St. John’s Way A monthly publication of Saint John's Episcopal Church ~ Ft. Washington, MD Volume 22, No. 2 February 2014 Black History Month 2014 - Civil Rights in America For the entire month starting February 1of each year our nation celebrates the accomplishments and contributions of African Americans. The 2014 theme for Black History Month is “Civil Rights in America”. The organization recognized for selecting the annual theme is the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASALH). This year’s theme marks the fiftieth anniversary of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Dr. Carter G. Woodson (1875-1950) was the founder of ASALH and known as the “Father of Black History.” As reported in this column in previous years, while February is commemorated as National Black History Month, it is a reminder to celebrate the contributions and accomplishments of Blacks in American history throughout the year. For more about National Black History Month visit Although not posted as of this writing, look for the 2014 Presidential Proclamation at http://www. Jean Parker Poster artwork source: Look Out For This.......... • Thursday, Feb 6th - Lunch at the Royal Tea Room in LaPlata Maryland • Sunday, Feb 9th - Honoring Our Senior Members • Sunday, Feb. 16th - Evensong St. John’s Episcopal Church King George Parish Annual Meeting Sunday, March 9, 2014 Bayne Hall The Annual Meeting of King George’s Parish for election of Wardens, and Vestry members, and for transactions of other Parish business will be held in Bayne Hall on Sunday, March 9, 2014, following the 9:00 a.m. service (One service only). Following meeting there will be a pot luck luncheon. (Those with last names A-D please bring a Salad/Appetizer, E-N please bring a main dish, and P-Z please bring a dessert. ) If a qualified voter shall be required by his or her principal employer, or for reasons of health, to be absent from the Annual Parish Meeting, he or she may cast an absentee ballot for the election of Wardens and Vestry Members. The Voter’s List is posted in Bayne Hall. Please check your name for any corrections. Please make corrections on the posted list, or contact the church office. • Saturday, Feb 22nd - Spaghetti Dinner • Sunday, Feb 23rd - Crocheting & Knitting • Sunday, March 2nd - Ethnic Luncheon • Wednesday, March 5th - Ash Wednesday • March 9th - Annual Meeting - One Service Only at 9:00 A.M. Knitting, Crocheting and Quilting, - Oh My! The St. John’s Crafters are at it again! In the midst of our frigid weather, we have begun working on making cozy hats for newborn babies as well as lap quilts for babies and adults. Whether your craft is knitting, crocheting or sewing, we invite you to join us in this worthwhile effort. We met on Sunday January 26 to get started and plan to meet again on February 23, after the 10:30 service. We have patterns and yarn for the crocheters and knitters, as well as material for quilters. If you have a portable sewing machine you can bring, it would speed up the quilting process. Pam Ritter has lots of scraps of material left over from her own projects that she is busy cutting into appropriately sized pieces to combine into lap quilts. Let’s get an assembly line going! The finished products will be sent to Frontier Nursing University in Hyden, Kentucky, a training program for midwives who distribute the hats and quilts to their patients. If you can’t attend the crafting session but wish to participate, let Marge Stevens (301-292-1202, mjwstevens@ or Pam Ritter (301-292-3490, [email protected]) know what you will be contributing. Also, we welcome anyone who would like to learn to knit, crochet or quilt. We enjoy passing on our crafts to interested beginners! Marge Stevens Happy February Birthday Bonnie Barger St. John's Vestry Members Claudia Brooks Mary Chamberlain Collin Groat Astrid James Jan Kohout Allen Neely Lana Neil Diann Puzon Patrick Scott Trevor Sampson, Jr. Special Thanks to Edith Pulscak for mailing out the birthday cards each month. Let’s Hear From You!!! The deadline for the March issue of St. John’s Way is Thursday, February 27, 2014. Submissions can be left in the newsletter box in the church office ‑ either hard copy or on CD, mailed, or faxed to the church at 301‑248‑7838. So let’s hear from you. Your letters to the editor/ideas/articles/comments/ information/questions can also be emailed to Karl Boykin at karl. [email protected]. A PRAYER FOR ST. JOHN’S Almighty and everliving God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth, hear our prayers for St. John’s, Broad Creek. Strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, restore the penitent, draw the seekers, and increase our numbers. Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within your Holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen St. John’s Episcopal Church Broad Creek Bea James - Treasurer Carol Thomas & Rudy Brevard - Pledge Clerks WANTED Empty, Rinsed Aluminum Cans & Copper, Brass, Aluminum, Lead, Insulated Wire, and Steel Kathy Mierke collects aluminum cans, copper, brass, lead, insulated wire, and exchanges them for money for St. Johns. Please place your items outside the kitchen door or inside the trash can by the kitchen. (Pet food cans now accepted.) If you have a lot or want to have them picked-up, call Kathy at 301-292-3624. Remember St. Johns needs the money. Recycle for St. Johns. St. John’s Way is published monthly for members and friends of St. John’s Episcopal Church ‑ Broad Creek Vision Statement To know Christ and to make him known. To be a grow‑ ing and vibrant multiracial Christian community, living our baptismal promises in an integrated, responsive, and stable life in Christ in the Anglican Tradition. Mission Statement To know Christ and to make him known by growing the St. John’s Community through excellent: worship, par‑ ticularly music and preaching; Christian Formation, adult, youth, and child; and community action, internal and external. 2 Don Horton, Senior Warden Derek Vereen, Junior Warden Jean Anderson-Jones, Secretary Jean Parker Michael Lacy Jeanne Ulrich Royce Daniels Edith Pulsack Birgitt Brevard Karen Chapman 9801 Livingston Road Fort Washington, MD 20744 Phone: 301‑248-4290 Fax: 301‑248‑7838 Rector: To Be Announced Minister of Music: Adam Scott Graham Office Staff: Jean Anderson-Jones Office Hours: Monday‑ Friday 10:00am ‑ 4:00pm Newsletter Editor: Karl R. Boykin Communication Committee: Jean Parker, Pam Ritter, Peter Ulrich, Adam Scott Graham, Jean Anderson-Jones Articles, comments, letters to the editor and suggestions can be submitted to the Church Office or emailed to [email protected] St. John's Way - February 2014 From the Pulpit This month's guest from the pulpit is The Reverend Paula E. Clark Canon for Clergy Development and Multi-Cultural Ministries Diocese of Washington Always Follow the Light & Hold Fast to Your Dreams Dear God, following the example of the wise men & St. Joseph, help us to follow your light, and hold fast to our dreams. Amen. Today, I want to begin with an old hymn and a poem. First the hymn: Hark the herald angels sing, Jesus, the light of the world. Glory to the newborn king, Jesus, the light of the world. Chorus: We’ll walk in the light, beautiful light, come where the dewdrops of mercy are bright. Shine all around us by day and by night; Jesus, the light of the world. We also see in today’s Gospel three distinct dreams St. Joseph had and followed to protect the infant Jesus. When the wise men leave, St. Joseph hears from the angel of the Lord with a stern warning to drop everything and flee to Egypt. How crazy-making this must have been. If I were Joseph I’d be afraid to go to sleep not knowing what the Lord might require of me! In order to protect the Christ Child and his mother, that very night Joseph follows the instructions given to him in his dream and goes to Egypt. Can you imagine going to a foreign land without any preparation? Yet, Joseph does just that and saves Jesus from the wrath of Herod. This Herod, known as “the great,” was also known for his tyrannical cruelty. He would stop at nothing to protect his throne, and even killed one of his wives and three of his sons he suspected would overthrow him. When Herod found out the three wise men took another way home from Bethlehem after worshipping the Christ Child, because they too were told in a dream not to return to Herod, he orders the killing of all infant boys in and around Bethlehem two years old and under. Joseph and the wise men, following the angel’s orders are able to save the Christ Child by following and holding fast to their dreams. When Herod dies, an angel of the Lord again appears to Joseph in a dream in Egypt, and lets him know that the one who sought Jesus’ life is now dead. Joseph makes plans to return to Israel, but also has reservations because the son of Herod has taken over as ruler of Judea, and he believes Herod Archelaus is as dangerous as his father. Again, Joseph is told in a dream that his suspicions are correct, and is warned against going to Judea, so he settles on going to Nazareth. Now the poem: Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. Yes, it must have been strange for the wise men to follow this star of unknown yet unique origin. Yet, they resolutely follow this star Continued on page 4 So are the immortal words of an old hymn, and poet Langston Hughes, who today, along with the Gospel we heard, encourages us to follow the light of Christ and always dream. Despite the fact that we Episcopalians are sometimes called “the frozen chosen” (present weather not withstanding), we are reminded today in the hymn and in the poem to go for the thaw, forthrightly follow the light, and despite our fears, hold fast to our dreams. That is my challenge to you today, St. John’s, to always follow the light, hold fast to and follow your dreams. Last week must have been very hard with Marc’s last Sunday as your rector. What a time of endings and beginnings as Marc himself said in your December newsletter. It must have been a time of grief and gratitude, all rolled into one. Grief over Marc’s departure, after almost 15 years of wonderful ministry together. Marc will be sorely missed, and you will need to intentionally