statement: Made M d by b the h Women W i the in h Taconic T i Knitting K i i Program. P Those in attendance consisted of volunteers, of course, administrators and some of the inmates. When it was my turn to accept the certificates for the knitting program, the officials stopped me, shook my hand and graciously thanked us for contributing the bookmarks. The students were very proud of the role they played and pleased with the recognition they received. Knitting Program volunteers are Myra Cohen, Linda Higham, Evelyne Liebmann, Ellen Harvey and Dorothy Freeman. PLEASE DONATE YARN AND NEEDLES And, speaking of the Taconic Knitting Program, yarn and needles are greatly needed for the students. Please bring your donations to the July 22nd meeting. Let’s support our wonderful volunteers give their time every week, represent the Guild and run this program Clean out your stash and make room for some new program. Clean out your stash and make room for some new yarn. Thank you. PAGE 4 JULY 2013 WHAT’S ON YOUR NEEDLES? Jeanette Gingold is making a Wingspan Shawl with Knitting Fever Indulgence 6 Ply Shawl with Knitting Fever Indulgence 6‐Ply DK yarn, size 6 needles. The pattern is on Ravelry. Aviva Meyer is making this adorable stuffed elephant called Elijah for a friend’s baby. She is using Lion Brand Cotton Ease. This pattern is also on Ravelry. Evelyne Liebmann is knitting a shawl from Iris Schrieir's book One+One Scarves, Shawls, & Shrugs book with Artyarns Beaded Silk Sequins, and Ensemble Light. The name of the project is Smart Shawl. Linda Cramer is knitting The Steppe Sweater for charity. Tell us what you are working on, [email protected] PAGE 5 JULY 2013 UPCOMING KNITTING EVENTS (courtesy: www.Knittersreview.com ) July 2013 July 4‐29, Meg Swanson’s Knitting Camps 2013, Marshfield, WI http://www.schoolhousepress.com/camp.htm July 10‐13, Finger Lakes Fiber Tour & Knitters’ Retreat, Watkins Glen, NY http://www.fingerlakesfibers.com/index.php July 28 – Aug. 3, Maine Fiber Arts Retreat, Medomak Retreat Center, Washington, ME, http://www.medomakretreatcenter.com/newenglandfiberartsretreat.php August 2013 August 15‐18 & 22‐25, Beth Brown‐Reinsel, Vermont Summer Retreat, Dummerston, VT p g g http://knittingtraditions.com/blog/the‐vermont‐retreats/ September 2013 September 2‐7, Maine Knitting Cruise with Margaret Radcliffe, Rockland, ME http://www.mainewindjammer.com/maine‐knitting‐cruises September 21, Laura Zukaite’s Little Dream Sweater Workshop, The Yarn Company, New York NY York, NY. http://www.theyarnco.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=188&Itemid= 10 September 28‐29, Vermont Sheep & Wool Festival, Tunbridge, VT http://vtsheepandwoolfest.org/ October 2013 October 19‐20, NYS Sheep & Wool Festival, Rhinebeck, NY http://www.sheepandwool.com/ October 11 ‐13, Knitters in the Green Mountains Workshop, Green Mountain Spinnery, Putney, VT http://www.spinnery.com/index.php/events FUTURE November 7‐10, Stitches East, Hartford, CT http://www.knittinguniverse.com/STITCHES January 17‐19, 2014 Vogue Knitting Live NY!, New York, NY htt // https://www.vogueknittinglive.com/ehome/index.php?eventid=45793& k itti li / h /i d h ? tid 45793& PAGE 6 JULY 2013 ANNOUNCEMENTS Knitting News Joan Ratner [email protected] @ Calendar Calendar • July 22 – Picnic, Member‐led workshops • Sept. 23: Carla Scott of Knit Simple Magazine • Nov. 4: Iris Schreier and Stacy Charles • Nov. 18: Laura Nelkin MEETING SCHEDULE 6:00 Knit Together 7:00 Announcements & Show and Tell Show and Tell 7:15 Program Meetings are held on the 4th Monday of the month at the Chappaqua Library 195 South Greeley Ave. h l Chappaqua, NY 10514‐3398 914‐238‐4779 www.chappaqualibrary.org ▪ Dues for 2013 should be mailed to Jeanne Scofidio or given to her at the monthly meeting. ▪ Please bring finished items for charity to the monthly meetings. ▪ Join the WKG Yahoo site by sending a request e‐ mail to Linda Higham at: linhig@aol com mail to Linda Higham at: [email protected] ▪ Please bring donations of yarn and plastic knitting needles for the prison knitting program at Taconic to monthly meetings. ▪ Guests are welcome. There will be a $5 fee for guests. MEETING ETIQUETTE REMINDER We are fortunate to have high quality presenters We are fortunate to have high quality presenters during our monthly meetings. Even if you are not interested in the presentation or mini‐workshop, please be respectful of others and remember: No talking during presentation Wait until Q&A period to ask questions Wait for the presentation to end before trying on, or looking at samples Thank you for your cooperation. PAGE 7
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