take time to properly grieve his leaving. Yet, it is also a time of gratitude, for the outstanding community you are, and the awesome leadership Marc provided during his time with you. God blessed you with a great rector, and for that, you must give thanks. Yet, today we have to think about the future, how you will go forward without Marc. You have to think about where God is leading you, St. John’s, and where you want to go. In thinking about all of this, I invite you today to follow the light, dream your way forward, hold fast to and follow your dreams. St. John's Way - February 2014 In today’s Gospel we remember the wise men from the east who followed the light of a star, and a dreamer – St. Joseph. It is unclear who the wise men really are in the Gospel, although we know they are Gentiles who go to worship the Christ Child, following a star they have studied. The key here is that they resolutely, without reservation, follow that star and do whatever they must to find the source of the star. PROPOSED CHANGES FOR KING GEORGE’S PARISH BY-LAWS To be voted upon at the Annual Meeting, March 9, 2014 following the 9:00 a.m. service. ARTICLE III: Section 2: The Senior Warden shall serve a 2 year term or until a successor has been named and may be re-elected for one term. PROPOSED CHANGE: The Senior Warden shall serve a 2 year term or until a successor has been named and may be re-elected to 2 additional consecutive terms. ARTICLE III: Section 3: The Junior Warden will serve a 2 year term or until a successor has been named and may be re-elected to one successive two year term. PROPOSED CHANGE: The Junior Warden shall serve a 2 year term or until a successor has been named and may be re-elected to 2 additional consecutive terms. 3 Pulpit Continued from page 3 until they find the source of this strange phenomenon, the Christ Child, then they worship him. Moreover, after worshipping the Christ Child, they become privy to God’s Divine Intervention, Divine dreaming, hearing in a dream to go home by another route. In their divine dreaming, and that of St. Joseph, they are able to save the Christ Child, that the Christ Child, in due time, can save us. We give thanks today for the wise men who resolutely follow the light, the Light of the World, Jesus, and St. Joseph, who is open enough to listen to, hold fast to and follow his dreams. By doing so, they all paved the way for our salvation through Jesus Christ our Savior. Yet, what do the wise men and St. Joseph have to do with us? Many of you might tell me that you don’t dream, that you can’t remember your dreams, or that God doesn’t speak to you in dreams, and that may be so. Then you are called to listen to the dreams of dreamers, and follow the light they see. Moreover, we 4 all have wishes, hopes, and dreams of the future. Being able to resolutely follow the light of Christ, the light of hope, and dream, even when you face hopelessness, is what God expects of us. I was inspired by the importance of resolutely following the light of righteousness, and dreaming against all odds when I went to see the movie “Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom.” Despite Nelson Mandela’s 27 year imprisonment, he never stopped following the light of what is right, and never stopped dreaming. His idealistic view of what life can and should be, hearkening back to his childhood, and his vision for what he wanted South Africa to be, never left him. Indeed, from his jail cell floor he still saw the light of what is right and saw the possibilities of what could be. He was indeed a dreamer, and held fast to his dreams, even in the midst of great hopelessness. I was most impressed with Mandela when while in prison he was having clandestine meetings with officials Continued on page 5 St. John's Way - February 2014 Pulpit Continued from page 5 from the South African government. Mandela resolutely dreamed of a South Africa where whites, blacks and coloreds live harmoniously in a shared government. That was an outlandish dream to the government officials, but somehow with the power and determination of his humble personality, Mandela was able to get the officials to see the light and share in his dream. The rest, of course, is history and South Africa is now a model for reconciliation and shared democracy among diverse people. Therefore, following the light of what is right and dreaming is tantamount to forging your way forward in the future. So I say to you, St. John’s, are you ready to follow the light of Christ wherever it leads? What are your dreams? What path is God telling A Prayer For Guidance During Tough Times. PRAYER CORNER Oh Holy Spirit, Christ sent you to us for comfort and guidance when He ascended to heaven, and we ask that you be with us now. We have to make a decision and we turn to you, for even though we have made mistakes in the with Royce past, we have faith in you and truly desire that "thy will be done." Help us to empty our mind of all sinful motivation and speak to us, in the quietness of spirit, I pray. Give us grace to lead us in the path of the right decision, one that will help us to live in peace and happiness, but above all, one that will serve you, and one that we will look back upon, when our life is drawing to a close, with gratitude and thanks that we did the right thing. Amen Pray for the President, the Armed Forces of the United States and our Allies, and for the people and emergent leaders of Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya, and all the countries in the world that are in turmoil, as well as for our enemies and those who wish us ill. The world now has the means to end extreme poverty, we pray we will have the will. Please pray for; Jane Bowman, Mary Cook, Royce Daniels, Alfonso Narvaez, Sr., Sylvia Blake, Bill Bonwitt, LaDeborah Boozer, Marc & Francie Britt, Claudia & Claudette Brooks, the Brotherton family, the Bullard family, Randy & Edie Burgess, Anika Campbell, Tony Carter, the Dove family, Barbara Drake, Charles Dubay, Marian Ford, Charles & Rachaad Gunter, James Golson, Granville E. Hall, Jr., Ed Harris, Patty Horak, JoAnn Howdershell, Ann Hozel, Doris Johnson, Jane Klemer, Verna Kraft, Alexis McCann, David Meeker, the Mierke family, Nancy Paleyan, Jessica Puzon, John Russel, the Uniacke family, Mary White. The 2014 St. John's Directory The latest issue of our church directory should be complete by the Annual Meeting on March 9th. If you have any updates, address changes, family changes, new picSt. tures, etc., please let us know. You Johns can email updates or photos to Karl Boykin or the church office. If you would like a new photo taken please contact Karl. Thanks, St. John's Way - February 2014 you to follow as you dream of the future of St. John’s? Follow God’s light. Listen to your dreams. God is probably telling you something. Moreover, listen to the dreams and visions of your sisters and brothers here at St. John’s. Everyone can’t see clearly God’s light. Everyone isn’t a dreamer, but it’s important to listen to and follow the dreamers. How might the angel of the Lord be instructing and guiding them? The listening and dreaming are key in forging your way forward to the bright future God has in store for you. Remember, St. John’s, always follow the light of Christ. Hold fast to your dreams. AMEN. FUNdraising Team Meeting Thursday, February 6th at 7pm • Discuss fundraising events for 2014 • Open floor discussion This meeting is open to all who are interested. It will last for one hour as we will remain on topic. Contact Karen Chapman for additional information. A Moment 2014 Calendar of Events St. John’s Women’s Group (W.O.W.) February 1-28 - Food Pantry Donations During the month of February, WOW will be collecting paper towels, facial tissue, toilet tissue, wax paper and foil. Please leave items in the Education Building near the Food Pantry door or in Bayne Hall. February 6 (Thursday) - Lunch Bunch Royal Tea Room 110 Charles Street, La Plata, MD 20646 (Lunch: 11:30 a.m.) Web: Reservation deadline: February 3. For reservation or more information call: Pam Ritter (number in church directory) Or email [email protected] To carpool from St. John’s, please meet in Church parking lot at 10:45 a.m. February 9 (Sunday) - Special Event Honoring “Years of Service to St. John’s” Join us in celebrating our age 80+ members. 10:30 a.m. Church service, immediately followed by a special coffee hour. February 22 (Saturday) - Parish Social St. John’s Family - Spaghetti Dinner - Hosted by W.O.W. in Bayne Hall. No charge. Free-will offering accepted. Interested in helping? Contact: Pam Ritter (number in church directory), Or email [email protected] March 11 (Tuesday) - Meeting St. John’s Women’s Group 7:00 p.m., Addison Room. For more information about the meeting or dinner at Charlie’s Restaurant before the meeting, please call: Church Office at (301) 248-4290 Sept. 27 (Saturday) - Annual Tea “GRACIOUS AFTERNOON TEA” 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., St. John’s Episcopal Church, Broad Creek – Bayne Hall Web: *More information available after July 2014* 5 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday February 2 Presentation of our Lord in the Temple 8am HE I 10:30am HEII 9 3 4 7pm Homework Helpers 10 11 5th Sunday after 7:30pm FInance Pentecost Committee 8:00am HE I 10:30am HEII Honoring our Seniors 7pm Homework Helpers 6th Sunday after Pentecost 8:00am HE I 10:30am HEII 7pm Evensong 7pm Homework Helpers 16 23 17 OFFICE CLOSED 24 7th Sunday after Pentecost 8:00am HE I 10:30am HEII 12:30pm Knitting, 4pm Concert Series 18 25 7pm Homework Helpers 5 6 7 Rehearsal 11:30 Lunch Bunch-Royal Tea Room, LaPlata 12 13 14 20 21 27 28 7pm Choir 7pm Choir Rehearsal 19 7pm Choir 7pm Vestry Meeting Rehearsal 26 7pm Choir Rehearsal 1 Saturday 9:30-12 Food Pantry 7:30pm AA 8 9:30-12 Food Pantry 7:30pm AA 15 9:30-12 Food Pantry 7:30pm AA 22 9:30-12 Food Pantry 7:30pm AA -Spaghetti Dinner March 1 9:30-12 Food Pantry 7:30pm AA 5:00pm State Highway Commission Open Meeting St. John’s Episcopal Church 9801 Livingston Road Fort Washington, MD 20744 Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. 6 First Class Mail St. John's Way - February 2014
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